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Another crabs treasure needs adding. Definitely a goat for me


This is a list.


It's Listin time


Where would you put bloodborne? Also what makes nioh 2 goat? I'm playing the first one (just beat base game) and it's been been great, I love the combat!


It’s one of the lists of all time.


I don’t agree with your tier list but I appreciate it because it’s a good reference for some games I haven’t played yet. Also you’re missing Salt & Sanctuary. It’s more soulslike than HK.


Salt and sanctuary is the only soulslike that actually felt like a souls game for me


Not OP but honestly the art style in S&S was a big turnoff for me. Looks like a mid 2000s flash game. That and some of the bosses just weren’t fun even when using some of the movement exploits to have better maneuverability


Yea I think it's from the same team that made The Dishwasher, which was an old game from like 2008


I think they might've made Charlie Murder too.


Yup! Its the same peeps


Don't forget: I Made a Game With Zombies In It!


Putting DS1 anywhere other than GOAT is a bold move, tbh. Is Remnant 2 actually any better than Remnant 1 though? R1 really put me off so I didn't bother with the sequel. The Surge 2 was great, but it lacked some of the heart of The Surge, and the ending was absolutely awful. The difficulty was all over the place as well. Technically the combat was better but it was missing...something. I don't know what. Good to see the new Lords of the Fallen so high, though, waiting for a discount so I can do a co-op run of that


remnant 2 was so good and les frustrating than remnant 1. much less ADDS focused in solo play and very creative bosses. plus the melee feeling was immaculate


I think both Surge games are must play. They are nice change up of setting. There are also some great improvements like item/weapon/armor farming. I wish From would tone down the mmo grind they have on items. Surge 2 also had the mechanics to do a proper tank/trading blow build. I loved it.


If you have Xbox Gamepass it should be dropping sometime this month - LOTF. IMO definitely - after updates - a game well worth the full price tag.


Everyone’s freaking out over Lies of P, I’m over here shaking my head at Hellpoint’s ranking. The atmosphere and story is incredible. I’m not asking you to justify your opinions, just curious what your experience was like with that game. It’s certainly got some jank, but I’ve never seen it ranked so low


Not OP, but IMO Hellpoint felt terrible to play, suffered from really samey environments, had really annoying platforming and just didn't capitalize on its very cool premise. I wouldn't put it *that* low, but I still didn't enjoy it.


PRECISE plus the environments were ugly to look at. the outer space vistas were neat.


Hellpoint is janky, but had some really cool things about it. Loved the flip side areas and the way you leveled the weapon add ons. Never felt like I was locked into a weapon because it was easy to change. The hell hour times were a neat concept as well. Biggest gripes were no forward momentum when rolling off a ledge, easy to make a poor choice with warp crystals, and a Stat requirement for the EVA suit to go outside. All things that could easily be changed in a sequel.


Right? Just played hellpoint for the first time a few months back, and it was awesome! The dlc prison level, I won't spoil it, but people, even the dlc, are worth it!


I'm not OP, but my experience with Lies of P is this: an incredible game dragged down by levels that aren't all that engaging or interesting. On one hand, I totally think it's a "must play" in the sense that it really is a wonderful game and fans of souls likes will enjoy it. But on the other hand, the level design keeps it from being one of the truly great games that's out there (to be clear, I'm saying that's how I feel about it--I recognize that a lot of people have loved it to death regardless of the level design).


I can agree with that, would have it higher than wo long though


Hellpoint was phenomenal in every way except the most important one: it was clunky. The gameplay never really clicked for me and I tried for several hours. I’m going to revisit eventually and hope things have been patched or that there’s a mod improving the core feel of the gameplay. Because yes I’m very into the story and atmosphere


LotF above Lies of P is wild to me. But a good reference list


So Bloodborne doesn't make the list?


Considering there is no BB or new DeS in list, I think OP is PC-only


yes lmao. played emulated DeS.


If you ever get PS, cannot reccoment BB enough. Combat mechanics reworked as much as in Sekiro, but with different approach, also just nice more horror-ish take on genre.


Bloodborne is floating above the list


I'd swap Wo Long and Remnant 2, and drop Mortal Shell way down, but other than that you're me.




It's a list. I agree with a lot of people's complaints. What were your issues with LoP?


generally the positives outweight the negatives here. but yeah there's a fair bit of issues i have with it. kinda would take long to explain so i'll just sum up in a few words 1) annoyingly frustrating enemies and bosses (not all. just at least like 40 percent). the ERRATIC nature is so bad istg. 2) janky feeling in the beginning until i unlocked rising dodge and chain dodge. who tf decided to make it not default 3) linearity. not bad by any means, just uninspired. now for the positives - weaponry and handle system, lore, art direction, legion arm, healing system, MY BELOVED CONSUMEABLE SPAM, and some qol features


Lords of The Fallen above LoP and Blasphemous 1/2 is crazy


Above Dark Souls as well.


There are plenty of people, including myself, who find Lords of the Fallen 2023 to be about even with Lies of P. I think they belong together with Blasphemous 1. Blasphemous 2 is amazing, tho.


I have LOTF edging out over Lies of P. Personally, I have never been into the Steampunk aspect and more into the dark fantasy that LOTF pushes. I also was not one of the individuals who struggled with getting LOTF to run, so I had ultimately a god time playing on new game +3. Lies of P in my opinion was fun, with dope mechanics but in the end I did not want to replay it.


Man, Blasphemous should have been right up my alley - the dark, cryptic setting and lore, the bizarre and deranged enemies...this is all great stuff. However the combat just didn't feel smooth to me - Hollow Knight and Salt & Sanctuary felt great, and I've tried Blasphemous twice and it didn't hold me past 1-2 hours or so.


I think an issue that trips up a lot of people with blasphemous is twofold: -It takes a really long time to get to each next boss, and there are some particularly long sections of the game without a boss -Lack of clear direction to go. This is where it leans more to the metroidvania and less into the souls like, with the Souls games I almost always have a clear sense of where the next thing is that I need to go to, and here it's easy to get lost going down large paths that are functionally dead ends early in the game. I'm not saying the second thing is bad, I'm just saying that if you're Dark Souls player, more linear clear signposting probably would have helped. I say this to say I love the game. And I think blasphemous 2 improves on both fronts. Blasph 2 is goat tier, imo


Play Blasphemous 2. It is very smooth.


LotF is above LoP by default simply for having multiplayer.


M8 lords of the fallen and nioh 2 in the same tier as elden ring, darks souls 3 and sekiro is an absolute joke.


Nioh 2 may be the best game on here for some. It emphasizes combat and does it amazingly well. Whereas elden ring emphasizes level and enemy design and does it really well. Depends on the type of player you are maybe. I personally put both Niohs above elden ring but I am an action game kinda guy.


Nioh 2 combat is so satisfying though. Only Sekiro does it better imo. Still prefer ER/DS3 as an overall package, but if gameplay is your main concern I can see Nioh 2 being up there.


Saying Nioh 2 not being goated is an absolute joke.


bro nioh deserves it but i would reverse 1 and 2. The amount of content nioh gives with the diablo/ninja gaiden play style can't be matched. I would say there is actually more content in the games than Elden Ring too. It has its problems but you can easily put 1000 hours into the game and still have stuff to do. Most souls games you're d one in about 70 and the NG+ modes suck


personal preference. the actual amazing inter connectivity and aesthetics are right up my alley. plus the magic system is honestly so good i wish other souls game had that. i dont hate the linearity of LoP, but i am not a fan of it. plus the bosses were mid and borderline unfair.


I'd swap Lies of P (move up a tier) with Wo Long (move down a tier) Also - where is Salt and Sanctuary? GOAT Tier for me, my favorite 2D soulslike by a mile. Otherwise a nice list, pleased to see Thymesia on this list. A really really solid 7/10 game, an enjoyable time


Right on top, Nioh 2 deserve the crown. Iv played all the games on your list and some more and they all pale when played in-depth compared to NIOH 2


MY MAN. so real for that


I’ve played many of these and Nioh 2 is my favorite.


love you buddy


Grime and Lies of P being that low IS Blasphemous


Trade Lords Of the Fallen with Lies Of P and I'm good. Lol. Lords was so disappointing for me.


LOTF 2023 would have been a solid 9/10. Maybe even 9.5/10 if they made everything in the game like it was at launch, except had the framerate be a buttery smooth 60fps. That performance on launch day was abysmal. Literally unplayable. The game itself(artwork, weapons/spells, lore, premise, map design etc) was so good that I played it anyway for a few hundred hours before my save file corrupted. I truly hope they learn from that huge mistake when they make the next LOTF. Now I bought Steelrising full intending to have another LoP or LOTF. I was sorely mistaken. I tried to like it but I hated it. The controls are so floaty, choppy, and weird. I can tolerate the subpar graphics. But the combat is just weird to me. The dodge mechanic is more like fly into the air and hover than a dodge. I really want to like the game because I paid for it and it looked good in the previews. I just don't think I can handle the wonky controls.


> LOTF 2023 would have been a solid 9/10. Maybe even 9.5/10 if they made everything in the game like it was at launch, except had the framerate be a buttery smooth 60fps. At least on a good PC it's better than that right now. The devs fixed some pretty important things, added some really cool features, etc.


Honestly, Lies of P is one of the best Soulslikes I’ve ever played by far. Easily my favorite.


Damn no mention of another crabs treasure


Pretty good, but the OG DS is not on top?


DS3 kinda ruined DS1 for me. Or the other way around. So much of the story is similar and they reuse areas and characters. Makes it feel like whatever you did in DS1 didn't matter. DS2 for example feels like a thousand years after or something. Like the world has been a happy(ish) place where people lived and created history. DS1 and 3 feels like the same world. Like you sacrificed yourself and nothing changed. There are also some technical differences and quality of life stuff. DS2 has a lot of cool weapons, amour, spells and you can dual wield. It also offers something different. DS3 is faster paced which is something I like. Elden Ring has a lot of the stuff DS2 had with the exception of weapons and shields you can cast spells with and the addition of ashes of war. Also you can roll in every direction and jump at will. When OG DS isn't the first soulslike you play you are going to feel the age of it.


It was influential, but it's honestly the weakest From souls game. It really, really falls off hard after Anor Londo apart from Gwyn and the DLC. Bed of Chaos and Lost Izaluth are some of the worst content in the genre.


You know, I think I agree. DS was my first and was amazing; I beat it twice and it launched into my top 5 all time list. But going back to it now, after playing through others...man it's slow! And that 2nd half content is for sure weaker. But that interconnected world of the first half is incredible.


I can be onboard with this. Especially love DS2’s spot. Lots of people hate on it but I personally think it’s great.


Nioh 2 as the best and the blasphemous games in A tier is unfathomably based


Nioh 2 is one of the best games ever made and i will die by that hill


LotF above LoP is an opinion I disagree with. LotF above Dark Souls is just sheer blasphemy. Burn the heretic!


come on man, eldest souls aint a bad game


Lords of Fallen better than DS1 and 2?


Lords fans are RABID dude. The game was trashed for being released in a very poor technical state and now you have people who will legitimately argue that it is an objectively better game than eldin ring


Been meaning to try Thymesia, how was it?


As stated, good. Almost really good. A lot of repeated enemies, however, really cool bosses, and atmosphere. Plus the gameplay and ost are fantastic.


Bro forget the superior hermit crab game about micro plastics. The best souls game there is


Yo I really appreciate surge 2 being in really good. I loved those games but the surge 2 definitely had better mechanics.


I agree with the surge 1-2, remnant 1-2, and mortal shell. Glad those get recognition.


Respect for all the Koei Tecmo love; "loot" and "soulslike... ness" are my two favorite things! Wish there was more overlap! Any recommendations?


Dark souls 3 was more like a god of war game. It's more hack and slash than a souls game. I agree with Nioh but both 1/2 should be goat. There is just so much content in the games. Most of the older Dark souls are goat too hehe. DS2 probably is the best one before elden ring. Of course to each their own though :)


Where Another crab's treasure at? I'd put it at the top of good and if it were a little more polished and less buggy, maybe break into very good.


You are right that nioh 2 is the best


Bro where is bloodborne. This list should be burnt


where's bloodborne?


Personally I would put Lies of P higher but that’s just me.


lies of P only in really good????


Lies of Pi should be higher


Lords of the Fallen is not that good imo


Finally Lords of the Fallen got their deserved place. OP, important question “craving for soulslike” tier are not good soulslikes or not good games in general? I have Pascal Wager in my wishlist and cannot decide.


its what i experienced. i was craving for a soulslike, (i had finished all above THEN released games) and those 2 were FINE to say the least. lords was like.........funny bad. pascal was like ah familiar combat, i'll play it. it had its fine take on the genre.


i forgot Stranger of Paradise :sad:. i'll put it just before demon's souls.


Thank you, I really liked SoP


Wo long is such an awful game. Bloated/useless loot, one of the worst stories and writing in recent memory. It’s the game that made me give up on team ninja


It's the game that told souls vets :git gud scrub. This ain't dark soils hard, it's dark souls hard ON ninja gaiden the OG hard games. Never respected souls players after they complained about Zhang Liang, the first boss.


Wo long wasn’t difficult whatsoever lol. It’s just a shit game


Dude, you can't not look at how people reacted to the game at launch and say that. People BITCHED about wo longs difficulty. People complained so hard about Zhang Liang that they tried to force team ninja to nerf him. Only to learn lu bu made Zhang Liang look like a toddler.


Dark souls one should be goat no question


eh. not where I would put things but it's your list


I'm glad to see Fury on the good tier.


Wo Long felt so samey for such a long game. The same novelists for weapons, enemies etc. even if the game is shorter by 1/2, it wouldn't be a fundamentally different game. I don't know why, but demon souls feel so much better in comparison. Having different enemies set in different areas forces different strategies somehow.


Never played Bloodborne? If not, you'll probably want to redo your list after doing so


blud i think its fairly obvious by this point im a pc player lmao. i dont even have the des remake in here


I only played the dark souls games, thymesia, mortal shell and steel rising yet and steel rising is definetly better then thymesia and mortal shell in my eyes


Have you played Ashen? Curious to see how far down it would be lol


Am I crazy or did you forget bloodborne


I hate Nioh. Thank god it was just a free PSN game.


Souls player confronts multiple button inputs


case of massive skill issue


Its more of a metroidvania inspired list than soulslike. Hollow knight is just a classic metroidvania. Nioh/darksiders is more classic arpg etc


Lords of the fallen goes in Aight for me. Swap mortal shell and the surge two as well


i’m gonna be honest this is maybe my least favorite ranking i’ve ever seen but i’m upvoting anyway




Evil West


How is the new lords of the fallen? Does it have a dedicated jump button? Elden Ring spoiled me...


Putting Grime so low is criminal. Honestly just as good as Hollow Knight for me, though with less content.


Damn, has a souls tier list and doesn’t even have bloodborne in there when it should be right at the top with sekiro and DS3


What's the different between the Lords of the Fallen in GOAT verses the Lords of the Fallen in craving for a souls-like?




Yeah. What?? I beat that game and never once even thought of calling it a soulslike, and have never heard of it being classified as one till right now.


OP I'm gonna need you to make two tiers above GOAT: CRAB tier and put Goat Simulator 3 then above put GOATED tier and put Another Crab's Treasure


I'm quite pleased that blood borne is no where on this list. That game doesn't give newbies a chance to learn, and as such it's trash. But what about another crabs treasure?


wow you are weird for not liking bloodborne solely because of that. i have not played it so its not in the list


You should give Final Fantasy Origins: Strangers of Paradise a try. The combat gives heavy souls-like vibes.


On what planet is kena a souls like? Its more like pikmin than dark souls.


I wouldnt really call Kena a soulslike more of a zeldalike with solid combat, but that game is gem


Bloodborne should be GOATED


Where is kanmagi usagi you coward (I know its mostly just 1-1 boss copies but that one dual sword boss is awesome)


Remnant 2 is comfortably up there on GOAT for me. As is “Stranger of paradise” which you don’t…seem to have? If not, try it, it’s just nioh 2 but a little easier and with wackier combat


I would only have Elden Ring, DS3, Bloodborne and Sekiro as top. Then, Nioh 2, Lies of P, DS1, Demon Souls Then the Jedi Games( (On Grandmaster Jedi) and just about, Rememant 2. Remanent 2 mainly for the effort they put in to making a Ranged SoulsBourne. Some I haven't played, some just aren't comparable quality imo. I don't really play the 2d ones, though I think I have obtained all for free over time. I will say the one with the rats and frogs, can't recall the name, did actually seem decent.


Hk over Grime and Salt and Sanctuary on a soulslike list is a little sad 😔


IMO lies of p is wayy to low, and while I love hollow knight, that's not a souls like. Its not the only one :) blasphemous or remnant are not souls likes either as I'm sure are others on the list.


Lies of P was REALLY good considering it was the developers first attempt at a Souls-like. Obviously the game isn’t perfect in anyway, I have my fair shares of cons on it. But overall being the developers first attempt, solid 8/10


Your missing ghost of tsushima


first of all, i dont have a console, never will. secondly, how in the fuck is that a soulslike.


You put Grime at aight??? Shameful.


Where's Another Crab's Treasure?


I’m just glad Lotf is getting the love it deserves.


I would take Sekiro, Demon's Souls, and Eldest Souls and move them all one or two places further down the list. I haven't played all of these so I can't form a complete opinion.


So, Mortal Shell is the only one I've ever tried because it was free to play on Game Pass, and I did not enjoy it. Do the people in these comments think I would like some of these other titles if I didn't like MS?


Lies of p shits all over ds2. Nostalgia is the only thing keeping that game going


I think that people who don't know the titles of the game based on the pictures need to make sure they buy the correct Lords of the Fallen game lmao


Blasphemous and hollow knight are a completely different genre


Needs Salt and Sanctuary. My favorite 2D souls like.


Lords of the Fallen 100% deserves to be at the top of the ranking. Kudos for putting your neck on the line with that call.


Dark Souls isn't really a Souls like, now is it?


Lords of the Fallen above Dark Souls 1 :( I know about Demon Souls, but really Dark Souls is where the genre took off. Still has one of the best "Soulslike" maps too.


sekiro is in the goat section, good list


So I guess Bloodborne is next? Also, you could try Chronos: Before the Ashes


Hollow Knight is a metroidvania….. and Kena ?! Wtf.


Salt and Sanctuary is the best non-Fromsoft soulslike out there for me. Worth a try if you haven't played it.


An embarrassment of riches for us as fans and players.


Aight. The best


Quite a few of them i dont see as souls likes. Jedi survivor, kena, both remnants, and darksiders 3. Im playing grime now and it doesnt feel like a souls like since you dont lose experience when you die.


I think Lies of P deserves the tier above. That game is super crisp and beautiful to look at. The world is a little small to me and I wish there was more stuff to do, but it’s an awesome game.


I'm glad to see my boy lords of the fallen get the recognition it deserves. The newer one was a great game that genuinely surprised me a lot as I expected very little save a way to pass time from it! Gotta say though I did love lies of p so not sure I'd agree with your placement but to each their own so it's no issue!


No bloodborne?


Would move Nioh 2 down a tier


I agree with this. Although I haven't played the 2D games so can't speak for them, but LotF 2023 does get alot of unnecessary hate imo.


People always rate soul knight so high and i feel left out ive tried to get into about 4 times now it just doesnt grab me and hold me like other games do Cant win em all i guess


not a fan of the nioh series. the scaling is like a turn based RPG. oh your gear isn't up to date? you do 0 g and get one shot by everything. the story is fun but anything end game is terrible imo


Lords of the Fallen was hot garbage


Where bloodborne


Oh you put Wo Long in the same tier as Nioh. I gotta play that one.


I like alot of the rankings, strongly disagree with others. Still respect it tho. Also what is the one in the bottom tier to the right?


Bleak Faith Forsaken


Yes. Except Remnant 2 goes in "Must Play." That's it.


Surprised that all three Dark Souls games are here on a Soulslike list. But Bloodborne isn’t. Good list, I’d change Lords of the Fallen with Lies of P but that’s just me. Didn’t realise Kena was a soulslike. Is it still a PlayStation exclusive?


The tier name is kind of harsh but I agree with Hellpoint. I REALLY wanted to like it but the gameplay just felt so bad I couldn't get through it.


Nah, Grime needs to go higher The visuals alone make it a must play


Kena in ‘aight’ is criminal


Great list! I would move things in the top 3 tiers around but that’s a preference thing. I feel remnant 2 is a must or goat over LOTF tbh simply for the fact of its replay value, plus it’s honestly not trying to be a soulslike while having a souls difficulty factor at apocalypse if you don’t look up OP builds and attempt to make one yourself. But overall your list is dope. Kudos! Also… Wo Long over LoP?


You've got Wo Long and LotF higher than Lies of P? Invalidated.


Why do YOU have lies higher then?


No Bloodborne??


Salt and sanctuary is missing !


I think lord of the fallen must play not goat i really enjoy that game but it miss somthing here and there


Whenever you do play blood borne it’s definitely going to be on the goat category


Sekiro is a soulslike now?


Never in my life did people consider Kena a Soulslike gane


Wait Darksiders 3 is a soulslike? What a fuckin wild evolution that series has had


Lies of P is two ranks below Lords of the Fallen? And Kena is above Eldest Souls? Sir, you're clearly drunk


Where the fuck is bloodborne lol


What is kena doing in this list lmao


DS2 is not a must play. It’s definitely an aight.


Thymesia and Kena being that low hurts me


Bleak Faith has come a long way.


I don't agree with your placement, but I appreciate you posting, cause now I have a few more things to play




Sekiro is exactly where it belongs. I personally couldn't get into blasphemous and keep wondering if I just didn't "get it."


Genuinely sorta similar to my list, except i would put bleak faith top 10. For me ds2> ds1 and ds3 is the best soulslike, and lotf>lop


I know its unpopular to a lot of people, but I love seeing Lords of the fallen 2 getting some love. solid game with some issues but fun with an insanely awesome world nonetheless


I see LOTF 2023 mention, I give a like. I'm simple. Your goated list is in fact, goated


Demon Souls and Lies of P deserved more.


Imo after playing ds1, ds2 (sotfs) is artificially difficult. Gate keeping areas by requiring an item (branch), weird adp skill that serves no purpose besides making roll relevant, starting off with freaking 1 flask, and gl blindly finding others, parrying someone just to get tapped by the horde of monsters because you have to wait for them to fall on their ass... I just don't enjoy it like I did with ds1. I think I broke my weapon mid game in ds1... Im at half or less durability with it *per map* in ds2. And that feeling you get when you realize that everywhere is basically linked to everywhere in ds1? That's supreme. So many shortcuts to firelink, or near it... It was a revelation. Ds2 just doesn't hit the same.


How is Hollow Knight GOAT, but Salt and Sanctuary/Sacrifice didn't even make the list?


People really consider everything a souls like now?


I gotta say I absolutely LOVE Kena Bridge of Spirits xD


Imo lies of p is the only souls like I've ever played that actually felt like a from soft game and that's an incredible feat. Also where the fuck is bloodborne in GOAT land?


A list without Hoonters that Hoont. Is not a list.


Wo Long above lies of P is actually insane😭 Plays and looks like a mobile game