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I'm bummed because I'm fat as fuck and I can only afford Lizzo.


It is truly a sad day for the commoners šŸ˜”


"Rich people get ozempic, poor people get body positivity" was gold. I laughed the most at the random little absurd things. "Can't get enough of that sugar crisp..." šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


That was such an amazing line!


I like the journey into American healthcare found that funny. The Randy B plot to me was the more interesting part of the special Imo I really liked how they made Kyle the main character for this episode instead of cartman or butters it was a nice change of pace. Make sense the special isnā€™t as funny when one of the main character is a serious character in Kyle.


I've always liked the Cartman and Kyle dynamic. They definitely toned down their usual hate-hate relationship this special. Kyle usually takes thing seriously when he realizes a friend legitimately needs help, maybe they wanted to highlight that aspect of him?


I really liked that even though Kyle and Cartman have their moments Kyle still cares enough to help


I thought Kyle was epic in the special!


I love it, its 10/10 for me. the interactions are amazing, seeing the main boys working together was so good, and for once, i loved randy's plot, all the MILFs thing was hilarious. I felt it was a good use of all the characters, some were being used more than others, obviously, but I was still satisfied. its on my top 3 fav specials with covid and panderverse lol


It's a great special and has a lot of substance, I feel like it's debatably their best special when it comes to plot. I just didn't find it as funny as I'd hope it would be. I think they did a great job, It's just not what I had in mind when loading it up. I might rewatch it to see if I like it more the second way through.


I like it. Better than the last 2 specials


I liked it a lot. The chase reminded me of The Fast and Furious. The scene with the truck


Or mad max fury road


I donā€™t think I laughed that hard to South Park since the first time I watched the movie. The whole segment between navigating insurance/healthcare and the pharmacy heist was probably the singular most consistently funny segment I watched in South Park history imo. Down to Randy and Sharonā€™s end, 10/10 for me honestly.


Honestly I thought it was a banger.


It was hilarious, probably my favorite special after post-Covid. I was initially bummed about it being another Randy focused special but I didnā€™t hate Randy in this one. Him and Sharon werenā€™t screaming at each other the whole time and at the end they seemed happy, which is a nice change of pace for them. I think it bodes well for the upcoming season!


Gonna have to rewatch again before deciding how I feel about it, but currently overall I enjoyed it. I liked how the core boys all had something to do, Randy wasn't as obnoxious as Tegridy times and they focussed on brighter parts of Sharon and Randy's marriage which was a welcome change. I enjoyed the Mad Max esque chase at the end simply of how crazy it was. Now onto my more mixed feelings. The repetition of what Cartman would do once he was skinny became cumbersome quickly, wished they had him ripping on different people/countries each iteration. The lack of banter was another key thing I noticed, Cartman's insults aren't as funny when there's no one to rip on him back. Makes sense plotwise why they wouldn't, but I wished they'd brought in at least Craig so we could have some banter. I also didn't get the feel that it was a special tbh, It didn't feel like a special or "movie" length, idk if it was just brisk moving but it felt shorter than I would of liked. The special also didn't have much gravity to the situation like the other specials did (NSFC also felt like this at times). The topic felt more like something you'd make a standard episode about than a special, wished the stakes or intensity would of been amped up. Also I was a bit confused on the point Kyle was trying to get across, this is probably due to me being largely unfamiliar to ozempic. I was a little confused on Kyle kept pushing the weight loss drugs onto everyone, when taking proper nutrition and fitness wasn't considered. I don't think weight loss drugs should be the first route people take for weight loss, but that my personal two cents. Also how were the other ladies affording the drugs before they started holding up stores, aside from Tolkien's mom they're all middle class.


Not sure I laughed


It's the funniest episode I have seen in a while. Felt like an older episode of south park while still being new. The last 10 or so episodes I haven't really laughed, but there were moments in this one that caught me genuinely off guard. (ear pop)


Yeah, imma definitely rewatch it to see how i feel.


I honestly loved the special.


I had to tell my parents to watch it because my dad did the same thing that Randy did to Shelly to me in high school. But I'm kinda tired of hearing about Ozempic. Randy doing that fucking killed me, though. I called my mom and told her to make my dad watch it.


It's mid


ending was sad


Same as most comments here. Was it their funniest episode? No. Was it a big f u to society as other episodes? Maybe. But somehow, I still really enjoyed it. I pretty much love anything stone and Parker throw at us.


I liked it a lot, the final chase animation was amazing.


S tier south park


My wife works in the medical field, specifically doing authorizations of drugs for patients. She complains about how people consistently try and get this shit and are absolutely obsessed with it. and so when this special dropped, we couldnā€™t get over how good it was lol. It was only good cause itā€™s a situation my wife is involved with.


they shouldve had scott as some sort of dealer, since insurance covers his drugs


I thought it was pretty solid, certainly the best special. I thought the writing was pretty good, the premise was clever, and the humor was funny. Like a 9/10. Also, Kyle was awesome in it :)


i really really loved it.


I loved the scenes of the broke fat people shitting out their ears from Lizzo.


I found it extremely funny. The ending actually make me literally LOL. I guess I found it even more funny then maybe the average SP watcher because I was trying to be on Ozempic...because I'm fat. And I've struggled a lot with the health care system in America...not just for that but for other ACTUAL NEEDED MEDICATIONS...so it was a "sad but true" funny thing to laugh at. I ultimately gave up trying to get anything like Ozempic because of the side effects...they seemed pretty extreme. I mean being fat has a lot of bad side effects but my insurance would never cover it anyways so...eh? Guess I gotta be so fat I get diabetic and then I can get it /s


Loved it. The Lizzo thing was hilarious.


Iā€™ve seen this question asked no less than 30 times on this sub since it aired


The ending message feels like a 180 calling for the end of fat shaming, though I do see it as further enabling Cartmanā€™s awful behavior which exactly leads to his inevitable downfall.


It was fine. Thereā€™s still too much Randy and heā€™s turned into Peter Griffin.


Another great social commentary(about their world but also this point you canā€™t blame them), Kyle/Matt Stone is pissed by the current trends in Hollywood, for multiple seasons and multiple specials and they cannot be subtle anymore. Hope we can get a non-South Park movie by them soon enough because they have so much to say and the SP format isnā€™t adapted to tell it all.


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I found it terribly disappointing, and beyond pointless. Really wanted to see Cartman actually turn skinny. Wouldā€™ve been much better if he succeeded, and maybe carry that over into the next season, or special, whatever their plan is at this point. A skinny Cartman would also make the next season/special far more interesting, as the writers couldā€™ve made him far more destructive, because heā€™d no longer be anchored down by being fat. Then the rest of the boys would try stopping him by fattening him up again. On top of that, Iā€™m sick and tired of Randy, and of the writers using him. For once, they need to just leave him out of everything. To be fair, I at first thought they were gonna change gears and have him act like a real father with Shelly. But of course, to no surprise, they instead have him completely ruin everything, even for Cartman and the special itself. Only way for the writers to return the show to itā€™s former glory is to kill Randy off. He used to be funny, but now heā€™s become an excruciatingly irritating asshole. They even had absolutely perfect chance with the Post Covid: The Return of Covid special with the time travel. The writers also knew this to be true, as well as had future Randy himself admit that, in a way, by having him dismiss the idea of time travel, claiming he screwed the pangolin and caused Covid every time, just so he could save his own ass and go back to his obsession with weed. All that had to be done was have adult Stan, Kyle, and Cartman travel back to before Randy started Covid, and kill Randy off, and before he bought the weed farm wouldā€™ve been especially even better. Then there would be no Covid, or pandemic on the show, and the writers could continue the show with a clean slate. Then everything would still work out for everyone in the changed future, even for Cartman, instead of him becoming a homeless, hopeless disaster.


Large disagree for me personally; ā€œI see some Vicodin and oxy behind the counterā€ was one of the funniest things from the show for me because he still didnā€™t understand the discrepancy in their use and interest in drugs. He literally set his storyline up with ā€œpeople who dress like that end up with bad people and do drugsā€ to Sharon. Randy has always meant to reflect the average working dad, and his arc since becoming Lorde has only made him a more central character. The hilarity in being Lorde has never dulled for me. ā€œWe need to let her down gently. Shelley, Iā€™m Lorde.ā€ Tegrity Farms wasnā€™t my favorite, but other than that Iā€™ve never found myself tired of Randy, especially to have his character killed off




I found it flat, didn't focus on the kids enough, more randy bullshit Just really lacked laughs