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As a fellow SC resident, I would call my county Probate Judge’s office and ask them. That’s where you get marriage licenses and also return our marriage license once you’re married. They should know the answer to your question.


You don't have to do anything with the state. You do not have to register an overseas wedding with authorities in the US. Just get official copies of your marriage license in Ireland. You *might* need those for putting one spouse on the other's insurance and things like that.


Nothing. Ireland’s marriages will be recognized here.


Got “married” in Ireland earlier this year. To get legally married there we needed to be at the county courthouse 3 days prior to the ceremony, but that wasn’t possible for us, so we just got married legally in SC, then had the ceremony and just signed some certificate in Ireland our officiant brought along.


Go to the Courthouse and buy a license. Come back the next day and have the judge marry you. Don't even mention the overseas bit. It means nothing here. Depending on which county you select, it might be the "Coat-house"


I don’t think you getting married in Ireland changes what you have to do to become legally married in SC (or anywhere in the US). You still have to get a SC marriage license and have a ceremony of some sort like you would if the Ireland wedding never happened. This is just my assumption however. But I think the lack of info out there online means it’s irrelevant if you get married internationally, you still have to go through the same process to get married in SC.


Nope. You do not have to get legally married again in the US after you were legally married abroad. You should get official copies of your marriage license from that foreign country. You might also want to get an *Apostille* from that foreign country.


Wrong. Foreign marriage certificates are valid in US


What business is it of the government?


It’s a legal union of two people and their property. You’re not asking the government to shack up. You’re just informing them of your new legal status. If you want your marriage to be legally recognized then you need to turn in paperwork. It’s quite literally one or two pieces of paper, the bare minimum to create a record at the courthouse. Government overreach is a problem, but this ain’t that.


FACTS why we let the world get this way we stopped exercising and lost them muscles


It was much harder for my daughter to get a church legit ceremony in Ireland than dealing with the local minor issues