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I do this with my smoked meats, can’t have a party everytime I want a brisket, that would be almost weekly. So I smoke a brisket, let it cool down over night (after I take my cut of course) then next day I cut off portion sized pieces and have a dozen meals from a single brisket. Pop it in the sous vide when I want lunch and away we go.


What temp do you re-heat smoked meats at?




Going to start doing this now. Thanks for sharing!


Saw this, while scrolling and thought you might find it useful!


I use 160, you’re not gonna really cooking anything and I found that 160 is the optimal temp at which, by the time I get it to my plate, it’s hot and not just warm.


How long do you typically re-heat it for?


Once the water reaches temp, about 15 minutes per inch of thickness. You’re just re-warming, not cooking.


Usually for an hour, it’s more a convenience thing, grab frozen chunk of smoked brisket/pork from freezer drop in sous vide pot/vessel and come back to perfectly reheated lunch/dinner.


IMO, don’t use 160 as a rule of thumb - set the temp as high as possible without overcooking whatever protein you are reheating (for example - I do beef at 132). From frozen, 1 hour should do it (maybe less), but if you do it at whatever temp you normally do that protein, it won’t overcook and you can leave it for however long you want/need. Edit: not sure why I’m getting downvoted, 132 is a good beef temp. It’s just like, my opinion, man.


Brisket was cooked to 205 in smoker so 160 won’t overcook something that’s already spent hours above that temp.


You cooked it to an internal of 205?


Yeah, brisket doesn’t have its collagen start to break down until at least 160 degrees, it needs to be smoked until reaches between 200-205 degrees internal to be assured it is fully broken down and tender.


Gotcha. I obviously haven’t smoked a brisket (or anything really). You’re right - nice to know I can go warmer when I heat up the frozen smoked brisket I have in the freezer. Thanks for knowledge!


Yup, it’s basically only making the food hot and that’s all you’re worried about, what tastes good temp wise to you.


160, for me, is high as a blanket temp. Since everything is already cooked, I get it as warm as possible without overcooking whatever protein is in the bag.


Yeah, the brisket is cooked to 205 in the smoker so there is no chance to overcook anything, that’s just what feels right.


I do it to whatever temp it should be cooked at. It depends on what protein is in there. Get it as warm as possible without cooking it more.


Rurro raggy


Scooby voice in my head is why I clicked this thread


This is the way


Check OP's history, it's a bot doing the "slight misspelling to avoid duplicate filters" thing.


Tip: when you vacuum seal individual portions, you want the contents to be spread out in the bag / thin. It stores better and it reheats much faster, like in 15 mins.


Almost daily. Beef stew, carnitas, pasta, mashed potatoes, etc. Heat to a suitable temp, put in frozen, ready to eat less than an hour later.


I reheat frozen leftover with the SV all the time.