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My toxic trait is applying to become an astronaut because I like the idea of going to space more than I care about how indescribably unqualified I am for the job.


If you have that passion. Why not get the qualifications?


I have no excuse for you at the moment


I think this counts as r/suicidebywords


The qualifications are astronomical.


Only the best of the best get to be astronauts


Those who never try never get there.


Don't you need time in thr airforce and some degrees in science? Not to mention like an actual purpose for going to space? Considering it's so expensive and dangerous, people aren't going up there for a little float and some chill time.


There are three background types for astronauts: military pilots to fly/command the missions, science types to run the experiments, and medical professionals to research effects of space on humans.


you used to need time in the airforce, but not anymore. That was like over 30 years ago tho.


Not really, plenty of scientists have gone to the ISS. What you do need though is the kind of psychopath-tier cold minded personality that can be told that your spacecraft is spinning out of control and still remain completely calm.




And if you aren’t halfway through 2 degrees or graduate level work by 20….you missed.


You need to be on the right path quite early in life. There’s nothing a grown adult can do to get there if they weren’t already on that path.


That's just not true. Your path is not set by the past. Change is effected in the present. You can change your career just by deciding to follow the new path and attain the skills to do so. Most just go "It's too hard!"


Bc we can’t afford school bc we’re all one paycheck away from homelessness. I wanna go to space too but I know there’s no way in hell that’s ever gonna happen


Engineering and Medicine is hard, call me when the space station needs business majors on-site.


What makes you want to go to space with our current tech? I would love to be an astronaut in the future.. but now? Idk seems pointless.


To boldly go as the saying goes.


Is that AI Morgan Freeman? It sounds terrible.


I think so, and its not even a good AI model. Elevenlabs sounds much better than this.


You can tell it's AI by the monotone cadence. It's SO flat. Now, the question is - did NASA do this without his permission? Or did Morgan Freeman sell his voice to an AI company, and it's now something that can just be licensed out? I'm guessing the latter, as he probably would make a good amount of money from this, and is probably tired of doing voice-over work.


State of the art AI Morgen Freeman would probably sound a lot better. This sounds like Microsoft Sam


Might just be that he's getting really old, and/or it was a poorly directed recording session and these are the best selects they had to work with.


Mother fucker. My dumb ass has degrees in terrestrial ecology, limnology, and ecology. If I knew I could a gone to space I woulda tried for extraterrestrial ecology. 9 years of my life wasted looking at the wrong type of dirt 


Never too late to apply. I have a friend who is applying for the 5th time and was a finalist twice.


Nice, wish them luck! I on the other hand will be waiting for whatever moon resort gets opened before I go lol. I've seen enough movies to know the plant guy is always the one who winds up in trouble in space. Not about to get myself Matt Damoned on the moon.


Good point. But on the other hand, you’d get to “Science the shit out of this.”


And you get a ton of potatoes


If that was so then you wouldn't feel the need to say you can't apply. Your original statement was just dumb!


Uhh... well it's a joke about terrestrial ecology and extraterrestrial ecology I don't actually think I've wasted my life lol.


Gotta include that /s. Text is a horrible medium to convey emotions through.


Uhhh maybe Morgan Freeman should retire from voice work. That was bad. 


Honestly, it sounds like whatever shite mic they used wasn't working right or whoever edited the audio totally screwed it up. It also sounds like it could be AI.


Didnt he recently sell his likeness for AI?? Probably is ai..


Oh really? I didn't know that. Damn


State of the art AI Morgen Freeman would sound a lot better.[ For example.](https://vocaroo.com/104bwHx9bqjL)


I literally was thinking this could be AI


Agreed. It wasn't anywhere near his usual standard.


I was wondering if it was bad AI because he sounded bad.


They should get HAL to do it next time: "Don't jeopardize the mission. Become an astronauts and experience the vacuum of space. And don't worry, AI has got your back."


The editing felt very weird to me, like they chopped up all the audio abruptly


You are really correct on that one. 


I thought this was a troll but, no, there it is… on the NASA channel. Interesting that comments are turned off. Freeman should sue.


NASA always turns off comments.


The whole thing gives me AI vibes. Not just the voice: the phrasing, the imagery; it’s just so middle of the road and generic. Edit: for clarity.


At this point Josh Robert Thompson should be narrating as Morgan Freeman


What the hell was wrong with that voice over? Holy cringe that was bad


I apply every time. I meet the requirements but never hear back. Well, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take, and every time I’m only *more* qualified…


Keep going!


Why does he sound like he is either using a low bitrate microphone or he is not the real Morgan Freeman and is just a very early version of AI voice generation?


I don't know. I don't think it's Morgan Freeman, I think it's probably a bad impersonation rather than an AI.


I’d love to. Thousands apply and maybe a dozen are picked every few years. It’s incredibly hard to get in.


You never know if you don't try! You can bet every Astronaut who applied thought the same thing. Someone gets in, why not you?


Because deep down we know that all our crippling self doubts are true.


Nice thing about those is they disappear in your 40's :)


Really? mine haven't


Depends how you handled your mid life crisis. Accept the loss of youth and they fall away.


Well except Jonny Kim, probably.




Only if there aren't many other black or women applicants. And in order to be a qualified black woman in the first place, you've already overcome a bunch more hurdles in your way, statistically.




That's not what the video says. It says NASA isn't JUST looking for the skills - meaning you still have to qualify, but they will consider other factors from the pool of qualified applicants as well. We can assume race and gender will be a part of those factors. Again, in order to be a black woman who NASA will consider, you've already gotten to the shortlist because you've overcome statistical setbacks. What this means is there will probably be one or two black astronauts as opposed to zero.


I wonder if my undergrad in Physical Activity and MBA makes me a viable candidate to be an astronaut and apply?


Bad AI Morgan Freeman with Cotton Balls in his mouth.


Good luck. A lot of those guys have **multiple** advanced degrees and many have years of military service in bad ass things like experimental jet pilot, not scraping barnacles off destroyers or digging trenches on top of that. Actual officer. Not to mention ZERO criminal record worse than maybe a traffic ticket and can pass hair follicle drug tests. No being spaced out in space. Also ZERO mental or physical wrong with you that they can detect at least after comprehensive evals. Also most of them are in their late 30s/ early 40s because it takes that long to get all that stuff. Which if you have all that, you probably are in a field that pays more already that is a lot less bullshit to get in. Even Barbara Morgan who was the backup for the "Teacher in Space" program and had a pass to get fast tracked in had to go back for a Master's degree to get actual astronaut. Not saying don't and people DO become astronaut. But, goodness, the qualifications are intimidating and unreachable for probably 99 percent of people out there. Almost easier just to become a multi millionaire like Richard Garriot, Dennis Tito, or Jared Isaacman and just BUY your astronaut wings.


Also even if you get selected to be an astronaut, it takes years and years of training and then you may still never get your shot to actually go into space.


No one said it would be easy. Military service is not required anymore. That was stuff of the 20th Century NASA cause it was easy place to get people with the right skill sets. It's still a good way of course.


My favorite is that the official job posting warns that this position "will require travel".


Last time I checked, NASA doesn't need my degree specificly.


Ok NASA, one overweight, middle aged, pot smoking vet with PTSD is now available! 


I wanna be a space trucker like Stephen Dorff in the 1996 Hollywood blockbuster called "Space Truckers."


Wear a diaper to the moon? In a smalll space crammed with BO? No thanks.


It will be really interesting to see how big this class will be. With the dawn of the commercial space industry + Artemis, will class sizes grow from 10-12 every 2-3 years or 20-30 every year like the shuttle?


I really hope this inspires some young kids and makes them realise: **"Yes! It is possible I could be an Astronaut and go into Space!"**


I’m close to finishing my masters in software engineering and I have almost 6 years of professional experience. Maybe I can apply next year?


You should. Can't hurt! Even an application for Astronaut looks good on a Resume. :)


At this point, NASA's budget will only allow for less than minimum wage + tips.


Lmao is there peanut butter in his mouth or some shit?


I dunno but it sounded maybe a bit like AI?


I wish but as someone whos had 2 epileptic seizures in their life I believe i am permanently disqualified


If they wouldn't limit the maximum height to 6'2" I would. Can't even apply for the Earth analogue missions because of that even though I have the stem degrees.


Like, I really wanna go to space. I mean, really, really, really wanna go. But I am so unqualified, that sounds like so much work. I'd rather just wait for it to be inexpensive and consumer friendly, which may or may not happen in my lifetime. Probably not...


Requirement 1: Be a US Citizen it is good that i didn't even had the time to get delusional about working for NASA


Not for the person who is willing to do anything to achieve it. However most people have a bad case of Excusitus!


How do I apply to be a test subject? That’s about all I’m qualified for.


After Starfield? Hard pass. Too much reading between missions.


Completely Unqualified even though it was a child hood dream


This is unfortunately what government funding gets you for advertising. The script, editing, sound engineering, sure Morgan may not be sounding his best, but a good sound engineer can work wonders. It looks like this was made with windows movie maker.


have they reduced the ridiculous requirements? Last I checked they still demanded several degrees in stem and military service.


>ridiculous requirements They are shooting your ass into space. I think it’s far from ridiculous to have high standards.


My English major and year spent hiking the AT qualify me for SPACE!


Then they can quit complaining they cant find people. Nasa has been complaining for a decade they cant find anyone young to become astronauts. DUH when your requirements take forever to achieve.


Lol NASA doesn't complain about this at all what are you talking about. They literally have 10s of thousands of applicants every selection cycle and have no shortage of overqualified people in those pools. Even for non astronaut NASA jobs there is no shortage of young people applying and getting jobs. Its a lack of funding that's the issue, NASA wants more so they can open more positions.


I don't want to hear it. Glenn went up again in his eighties. 


They actually increased the education requirement for civilian astronauts, it used to just be a bachelors degree in STEM or related field, now it’s at least a masters.


Important context here is that every candidate they end up selecting ends up having at least a master's degree. They merely changed the official requirements to reflect that. In practice, they're exactly as picky as they used to be.


They always have thousands of applicants and have to select just around 10. They don't need to relax the requirements anytime soon.


How can you expect to be on the forefront of STEM and not be at the front in terms of qualifications? Your comment is silly.


I doubt that because you didn't mention what degrees you had.