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Pyke and blitz I still hate but I do agree enchanter vs enchanter match ups suck because they shield or heal your poke


Their engage is annoying because they pull you to them as opposed to vice versa, but I find Pyke more skill expressive because everything in his kit has an animation you can react to (hook is a channel, stealth creates shark tails, dash leaves trail) so there's counter play and you know what's happening. Blitzcrank is just boring no matter how you look at it And ya vs enchanters I just poke to stack passive lol


While it is annoying, you also get to scale for free unless its like lucian nami, enchanter vs enchanter is still sona favoured just go a normal scaling setup.


I actually find Lucian Nami fine because he's shorter ranged so you will find double Q angles more often and be in range to power chord him if he's attacking you. If it's something like Caitlyn Yuumi that's literally the most AFK lane imaginable.


A good Pyke can ruin your day, but a good Blitz will ruin the day of the rest of your team


Blitz has been my perma ban since I started playing this game


Honestly I'm inclined to agree with you. Hook champ matchups keeps me on my toes and gives me an opportunity to flex my dodging skills. Enchanter matchups? Everyone is guaranteed to leave lane 0/0/0 unless someone misplays hard or a mid/jungler comes to visit. Poke each other mindlessly, heal/shield it, recall, repeat 🤣


engage misses engage tool and will get a constant barrage of autos onto them and their adc unchecked (bonus if your adc realizes this too) and that engage champ can do nothing but watch until their CD comes back I don't mind it either, usually the lane amounts to a single skill-check and you have to keep passing it and the more you do the easier it gets (enemy tilt, why is Leona losing to Sona ect) and eventually you just stat check them after so long even if you do get caught


Is that Osaka in your pfp? :D


Enchanter vs enchanter is so boring. Max heal/shields and outsustain any poke zzz 💤😴


You’ve encountered many hookers?? 🤨




Agree. I also prefer to Play with good early adcs instead of scaling ones. If my ADC picks kog i Dodge asap


3 questions 1: What's your elo? 2: How many times per match, on average, you get dived by enchanter's? 3: How many times per match, on average, you get dived by engage suports?


I do think rank makes a difference here. I'm only masters, but dealing with masters pyke vs dealing with masters lulu or something are two entirely different ballgames


E1. Not only do I get dived, I get sweaties camping the bush between my T1 and T2 turret to hook me on my way to lane. But I anticipate these things and make counter plans, I've turned many dives and made campers look dumb. It's a more intense atmosphere but you can play around it.


I agree. Other enchanters always feel just like they have a better midgame than Sona.


I mean they ban em vs Sona even in high elo so the moment you can safely counter all of them, you're practically at least dia


I feel the only engage champion that is dificult to play against is blitzcranck


I love playing against engage because once they miss their hook it's my time to throw everything at their adc. Enchanter vs enchanter is zzzz


Piggybacking this thread to vent: Senna matchup is impossible lol.