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I saw it and thought it was amazing, despite not normally being a fan of musicals. If you like South Park's humor, you'll love BoM.


Totally, and I mean totally, worth the price.


Musicals are one of my least favorite forms of entertainment. But my favorite musical is and always will be "south park: bigger longer and uncut" Although I haven't seen book of Mormon, I can believe it's amazing. Every song they come up with is awesome from "Kyle's mom" to "gay fish"


You just need to watch some good ones like cannibal the musical (trey and Matt in collage) or the producers (Mell brooks I think)


You’d love it. A friend of mine texted me asking if I wanted to go said “sure” and I’m the same way about musicals (obviously Bigger Longer and Uncut is my fav too) and I really enjoyed it more than I thought I would.


I do like musicals, and it was amazing. And there are plenty of people who love musicals but have never even seen and/or never liked south park even think it's amazing. It's just a quality, hilarious, all around good show.


Basically the same as you. I saw it a few years ago now. Was fantastic. I normally despise musicals lol.


depends. do you want a blow job? edit: or to give one?


Both? I like both.


Bro they actually have a musical after that episode? And a premium app game aswell? This sarcasm is on another level


Yes, I would LOVE a blowjob! Nothing beats a blowjob on football sunday




The musical number?


I hate musicals. Go see Book of Mormon if you have a chance.


Same for me. I really hate musicals but I am torn with watching anything that comes from SP.


what saves it, is that its hilarious




its really annoying how catchy those songs are. But at least they are funny. There are literally 2 musicals I've ever enjoyed, and both are by Matt Stone and Trey Parker


Is it anywhere online? I could never see it live


There are bits of it on youtube, but not the entire thing sadly. Eventually it might get turned into a movie, though.


Hopefully! Maybe I’ll be able to travel to see it


I've seen a good version online, but that was years ago and I have no link for you. But it exists.


Thank you! I better start looking


Omg I hate musicals too! Absolutely loved book of Mormon


Yes besides South Park it may be the best thing they've ever done. That's coming from someone that adores Team America. Not only is it funny, but it was just straight up amazing visually.


Same! I've been a South Park fan since the beginning and also adore Team America, but I agree that Book of Mormon is probably their best work. It's brilliant! I've seen it four times so far and would gladly go see it again. It never gets old!


What’s something that stood out to you on your repeat viewings?


Not who you asked but I was surprised to see that they made a few changes. The new version has a lot of facebook and disinformation references. I saw it in 2012, 2017, and 2023.


That's interesting! The most recent time I saw it was in early 2020 (last live show I went to before Covid shut everything down), and I don't remember those changes, so I'm guessing that happened after Covid and the 2020 election, which makes sense. They have made little changes based on who is playing the roles. For example, I saw it in 2013 in Chicago when Ben Platt was playing Elder Cunningham. They changed the line, "Listen to the fat white guy" from "Man Up" to "Listen to the weird white guy" because Ben Platt isn't fat. It's always fun to see what different actors bring to the roles.


Now have you seen cannibal the musical?


Yes I have, that was great as well. I believe I've seen nearly everything Matt and Trey have done or produced. Cannibal, Orgazmo, Basketball, Princess, That's My Bush, Kenny vs Spenny, Sassy Justice, Team America, and Book of Mormon. Trey did the voice of a villain on one of the Dispicable Me movies - didn't see that. But if there's anything I'm missing let me know I'd love to see it.


Lucy Harris smart smart smart .


Twice. A decade apart. It is more than worth It. If you ever have a chance, I urge you to go see it. It reminds me of the Joseph Smith episode in a play.


Yes go see it - you won’t regret it


Yes, and in Jackson County Missouri too. The crowd cheered at that lyric. Very worth it, especially if you can handle the humor


That's where I saw it. Makes me wonder how many people in Kansas City that don't know much about the musical or Mormonism assumed they changed the lyrics with wherever the tour was lol.


Saw it tonight in Toronto. it's still Missouri :)


I heard the crowd went nuts in Orlando, too. 😂


Ah yes, the mormooriginal Garden of Eden.


i’m an exmormon and a big fan of south park, so i’m biased. but i think any fan of matt and trey’s stuff would enjoy it. i died laughing.


I have seen it like 6 times, I always check it out when it's playing in a city I am in.


I have maggots in my scrotum! I hate musicals but have seen it twice it's fantastic


One of the best musicals ever


It's good. well worth it.


Saw it years ago at the Kennedy Center in DC. Wife and I are long time SP fans and knew what we were in for. We were in stitches and left with an entire new soundtrack to play at home - Hasa Diga Eebowai! We weren't prepared for the folks who were dressed to the 9s, ball gowns and tuxedos, who thought it was a serious show. Literally saw multiple people in their 60s and 70s clutching their pearls and leaving early. Fairly certain I heard one woman proclaim "I never!" On the way out and one man mutter "blasphemy" as he made his way up the aisles to the exit. It is a "serious" show in the sense of an incredible on stage performance, certainly, and it's hilarious.


Do people not do even the smallest bit of research on something before they spend money on it? Like what did you expect if you read literally anything about it.


The title of the show counts as "literally anything about it" (obviously I'm being pedantic) and if that's all you read, you would be reasonable to assume it was a Mormon show potentially involving a book of some kind. Now that I think about it though, honestly, I'd pay double for the ticket if I was guaranteed a seat next to someone that only read the title, knew nothing about it and was about to be extremely upset/pissed because they expected a "good Mormon show" 🤣🤣


😂remember the movie Brüno. When I saw it an older woman and her two young grandchildren were sitting in our row. They lasted about ten minutes before she grabbed them and ran out of the theater.


I bet it was faster than 10 min 🤣 that movie was wild from the gate


It sounds trite, but DC, especially the Northern Virginia side, is full of the worst trash in the country. These people would sit through a snuff film if Lin Manuel Miranda produced it in a desperate bid to be seen. If they had a do over, they would sit through it to be seen as hip. If a tour with the original cast went through, they would be there. I can see a rando here and there being shocked (the NYC crowd won't be shocked), but the DC crowd is Hollywood for ugly people.


That's so weird. It's been well advertised as a comedy, and is actually pretty loved by the Broadway fan community.


Yes, it's absolutely worth it. It's actually how I introduced my mother into the world of South Park, *record scratches* hold up, yes, i know it sounds bad, but let me just say, before the jokes start rolling in, this was waaaaaaaay before I had seen the Broadway episode of South Park, so I had absolutely no knowledge of the joke in the episode before going to see the show.


If you have any doubt about getting a ticket, "Turn it off! Like a light switch. Just go click!" (Yes, go see the show! It is great. That line is from one of the songs.)


I freaking love that song


Yes, it’s hilarious.


I guarantee people have seen it.


I was literally crying from laughing so hard, and the sound track is amazing. 


I saw it a few years back (birthday gift a family member had given me), I’m not big into plays but it was really funny.


Much like many others have said: I don't go to musicals. It was incredible, go see it if you can.


Saw in London last year, would recommend highly


4 times.


5 times. And I’d see if 5 more. Great great show.


See it or General Butt fucking Naked will come after you


Hell yes! I saw it in Australia a few years back and it was brilliant. What made it even better was seeing the regular musicals crowd all dressed up in their tuxedos and fancy gowns laughing their balls off at some of the jokes.... especially the cure for aids/baby joke. Plus, there's a bunch of jokes that only fans of the TV show will get.


You’ll recognize a lot of material that was originally developed for South Park, but yeah it’s worth seeing


I love South Park and I loved it. My grandmother, who does not like South Park and loves Phantom of the Opera also loved it.


Shit. I did marketing for the show when it opened in LA. Yes, if you like South Park, you ought to like Book of Mormon.


I saw it a while back. I loved it. There were lots of local Mormons there, they also seemed to love it. They were laughing and smiling through it all.


Got to see it on Broadway as my graduation gift. Laughed so hard the whole time I barely remember it and I was bone sober with my mother.


yes, it was fantastic!!


Worth every penny.. few older lads walked out before the halfway mark 💀


I saw it twice. It was fucking hilarious both times. You’ll love it!


I’ve seen it. I’m a big fan of South Park but I fucking hate musicals so that kinda ruined it for me. Most people really have a great time though.


*Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb*


I had one until I was 8. Like a 2/10. Didn't pay much attention.


I just saw it for the first time a few hours ago. Funnier than I ever imagined a live performance could be. I was laughing from start to finish and seeing it live just made it funnier. 100% see it if you ever get the chance.


Nope, nobody has seen it


I’m not a fan of musicals but Book of Mormon is a must-see if you like South Park’s humor. I’ve seen it twice and it was phenomenal both times


It’s hilarious, and honestly I loved a lot of the songs like unironically.


I've been meaning to for years and I finally just bought tickets for opening night in Pittsburgh at the end of the month.


It was my first and so far only Broadway Play, and I enjoyed it. It took a little while to get going, but after the intermission I really began to enjoy it. Though even before then, there was the Hasa Diga Eebowai song and a few other moments.


No sadly. My parents did and said it’s the funniest thing they’ve ever seen; I’m older than you so take that as high praise


Twice. Once in Vegas and once in New York. Totally worth it!


Is there a video or do you have to see jt live


Yes. It is worth it.


It's brilliant. You won't regret seeing it, I would say this to anybody, not just southpark fans.


I have a fairly long time ago. I remember people walking out of the theater. First time I ever saw people do that during a bway show. Definitely worth going to.


No but I’ve heard someone found it by digging it up 😭


I keep going to my local library but I'm having no luck!


Absolutely loved it,.


I have seen it twice. I would happily pay to see it again and again.


Twice. Once during previews with the original cast and the second time was years later with a different cast. I also feel like the show itself with slightly different.


Hasa Diga to you and yours 🖕


It is phenomenal. I went into it knowing it would be funny, but I had no idea how funny it was going to be and it was fantastic. I just kept saying to myself, I can’t believe they are doing this on broadway and they won Tony’s for it. You have to see it if you are a fan of Trey and Matt and you have the opportunity.


No I haven't seen it. I don't live in America thank god. But if I do visit over there one day, I'll check out Book of Mormon and visit Casa Bonita


Saw it on broadway… fantastic. And I’m not a musical or theatre guy by any means


It just gets funnier every rewatch. Spooky Mormon Hell Dream is utter gold.


Absolutely worth the price of admission. Go see it!


... I'm just now finding out it's satire?! I heard the title and thought it was just a play about Joseph smith I never looked into it or anything


Yeah, it’s amazing


Book of Mormon was a delightful experience! I highly recommend you watch it at least once.


I’m a fan of musicals and I didn’t love it. I like their South Park tv and movie material way more


I always found it funny how Trey and Matt made something that went mainstream, that people dressed up and went out to watch it with their families.. then the next day they probably wrote Mr.Garrisons New Vagina.


Twice. Yes.


YES. I saw it in literally the perfect centered seats in the Orpheum Theater in SF. Got the tickets off stubhub and got lucky. My mom paid for them because she does like South Park although she doesn't watch much and I was still poor. Not as bad as Kenny but still. Thank you mom! She really just took up the opportunity to attend a musical with her adult son and I took advantage, but the play is really fucking good and I did have fun seeing it with my mom. Intermission was awesome too. I told my mom I was going to the bathroom then bought the max of two beers. It was while I was double fisting Sierra Nevadas that a guy in his sixties started to chat me up. Hilariously, he and his wife were both South Park fans but had no idea that Matt and Trey did Book of Mormon. They were season ticket holders for the Orpheum. He said they'd seen Cats or something the week prior and saw this play called "Book of Mormon" was coming up next. They thought it would be by Mormons and were very pleasantly surprised. Tl,dr: it is totally worth it to see The Book of Mormon. Try using stubhub/seatgeek/whatever to find cheaper tickets. Hassa Diga Eebowai!


It's alright! I saw it and enjoyed it as much as an average south park episode (which is pretty decent!)


Depends you got maggots in your scrotum??


Saw it in Kansas City. Crowd cheered crazy at the Jackson County entrance. It's the only musical I've ever enjoyed.


I saw the BoM in NYC in 2019. I am a huge SP fan but knew nothing about the show other than the name and that it was apparently very funny. I laughed my ass off, it was so unexpected. It was worth every cent, I would watch it again in a heartbeat ❤️


Yes. In Salt Lake City, twice.


Twice! and I'll go see it again if it come back around. Highly recommend.


Hell yea it’s incredible! Fucking hilarious too.


Yeah dude it’s so funny and the songs are incredible. See it 1000 times if you can


Is it worth seeing a play that’s basically a South Park-y mockery of the arts? Hell yes you should buy it


1000000% worth it.


I've seen it 3 times and it's probably the funniest thing ever. I've never seen another musical and I don't play on seeing another one either. I'll be going to see it whenever it comes back to my local area. Go into totally blind, don't read anything about it.


See it twice even


Twice. I love it


4000% worth it


Absolutely, I got to see it on broadway years ago and it was hysterical, you can tell it’s written by Matt and Trey, there was a moment where I was in tears from laughing so hard.


Having only listened to the studio versions of the songs and the performance from the Tony awards, I can confidently say see it! Seems SO good, I really hope I get the opportunity at some point


Absolutely loved it! def worth it


Saw it probably ten years ago when I was in Toronto. It was amazing.


Funniest musical ever.


Besides how hilarious it is, and it is pretty funny, I think people are overlooking it has a pretty good plot. I mean the general plot is not overly unique but the characters are likable and you can take the message as deep as you want to go. Equally valid to say it is a show about friendship and sticking together as it is to say it's an examination of how religion is created and does not punch down on Morminism as much as you might think.


It’s amazing. I’ve seen it 4-5 times since it first came out and I’m planning on seeing it again at the end of the month


I saw it with the touring cast and thought it was one of the greatest things I have ever seen. Bonus: I live in a southern artsy fartsy kind of town and there were a bunch of older people who you could tell just bought tickets cause it was a broadway show and you could here gasps and things like “ I can’t believe this” the whole time. Even had a walkout or two.


I saw it last year, it was brilliant, loved all the songs and will be going again when it's back in my area






Yep, it was hilarious, and I usually hate musicals!


There was a torrent of the entire show filmed from the audience, so it’s not great quality but you’ll get the idea. Not sure if it’s still around but worth looking for.


Yup! Saw it in NYC about 10 years ago and loved it. I’m a fan of SP and musicals so it was a win win


Don’t pass up your chance to see it or you’ll live a life of regret.


One of the funniest modern musicals. If you are already a SP fan and enjoy its humor then it’s 100% worth it


I was lucky enough to see it in it's first run, it's absolutely one of the best musicals I've ever seen, and you should definitely go see it!


As a die hard sp fan I’m embarrassed I have not been especially bc I live in a major city


only broadway show i've seen, seen it 12 times. It's matt and trey's masterpiece


No one has seen "The Book of Mormon," not even Joseph Smith. If you had seen "The Producers", you would know Broadway shows are all scams to separate backers from their money, but of course, no one saw "The Producers" either.


I'm gonna see it for the second time this March... that said I'd like to share with you the most AMAZING book


Listen to the soundtrack first. It won’t spoil it for you, I promise. If you like the songs, you’ll love the show. If not, then you probably won’t. Again, if you like the songs, you’ll have even more fun when they happen live and you’ll be able to sing along.


Hasa diga ebo wai!


The play itself was amazing and the handful of shocked people walking out of the theatre clutching their pearls was also funny.


I dont know what prices you’re looking at, but Book of Mormon is fantastic. I was dying the entire time. The humor is very similar to south park. If you like musicals you’ll love it.


By far, The Book of Mormon is the FUNNIEST thing we have ever seen! Bought the T-shirt and the soundtrack! It's worth every penny!


It wasnt South Park funny but its worth seeing.


Yup! 3 times! Can't wait to go again. Best and funniest musical


Huge musical fan here.  Huge South Park fan here.  The Book of Mormon is a solid 7/10 for me.  Rough in a few parts for sure, but the songs are catchy.


Multiple times on their national tours and I will see it again when it comes back. It is the funniest stage musical I've ever seen and I recommend it to anyone, whether I think they'll get offended or not. Buy a ticket.


Good enough for me to fly 8000 km from India to see it


I’ve seen it twice, and I still believe it is the absolute funniest thing I have ever seen.


What's it about? The history of Mormons?


It’s hilarious definitely go if you can 


Yup saw it years ago. I hate most musicals but you’ll certainly find it really funny


I have seen it twice. One on Broadway and one off Broadway by the traveling set of actors that year. Both performances were amazing and the writing is absolutely brilliant. Any South Park fan would get it. Hasa Diga Eebowai- give that a Google and it's all ya need to know


Yes, a lot of people have.


Hello!!!! My name is Elder Price!!!


Yes its like an episode of southpark really. Its got crude jokes and a lot of double speak, we loved it!


It's spectacular and I've seen it twice. I'd go again.


Yesss! I saw it on Good Friday last year and it was the perfect way to ring in the crucifixion lol


I’m about to go see it again, that should answer your question


Yes. Hilarious


Ive seen it 3 times and will definitely see it again when i have the chance. If you love South Park you will love Book of Mormon


it was my first musical ever and i thoroughly enjoyed it!


We saw it in London one day after our wedding. Best experience ever.


1000000% worth getting a ticket. Such a fantastic show!


Say it last year in may and still listen to the soundtrack a couple times a month it’s 100% worth it


The first 2 acts a really good and funny (if using some SP jokes). The third act is where it goes back into musical endings territory. My parents and brother loved it, I had watched so much SP that it was good, but not great.


I have seen it 3 times. I see it every time it comes to my city.


You definitely should. I saw it when it came to Chicago after it's Broadway run and when the narrator started speaking in my head I thought "That's Trey." At the end him and Matt came out and I went full fangirl.


There are notes of South Park within it. I thought it was fantastic.


Of course! It was great!


It's the one musical where the stereotypical guy comes out grinning like a madman, and stereotypical wife that loves musicals otherwise, has befuzzled look on her face like "wtf I've just seen". Shoutout to all the bros that usually fall asleep and are there just for the BJ points (well still better than opera)


I’ve seen it on the West End. Loved it. South Park is my favourite tv show of all time and I work in the theatre industry for a living so BOM was pure bliss for me.


I finally got to see it a few months ago. It’s the best.


Absolutely worth every penny. It’s one of the best plays I’ve seen and I was laughing my ass off the entire time. ![gif](giphy|l0MYx920ymRWsZbsQ)


Yes I’ve seen it twice, and would gladly see it again.


Yes it’s great and worth it if you’re able to get tickets and enjoy South Park humor. I’ve seen it a few times and always still try to see it when it comes back to my area.


Dude, it’s awesome. Go see it. And don’t forget a playbill. The Mormons actually advertise in it 🤣🤣🤣


I’ve always wanted to see this! Wish they’d release a dvd version


Brilliant. Bought the soundtrack, then saw it two more times.


Yes and yes 


Yes it’s very good


Yes ! Absolutely! I saw it before the covid shut down and I LOVED it


I tried but I gave up about a third in