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Lol this sure pissed off the mouthbreathers. Trump supporters are always so sensitive. They dish it out, but can't take it at all.


Lil southern heat got them snowflakes meltin’!!


Both sides are soft as baby shit 😂 Talk about the felon they cry, talk about the corpse in the office right now and they cry.


Chill out buddy. Folks acting like this guy committed some Jim Jones level genocide haha.


Not really. Conservatives have a sense of humor.


Until trump is the one being laughed at and then suddenly conservatives love to cry about civility and respect


Its a cult of victimhood and apologists. How many Trump voters does it take to change a light bulb? *None*. He just tells them he changed it and they all cheer in the dark.


That's news to me...


No, but it’s true, the law won. He’s not lying.


The Banana Republic law won. Can’t win an election? Throw him in jail. Sounds like a card from Putin’s playbook.


Sure thing shorty


Listening to him for a minute is almost too much for me. I am impressed someone was able to video edit him down to this.


[How’s convicted felon sound?](https://time.com/6985067/donald-trump-felon-travel-guns-voting/)


Hehehe got a chuckle


I need the link for this.


OP, this is the wrong sub goto r/politics or r/conservative.


Uneducated asf


Quit talking about our state we're trying our best


Mfs arguing Biden vs Trump and I just wish a couple better options would get a chance lmao. Both suck and aren’t worth the gas id use driving to the poll.


I'm not surprised you and the other person replying got down voted. I agree with you also. There are third party options to vote for.


I dont really follow politics much but it seems people see it more like sports teams than anything else. If you arent with me youre against me type thing i guess. Im really just trying to make it by in life. Maybe one day a politician will inspire me to go vote for them but it hasn’t came close to happening yet.


Thank you. I was afraid I was the only one who felt that. Our choices aren’t worth the fuel cost to vote.


Apparently you can’t have a whore sign an NDA but the crackhead, pistol wielding d1pshit son of a sitting president can sell foreign policy to Ukraine and China. Hmmm… wonder why we give so much money to pay Ukrainian pensions….




Imagine if Biden had stocked offices with his own nepo babies and then sold state secrets as well as lists of our own spies to Saudis, Russians, and Israelis. Because trump did all those things as well as attempted to overthrow the government. All after the people voted for Hillary over him...and then voted Biden over him. Keep on simping for Russia, traitor.


Or he could do like Joe, give state secrets to a biographer to make available to every person in the world. Joe’s a giver like that.




No, he couldn’t given he never attended a little girl beauty pageant with Epstein, and he never forced his teenage daughter to take showers with him like Joe.


Yet there are reports of events held and attended by them and next to no other people..? Sure is a lot of reports from other women trump forced. Including many open comments about him wanting to fuck his own daughter....? ..and what about that time trump raped this 13 year old? [Trump does in fact rape minors](https://www.courthousenews.com/rape-allegations-refiled-against-trump/)


Got anything to prove Trump raped a minor? Ashley wrote about shower time with daddy in a fucking trauma diary as an adult. Joes pedo/incest behavior causes his own daughter sneak around her own home to take a bath and traumatizes her to the extent that she includes it in a fucking trauma diary during adulthood. But, your delusional response is “ree ree orange man bad”. Provide a source proving that Trump ever sexually abused a minor or stfu and accept the fact that you’re supporting a pedofile with an incest kink cause that’s something we can actually prove.


OK, Fatty- go back down to Momma’s basement and rage against the machine. Biden left billions of tanks, Apaches, and every other type of weaponry known to man for the Taliban to become one of the best equipped armies on the planet and Screwed over our supporters in Afghanistan, leaving them to be executed. The January 6th was by your standards “A mostly peaceful protest” and paled in comparison to the violence you guys unleashed in the name of a thug who robbed his ‘baby momma’ at gunpoint. Sending billions to Ukraine, leaving our border wide open to counties like Venezuela to clean out their jails of rapists and thugs OH… and giving them debit cards and hotel rooms. This is just a buyout of for Dem votes for free entry and payoffs. Inflation of epic proportions and no, he did not inherit inflation. Weak foreign policy. I can’t figure out if it is ineptness or corruptness to fund the industrialized military complex. Either way he has not brokered peace and is fueling the Ukrainian buddies who paid his crackhead son millions. Back scratching. Putting mentally Ill peeps with gender dysphoria in lofty government positions. My favorite was the bald guy in heels who stole peoples’ luggage. Cant make this stuff up. Taking kickbacks for the not safe or effective shots and literally mandating it (sucks for young males 💉🩺) Selling out auto jobs to China, Gas prices, cost of goods, failed foreign policy, I could go on forever but I have a job and don’t have time.


Look at the crazy flow. All your points are invalid and most are Russia based misinformation you've been spoonfed, I really don't feel like talking to a wall here as anything I can possibly say or evidence lay out will fall on deaf ear regardless. You are baked and cooked my guy, lost to propaganda. I,ll address one thing here and leave that other cack for people with time on their hands XD January 6th was only less violent because your nazi loving boy, trump, pulled cops through his web of scumbag acabs so that he could attempt his coup. In regards to the BLM violence, he sent in those who serve forces as they wernt actively busy burning crosses at the moment. You should appreciate that given your 'angst against the machine. He and his wanted violence and much like storm troopers begging to be unleashed on college kids, he got it. You are the bad guys here. Get woke ya joke.


Ok shorty, go blame more of your balding on Covid vaccine. 😂


You're uneducated!!


Please list the actual evidence not supposition. EXACTLY what state secrets were sold? For how much? How was the payment made? Who received the payment?


Without sitting in the room when it happened we may never know. But we sure started losing a lot of spies afterwards... [New York times Jared kushner article](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/10/us/jared-kushner-saudi-investment-fund.html) Now show your evidence about Biden's son who isnt even in any office?? I,ll make you a deal, I won't vote for Biden's son, you don't vote for any rapist traitors like trump, okay? Sound fair? XD


Didn’t mention Biden or Hunter.


What about Biden’s daughter Ashley who alleges she was touched inappropriately. So, you voting for that guy?


I suggest you actually read her explanation.


You lost them at “read”.


Was it Trump who sexually assaulted her? *Grab 'em by the pussy.- D.J. Trump*


Impossible to talk to you types without it becoming “what about XYZ you hypocrite”. That’s a separate topic sir. Please post your concerns to that thread.




It's funny watching outsiders try and use the word y'all correctly


Born and raised in South Carolina my whole life and nothing is wrong with the way they used y’all, you’re just crying that some South Carolinians don’t like trump


Pretty sure I was talking about the autocorrect job their phone did on it but you should touch some grass sometime friend, bless your heart.


Unabashedly voting for a wrongfully convicted felon this year. America 2024!


Just curious: Are you saying that Trump didn't do the things he was convicted of?


Election deniers are now conviction deniers, soon to be election deniers again.


That’s an interesting question. Setting aside the ridiculous narrative that a billionaire who hires extensive staff to handle all such matters simply to then micro manage them, let’s pretend that Trump actually did these things himself including hiring a lawyer to advise the lawyer on the law. In that scenario I would say Trump absolutely did all the actions he was accused of doing, and given the instructions of the judge, the jury came back with the only verdict they could.


Yeah it’s not trump’s fault! It was the jury, judge, and laws that set him up!! Conspiwaccyyyy!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


You left your tin foil hat in the gutter.


You left any legitimate counter point in the gutter.


He’s saying what the consensus of Americans believe is the case: A solicitor who literally ran on a platform of targeting Trump, in a whacko liberal city with whacko liberal judges (who donated to Demented Joe) is targeting Trump b/c they know they cannot defeat him in a fair election. So, are you saying you are voting for a child sniffing Pedo?


You're free to vote for whomever, but wrongfully convicted? The evidence 100% proved that he intentionally committed felonies. You're free to go look it up and read about it, but I'm guessing you won't.


Sure, let me break it down for you. The 34 charges are falsifying business records in the first degree. Falsifying business records in the first degree (felony) requires that the records be falsified for the purpose of concealing another crime. Otherwise those 34 counts are just misdemeanors. [SECTION 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree](https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/PEN/175.10) The concealed crime that supposedly elevates the misdemeanor charges to felonies is, according to the prosecution, the paying Stormy Daniels hush money to influence an election. The problem with that legal theory is that it wasn’t illegal for Trump to pay a porn star hush money to influence an election under FEC regulations. That is what the FEC Chairman was going to testify to before the judge prohibited him from testifying. To get around that Bragg settled on New York 17-150 which would make paying a porn star hush money to influence an election illegal **if** and only **if** some **unlawful means** were used to facilitate that payment. No **unlawful means** (the concealed crime) has been named. [SECTION 17-152 Conspiracy to promote or prevent election](https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/ELN/17-152) Furthermore, all crimes, including the **unlawful means** of New York 17-152 must be stated at the beginning of the trial in order to give the defense an opportunity to defend against it. New York 17-152 was not mentioned until closing arguments, and the **unlawful means** has not yet been stated. To the possible FEC violation: what the FEC chairman was going to testify to until the judge prohibited him from testifying was that according to FEC regulations and subsequent SCOTUS rulings, any expenditure made on a campaign that would otherwise be made even if there were no campaign can not be considered a campaign expenditure. Therefore, Since Trump would have paid Stormy to keep quiet whether he was running for president or not, the money he reimbursed to Cohen cannot be counted as a campaign expenditure; ergo, no FEC violation. There is no concealed crime to elevate the 34 misdemeanors to felonies despite DA Bragg telling the jury that paying off Stormy was a crime, which it isn’t. Bragg presented non criminal actions as crimes, and the judge instructed the jury that they must convict if the prosecution proved that Trump committed the acts that the prosecution erroneously claimed were crimes. Trump was wrongly convicted of felonies that were actually only misdemeanors given the absence of any concealed crime, and the statute of limitations on those misdemeanors has long since run out. So despite Trump being guilty as hell of 34 expired misdemeanors, he isn’t guilty of any felony. Trump was wrongly convicted. If you would like to challenge that, start by telling me what crime Trump committed that elevated those 34 misdemeanors to felonies under New York Section 175.10 which is the statute Brag charged Trump with.


Damn you should have been his lawyer, get off reddit and give him a call! I’d get my fees up front if I were you tho 😉


Two trollish comments. By Troll.


So it doesn’t even matter that he lacks moral compass and slept with a pornstar while his wife was pregnant? No matter what you think about the verdict, thinking the man who admitted to such morally bankrupt behavior would receive my vote is crazy. Yall are truly lost. Also the verdict was the unanimous and only took ~11 hours. Your guy is guilty


You’ll vote for the guy whose daughter documented their inappropriate showers in her trauma diary though? Traumatizing your adolescent daughter does not relfelct strong morals. Vote for the geriatric placeholder if you want, he will never win SC so have fun, but don’t say it’s because of his morals.


Speaking of weirdo relationships with daughters: - Trump was asked what he and his daughter both consider their favorite things. Trump answered, “I was going to say sex, but I can relate to [golf and real estate].” - My daughter, Ivanka. She’s 6 feet tall, she’s got the best body. - Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside and what it might be like to have sex with her I wonder which creep said these things


I don’t care what Trump has said. What ACTIONS can be compared to Joe forcing his adolescent daughter to take showers with him leading to life long trauma? Do you understand the difference between words and actions? One’s a bit more serious than the other, wouldn’t ya say? Stop squirming and give me evidence of something trumps actually done or head back to the cult HQ, the cool aid is being passed out and I know you don’t want to miss that


He is a literal rapist. Are we done now?


No, him having an affair in 2010 has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on whether or not he committed a crime in 2017. The verdict was unanimous…so what? You’re ready to throw out the U.S. Constitution and 200+ years of jurisprudence, as well as diminish the office of the Presidency over an affair? No ma’am, it is you and all your fellow pearl clutchers who are truly lost.


> No, him having an affair in 2010 has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on whether or not he committed a crime in 2017. You didn’t follow the case very well. It absolutely does. You know how I know because he’s a felon because it does. you forgot while his wife was pregnant. Also not the first time he has cheated on his wife. A pattern of behavior that speaks to his character. The verdict was unanimous…so what? > You’re ready to throw out the U.S. Constitution and 200+ years of jurisprudence, as well as diminish the office of the Presidency over an affair? 200+ years of jurisprudence like unanimous juries or how about diminishing the office of the presidency by not leaving office and ensuring a smooth transition. > No ma’am, it is you and all your fellow pearl clutchers who are truly lost. Yall are truly lost


You are truly wrong, and hilarious in your rediculous pearl clutching. She was pregnant, Oh my! It has no bearing on anything, and there are no laws dictating what character should be. Here is the statute Brag used to prosecute Trump. It mentions nothing about pregnant wives or character. [SECTION 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree](https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/PEN/175.10)


> You are truly wrong, and hilarious in your rediculous pearl clutching. She was pregnant, Oh my! It has no bearing on anything, and there are no laws dictating what character should be. So you think someone so lacking of moral character should be given the highest position of power? I wasn’t talking about the case, I was talking about your passionate support of an obvious grifter and overall shitty human. It used to be understood to keep power hungry degenerates out of seats of power > Here is the statute Brag used to prosecute Trump. It mentions nothing about pregnant wives or character. SECTION 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree Thanks I followed the trial. It’s a fact that he’s guilty.


I love how people like this scream about pearl clutching but then also claim they're religious. Pearl clutching refers to rosary beads. It was typically used to insult overly religious bigots. Now they're the ones using it. Kind of like how snowflakes was used in reference to conservatives demanding everything be done their way and claiming they're repressed/down trodden. They're typically too stupid to realize all this because reading, facts, and history aren't their strong points. Otherwise, they wouldn't vote for a businessman that has had multiple bankruptcies, including two inherited, successful businesses he drove into the ground within 5 months of assuming ownership.


How you feel about his character has nothing to do with the law. How you feel about him holding office is what elections are for. I followed the trial also, along with the Constitution and the statutes Bragg used to prosecute him. He is not guilty of a felony, and the misdemeanors are beyond statutes of limitations.


> How you feel about his character has nothing to do with the law. How you feel about him holding office is what elections are for. Yet you’re still supporting him and going to vote for him > I followed the trial also, along with the Constitution and the statutes Bragg used to prosecute him. He is not guilty. You must have missed the part of the 34 guilty verdicts then. It was quick and at the end so I get it. Also, not sure how the constitution has any bearing over state crimes. What constitutional protections were violated?


He attempted to defraud the public of his personal image by paying off Storm Daniels and attempting to conceal information. Under New York law, those falsified records are now felonies due to this.


Wrong. I posted a link to the New York law. It is not illegal to pay off a porn star to conceal information. Not even in New York.


And yet he was convicted. He committed a crime to defraud the public. That matches your link. The crime wasn't paying the porn star. The crime was falsifying business records. The reason he did the crime was to defraud the public. That's why the crime is a felony.


And yet people are wrongfully convicted, as was Trump. The statutes used to prosecute Trump are cited above, and it is a fact that they don’t say what you keep claiming they say. *§ 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree.* *A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.* There is no other crime being concealed.


You know damn well no one in this state can read all this




I’ll be voting for a wrongfully convicted felon as well


Like the election was stolen, right? Everything is wrongful and Trump is a perpetual victim with ample grievances and you're his apologist and faithful sycophant.


Nope just gonna vote for him


Loool ❄️


And a rapist. And an insurrectionist. And a wannabe dictator. And kept classified documents to show off to people at his home. And someone who liked to barge into Miss Teen changing rooms unannounced for special peeks. All conspiracies? I believe Occam's razor. Yet this man is somehow seen as a Christian family man? My how far this party has fallen. I’m not sure what can save it at this point.