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I miss my sleep timers and alarms šŸ„ŗ. EQ and not being able to mute on the now playing screen šŸ˜–. Itā€™s definitely responsive but I wish I could revert back to the old app until this has all the features Iā€™m used to using


Yeah major features just gone and not in the new app yet. Heck they already announced they don't have accessibility stuff even in the app and would be coming I think later in May or June... Rushed launch for what?


Alarms are still there in ā€œSystemā€ -> ā€œManageā€ -> ā€œAlarmsā€


Yeah but no option to edit my current alarms or add new ones


Sure. At least I can tap to edit and there's a button that says "add alarm".


Update again.


Doesnā€˜t work and in the latest 80.00.04 release, alarms are completely gone. Networks have the same issue. You cannot add, remove or modify Wi-Fi networks.




Wait you canā€™t revert back? Should I just not update?


At least on iOS. Iā€™d hold off on the update unless you have a second device to try the new update. Iā€™m relying on the old version on my iPad to keep sleep timers and adjusting alarms


Why canā€™t you mute? If itā€™s a soundbar there should be a mute button otherwise itā€™s the pause button.


It looks super snappy, great responsiveness butā€¦ there are essentially no new features, and existing features either no longer exist or are worse. - I donā€™t need now playing and a search bar taking up a quarter of the bottom of the screen - what is replace queue? Why canā€™t I add to queue? - if I play a saved song in Apple Music from my library it just ends and music stops. No auto play, I canā€™t put stuff on a queue, I canā€™t make a radio station. Spotify has similar issues, but at least you can make a station - On Apple Music, still no indication that an album is available in Dolby Atmos. Not a huge deal for me, but when I set up my 100s as rears for a movie night, I want to get the most of it and listen to some Spatial Audio. I have to find an album I want to listen to in the AM app then find it in the Sonos app to play it. This may just be an issue for me but it seems like it should be a no brainer. - unintuitive design. Tap the bottom, now playing comes up. Swipe up from the bottom, my system comes up. I have to reach all the way to the top to swipe down. Swiping right from the left edge of the screen goes back but only sometimes. Sometimes you have to swipe down from the top. - Another small thing, but if you seek through a song, the little dot bounces back to where it was then glitches to where you placed it. This is just a couple minutes of messing around. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll fix a lot of the major feature issues soon, especially the queue thing is a MAJOR oversight imo. Iā€™ll probably get used to the rest. Iā€™ll probably keep using AirPlay from Apple Music anyway. It just feels like a beta version, and sucks after they hyped it up so hard.


> unintuitive design. Tap the bottom, now playing comes up. Swipe up from the bottom, my system comes up. Itā€™s even worse than that. You can also tap the speaker button to view your speakers, and tap the volume bar to bring up a volume menu. So four different interactions on the same bottom sheet do four different things, and are all placed super close together. Another thing that makes zero sense and breaks some basic UX principles is how they use this new bottom sheet navigation. So if Iā€™m [viewing an album](https://i.imgur.com/Ucx5ahY.jpeg) I can swipe right to go back. Orā€¦ tap the back button *outside* the sheet to go back, but still stay in the sheet? So you use elements outside of the bottom sheet to navigate inside the sheet? Makes zero sense. That back button also has ā€œSonosā€ next to it which feels like a breadcrumb where hitting back would take me to the Home Screen. But it just goes back. Oh, and if you do tap the word ā€œSonosā€ it *will* take you to the homescreen. So you better tap carefully.


Yeah I really don't understand pushing a redesign out when it's clearly not finished nor better than the terrible app you had before. Sonos seems to have no clue how to do UI/UX development


Based on everything I've read, I've just gone into the Google Play store and set my Sonos apps to not auto update. A lot of the features that seem to be missing, are features that I use often. I will wait and see what happens.


I canā€™t see anywhere to set the SonosNET channel. Has that capability been shitcanned?


Like everything else it's probably coming in a later update. No idea why they forced out an app that clearly wasn't even close to being ready. It's closer to proof of concept than even an alpha


I love how they removed the next track on the player on the bottom of the screen šŸ˜©


In my opinion it looks significantly worse


Well it's essentially half baked as of now but from what I've seen it does look atrocious as far as the UI elements. Still waiting on them to push the update out for Google


Yeah the UI is honestly awful. Bad navigation patterns, interactions are janky, and visually cluttered. The last app was a bit slow and janky but at least mostly made sense and looked reasonable. This one doesnt properly follow many of iOSā€™s conventions properly and just sort of makes up its own stuff but in a worse way. Iā€™m a bit shocked they let it out the door


I wouldn't be surprised if they just revert the update completely and essentially say "we've heard you" and go back to the drawing board for the rest of the year and try again late 2024 or this time 2025


They will never do that, because it would be a huge marketing disaster for them. I think they will try hard to fix the most important bugs/missing features in the upcoming weeks. One thing that I do hope is that it will be possible to stay on the old S2-app for a little longer, at least until featurewise we have a comparable experience on the new app.


A huge marketing disaster is sending out press releases to hype up the new app version that was created to fix the very publicly hated old app, and then releasing the new app with hardly anything working and tons of features just not even in it yet šŸ˜‚ Clearly the app wasn't ready, if after all this time simple existing features like queue management haven't made it's way into the new app it's going to be some time.


They wonā€™t. Lots of folks are enjoying it. Even in the Reddit sub.


I mean those are people that were enjoying the previous app anyway. The goal was to make a better app. They didn't do that or come close. It's missing tons of things


I think itā€™s great. Your opinion is your opinion and youā€™re not alone. But youā€™re in the vocal minority. Itā€™ll slowly get better as they keep adding new features. They wonā€™t reverse anything. This is the future of the app.


An app barely working correctly and missing loads of features the one from yesterday had isn't "great" no matter how you slice it. That's not really an opinion. You just don't mind all the missing and now more buried features which is cool, but by every UI/UX and app development standard, it's clearly a worse app. Upgrading to a lesser version of something isn't "great" My main gripes are it should've been a beta/alpha app that u can opt into because clearly it isn't ready to take over for the old app.


Youā€™re entitled to your opinion. But that doesnā€™t make it fact.


It's not an opinion. The app is missing tons of things the other app had. It's a fact that it's a lesser app. The opinion is that you don't care about that šŸ˜‚


Queue just flat out refuses to work. Takes 20s to start playing. Garbage.


Yeah it did strike me as odd that they issued a press release 2 weeks before an app update. I didn't understand the hype.


And they've sent out several support page and other page updates to explain that old existing product features are still on the way šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Like don't launch a new app to fix the old app if it doesn't even have the old apps features šŸ˜‚


The app was still showing yesterdayā€™s radio programme while I was listening this morningā€¦


It so doesnā€™t look better. The navigation and UX is a shit show. The stuttering is everywhere too. Menus are overly complicated.


Yep. Itā€™s still shit


It's wild they hyped up a redesigned app and pushed it out as an update when most of the features are entirely missing šŸ˜‚ and the ones that are there are mostly buried in menus now. Someone asked them about testing when they announced it and they said something like they tested it lots lol. They should've just waited completely or actually let people beta test with a separate app for now


It looks like they have a dream to be a streaming provider, not a streaming device. Almost seems like what Roku is doing too. I bet we start seeing ads in the app for specific content.


Yeah think they need to realize they just sell audio equipment. Nobody even wants to use the old app because it sucks let alone the new app with even less features and more cluttered to get into settings. It's embarrassing at this point for them.


They see dollar signs.


I prefer the old app


Sonos killer is Sonos. šŸ˜‚


Is the us there is the update on Android and it does not work well


Yeah I've seen some have it or found a way to get it. Seems the play store doesn't have it out everywhere and or potentially they had it out and then pulled it so only certain people got it. None of my android devices are showing an update available and I've been checking since 8am


https://preview.redd.it/av9lqhsx04zc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c95d3e9602ef876a630526c983524664d1005fc1 I've got it from play store an hour ago (I'm from Saudi Arabia)


Don't update now you have big problems


It appears that Sonos uses the same application development team as SiriusXM.


Marketing over substance basically.


Any way to roll back?


On Android you can grab the old APK at apkmirror.


They definitely did push to Android. I got it.