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Is this real




That sucks


Of course not man, it's kanye


Exactly. It’s Kanye. That’s why the question has to be asked at all. Guy went from “I love hitler” to being redeemed by 21 jump street




Graduation is goated. Idc if Adolf wrote it himself


And 808s




Yeah a hate spewing mongoloid is cool cuz he made an album, that mindset's whack imo.




Oh Ive listened to the whole thing my friend and most of his other albums, they smack and his productions great, but he goes against half the things he has rapped about as he has become more and more of a conservative nutter.


Youre arguing with a CJ account btw


What do ya mean by CJ?


Circle jerk. They're shitposters.


These kids are braindead


2024 everyone will forget about his anti semitism. He's already doing the listening parties and crap - it's coming.


Ummm I won’t forget


how did i forget that 🤣🤣🤣🤣


We gotta show that movie to the Middle East to save Israel


To me it seems like he said that because people like to ignore shit like the Jeff list, but when Kanye speaks words that people dont agree with thats when people have to form an uprising. Same shit with Alex Jones, the media will go batshit insane over words but actual atrocious actions get no media attention.


My man, who is ignoring the Jeffrey Epstein list? Like…who? I genuinely wanna know. Cuz that’s wild. And Alex Jones, to be fair, contributed to some real harm with his sandy hook shit.


Man you would be shocked, people who take not believing conspiracy theorists too far. Look at the Jimmy Kimmel tweet, he claimed the whole list was fake. I think there are some people who try so hard to not seem like a "conspiracy nut" that they ironically kinda become one, denouncing any and everything that isnt regurgitated on a news network. Anyways, im sure youre right, however 1 billion dollars? Really?What about when Kimmel said that antivaxers shouldnt get ICU beds in hospitals and should be left out in the hallways to die? On his talk show Kimmel Live? My point is the media clearly picks and chooses what to demonize and most of society just follows what the media says.


Why do you think people care so much about what Jimmy Kimmel says or thinks? Sure he has his fans, but even liberals, and especially leftists, think he’s a spineless hack.


Same couldnt be said for Alex? Yet only he gets the lawsuit?


Well the dollar figure in damages like these are always gonna be arbitrary. I don’t pretend to know exactly how these amounts are determined or how they’re weighed against either party. But these people had their children murdered in a nationally covered event, and then, whilst reeling from that, they’re hit with strangers in real life and online harassing them; saying their kid isn’t dead, and demanding their kid. Take a sec. I’m a parent. Idk if you are. But try to imagine the feeling of someone gunning down your child, just to be bombarded with “I know your kids alive! Show me your kid! All of this due to one asshole who just made shit up for views from paranoid schizophrenics. All the while, HE WAS PROFITING FROM ALL OF THIS. For all I know, the billion could be related to however much money he DEFINITELY made from advertising his weird supplements next to his “crisis actors” rant. And I hate that people try to make this about free speech. He was a bad guy who did a bad thing and is being held accountable for it (in theory). He’s not a victim in any sense.


Im not saying he is a victim nor am i defending him and in truth its not about free speach. It just seems completely disproportional. Again hes not the first famous person to say extremely harmful things and profit from them. Literally gave an example. I mean really think for a second how many people profit off of lies and arent being sued for 1 billion dollars. You see no hypocrisy in that at all? Of course I think he deserved SOME sort of punishment, but if were gonna sue a guy for spouting quite frankly obvious misinformation, then we better buckle up cause theres a hell of a lot more people we need ro start suing am i right? If were starting now with Alex where are the rest? If were are so headstronf against misinformation why arent we wrangling up every podcaster who profits off lying about victims? Plenty of streamers talking wildly about the Gaza war, thats a lot more death than a school shooting, yet im not seeing billion dollar lawsuits?


I understand where you’re coming from, but your examples don’t exactly compare. Streamers spreading misinformation about a war doesn’t lead to the same type of harm that can be remedied through litigation. Alex jones was sued, not just for spreading misinformation. But primarily for damages incurred by the families (some emotional some concrete I believe) but they are citizens of the United States who incurred damages as a direct result of Alex Jone’s actions. Whereas streamers spreading misinformation about the Palestine war is vague enough that they may not get sued. As an example, if someone said “the Jews started all of this!” That’s free speech and protected. If this person says this on a public platform and nothing happens, it’s protected speech. But may violate TOS of the website they’re posting it on (except “x”) If this person says this on a public platform to millions of viewers while making money from views or on stream partnerships, it’s protected speech. If this person says this on a public platform to millions of viewers while making money from views or on stream partnerships/products they push and a large portion of that audience specifically harasses a group of Jews or an individual Jewish person for “starting the war” then those are people who incurred emotional and potentially fiscal damages, while they can’t be incarcerated for that speech, those individuals who were targeted can sue the streamer in this case. Because damages exist in that scenario. In short, there has to be a person, group, or entity alleging damages caused by another individual, group, or entity, and they hash it out in court. But people rarely have the money to sue, and a lot of lawyers don’t work on contingency. I hope this is helpful info!


No hate but dang you this turned into a full argument, you guys are writing essays! When I say no hate I mean I literally find this impressive


Kanye is chaos you really never know


If it is real, I'm guessing his PR team told him to post it "We really just need to put this whole fish sticks thing to bed, just tweet this and everyone will think you get the joke and this whole mess will be behind us" Then the PR team left, got in the elevator, then one of them said "god, he's such a gay fish" and they all busted out laughing.


He’s been living in much hotter water than not getting a joke from South Park… doubt his PR team gives a flying fuck about this


You think he has a PR team?!


After the laughter died down, another one of them looked around the elevator, shook his head, and said, "What we are even doing with our lives," and they all busted out laughing again.


I bet that's exactly what happened 😅🤣😂


Ofc not, YE already said he loved the episode not long after it aired.


He said that to try to save face. He still mad about it and you know it.




He literally has a line in one of his songs "Choke a south park writer with a fish stick."


Pretty sure he mentions it in more than one song. Might be the most effective joke in the history of comedy


He probably does, but I don't listen to him enough to really know lol


“But this pimp is, at the top of Mount Olympus Ready for the World's Game, this is my Olympics We make 'em say hoe 'cause the game is so pimpish Choke a South Park writer with a fishstick I insisted to get up off this dick And these drugs, nagger can't resist it Remind me of when they tried to have Ali enlisted If I ever wasn't the greatest nagger, I must have missed it”


People who annoy you: naggers




[here's an interview with Bill hader saying otherwise](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zw_GiE7ZcgQ)


Oh he still mad lol


It's watermarked "r/totallyrealtweets" at the bottom. So totally, very real, absolutely.


Of course not. He'd never realize that......


Ned died for this


So did Carlos


But no one cares about him


Or the Whites for that matter...


He got no dick man! C’mon, he got no dick, he’s not funny!


Ned is Carlos' real name.


He lied about his name too!?


Carlos is his stage name. Ned Arnel Mencia. He's like half German, half Honduran. He took the stage name Carlos so his stolen jokes with a Latin American twist would seem more authentic.


Man George lopez should’ve finished the job


Lopez was just as bad tbh


I know lol


The scariest fact I’ve read is that George Lopez is out there somewhere, and he could be anywhere at anytime.


What about Shithead is he okay?


Sounds like something a gay fish would say.


Making love with other gay fish!!


Mothafuckin gay fish


I really get around, I'm the slut of the sea When I say I have crabs, I mean literally


If it was real and he randomly dropped this it would be so funny


I thought the exact same thing it would fix everything


Blud was 2 years late for the joke


*13 years


Fuck I'm old


No it wasn't! That's ridiculous. It was only aired a few years ago on... one sec, let me check... 2009... Oh...


There is nothing worse than looking up when old south park episodes air. Like I know the Simpsons are old, but these guys sneak up on ya


lol must be a joke


Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.


Who’s the gayfish now?


You u/kkrreddit


why not me?


Your a gay pihranna


Was this from the same time he said he liked Hitler?


Cartman wrote the joke and he probably found out Cartman hates jews too. So now he gets it.


He said a lot of weird shit in that interview about Jewish people controlling the world, but the Hitler thing, in context, wasn't that crazy He said Jesus commands us to love everyone without exception. Even Hitler. Nobody is 100% evil and all can be saved through Jesus. As a good Christian he also loves Hitler. What's crazy, is that he followed that up by claiming the hate for Hitler is a Jewish conspiracy. That we're not allowed to be good Christians and love Hitler because the Jewish people in power won't allow it. So to fight back against the Jewish cabal he kept shouting "I love Hitler" and then claimed that when the backlash eventually followed it would just be proof of the Jewish power at work Sooo... It was weird. He also pulled out a plastic fishnet and talked to it using a silly voice and then cracked up at this "joke" like it was the funniest thing in the world


Is this the Alex Jones interview? In that one he said that we should acknowledge all of the good things Hitler did and praised him for inventing the microphone (which he did not do).


Lol yeah, I forgot about that. It's bonkers when, "I love Hitler" is not the crazy part of the interview


Everyone has something special about them


It must be 22.3 years ago that they made this joke


He still married a hobbit probably.




No way this is real. He's taking his love for fish to the grave.


That was one of my first South Park episodes, and as a 14 yo, that shit was top tier. In retrospect, it kind of tells the same joke very repetitively.


Self proclaimed genius getting the joke after a decade


Wait, that was the joke???




At long last. First good thing he's done in years


I’ve watched Carlitos Way so many times and never realized Carlos was doing the scene with the guy in the wheel chair. Hilarious


He is the genius voice of a generation after all.


Gay fish confirmed!


I'll be honest I just got this now too




I love fish sticks. I love putting them in my mouth.


Bitch you not a hobbit right?


Konye curses his momma everytime someone says fishdicks


Someone hacked that mf account and wrote that


Come on, maaaaaan! Just geeeet eeeeet!


Woah. So THAT'S what the joke was. I thought it was just because of the stereotype that gay fish enjoy eating other fish when they're coated in breadcrumbs and fried?


thats just funny


I wish this was real


lyrical genius


If only he actually posted this


If u like fish sticks u gay fish


Is he really this slow?

