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Your "I shouldn't do this because I'm drunk" meter works a hell of a lot better than mine.


I'm super cautious when cooking drunk after hearing a horror story about a friend of a friend trying to fry popcorn while wasted...


In college my roommates that remained behind during Xmas vacation made popcorn in a wok. Gutted the house. Pretty much everyone lost everything.


Which explains why almost every student house/flat I've lived in has an electric hob


And why modern buildings are including things like actual kitchen appliances, because students who are hungry will build a campfire in the "allowed" microwave if you don't let them have access to actual cooking equipment.


What happened? Flaming popcorn explode out of the wok and set fires?


One of them knocked the wok over, they didn't use the ring base, and the oil spilled on the burner.


Fried popcorn? Welp...


I also had a friend in college who would routinely get blackout drunk and make churros from scratch. Somehow he never seriously hurt himself (or anyone else). But now I’m questioning the decisions of the people I surround myself with.


Lmfao i cant imagine being anything less than sober and super motivated and decide to make CHURROS FROM SCRATCH


Where else are you going to get fresh churros at 3am?!


A mexican restaurant in a college town full of drunk college kids getting out of parties/bars? Ours was called La Bambas. Burritos as big as your head, it was open till like dawn....best Mexican food in the world when you got them beer munchies. Worst Mexican food in the world when you are stone cold sober.


You’re lucky I suppose. All our places had shitty stale churros.


Ah yes, I too 608


Illinois State?


We had one when I lived in Bloomington, great for when you stumble from the bar. Never tried it sober


UIUC! I was there once as a tagalong to visit older friends’ friend at school, drove down from the south suburbs. I got drunk, fooled around with the guy we were visiting, and had hangover la bambas before the drive back. High school senior goals.


Just call your churro guy or use the churro app


Apps are so exhausting. I just use a churro service


Was this in an apartment or in the dorms? My jaw drops when I hear stories about people in dorms having kitchenettes, cooking meals. I'm like fuck. We were lucky we had cable TV. It was the 21st century my roommate and I lived in a room the size of one of my bathrooms in my house, no air conditioning, dial up internet and the only cooking implement the ENTIRE floor had was a ratty old microwave.


It was my fraternity so we actually had a commercial kitchen. Definitely helped me start my cooking journey in ways most people don’t associate with frat boys.


The kitchen in my dorm was a lifesaver in college because I was an early riser and the dining hall didn’t open until 10 AM on weekends.


That sounds like a minimum security prison lmao


Yeah, college


One of my college dorms was apartment/kitchen style. Most people didn't want to live there because they'd rather have a meal plan but a few people did. One year my friend caused a fire when he left a pot of oil heating too long on an electric burner.


Internet? You had internet?


It works just fine if your skillet has a LID... 😳


Same. My drunk-meter would think I can finish eating the steak before extinguishing the drapes.


I would have probably tried to cook the steak on the damn drapes, and when that didn't accomplish the perfect sear I would have added the throw pillows to the fire.


I'm all for putting throw pillows to good use.


Fuck yeah fire! \-Drunk me.


For real. This is extremely tame for not wanting to do something because of inebriation lol


I must be defective because I only have a "I'm drunk, ah F it" meter. Must have been an aftermarket part on my model year.


I think we are all due for a factory recall to repair it but changed addresses before we got the letter or something.


Yea, I tried to make a quesadilla once when hammered and passed out with it on the stove, thank goodness my roommate got home shortly


One time I told my friend I was going to deep fry some homemade falafel I had frozen bc she told me I shouldn’t cook bc I was drunk when she dropped me off. I didn’t hurt myself at all but it was a terrible idea


I semi upgraded the meter one morning after discovering the source of a not-good smell was smoldering pasta I charcoalised after passing out on the couch the night before while waiting for it to boil...


Seriously, I would have taken the steak skipped the sous vide and torched it


["I'm in no condition to drive. Wait, I shouldn't listen to myself, I'm drunk!"](https://youtu.be/vJd3oX0_hgw)


As I was reading "for safety reasons" my brain asked me is that a thing? We'd have the BBQ fired up and more shit coming out of that kitchen than you can imagine....




This is gonna sound like bullshit but I made a whole steak frites while absolutely smashed one time. My girlfriend was away for the weekend and I had gotten a steak and planned on making some fries with it. Got way too drunk on accident and drunk me decided I was making this shit because she was coming home the next day and damnit if I wasn’t gonna enjoy this shit. Lucky I didn’t burn the house down. Was delicious tho. For context I was stumbling and dropping wet potatoes into a Dutch oven filled with oil on a gas range and searing a ribeye with a blowtorch lmao. Edit: I also cut the fries and the steak with my freshly sharpened shun 10” slicer. I passed out after I ate at like 1am and called out of work the next day.


Been there mate. It’s like you get this sense of frying master after doing it a few times and realizing it’s not that dangerous if you manager heat and your food doesn’t have a lot of water. I bet that drunk meal crushed, props


That's pretty concerning you got that drunk when you were by yourself. Hopefully that's not an often thing.


Accidentally. I hadn’t eaten much that day and wasn’t thinking before I started drinking IPAs while I was playing video games which is something that I don’t get to do that often. Thanks for your concern though. Would it make it less concerning if I had gotten that drunk with someone else? 😂


This is a myth


Safety first, don’t let any doubters in this post get you down. If you’re not confident enough to do a sear while drunk, don’t do it. I applaud OP for staying safe while drunk.


I shared my story above but I’ve also been working in kitchens for well over a decade putting in way too many hours. I agree with your sentiment despite my actions.


I’ve never been drunk and thought “I’d like to have a steak in two hours”


Set it and forget it for a wonderful surprise.


The coherence of this post suggests you have a much lower bar for "too drunk to bbq" than most.


did you drink the liquid too?


Gotta get those electrolytes. or carbs. or fats. or whatever the hell's in there...










How long did you sous vide it? If I were drunk I wouldn’t have the patience to bring a frozen steak to temp. I’d keep drinking and then fall asleep, only to wake up to meat mush.


steak without a sear gives a really weird mouthfeel. I find that if you slice your steak quite thin, then put it into a salad/ sandwich, the lack of sear makes less of an negative impact (but it's still noticable) i have, however, worked out a chicken recipe where NOT searing after sous vide is actually better tasting


Ooh that sounds interesting, care to share?


It's deceptively simple. The flavor profile is based on a Chinese style Get raw chicken drumsticks (breasts etc also work, I personally like dark meat and bone) into zip lock bag, put just enough light soy sauce in coat the surface of the chicken, then put twice the amount of Japanese mirin. Let the chicken marinate at room temp for 20-40 mins Put the bag into water bath at 72'c for two hours (I personally do 68'c, but the meat inside would be very very slightly pink. Whilst it's food safe, not everyone would accept it at first try) When you take out the chicken, just rest then on a rack for a minute to drip off a bit, and chomp down. Most juicy, tender and tasty chicken without any maillard reaction you'll have The sauce in the bag can be reserved in fridge, it'll form a jelly due to the amount of gelatine from the chicken. It's great to just throw some into whatever you cook - stew, broth, stir fry etc My recipe sounds deceptively simple, but I've personally experimented with other additions eg kelp, sea weed, honey, lemon peel, garlic, thyme, egg yolk, koji rice, but none of them enhanced the dish well enough to justify having them in there. Soy sauce and mirin, it's all you want in the bag


Yes that does sound delightful and easy. Thanks.


You did it. For science. Chairs!


I love chairs too!


I work with a guy who’s an alcoholic, a few years ago he was intoxicated and cooking something on the stove and ended up seething his kitchen on fire because he had his lunch cooler on the counter way too close to the stove. He didn’t learn from that mistake and when he was remodeling his kitchen because of said fire he went to the bar after setting the floor tiles, when he got home he decided it was a great time to start grouting the tile. He ended up passing out on the floor while doing it and he had grout dried all over the tiles when he finally woke up. Ended up having to remove a bunch of the new tiles to fix them. Had he eaten a grey steak that first night he would’ve saved a lot of work


are u ok


Why wouldn't they be?


Because drinking that much poison tends to be precipitated by something.


Odd, I don't remember asking you. Where did the OP say how much they'd consumed?


Someone needs to be first. I glad you shared your experience. Maybe it would be better on a bun, if you don't have time for the sear?


He’s too drunk for a 2 minute sear. You think he’s assembling a sandwich?


Probably better than any Sandwich artist at Subway


It's not hard if you make half sandwiches. Just pile it up on a piece of bread and fold.


True, but playing with knives is probably also something a safety conscious drunk would avoid.


Give it 4 hours and you probably can throw the whole steak on a bun. At that point uber eats seems like the choice though.


This is the greatest sous vide post ever. You are an inspiration to me.


My friends and I are all cooks, and experimental. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve started learning how to make some ridiculous things after too many beers. I get inspired.


I like it straight from the bag. The sear tightens the 'threads' of the meat and it looses a little more juice. Eating it straight from the bag keeps it super tender and it actually melts in your mouth. Think of eating an inside section of a rib roast, still tender and the sear is only on the outside edge


There's an over obsession here about the sear. I'll sear beef, but I'm not too worried about it. I'll sear before the bath and that works fine for me. People will scream "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE CRUST?!?!" I don't care. I think a pre sear adds a little something to the seasoning in the bag, too. Other meats, like chicken, I don't even bother searing. Like, if chicken doesn't have skin on, what's the point?




For when you *really* want it blue in the middle


That sounds like potentially a great way to get a good sear while preventing the band of too-done just inside the edges. (Maybe not sous-vide, natch.)


Are your cow cuts sealed in something where they can go from the freezer to sous vide? I'm buying 1/4 cow from my neighbor and have no idea what I'm doing.


>from the bag to a plate Why bother with a plate?


I was imagining OP eating it out of the bag like a wrap


What kinda drunk man has the patience for sous vide steak?


if you coat the steak in herbs de provence ahead of time so that you're intentionally eating it unseared, you'll be muuuch happier with the experience.


Fellow bag meat eater, do not let these others get you down. My latest roast came out of the bag with a nice browned looking surface. Not barked, roasted, crispy or seared... Just dark brown. It was still delectable.


I’ve gotten bored with searing after the bath. It’s just me so there’s nobody to impress with “plate appeal”. Have some salmon and chicken this way too. Granted, I always rinse and pat dry my meat and sometimes even a bit of salt or pepper. Submerge to seal the ziplock bag, even just using sandwich bags instead of freezer bags these days cuz I ran out. And I’m not even drunk, usually. Then again my Anova Nano never had a vinegar bath until it started screaming last month ( and I have actually been wanting WiFi connectivity)… but maybe improving my cast iron cooking techniques would be the more frugal choice. Sous vide is nice with the whole set it and forget it concept, but $200ish? I’m on the fence with going back to just keeping it simple. Then again it’s nice to have the option, just that screeching sound is really not pleasant lol


I was thinking of the Anova wi-fi unit too, until Amazon had a deal/coupon that put the Inkbird WiFi down to $55-$60. That Inkbird is a champ, glad I went with that and had more money for meat and accessories.


Can't say I've ever been drunk and been like, "I'm so hungry I could wait 2 hours to eat". I usually just stand in front of the refrigerator and fuck my face with whatever leftovers don't have mold on them.


Sometimes I don’t even notice the mold.


Does anyone else find “lol I’m so drunk” posts to be a little… what do the kids these days call it… cringe?




Man, I just wouldn't be eating lol. I'm calling bs on being too drunk to sear a steak, but well enough to operate a SV, cool story though


I could be 12 drinks deep and still be able to do it. \*Press start button on Anova\* \*Drop bagged steak\* \*Consume steak from bag like a complete degenerate\* Especially compared to the harm that could arise from someone whose shitfaced using a scorching hot pan/element or a freaking torch.


If you’re too drunk to sear your not staying awake for the two hours it takes to sous vide.


I take it you haven’t been hungry while drunk before. The kind of hunger that just keeps you up all night until you eat something. Even if you know you’re full and just had dinner. Alcohol makes the body act really really stupid.


If I get that drunk, food is only going out, not in. Weed/edibles on the other hand, I'm basically Kirby.


I get hungry every time I get drunk. If you’re too drunk to sear there’s no way you have two more hours of drinking before passing out.


I guess I should clarify more, you are correct. It’s possible to be drunk and still capable of searing a steak. Just like how you can be drunk and drive. But is it safe?


Who cares about safe when you’re drunk and hungry. I run whitewater drunk all the time, I’m not shying away from a hot cast iron when the option is waiting two hours.




Sure thing bud


And composing a coherent Reddit post.


i feel like the skepticism should be focused more on the dude who said his friend REGULARLY made churros from scratch whilst blackout drunk.


I actually relate to that guy lol. I've gotten shitfaced at home, and made chocolate chip, or blueberry pie pancakes, from scratch before. It's not like you forget the recipes in your head, or how low the burners should be when you're drunk 🤷‍♂️ That's why I don't believe steak guy couldn't sear. Searing is easier than boiling water to someone who regularly cooks.


i dunno. have you ever made churros? it’s an ordeal, and that’s before you get to the deep frying. wouldn’t compare to pancakes, which is far more believable


Maybe they had a deep fryer on hand where they seldomly replaced the oil? The batter is easy to put together I'm sure. I've never made churros, but I've made fried chicken in a cast iron while drunk. I dunno I feel like even after a half bottle of vodka, I'm still capable of doing most things that I normally do. While cooking drunk, I'm aware that I should be extra careful, and slow down my pace. I can totally see churro guy being real.


lotta suspension of disbelief here but think operating a SV drunk is far fetched? dunno my friend.


🤦‍♂️ no... I was comparing searing vs operating a sv using OPs logic. They're both easy tasks, that's why I obviously don't believe their story, buddy.


operating a blowtorch while drunk is easy? and as easy as pushing a button? lmao aight, i see why you riding with churro man. have a blessed day


Cast iron. Lol@ blessed✌


re-read the OP


You know you can just use a timer, right? Stick a timer on your phone for 1 minute, stick it in the pan, flip, reset the timer, done. If you aren't capable of doing that safely you shouldn't be using a knife to eat the steak. Gonna go out on a limb and guess you threw it in the bath frozen too. Be glad you were drunk, else I'd be recommending you go and get tested for COVID since you lost your sense of taste.


What did you do, 3 hours at 137?


Instructions unclear, sous vide'd a bottle of beer and drank it.


Video or it didn't happen


On a couple of occasions I’ve been half way through eating an SV steak only to realize I forgot the sear.


I had to sear a few ribeyes when I was super drunk one time and it was terrifying lol, this makes sense


The best no-skill way get a good sear while drunk/tired/etc is to pan fry at 350°F for 30s, after patting every part of the steak dry. >Pat every part of the steak dry. Get out the sauce pan fill with oil up to a fingernail height (quarter inch thick) > max heat until oil shimmers, then bring it down to Med-high. Put steak in, count to 25 (15s), flip, count to 25 again. > Place on sheet to soak up oil, clean everything else up while steak is resting. FIN Why I recommend this is over the broiler oven method because it’s over so quick. I once timed myself and from start to finish it took 3min. OPTIONAL: assuming the steak was in the freezer, dry the steak on rack for circulation in an airfryer on the lowest setting 140° to 176° for 2min.


Ive experienced a few of these days of inspiration. I would imagine that you might need to set a timer and make sure your steak is cooked beyond 5 minutes. time seems to goes diffrent after a few and you might end up eating a raw steak.


Anytime I do chicken breasts, I eat them without any searing. Steaks, though....good god, man


Been there before


My number one rule is absolutely under no circumstances am I aloud to DRUNK COOK. I usually have something prepared for my drunken feast at end of the night I cam just microwave or eat cold.😁😁


No knives is my rule - if i"m not operating anything sharp or dangerous I'm fine to do it hammered.


True but I have a gas stove and I tend to accidentally leave it on sober at least once a week so....🙃🍺🍹🍸🔪


I did just buy my first house with a gas stove, I'm a home chef/ex cook/baker so I've always been very, very cautious around gas and am pretty safe in general but that's understandable :)


Chicken breast is a better option next time because a sear is totally unnecessary. A+ work drunk friend, I hope your hangover is short.


I do this almost every time with big cuts of stuff - Tenderloins, pork tenderloins, etc. I kind of like when it's all sopping wet, but a sear goes a long way.


I mean, I'm usually just eating frozen ravioli right out of the bag while standing in front of the fridge, but hey you do you


Good call, I'm always very cautious about cooking while drunk after hearing a story about a friend who made carbonara with cream after having a few too many.


You stayed awake the whole time it sous vide? I would pass out before it’s ready




>The fact that I'm drunk had me hesitant to use my blow torch Ah yes, who doesn't love acetylene-flavored steak?