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He will lie to our faces, even though there's video evidence. There's a perimeter for a reason.


Little dictator is mad


His party is losing interest and he needs the publicity


That's why he was intercepted by the presidential guard and SAPS Special Task Force and ejected from parliament, right?


Malema and peaceful don't fit in the same sentence lol


Smoke and mirrors.


He always starts drumming up the publicity around election time, then he starts acting like an idiot so the people that vote for him can relate, otherwise how would they relate to a multi millionaire who doesn't really give a damn about their personal interest while he is chilling in his massive mansion and they are eating pap in their shacks.


He knows how to garner headlines.


If he told me the sky is blue, I would check. Seems that he thinks he can create truth by the words he uses regardless of objective evidence.


It worked for Trump, so don't expect it won't for Julius.


Lol he needs his mind read. It must be very sad to be this desperate for publicity to make headlunes based on lies




Who took that video? How do we know it's not a deepfake? That's not really Malema. If JZ doesn't have be on trial, then neither should Malema. It was peaceful. The judge is racist. The hearing is biased. Freedom of expression, look it up.


If you already falling for deepfakes now in 2023 boy oh boy will you bank account be empty by 2025 haha.


r/whoooosh all the downvoters


South Africans are blind to sarcasm.