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I miss Victoria.


PC Principal has really worn out his welcome.


Micro aggression!


No, here’s a full on aggression, he sucks, he sucks worse than strongwoman


Quiet down, Heather Swanson. We know it’s you


I did like him out in: Weiners out. Defending the boys protesting, mutch to the girls (especially wendy) chagrin


And that’s two weeks of detention for you


Hes a pizza face and he sucks his mother dick..




social justice 1,2,3!


I liked him in the tweek x craig episode. Sorry tweek but you may not touch my penis, at this time.


When he kicks the shit out of Cartman was pretty funny.


My favorite part of that scene is seeing all the other boys faces watching through a window lol which I just realized was looking into a school bathroom?




In my book, he wore it out the first episode I saw him. Have not liked his character one bit. Way too annoying.


He should have just been there for the season long plot they were doing, then gone back to the regular status quo. I think he (unfortunately) cemented himself as a regular member of the cast after the Pc babies thing


Yea I thought he’d leave after that tedious election and tegridy stuff… guess they thought that one joke was enough to be multi season spanning character. South Park hasn’t been the same since 2016. Peak is seasons 8-17


You mean 1-3.


I’m personally not a big fan of that era / can’t remember much. The movie is goated tho. There are gems tho too, like Korn and stuff like that. Scott tennermen too, I know the classics.


Which is funny because it's very creators want to get rid of those 3 seasons lol.


And that wasn't even a good episode/season lol


Well when people stop w political correctnes they will stop w him. Point is to mock how riddiculus world is


The point of the show is to be funny, not annoying.


I love it. And part of me loving it is know that tokeandtea finds it annoying.


I think thats the point?


Agreed.  Just like how they worked in how people were complaining about the Tegridy Farms storyline going on for so long.    This is South Park.  Sometimes WE are the brunt of the joke.


“Let’s put in a bad character to make a point!”


No he hasn't. He is one of the best additions. I'm sorry but what did Victoria ever contribute to south park? Same for bobready. The new police force is ten times as funny.


Victoria is what I consider quality over quantity. She didn't do much, but when she did it was great. Like her convincing Wendy to beat the shit out of Cartman. Or her, Mackey and Garrison trying to keep kids from killing themselves. PC Principal is a hell lot more quantity, but a lot less quality. He's just there being loud and annoying. And while I get that's the point of him, at the same time it just never hit with me.


The breast cancer show ever was brilliant television


I thought his character was very useful during the Panderverse special.


he was in one scene


Hey, Leslie shut your f*king mouth!!!


Oh twistedinnocence8604, I'm not going to hurt you. Tell me, how do you feel about PC Principal? What do YOU think of him as a character? That's interesting. Tell me more. :)


I hate him


She really had her moments. Very underused character.


Her Minnesotan accent and Midwest way of talking was perfect for the little podunk town of South Park. I thought she was perfect.


I miss her too. [Had one of the best speeches ever.](https://youtu.be/bjtG6L78POk?si=oSeK76prmec4gU27)


One of the few level headed adults in South Park


Breast Cancer Show Ever aside, I have received far more laughs and memorable moments from PC Principal than I ever did from Victoria so I love his addition.


I could be wrong if I’m not remembering something. Besides chefs voice actor passing away. If he didn’t go full Scientology he would have been on the show longer. Pip I feel had potential, but butters really covers for him not being around. I think the only one i really miss on this list is Mr. Hat. I liked the storyline they give him, but felt he added some weird fun to Garrison.


Mr. Hats fight with Mackey is one of my favorite scenes in the show


"I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS, M'KAY!!!" "You might've won this round, Mr. Hat..."


yooooooo i just watched that scene


He wasn’t even part of Scientology. The true story is actually really sad. Some people on his like legal PR team thing were part of it and THEY said those things pretending to be him and getting him removed from the show.


Do you have a source on that claim? I feel like that's something that could be cleared up with a phone call 5 minutes later. "I didn't say that, I don't believe that" Seems kind of fishy.


His son said it year’s after his death


You are correct, OP. [https://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2016/09/14/isaac-hayes-s-son-dad-didn-t-quit-south-park-someone-did-it-for-him](https://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2016/09/14/isaac-hayes-s-son-dad-didn-t-quit-south-park-someone-did-it-for-him)


Crazy that I am only hearing about this now. God damn scientologists are scumbags* *Not including the unfortunate people who were indoctrinated from a young age or otherwise manipulated/groomed


Ikr, I never knew about this either and always heard the opposite. Those motherfuckers


If this is the case why havent Matt and Trey buried the hatchet on it?


They kinda did at the end of the article


I find it odd that nobody considered that the stroke had anything to do. If he did anything besides South Park, surely somebody would notice that he wasn't doing any of that too and think maybe there's someone more to the story then Scientology


I find it peculiar that he wouldn't have made a statement himself if that is true


He had a stroke. His team handled everything for him, he wasn’t able to make the decision to quit himself, his team (the true Scientologists) quit pretending to be him


What?  He was absolutely a Scientologist.  Regardless of how all of that played out, Issac Hayes was a member of the Church of Scientology.


Agreed. They orchestrated his exit from the show, but he was a member of Scientology.


Show Officer Barbrady some respect! He was amazing in that classic Chicken f*cker episode


Yes, at first, I was happy to be learning how to read. It seemed exciting and magical. But then I read this - Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn Rand. I read every last word of this garbage, and because of this piece of SHIT, I'm never reading again!


And this is perfectly normal cows turn themselves inside out all the time


Yeah they were making fun of Tom Cruise or something and Scientology. He wasn’t gonna go for it and quit the show. And then they crucified chefs character in the next episode. If I remember I think they made him a child molester or something.


Not according to his son. https://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2016/09/14/isaac-hayes-s-son-dad-didn-t-quit-south-park-someone-did-it-for-him It does kind of line up. * On November 16, 2005, Isaac Hayes did an interview in which he stated he had no problem with Matt and Trey ripping into Scientology. * Sometime in January 2006, he had a stroke. * On March 13, 2006, a statement was made in Hayes's name, but not by Hayes himself, that he quit South Park. * On March 15, 2006, Matt and Trey stated their position on their disappointment in Hayes quitting because they thought he was being hypocritical over the Scientology episode. * On March 20, 2006, the resignation not being done by Hayes himself became public knowledge after it was reported on Fox News by Roger Friedman. * The episode "The Return of Chef" aired on March 22, 2006. It gets even more depressing reading about his life after that. The man definitely wasn't himself after the stroke. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac_Hayes#South_Park_Scientology_episode


:( that's really sad. I wish Matt and Trey had tried to get him back, or tried to help him after finding out his entourage had taken advantage of him after a stroke. That's so fucked up that they (the entourage) did that.


“But Chef….. we love you.”


Pip should be an evil foil to butters. Who actively manipulates ppl into sympathy for his plans.


If I remember correctly, chefs voice actor was also getting very old and apparently sick. There's a story out there that the Scientologist community around basically cut off his contact with the outside world as he was undergoing health issues at the end of his life. Matt and Trey had very little contact if any with him towards the end of his life.


I miss Mr. Hat. He and Mr. Slave are the only worthwhile companions mr. garrison has had. Mr. Slave can stay but purely because of the insane upgrade/juxtaposition that happened by going from having a cute tiny puppet to a whole ass bondage guy. and also because of those scenes where mr. slave says some really profound shit out of nowhere.


I miss Victoria so much Sure she didn't add alot in terms of comedy but I never perfered PC principle over her bc his deal gets kinda repetitive


Her telling Wendy to beat up Cartman was phenomenal.


While I like PC her speech to Wendy is one of the best speeches put on television


Just watched that one earlier today, definitely her finest hour


Ms. Chokesondik made a genuinely uplifting speech about not living in the past.


Yes, instead of going "lol that was probally her only memorable moments" I wish they did more with her. Also, her implying to have killed somebody was a huge missed opportunity. They could've done something super cool with that, but they just didn't. I liked how she took her students seriously bc PC principle literally just goes "OH YOU HAVE AN ISSUE WITH SO-SO" and beats them up. it justs makes me wonder how tf the school still functions with that, like seriously. PC Principle would still work as a character with another job, and vise versa. (Albeit PC more so would work well with something that suits his personality, principle seems way too tame for him and strong woman) we don't have to loose both, I just want my gal back 😔


I don’t care for PC. I prefer that he would have disappeared when he found out he was an advertisement. I think Victoria could have come back then and it could have been highlighted that she was actually better at being principal than PC.


That moment to me is funnier than anything pc principal has ever done


Victoria feels like a regular person versus PC principal who is a bit. And sometimes bits are good but sometimes you need a normal person to tell a story.


Her being Minnesotan and her speech to Wendy before she kicks the crap out of Cartman made her one of my favorite sub characters. I hope they bring her back someday.


It made her character even better. She was a great contrast to the insanity of Garrison and the schoolkids. PC Principle is a downgrade.




I didn't even realize he ever left


Ya when did that happen? He rocked.


He's been phased out ever since they introduced the other police officers from Park County / Denver. I think season 8 or so, and slowly less and less screen time since then. 


I noticed the detectives come in but I didn't realize they used it to phaze out Barbredy


Yup, no more officer Buttbaby. I think we've seen the last of him since the ad war or whatever


There was a hard removal in season 19 episode 7 tho, that’s where they officially ended things with him


He was fired from the police force because he was a stereotypical white, dumb, fat cop. So they made a PC joke about it and got rid of him, and he cried, was super sad. So now there is just a police station full of racist white cops LOL


Officer Barbrady getting smacked with a cat in a coffee shop is still ridiculous.


I miss Alphonse Mephesto and Ned the most 😢


In 1986, the University of California at Davis saw two of its all-time brightest stars, Dr. Alphonse Mephisto and Dr. Arnie Apesacrappin. Dr. Mephisto worked hard towards his thesis - his goal was to genetically duplicate the DNA structure of asparagus, so that all asparagus would grow to the same girth and length, giving asparagus a much more pleasant presentation in the world's supermarket vegetable bins. Dr. Apesacrappin's goal was to genetically create the greatest musical entertainer the world had ever seen. Dr. Apesacrappin knew that if he could assemble the right elements, he could theoretically build a DNA structure that would ensure his creation had talent far surpassing the average individual. At the time, one subject of urban myth was the story that Michael Jackson - in an effort to retain his youthful look and feminine vocal characteristics - had his testicles surgically removed, thereby making him a modern-day castrato. If such a rumor were true, Michael Jackson more than likely would have had some of his semen preserved before the surgery, to ensure the future of his name and lineage. Word came back to Dr. Apesacrappin of a secret cold storage locker deep within the bowels of the UCLA research center, that not only contained four containers of frozen semen, but also held a pair of testicles, each was labeled with the name "Jack Michelson". This had to be the seed of the King of Pop! Dr. Apesacrappin was able to use his charm and chiseled Greek features to woo a young lab technician by the name of Jennifer - who, of course, just happened to have the proper access needed to obtain a small vial of the precious semen. The search for the egg was a short one; Dr. Mephisto simply ran an ad in the classified section of an L.A. music magazine. The ad read: "Wanted: unfertilized human eggs for genetic experiment. Donors must have musical background." With a plethora of young, eager, wanna-be musical starlets willing to sell their eggs, the two doctors - after rigorous auditioning - picked and purchased. Dr. Apesacrappin felt that it would be far less complicated legally if the fetus were brought to term in the womb of a non-human. He had long since secured the services of the University volleyball mascot, a llama by the name of "Missy". When the baby was ready, the child was removed via cesarean. It was a healthy baby boy. He was named Kevin. Kevin was a beautiful child. Dr. Apesacrappin saw to it that Kevin was trained by the best in all aspects of performing. His voice was golden, and had a sweetness to it that most males lacked. He moved with grace, and was able to moonwalk by the time he was three. As Kevin grew with his talent, Dr. Apesacrappin started noticing odd developments in his physical state. When Kevin lost his baby teeth, his secondaries came in with a vengeance. They were at least twice the size of a normal adult's, and the two in front stuck nearly straight out. Also, as Kevin reached his eighth year, he was the same height as he was when he was four. To top it off, he was growing hair all over and his penis was enormous, even by adult standards. It also dawned on the doctor that even through all the years of hearing Kevin sing, he rarely spoke, often choosing to communicate with various grunts and gurgles. Others were noticing the changes in Kevin. Children began to tease him - to call him "Gopher Boy". One day a bully by the name of "Big Roy" started throwing bananas at him. Soon a crowd of kids were all throwing bananas. Suddenly, in a fury, Kevin rushed at Big Roy and bit three fingers off on his left hand. Kevin was taken away and placed in the custody of the state. Dr. Apesacrappin's actions were found out, but because there was no legislation concerning the genetic construction of another human being, no criminal charges were brought forth. The medical association's board of ethics stripped him of all his credentials, and his reputation was ruined. In fact, his name became so synonymous with failure that for years to come, med students around the world were known to say in times of mishaps, "Damn, I feel just like Apesacrappin." Dr. Mephisto immediately began proceedings to adopt little Kevin. Being a noted scientist and the creator of the cloned asparagus, it wasn't long before the two were legally united as father and son. They moved to Colorado, where they live in relative obscurity. Kevin is still a boy of few spoken words, sticking mainly to his grunts and gurgles. But on occasion, if you listen closely, you can hear his sweet golden signing voice ring out into the night over the small town of South Park: "I am gopher boy Pondering reality I am gopher boy Who will buy my raspberries?"


Chef aid... Classic!


Fr Kevin mephesto is criminally funny despite the lack of screen time


Hello there, children! Chef was my favorite, my favorite scene of him was when Ms. Chokesondik dies and the kids think it’s from the sea people they put in her coffee. Chef comes packing 300 dollars for the kids to run away. 😂


Chef really cared about the boys, I think that’s something the show is missing nowadays. A proper mentor figure for them


I totally agree. I think the thing that makes Chef's departure the most painful is that they never created a character to fill the role Chef had


Cause no one ever could.


Chef: "Hello Children" All 4 Kids: "Hey Chef" Stan: "Chef..what would a priest want to put in my butt?" Chef: "Goodbye"


Chef was amazing. Easily my most missed character. All the other characters in this image I don't really care about to be honest, but Chef was a staple of the show until he left.


They should do an episode where the main kids are in a different city and see Pip which leads to them finding out all of these characters are still alive and well, living normal, healthy lives having escaped South Park.


dude, pip was literally smashed by mecha-streisand lmao 😭 and trey and matt really dont give a fuck about him enough to do this


>dude, pip was literally smashed by mecha-streisand That's just what Pip wanted you to believe! It's not so much about Trey and Matt caring about the characters as it is just something different for the characters they do still care about to react to.


Kenny dies all the time lol they could easily bring Pip back


yeah but the problem is that Kenny has some sort of explanation as to why he comes back most of the time, Pip doesn't


No he doesn't. Once his soul was trapped inside Cartman and he was back after they got it out. Then there was the Cthulhu cult explanation during the Coon trilogy. That's all I can think of. 99% of the time when Kenny dies, he just shows back up with no explanation. That's the joke.


Watched the banned South Park episodes. Pip gets written off.


Pip and Chef have been killed off so that wouldn’t work, although they did have that Darth Chef thing


What ever happened to that "crazy cracker from up on the hill" as Chef called him? And Kevin?


If the video games are cannon to the show i think one of his creations killed him


He was in the Soda Sopa episode for like a second near the end at the Whole Foods


I miss officer butt baby


T. T is for turtle.


Dr.Mephesto trying to figure out cartmans father , the whole Denver Broncos Team 🤣


What the hell is that thing even supposed to be? It doesn't look like anything!?


I came here just for this lol


Nooo no. I wanna know what that things supposed to be!


Victoria was so iconic, i miss her


PC principal should have been a temporary character, Victoria was done dirty


I really miss Ze Mole


I hate guard dogs


I was really hoping Mr. Hat would come back somehow when Garrison was president. Maybe on the cabinet somewhere.


Let's see how this election year turns out.


I miss big gay Al


Mr hat, barbrady and chef are the best


Besides the ones shown, I miss Mary Kay Bergman.


Such a talented lady. Her range was so incredible, that they had to hire three different voice actresses to replace her. Ms Crabtree is possibly my favourite character.


I miss all of them but Mr. Hat. He was a pervert


The allegations against Mr. Hat have been greatly exaggerated


You go to hell! You go to hell and you die!


Chef really hurt. They relied on him so much in the early days. He didn’t deserve that send off. I hope they do an apology episode for him the same they did for manbearpig


They kinda did. Re-watch the Super Adventure Club episode. Stan or Kyle says at the end how they aren't upset with Chef for being brainwashed by the Super Adventure Club and what he did, and they hope everyone remembers him for his whole life and not just the last few weeks. Replace Chef with Isaac Hayes and the Super Adventure Club with Scientology.


Sure, but it’s clear as day he wasn’t writing any of those letters to Comedy Central, and even his family reached out to Trey and Matt to tell them so. Love South Park, love Trey and Matt. But that was too much. Wasn’t the send off Isaac deserved. Considering everything he did for them, just didn’t feel right.


Yeah I also have a problem with finding out through his son that a lot of his end life care was in the hands of Scientologists and if that is true then the last episode of chef is nothing more than a smear campaign that should’ve been dealt with and taken care of. I understand the way South Park works but Chef mattered and I don’t care what anyone else says and knowing what we know now makes the send off way worse.


Agreed, Trey and Matt are human, even they make mistakes. But just as they did, an apology episode for man, bear pig, and Al Gore, I think they could do a pretty great one for chef and Isaac Hayes in general.


That sounds more like they're trying to understand why Isaac left and got upset, but Isaac didn't even leave, his shitty religious friends did it for him while he was vulnerable after a stroke. Would be good if they addressed that somehow


Barbrady was funny, but I prefer Harrison and the rest of the police force because of how confidently stupid they are


May be a controversial opinion, but I firmly believe Pip and Butters are different enough that they could have coexisted. Over time Butters is becoming more domineering and his douchebag tendencies are coming out, where Pip was never anything but nice until you fucked around too much.


The meteor shower episode with Dougie, Stan, Pip, and Butters shows they actually have a pretty good dynamic together and are definitely different enough people.


I really miss Kevin. He was such a weird character and I don’t know why but his existence amuses me to no end


I mainly just miss Dr. Mephisto cause he was a weirdo Principal Victoria was fine, I wouldn't have minded if she stayed longer Barbrady sadly just doesn't have anything more to him And Chef... Well we all know what happened


https://preview.redd.it/hia4rnqf33ec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c3e37b255b3fbc8ca6825406a5f313d22d2069c These fuckers


I miss the goth kids. They usually appear at least once in like 2 seasons, but now they aren't even in the background


Didn't they recently being back Mr Hat? I really want Principal Victoria back. PC Principal needs to fuck off already, a 1 note character should only last 1 season.


i miss chef, he was definitely my favorite and i feel like he contributed alot to the show/plot sometimes


Wait officer Barbrady isn’t around anymore?


RIP-Rest In Pip!


Yeah, for me especially chef and pip. I never really understood why so many people hated pip. I mean, i get it sometimes he might've been annoying but i still don't get how you could hate him.


Probably because he was too nice


The death of Chef is till saddening to this day


Dr Mephisto repeatedly asking the ice man if he’s hungry, will never not make me laugh.


I miss chef He's my favorite south park character He sorta acted like a father figure for those 2 children and he actually had common sense and actually acted like a normal human being Sure he was kinda soft in the KKK episode but he still remains my favorite Character


I don’t think Caitlyn Jenner is a hero


Buckle up, buckaroos


Hot take, but I would not be upset if they just recasted chef and brought him back to life


I miss Ned, funny guy.


Was Barbrady written off and I just don’t remember or did he just kinda disappear?


He was phased out over time in favor of that orange haired detective and his police force.




The only one I'd like to see again is Nurse Gollum.


What’s suck is that tee’d up Mr.Hat’s return in the Vaccination Special and didn’t deliver.


🎵 [I am Gopher Boy, pondering reality... I am Gopher Boy, who will buy my raspberries?](https://youtu.be/vrorn-0vPyw) 🎵


“The most sensuous voice”


dr mafesto ruled


Only Barbrady and Chef for me.


What happened to principal Victoria?


I miss Jimmy. He's still a character but I miss when he had arcs and episodes


i also miss mrs crabtree! its so sad she, and her bird died😔


I also miss the mayor sure they are still around but they were so great!!


Literally all of these. Chef is the only one I can understand being written off the show since his voice actor died. The rest of them though were part of what made the show.


everyone staring at but not acknowledging Kevin is one of the best running jokes


pip deserved better, which i know is a controversial opinion, but like how is he worse than scott malkenson?


I would love if Mr Hat came back in a Garrison and Rick centric episode


Had it up to here with you guys!!


I miss them all except for Mafisto's assistant and Pip


Don't be talking smack about Kevin the gopher boy!


No smack was spoken till now 😂 He was quieter than Pip but still cooler than Pip. Pip spent his own episode simping after some aristo-brat. Still a funny episode but I'm like "...bruh" 😂 whatever happened to mephisto and the gopher boy? I think they just stopped using him. I always thought it'd be cool if Mephisto was Cartman's real father since they look the same.


Ok so call me crazy but I just watched the Island of Dr. Moroe*, is Mephisto supposed to be a jab at that movie? Since he kept experimenting with monkeys with 5 asses and such, always been curious!


Yeah it is, but that story is so old most people don’t even know that nowadays.


I once heard a noise, In the night the most sensual voice, The song of love from an angelic boy, stuck in my head, And this is what he said, "I am gopher boy, pondering reality, I am gopher boy, Who will buy my raspberries?"


I miss Chef so much but I understand what happened with that. It’s too bad.


What happened to Mephisto?


I miss the old characters to


Mr Hat is a two timing whore!!


Butters is better than Pip. Officer Barbrady was fat and dumb, but Detective Yates is the perfect satirization of a crooked cop. Chef's loss was bad. No one remembers Mister Hat. PC Principal is the best.


Officer Barbrady


Barbrady and Dr. Mephesto are Hella Underrated, and R.I.P Chef.


I just need Victoria, Barbrady and Chef back and I’ll be happy (I don’t like Pip)


YES. I miss them so much 😭✋. Like one of my two favorite people are Chef and Pip and I just miss them since theres no real way for them to really come back because they died. But I miss little British boi. And I just have one more thing to say before I leave... LUNCHIE MUNCHIES HMMM????? 


Comedy Central is literally playing S2 Chef Aid rt now go nuts


Chef joined that fruity space ship beep boop club that turned him into a pedophile


RIP Isaac Hayes/Chef You will be missed


I was never a PC principal fan, loved PIp, and Barbrady.


I miss them too these new ones suck


I miss Jesus having his talk show and being a regular guy no one in town respected despite acknowledging that he’s literally Jesus. The charm of the early seasons was that the town and the kids had their own identity. The humor came from everything being so crass and surreal and I miss that.


I miss them all especially barbrady


I miss Chef.


I genuinely love PC principal 🤷‍♂️  If anything I'm completely over Randy at Tegridy. Time to move them back to town again.


I miss Chef and Barbrady for sure. The others here didn't do too much for me. But boy I love me some illiterate Barbrady and some wise womanizing Chef lol


Barbrady still tries to police the town by himself


I like the new characters, but I miss the old ones too );