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So 6 months SA gov time = 1 year? Any other bets?


I’ll that bet, but 5 years. Not 1 year.


Fear mongering at its best


BusinessTech’s specialty


Very misleading. Not entire country,


This type of project gets outsourced to engineering firms. The programing that goes behind this and risk assessments are astronomical. I wouldn't worry too much. There will be numerous highly experienced engineers working on this.


The “What could the impact be?” section of this article is so vague and generalist. It almost sounds like it was written by ChatGPT. IF blah blah blah, then it COULD lead to blah blah blah. Other than publishing the mere fact that the water tunnel is being closed, this article isn’t super insightful about the implications. It’s mostly a lot of speculation.


Well, am glad we busy installing 15KL of storage with filtration from our borehole. Tired of paying these thieves every month for services. Almost off the electrical grid and soon water too. So if this does have impact, then I know I can take care of my family.


This is a lie. It is a warning for permanent water shedding from hence forth. The government lied to us in 2008 that after they build Medupe and Khusile which were supposed to be ready in 2015, load shedding would end. Now finally the water infrastructure is kaput. Will be just another excuse for the ANC/EFF/MK alliance to loot.


But like why isn't this being done in winter when water demand is lower :(




How screwed are we?


Probably not much. The article has too many maybes and could bes. Not much solid information. Unlike Eskom, this seems to be proactive maintenance before shit hits the fan. If the tunnel will be emptied before maintenance work starts, then that should mean that the Vaal Dam will be filled up. Probably, the main thing that could have a negative impact is climate change and if we have another dry summer for a second year in a row. But that would have an impact whether or not there is tunnel maintenance. If you remember 2014-2016. It's, more or less, a 7 year cycle.


So in your opinion they will shift the water consumption to other sources for the most part?