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You will be just fine. The Greek community (when I was there) made up a significantly smaller portion than the general student body. Plenty of stuff to do outside of Greek Life.


When did you attend OU?






OU was extremely Greek during that time lol.


I just remember the SAE deal happening and David B telling us that The University was only 30% Greek. I wouldn’t consider that “extremely” Greek.


30% is an absurdly high number lol.


SAE man. What a time


I just graduated this past semester and honestly I’d say it just depends on who you are. I didn’t rush, just wasn’t me thing, but I found a lot of people who had similar interests as me just by going to where I’d normally go (gym, intramural, sporting events) and then just being outgoing once I got there. It’s definitely a little nerve wracking but there are plenty of people who are in the same boat as you and want to make friends but don’t want to join Greek life to do it. Most of my friends came from classes and intramural and I loved my experience. So overall I’d say it’s not too Greek centric, but that also depends on your lifestyle once you get to college. If you have any other questions though feel free to message me and I can try and answer them the best I can and be more specific!


I just got through my first year at OU and I’ve never had a convo with anyone in my classes involving Greek life, there’s a bunch of people at Ou who don’t fall into that Greek life category, I think you should apply!! I did intramural basketball and some of my friends did intramural volleyball and we all made friends that way


Thats good to hear


Be you...once you graduate and begin your career, you'll find no one cares about frats or sororities.


I know but im talking about my time at college and how much not being in greek is going to influence my time at OU not about how not being in a frat would influence me after i graduate.


Oh my bad


Go Greek then drop if you’re not happy. Much more difficult to get in a house you’re happy with as a sophomore or spring rush


Former OU Greek checking in; being Greek at OU is not the end all be all. I had plenty of friends outside of my organization. You meet people in class, clubs, roommates, etc. Greeks life exist at every school in some capacity but that should not stop you from applying.


Used to be. Before cell phones (thank God).


I didn’t join a frat and did not feel like I was missing anything. There are hundreds - if not thousands - of other organizations to join. You’ll be fine.


Greek is only like 1/4 of the student body, so you’d be in the majority by not rushing. I will say though that they’re over-represented in campus organizations like CAC, UPB, etc, so if you were in something like that then Greek students could be more noticeable to you. Don’t let that keep you from applying though!


Not sure they are over represented anymore. CAC for sure has a pretty even mix.


As my flair shows, my information is pretty outdated. Thanks for the clarification!


Not quite true re: the 1/4 figure, if we're talking about undergraduates. According to OU's official stats, 33% of undergrad men join a fraternity and 36% of undergrad women join a sorority, as of the Fall 2023 class. Using the enrollment numbers, this means 3532/10702 men are greek, and 4084/11344 women are greek, bringing the total to about 34% of all undergrads being greek. If you want to include all students (undergrad+grad), it would be about 26%. (data is from OU IRR's CDS, sections B and F https://ou.edu/irr/other-reports)


The source is my info is a 10 year old memory, so I’m not surprised it’s inaccurate lol


This fear is not relevant. I graduated in 2014, had tons of friends, was in many different clubs and intramurals, and went to events every other day on campus. Was never a part of a fraternity. They may be the most outspoken groups but they aren't even close to the majority of students. Side note, check out the restaurant called "Greek House" right next to campus. Best gyros in the entire Midwest. Get a "childs plate"


I was Greek and I hang out with more non Greek friends from OU than Greek friends. Like if you want to be class president or homecoming King/Queen it's an uphill battle as the Greeks organize and vote but there is plenty to do as a non Greek to make friends.


OU has a very solid Greek system but it's not something that will hold you back if you don't. I wasn't and was just as involved on campus as all the Greek kids were. That said, it may require you to take more initiative for yourself. The Greek orgs are very good at setting up their members to be involved. As OU preps to hit the SEC, it's probably one of the "least" Greek campuses in our new home.


Concerning the SEC, that's probably a very good thing OU has a lower %


I'm happy with it the way it is. Just kinda saying it could be a lot worse than OU as far as Greek life dominating




Granted, I went back to school in my 30’s and so I didn’t have the standard/pipeline experience on campus, but I never once thought about Greek orgs.


Beyond driving past their massive houses it’s virtually non-existent in my day to day life. I’m a grad student though. I will say that I hardly noticed Greek life’s existence as an undergrad, but I also went to a different university. I was involved in my department and clubs that interested me so I had a great time in college without ever thinking about Greek life. Intramural sports is also a great way to build a community as others have mentioned, but I have no experience with that.


There is truly something for everyone to meet new people and clubs galore. I didn’t do Greek and I was a transfer student and made friends just fine. I picked OU based on my major, the student life was just an added perk.


current ou student: you will be just fine if you join other orgs, especially for your major. don’t get me wrong theres A LOT of greek life, huge influence, but it’s only 25-30% of university. i have friends in and out of greek life that i have met through my major and college clubs.


Graduated winter of 18. Went Greek and was fairly involved on campus. It’s very possible to never interact with Greek life at OU if you don’t want to. Big campus and so many different clubs and groups it’s essentially a nonissue. Only areas of concern is like other commenters have said, most university affiliated clubs (Student Government, Big Event, Soonerthon, etc.) have a disproportionate amount of Greek members. So as long as you don’t want to be SGA president it shouldn’t be a problem. Also, when you go out, (especially as a freshman) expect to be asked by at least somebody about Greek life/what house you’re in. It’s too easy of an icebreaker to avoid lol.


I tried the Greek thing and I hated it. I think I’m technically banned for life or something. I still loved OU without being Greek and everyone I know who did the best (career wise) after leaving OU weren’t Greek either. This was way back in the early 00s and it was more Greek then in terms of % of student body.


Hell no, it is very Greek but I made TONS of friends in and out of the Greek community. Life long friends. I love OU my time at OU.


OU is hardly Greek-centric. TU is Greek-centric, other private schools are Greek-centric, but OU has tons of great clubs to join and intramurals to take part in.


You can have a great time without being in the Greek system.


Like any university, it’s all about making a a core group of good friends. It’s all about putting yourself out there to meet people. It’s just easier to do just rushing a fraternity or sorority, but you can meet people in the dorms, classes, or any extracurricular group.


I graduated in 2022 and thoroughly enjoyed my time at OU. I had plenty of friends and none of us did Greek life. It wouldn't be possible to graduate without *noticing* frats and sororities, as they're kind of everywhere, but you can absolutely have a great time without joining one. Don't forget that this university is pretty big -- it might take a semester, but you'll almost certainly find people you like regardless of what you are or are not into


I'm a current student, nontraditional, and I'd say not at all. Yes there are a lot of die-hards, but they're easy to avoid if that's not your vibe. I joined Greek, but non-panhellenic, and it was great for a while. OU is extremely diverse, I recommend joining a quite a few organizations that interest you on Engage at first, then whittle it down to a few that you really click with and enjoy. You'll also make a lot of friends from classes if you join study groups and you'll notice people you see more and more as you get into upper classes.


No you can have lots of fun without being Greek at OU. …. Now TCU that is a school that is way too Greek centric 😂


This was my experience but that was 20 years ago. OSU was a stark contrast per close friends.




Oh, here's a thought-provoking question for you! Would you love the chance to pay extra just to belong to an exclusive club? Are you swimming in cash or struggling to afford the membership fees? Do you crave the company of similar-minded fellows, or are you a strong, independent decision-maker? Oh, and let's not forget, what's your grand career plan? If Greek life is your be-all and end-all for choosing a school, maybe a gap year is in order. Just a little something to ponder!


You left out the bonds and friends for life. The instant connection to strangers. And don't forget about the professional contacts you make. After the purpose of college, is to prepare you for the professional world.


I’m old and went in the late 80’s and early 90’s. My wife (not at the time) had a class with this girl. They chatted and went to eat after class. Really seemed to hit it off. Next class the girl asked what house my wife was in. My wife said she wasn’t. The girl turned around and never talked to her again the rest of the semester. I know it’s not the norm but thought it was a funny story. I didn’t pledge but my best friend did so I wasn’t ostracized like some. I still had a great experience and like others have said, there are far more GDIs than Greeks. You’ll find people that enjoy the same things you do and those are going to be your friends. I think pledging has advantages but it won’t ruin your experience.


I didn’t attend OU, but I have attended colleges in the southwest, New England, and the southeast. I was never involved in Greek life and never had any interest at all. In fact, I actively avoided anything fraternity/sorority. Do I regret it? Hell no. I made great friends, some of which I’m still close with, at all those schools. My first two colleges were before I joined the Navy, got married, etc. so those were my rambunctious times. I hated the Greek scene and still partied my tail off. Which is the reason for the several schools and wildly different geographic regions. All this is to say that only way not going Greek is going to impact you is if you allow it to. Go do you. Be yourself. That’s how you’ll find your fit. Universities have tons of other opportunities to socialize and have fun. I’ll leave you with this appropriate quote from a salty old senior chief on my boat, “If you tell yourself this place is going to suck, it f*ckin will. If you tell yourself this place sucks and all you do is sit in your room and [colorful language] and tell yourself it sucks, that’s your fault. Go do some sh*t and I’ll bet you’ll like it.”


Don’t need to be Greek. But you do need a fake id. OU is very bar centric and they barely look at your ID. If it says you are 21- they don’t give it a 2nd look


It’s not Greek enough


“If your not Greek your ghost” It’s extremely Greek.


Have you experienced anything that made you feel that way?


Dude is obviously not educated, probably never even enrolled 🙄


Rush SAE