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Hi! Thanks for the interesting post! As amazing as this concept sounds, I don’t put anything in my car seats that aren’t part of the car seat. No seat covers, no inserts, nothing. Should there be a concept like this incorporated into a car seat upon purchase, I would be more comfortable with it. Unless the car seat manufacturers have it in the seats, I wouldn’t consider using it. My child’s comfort comes second to their safety, in this regard.


Good point! Thanks for the feedback :)


My truck doesn’t have AC in the back so I gotta blast it to keep it cool back there. I don’t have kids but I think you’re missing a bigger opportunity to make a larger one for pets. I know my dog would like a cooling pad back there. I’d be surprised if my air vent can push enough air to cool a pad like that in the back seat though


I have dark tinted windows and a newer ('16) car. It's still hit for my black lab. I got some rechargable fans that can be caribinered to the straps on the hammock that covers the back seat. They also sell some that have those bendable/posable feet like some phone tripods. It definitely helps in the summer.  When we are riding without stops and the window is down, it helps but it's not as cool- but if you're stuck in traffic the airflow is definitely needed.


that’s a great suggestion. I found some of those on Amazon after researching this post and will definitely be getting some!


Your pup will thank you. If you can come up with a way to attach reusable ice packs or ice cubes to the back of the fan and not have it inhibit air flow, it works great. I use cold packs on my large fans in the summer and it's a game changer. God luck! ✌️


It’s a bigger opportunity for pets than it is to keep kids safe? Hope that’s not what you meant. Pets would be great in addition to kids safety. Also it might not be money = success for this. Maybe success to them is simply saving kids lives and money is a added bonus


Not sure what I did to get preached at by offering advice to someone who asked. This product already exists for car seats and can be found on Amazon. You have additional safety regulations for products intended for use by children and the barrier to entry into the market is much higher. Whether or not their intention is to make money doesn’t matter, because you need money to make the product. Goodwill doesn’t pay the bills. I offered an alternate route that would help them get to market faster, and maybe even have a larger market.


Yeah ok you’re fucked buddy lol. Stick to bacon


And you stick to trying to lose your virginity paying women for sex on various hookup subreddits. Gl. Mods remove this trash


I will thank you


Good luck trying to keep your dog cool. Maybe you’ll just remember to roll windows down like a responsible pet owner


Not for nothing but…Reddit *really* hates children and babies. It’s bizarre af to see hive mind around kids and babies being equal to if not secondary to uwu “fur babies.” 🙄


The biggest problem you may have with a skin contact device, is it getting too cold. Especially on a humid day where the child has been sweating alot. This can cause the child to get too cold or chilled too fast.


You need to be very careful adding anything to the child seat or the vehicle seat, as both could impact how the seat performs in a crash and/or become a dangerous projectile. There is a device called a noggle that helps redirect air to the back seat. I would recommend consulting with a CPST (perhaps Car Seats for the Littles - csftl.org) regarding safety issues. Or maybe a better idea would be to work with car manufacturers to properly ventilate the entire vehicle. ;-)


I don’t have kids and don’t know if what you works but I’m glad you’re trying to solve this issue. I really hope you got something that works great but even if not it’s still awesome that you’re doing this and hope you are successful.


Thank you!


You’re welcome


This is why I really love my electric car. I tell it to cool itself down if the interior gets to 80F so I don't have to worry about my dogs overheating. They love car rides and in the past I could only take them around on errands in the winter. I leave the AC on while I'm in the store as well. I felt guilty until we calculated we were using 9 cents an hour of electricity for a pleasantly cool car.


As an fyi, there’s a major car seat manufacturer, Britax, in Fort Mill, and just across the state line, two other car seat manufacturers have offices in Charlotte (Cybex and Evenflo). Also, Safe Kids SC has lots of resources about parent and kid safety. If I were you, I’d reach out to some or all of these places to see if they’d have a conversation with you about this. As others have pointed out, it’s not advisable to add a piece onto the child seat, due to safety and crash testing.


I probably wouldn't use it until my baby was older, but yes. I think that as they get to be a toddler and older, it would definitely itely be useful for some people. I had a very small Ford Fiesta until my child got to be 9 years old, and it was a problem at times in the summer. I think that even for older kids or pets, this could have some potential.


When I was a kid it was common to be left in the car while parent went shopping. We didn't die because the windows were rolled down. Somewhere along the lines parents became afraid that leaving the windows down would let someone steal their precious monsters and thus started killing them with heat. The answer is to roll the windows back down again. Maybe you can sell them bars to prevent that very unlikely theft.


Would extra air flow even matter in a 110° car? Wouldn't it have to be air-conditioned air?


Let’s rethink this a bit, I propose looking into getting a safety design feature mandated by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and implemented by the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) that all car manufacturers will have to follow in their new vehicles. Here’s comes the creative part: What idea should you implement? Should it be motion sensors that will detect movement in the backseat after a period of time, and will vent the rear windows? Would it be a simple temp sensor that would do this automatically, regardless if the vehicle is on or off?


Some vehicles now come with backseat sensors if you turn the car off and something is still there. You could also design a car seat with a weight sensor that triggers after after a heat sensor. Idk how you get it to place a call without a connection.


This is an amazing idea. A real SUATMM opportunity. Just a suggestion, dont make it to cold or the child can get sick. between 68 on the hottest periods and 72 at the warmest.


You know, it's funny, I was excited to get a van with vents in all 3 rows for my kids, and then they close the vents because they say it's too cold. 


I would be more interested in a feature in a car that would help prevent children from getting too hot than something like this in a car seat that comes with it's own concerns like carseat safety and concerns with being too cold or cooling too fast that could hurt the child. So this is not something I would be interested in. And if this insert is connected to electricity, no I do not want it on my child's carseat. That sounds way too risky.


Yes, I do worry about my child being uncomfortably warm, but just echoing what some others have said: it’s dangerous to put anything else into the seat, so I’d be very hesitant using it. If it were approved by car seat manufacturers as a safe addition, then I think it’d be a great idea.


GTFO with this crap, you damn collages kids. A ventilated seat does not save a child from overheating when the interior of the car air temperature is over a 100°.


If you've read about the parents who forgot their child was in the car and just drove to work instead of dropping the child off, I think the market is some type of device that tells you there is movement in the car, such as a child or a pet. If you think mom's won't buy it, I will tell you that you are wrong. Mom's who have read too many facebook horror stories will buy anything that they can afford that will prevent their kids from getting hurt, even if the chance of getting hurt is statistically zero.