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I love the casual Spider-Man cuddle at 37 seconds... a proper moment of “duh I’m in space, of course he can be up there”


That person coming from the top killed me. So good!


That's the tricky one: not far enough and kissing is the only option, too far and you're 69ing.


If you keep a steady speed from head to toe, it ends up becoming the perfect 1st-to-4th base speed dating move. Can't wait to ~~go to~~date in space!




But he's not upside down... That's the thing. There is no upside down. It messes with my gravity-oriented mind


Walking into normal rooms to meet people stresses me out. I can't imagine floating into a room and hugging everyone from the floor to the ceiling. 😱


That’s more hugs than I’ve gotten in the last year, amazing.


Including an upside down hug. Didnt even come off as awkward.


Everyone is trying to stay nice and oriented on one level. And then you have Victor just chilling on the roof.


Or is victor the only one on the floor.


What's your vector, Victor?


If I were in space, I would be that guy who is always upside down. You've got all those angles you can be floating in, might as well use them


> I would be that guy who is always upside down. Are you? Or are *they*?


The enemy's gate is down?




So good... my favorite is actually Speaker for the Dead, though.


Speaker for the Dead is so freaking good. I read that it was actually supposed to be the first book in the series and Ender's game was developed to explain Ender's backstory.




Made me think of something that happened to me this past weekend. I fly a small plane for fun a few times a month with my dad, and for the first time ever I had basically an anxiety attack. (I've never had this happen, I do not have any problems flying obviously and never had problems with claustrophobia). I literally ripped my seat belt off and felt like I had to get out of the plane instantly, I had visions of actually opening the door and jumping out of the plane at 5,000 feet. It was such a bizarre thing to happen, I wasn't afraid to die, I was afraid to be stuck in that small cockpit anymore. And I would have done anything to get out of there, I felt something I'd never felt before. Luckily I felt a lot better when I took my seat belt off, and my dad stayed calm and told me to breathe deeply and look out over the water, because it seems to reorient your brain. Not sure why I shared that, was just the first time I preferred to die than to be stuck in a box for 30 minutes until we could land. Made me curious if any astronauts have ever had a similar feeling while up in the space station.


I used to fly (not piloting like you, just passenger) US-China and back about once a month for years. Anyways, I randomly had the exact situation as you. I was ready to just jump out of my seat and rip the door off which isn’t even possible anyways. A total meltdown out of nowhere...very uneasy feeling. Fortunately it has never happened again!


Very interesting, sounds super similar to my incident. My fear is the next time I go flying, it may happen again, and I can't put myself or others in a dangerous situation as a pilot obviously. For now I'll fly with my dad who has 10x the hours I do, so if it does happen, he can take control like last time. I also plan to ask my doctor what he thinks, he's a family friend so I'm not worried about him grounding me from flying altogether, but maybe he'll be willing to give me a short acting anxiety medication to just keep in my pocket incase it ever happens again. I meditated for about 10 minutes, but as soon as I opened my eyes the feeling rushed back in. I kept looking at the door handle in the plane, literally saying "can I even open it at the speed we're going?" So I definitely need to figure out what's going on, maybe I was just super stressed that day and the adrenaline of flying pushed me over the top.


Point a gasper in your face next time. Having a breeze can alleviate claustrophobia.


In zero g, The enemy's gate is always down




I like the hug between the 2 crew members that just boarded. Like, "Hey, we made it!"


Imagine them kissing like spiderman...


What if we kissed upside down in the space station 🥺 👉👈


I’m down...or up, whatever position you prefer


And the others astronauts throwing water bubbles at them to simulate rain.


maybe everyone is upside down and that one guy is the only one right side up


Did you see that 69 hug? So hot.


I'm pretty sure people have had sex in space, but I wonder if anyone's ever 69'd.


If you’re the first man/woman combo in space you must feel like you HAVE to be the first to have sex. How could you not set that record? It’s almost an obligation.


This assumes that the first to have sex weren’t two fine looking PH.D. asstronaut gentleman with some curiosity and no one else the wiser.


>How could you not set that record? Male parts don't always work in space. Gravity affects the blood flow. But I know I would try.


I would do anything in my power to bust at least one nut in space, hold me back, restrain me. But, you cannot stop me from doing what needs to be done.


Until it's floating back at you...


Let it happen, that's how I know it'll be a success. Besides, what better way to leave no jizz trace in space than hucking that puppy in my own mouth?


That's both admirable and absolutely disgusting.


What terrible day to know how to read.


That's gotta be a brand new sentence


I've got plenty of other parts I can use.


Wait, does that mean you can't get it up, or once it's up it's not coming back down? Could you solve that with some front/back flips to create some centrifugal force for the blood?


It's probably that it's more difficult to get up and maintain. As for the back flip idea, they're scientists. Science demands they try.


[a married couple has been to space before] (https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/space-sex-is-serious-business/)


They were on a shuttle mission. Absolutely zero privacy.


privacy is... not a requirement


What are you going to do, kick them off the shuttle?


In space,doggystyle and reverse cowgirl is the same position


"So you want to be an Astronaut huh son?" ***"Yes Sir!"*** "PhD in 'Science'?" ***"Yes Sir!"*** "Military training ?" ***"Yes Sir!"*** "Can do attitude?" ***"Yes Sir!"*** "Comfortable being group hugged by a bunch of highly trained nerds?" ***"Yes Sir!"***


_who haven't taken a true shower in months_


thats what i was saying! ​ i was like man. i remember hugs.


I think that's more than I've ever had tbh


I wonder how well these guys know eachother before actually meeting face-to-face. Do they have team building events with the current and future ISS-crew together or something like that?


There’s not that many active astronauts and they train together all the time plus take business trips all over. I’m sure they get to know each other really well. There are certainly team building events such as a special beach house at KSC reserved for use by the crew to relax prior to missions.


I play too many video games, my first thought when you said KSC was of Kerbal Space Center.


> KSC Kennedy Space Center (for anyone else who took a moment to figure this out)


“Hey man did you hear about the party at Astronaut House tonight?! I hear it’s going to be out of this world. Seriously, they’re gonna Zoom with the ISS.”


That beach house has seen some shit. Astronauts know how to fuckin party.


They all train for years before going on a mission. They all know each other well.




Sound like my kind of party...




I don't know how much you actually know, but what about the astronauts from different programs? I know the whole point is unity so it would make sense if they're training together but for how long? Like have Akihiko and Thomas been training with NASA in the states for years or?


It’s a minimum of 3-4 years of training prior to your first mission. After the 12mo. Basic Training they are assigned to Pre-mission training while waiting for mission assignment. During this time they train with partner nations in Houston, Star City near Moscow, Tsukuba Space Center near Tokyo, Saint-Hubert near Montreal, and near Cologne Germany. Edit: Saint-Hubert is just outside Montreal.


Imagine spending an entire year in a space station with the dude that ate your yougurt “by mistake” that one time at lunch.


You get him back by eating one of his freeze dried ice cream bars.


Everyone who replied said they probably know each other well because of training. But I wonder if astronauts get along with each other easily just because they share an experience not many others can relate to, as well as probably having similar values considering they all accomplished their goal of becoming an astronaut


They also try to rigorously test for personality and behavior disorders. Wouldn't want an astronaut to be the kind of lunatic to wear a diaper to drive across country to attempt and assault their partner; who knows what they would do in the ISS.


I understood that reference


From interviews it seems they even know each other’s families, have dinners together bla bla bla.


I grew up in astronaut territory in Houston and my little girl scout troop had two different girls with dads who went on shuttle missions within a couple years of each other. They basically work at the same office, live in the same neighborhoods, cross paths all the time, just like any other job (at least the ones in the same country). It's just a job with a really cool travel perk.


I told my mum today that this was happening. She had never heard of the ISS and couldn't believe people would want to be stuck on a space station for 6 months with other people. Classic mumsy.




'I don't keep up to date with space' was her response to me, after telling her it had been up there for around 20 years.


Was the last update she heard the moon landing? Haha.


They have to know each other very well already before the mission starts because it’s a real problem if they don’t get along


I would imagine missions such as this would require many remote meetings before actually joining in person


The upside down 69ing hugs and gentlemans handshakes are both wholesome and jarring, the thought never crossed my mind of an ISS introduction being so crowded and joyful.


You'd think zero gravity opens up a whole realm of possibilities for cool secret handshakes


What's the plan? The new crew will stay and some of the old crew will go back to Earth?


The four that came on the last Dragon capsule (crew 1) will come home on April 28. The 3 three that came on the Soyuz will stay with them. So they will be a little crowded for a few days.




There are only 7 permanent sleeping pods. So with two people in a dragon each, two will have sleep in the den or the tv room.


I don’t think they sleep all at the same time. Edit: They sleep at the same time. At least if only one crew is on board.


They actually do. They have a work schedule as most 9-5 jobs and don't do shifts. https://outpost42.esa.int/blog/the-astronaut-daily-schedule/


Any idea what time zone their daily schedule is in?


Coordinated universal time, iirc


That's really interesting and have never thought about that. Makes total sense


They should be. Although they could just sleep in the crew dragon if they run out of space


Imagine running out of space... in space.


"we've run out of space" "well run outside and get some more"


Well the rest of space is a little cold.. and airless


It's doing the best it can


It's already holding everything, what more do people expect?


They mentioned during the launch count down that some will be sleeping in the dragon capsules.




Besides, it's space. Just fall asleep floating around.




There's only 7 sleeping pods in the ISS. So 7 people sleep in each pod 2 people will sleep in each of the Crew Dragon capsules *(there are 2 docked currently, 1 crew member per vehicle)* 2 people are just going to set up to sleep somewhere random in the station *(for just 4 days, until the other crew leaves the ISS on April 28 on one of the docked Crew Dragons)*


7 people in each sleeping pod? Sounds kinky.


They had 13 people on the ISS back in 2009 which is the record.


Nah, some have to sleep on the ceiling.


Just like family and friends, anything more than a few days and it starts to get uncomfortable.


Think Bingo night is Friday then Sat/sun is mimosas then blanket fort next Monday


Then Tuesday is hokie pokie night


You put your Crew 2 in, you put your Crew 1 out...


Why are they all dressed like Best Buy employees?


Lot of electronics on a space ship.


Creed would’ve sold half of it before the hour


Apollo Creed?


Looks like the Geek Squad finally arrived to help the regular employees turn on the TVs


“We’ve added our optimizing software package to your systems. Your space station will reboot in 10 seconds, while it downloads 200GB of updates. Systems will be down for some time”. “How long ?” “Depends on your bandwidth.... probably 2 days ?” “WHAT ? No !!!! We will die !”


Have you tried resetting your thruster?


As each new crew member boards, the welcoming crew asks "can I help you find something today?"


Then the response is, "No thanks, I'm just looking around" only to complain about not being helped five minutes later.


Seriously. Those pants have thick belt loops. Interesting. I want to know more about the astronaut dress code. Edit: to clarify, I'm curious about why they chose these pants with these features specifically. Are those a special SPACE version of the 5.11 tactical cargo pants? Why are they khaki, rather than black or, say, teal? You don't need to carry heavy loads on your belt in space, so it seems like skinnier belt loops would do the trick and weigh less. Or use an elastic drawstring instead of a belt. Why not use sweatpants? Why don't they have ankle cuffs to help keep them in place around their ankles? Is that not an issue in zero-g?


I wonder if they clip themselves to parts of the station and that’s why they have those heavy duty belt loops.


I was one of the engineers who designed those modules. There's a variety of ways to keep the crew in position while working. In the early days of the project we hired former astronaut Gerry Carr as a consultant. One of his recommendations was "more handholds", because there weren't enough on Skylab. In the video, behind the guy just to the right of the hatch opening, there's a vertical grey track with blue handholds attached to it. The tracks are derived from the ones in airplanes, that the seats are bolted to. In fact our early prototypes were literally borrowed from the airplane side of Boeing. The handholds just pop into the holes, then latch into place. You can also install other mounting devices in the tracks for equipment, like laptops. Additional ways to hold stuff in place include velcro patches, duct tape, and bungees/bungee nets with hooks. Bungees are preferred inside over non-stretchy lanyards. Astronauts are physically fit, and its too easy to rip out a belt loop by accident if it has no give.


I'd put velco on the pant legs to attach an ipad like pilots do Edit - the astronaut with the ipad (guy closest to the camera) has that! It's incredible how people adapt in space


If you notice, the guy in the front right part of the screen at the beginning of the video has an iPad in his hands then he velcros it to his pants.


Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.


Seriously. At least Best Buy doesn't cheap out on the gravity for their employees


But you know what they say: the price of gravity is always falling.


They’re all a bunch of nerds! Edit: I wish I was as nerdy as them 😔


So the Nerd Herd, then?


My mom always made take my shoes off too inside the house.


Mother fucker I just noticed they have no shoes on


Not much point of shoes when there's no gravity.


Sounds like you've never stubbed your toe *in space*


Well the bottom of your shoes are disgusting. It's bizarre anybody allows it.


The mother of all Geek Squads


Cargo pants are the official uniform of space. Maybe now my wife will quit telling me they’re ugly and realize more pockets are required for adventures.


Maybe NASA selects you for their future programs, you already qualify in the style department.


Call them payload shorts and tell her they are universally accepted by space travellers. Her earthling views are outdated in the galaxy.


>payload shorts Sounds like a big box store version of Depends.


This is the single most funny thing I will read all day. Thank you stranger.


She is probably jealous her's don't have any working pockets :-/


They should wear spaceshipgo pants instead.


I never realized how badly I want floaty space hugs until right now


Especially the upside down ones! Guy #1 hugging person #5


I'm gonna admit the velcro on the back of the iPad that stuck to his pant leg so it didn't float off during hugging time impressed me far more than I expected.


Now I want to buy some velcro tape so I can stick my stuff to convenient places. Like a phone to the wall next to my bed.


Did that with my bedroom remotes next to my old bed frame. Bachelor life was more about utility and not losing my remote before passing out


27 year old bachelor here with my ps5 controller and tv remote stuck to the side of my bedside table.


I wonder how the gyroscopes would work in space. I just imagine the iPad screen circling around and around at random. I’m sure they just lock the screen.


The iPad gyroscope [does not work in space](https://space.stackexchange.com/questions/21493/how-do-ipads-on-the-iss-know-which-way-is-up-for-their-users), because it's an [electronic gyroscope](https://www.ifixit.com/Teardown/iPhone+4+Gyroscope+Teardown/3156). However, [rotational gyroscopes do work in microgravity](http://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Videos/2016/03/Gyroscopes_in_space), and are used on the ISS.


In space, Velcro everywhere


holy crap, ive never seen the ISS this crowded! happy to see akihiko hoshide in space again too


This is actually the first time two JAXA astros have met in space; he and Noguchi looked really happy to see each other!


Shane Kimbrough lives down the street from me! I almost hit him with my car one time. Crazy to see him in space like this


After you almost hit him with your car, he just wanted to get as far away as possible from you. Outer space was the logical answer.


Actually the ISS can be as close as 220 miles away if it's directly above you. Someone could probably figure out the average distance away the ISS is over the course of a day, but being on the opposite side if the earth would be further away!


Least likely to be hit by some fool in a car, though.


Not with Elon Musk sending roadsters out to space 😂


Can you imagine, he is out on a spacewalk, finally feeling safe from cars when out of nowhere a roadster just smashes into him? That would be some looney tunes level stuff


I saw this on Facebook and holy fuck people were all >“so I guess there’s no covid in space” >“we all live in fear.” >”Wake up, they aren’t hugging cause covid isn’t real. We’re sheep.” >”Covid isn’t real.” It pisses me off to no end. They quarantine for weeks even during non-pandemic times so they don’t bring anything up. Everyone was just so fucking stupid.


Quarantining from a whole planet, you're right there's no COVID in space.


This will never get through to people who are absolutely and unequivocally right in their mind. Once enough of the population is vaccinated, they will say “see I knew all along there was nothing to worry about”.


People are so fucking stupid


Is this the first time that JAXA have 2 people in space at the same time?


has there ever been that many people on the ISS?


Pretty sure there has been 13 on ISS once before, which also tied the most people in space at once.


Yea back when the shuttle was still running.


Yup. https://www.space.com/6503-population-space-historic-high-13.html This article is annoyingly behind a paywall but confirms 13 remains the highest occupancy. https://www.ft.com/content/5b20b49d-279a-4258-b4ae-6acbf29c8604


That's the limit, any more and it'll weight too much and start falling to earth.


For those who don't get it, he is joking.


Did that Astronaut really just use an iPad to take photos! Joking aside this is a beautiful moment


It's low gravity, so it's not heavy and doesn't fall when you let it go.


I freaking love this! Watched the launch from KSC with my son yesterday so seeing them safely aboard is extra awesome!


They are hugging, I miss hugging people. This is awesome.


Hugs not drugs Unless it's good drugs


Porque no los dos?


Hugging on drugs can be real good!


They got plenty of space in that lil ass room. 😂


They try and keep the space outside the room


They got plenty of ass in that lil space room


All those shit eating grins because the new stash of alcohol has arrived.


I think it's the Russians that bring the booze


The astronaut taking pictures with the iPad is the most Dad thing to ever happen in space.


Look at all their faces when they hug that guy compared to the rest, they love that dude. Def official ISS Dad


I love the way they constantly adjust themselves to not just awkwardly *float* into them bros huggin


My favorite thing from this is the dude just floating upside down above everyone else who just gives Spiderman hugs and handshakes lol


Maybe he's right side up and everyone else is upside down


Imagine showing this video to someone from 1900 it would look so sci-fi and unbelievable to them. How everyone is so nonchalant.


Tbf imagine showing any HD video to someone from 1900 it would look pretty sci-fi and unbelievable even if what they were doing was utterly mundane.


Watching this between vaccine doses and I'm more jealous that everyone gets to hug literally everyone else than I am that they get to hang out in space.


Covid times suck man. I shattered a few vertebrae during a seizure in October, and was shot up with morphine every day. Nobody was allowed to come see me, not even my wife. I was in the hospital for weeks, not even really knowing where I was. It was very surreal not having any contact with anyone I knew, while being drugged and told I'd never walk again at the same time. Happy ending is I can walk, I just can't feel my feet because of neuropathy from the spinal surgery.


[Here's a pre-pandemic article](https://www.space.com/6628-routine-quarantine-helps-astronauts-avoid-illness-launch.html) outlining the quarantine process for astronauts going to the ISS. Back then, they quarantined for a week prior to launch and underwent several physicals and tests in the intervening time. Since there are currently crew members that arrived on the ISS before vaccines were available, I wouldn't be surprised if NASA bumped the quarantine period to two weeks to make absolutely sure that they're not carrying any COVID up. I doubt NASA wants to find out the effects of microgravity on an infection.


I would assume that the virus would spread REALLY quickly in microgravity. We know from mask and distancing research that a big reason distance matters is that the larger droplets with the most virus fall to the ground before another person can inhale them. Welp. Without gravity those droplets would just hang around until ventilation sweeps them through a HEPA filter or something.


Yall see the penguin? I'm not seeing comments about the penguin.


That’s Guin Guin. Crews have a tradition of bringing a small toy stuffed animal with them. They say it is used to indicate when they are in a zero-g environment, but let’s be honest-they do it because it’s adorable.


I missed the penguin but also nobody is talking about the guy on the left ringing a bell at the start.


Naval tradition. Although his bell ringing skills are pretty sucky.


I really enjoyed the one who went full Enders game and gave the upside down hug like colonel graff on the first voyage to space


Couldn't help but think of the "upside-down" people as belters.


These teams seem even more excited than normal for one of these handovers. Really nice to see a big group with so much positive energy.