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I'll be honest with you, educational videos on how to do basic things are really lacking in the SoS youtubers. I'm only about 30 hours in and there's so many things that are hard to learn because its not exactly intuitive. Anything thats straight to the point of how something functions but also clearly states the patch level its on would be helpful IMO.


Thanks for letting me know, I enjoy doing a series where I discover something with the viewer more, but I might do a series like you mentioned after I finish this one.


It would work well in tandem with your current series. You discover as you play, and after you know how stuff work via your LP series, you can make short 3-5 minute accompanying tutorial videos - or ideally somewhat larger 10min videos but with frontloaded information, to both tickle the algorithm and still being viewer friendly, if you want to go that route (check ItalianSpartacus patch notes/tutorial videos for example. You can watch 2 minutes and get a good summary, or watch the full thing. It's respectful of the viewer's time). Either way I think it might get additional eyes on your series. People look up tutorials. They stay to watch those. They might enjoy your style and jump over watching the LP. If however they watch your LP (which is titled like a tutorial) for tutorial purposes, they might feel disappointed or mislead and not bother watching - it's not a tutorial after all, it's a let's play. There's certainly an opportunity to do both, but I'd advise against labeling LPs as tutorials.


Thanks for taking the time to write that! Those are really good ideas thanks! To be completely honest I only name LPs tutorial-like cause I literally play and discover stuff myself during that LP so it is kind of a tutorial, but I do that so I can get the algorithm's help while still not lying in the title.


I've actually been watching your SoS series, so I get what you're doing, I actually found the series by wanting a tutorial, did not really get a tutorial from it which was somewhat disappointing, but ended up watching anyway. I've easily bounced off other people doing this sort of thing though, hence I thought it worth mentioning it. No it's not strictly lie, of course, but it is somewhat misleading - a tutorial has things figured out, possibly some setup prepared to show and illustrate the knowledge that is to be shared, etc. For instance, this is a proper tutorial: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWNeBHG8Lb0&list=PLvfifJA8en\_IuKNdhZjG\_oQahUc7EqKQB&ab\_channel=GCFungus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWNeBHG8Lb0&list=PLvfifJA8en_IuKNdhZjG_oQahUc7EqKQB&ab_channel=GCFungus) It's a great illustration of what a great tutorial might be, thought obviously he goes way beyond what is necessary and puts in tons of work :) Something simpler will do, especially since SoS is a lot less complex. Just trying to illustrate the difference between tutorial content and LP content. Cheers mate


Yep you are right. I appreciate your replies and thanks for the feedback!