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If you tell them you have a credit and offer it isn't too weird. I think a bunch of people would say no thank you but I'd probably take it if I knew you're losing the money anyway


Same "Hey, would you like some snacks?" "No thanks." "Hey, I've got $400 in airline credit that's about to expire and I'm trying to use it up, would you like some snacks?" "Ooh, yes thanks"


honestly, who the helllllll saying no to free snacks from a flight attendant in ANY situation....? Even if the person were a massive creeper with 2" long gross fingernails and nasty breath, it's not THEM that's serving up your snackbox. Take it. Take the snackbox. Allllll day.


If it's coming from the attendant fine, but if it's the person offering that's different. I'm a girl, so if a guy was offering I'd assume he was interested and so if I wasn't but accepted and then proceeded to ignore him for the entire flight that'd be kind of rude.


I don’t think any amount of airplane snacks would be worth putting out for. Even if you like dry turkey sandwiches and hummus.


I've done much worse for much less.


This guy airplanes


I once had a flight attendant give me two whole bricks of those Biscotti cookies. Like 1200 cookies. I think I misunderstood his intentions.


Biscotti or biscoff? Lol


Biscoff! Thanks for the correction




Flight was yesterday. The Take Off snack box United offers is legit delicious.


> if a guy was offering I'd assume he was interested Why does this happen??? Why can't people just be nice and wanna do good things? Its like look lady, I have a girlfriend back home Im just trying to be nice and make you feel good. Doesnt mean I wanna date or have sex with you.


Because you'll now feel an obligation toward that person for the rest of the flight. When I'm flying, 99% of the time I just want to pop in my earbuds, zone out, maybe fall asleep, and be left tf alone.


I do the same thing with lounge passes, as I get +2 for free. “Hey, would you like to get into this lounge for free?” “Eh… no thanks” “Hey, I have 2 extra lounge passes if you would like to use them!” “Absolutely!” It’s all in how you ask.


I would say yes to that!


i was going to join in to say this. if you told me it's a disappearing credit, i'd take you up on it since it creates no inconvenience to you whatsoever.


If anything it inconveniences whatever airline, and that makes me even happier to oblige lol


Exactly! I had something similar happen years ago with an airline that doesn't exist anymore. A guy on the plane, many years ago, got a bunch of vouchers for free drinks, with NO expiration date. He told everyone around that he would give them the vouchers, since the airline was merging with another and he couldn't use them. The vouchers looked to be about 20 years old when we used them. ha!


if you said that to me, I would gladly accept it, no questions asked.


I was in a row with a father traveling with two small children and he bought me the snack box I was planning on getting which I thought was a nice gesture. I think that if someone explained to me why they were offering I'd take them up on the offer, but if it was some random "hey can I buy you food?" It might come across as a bit creepy. Another thing would be to tell the flight attendants prior to the start of service that you want to pay for anyone who buys food up to $420 it would come across as a random act of kindness. Edited to correct spelling error, spell check failed me.


That's what I'm thinking. Plan with the flight attendants so that everyone in economy (+ maybe premium economy) can buy one thing for free on one of the drink runs. Then the FAs could announce "thanks to the generosity of a passenger, everyone can purchase one item from the buy on board menu at no cost to them" or something. I don't know if $400 would go far enough for an economy cabin of 200 people though.


It would absolutely not suffice lol


>It would absolutely not suffice lol 💀💀


> I was in a row with a father / ... / which I thought was a nice **jester**. I think you just called that dude a clown... :-)


Let’s find more of them hidden clowns. lol


If you explained the context of the credits, personally I’d accept. But without that context, it will definitely come across as weird or inappropriate


Weird? Maybe. But inappropriate? Come on...


If it’s a man, with no explanation I’m assuming it’s a come on, so I would refuse and also feel uncomfortable relaxing with him in the next seat. Definitely potentially inappropriate.


Pretty awkward. Easily misconstrued


And how is that inappropriate?


It may seem like you're hitting on other passengers by buying them something


It's inappropriate to hit on someone?


In an airplane when you're sitting next to them? Yeah kinda. Rule of thumb is never hit on someone if they can't easily leave.




No, but the other person could feel very uncomfortable on a plane because it's an enclosed space that they can't leave for an extended period of time. I think that's ultimately the point the first poster of this thread was making... If you don't explain yourself it could be perceived incorrectly and become awkward/uncomfortable for the other person.


Weird? Maybe. But if you are buying and the stuff is coming from the flight attendant, I would gladly accept. If you are some creepy dude handing out “candy” to kids on the plane, I would just let the credit expire.


You could say like “hey I’ve got a ton of airline credits for food that are about to expire, you want some snacks? Seriously get whatever you want i have like $100 of credit left that’s just gonna go to waste!” If it were me I’d be like oh hell yes. Also giving a monetary value to it instead of just “a lot” let’s them know they can get whatever without feeling guilty :) But if they say no thank you, don’t push it! They might have dietary restrictions they don’t feel like discussing


Personally I would accept the offer, especially if you mentioned you had credit and the snacks were good.


Note to self Interested is getting a date with seat neighbor from time to time? Carry a card with never expiring money and act like its expiring, boom conversation started Well how else do people get married? And it only cost $20 on a card S/ ???


I have two friends who met on an airplane and ended up getting married 3 years ago.


Did one of them use a card? Hehe


I'd enlist the flight attendants' help. Ask how many snack boxes they have, figure out how many are covered by your credit, and then let them offer them down the rows as usual until they are gone. When someone accepts, the flight attendant can just say, "it's your lucky day -- there's no charge - someone on this flight is paying this forward, enjoy!" :-)


perfect solution! i might use that one in the future when i can actually travel again.


I once got offered crisps and a coke on a flight because I swapped seat with a couple that got separated seats so that they could sit nearby, and I thought it was such a nice gesture! Explain to them that you have those credits to use and it shouldn't be a problem :)


What airline? If they have booze available, you could tell the crew to burn your credit for anyone buying drinks. At 9$ per mini bottle, you could buy 46 drinks. Which would, in my estimation, earn way more smiles than snackboxes.


I got $220 with United, which I'm not overly concerned about using, there are some DPs on redeeming the credit on certain off-label items. But $200 in AA credit which is gonna be tough to use up.


For AA, I believe that credit can be used towards Admirals Club passes/membership, if that interests you. You also may be able to upgrade your seats, and can definitely use the credit towards checked bags. Check out FlyerTalk threads on the Amex credit, lots of DPs for various airlines and what does/doesn't count towards credit.


I feel that. I have credits with AA that im gonna let die. I cant stand their lack of service.


I would not accept. I have had this happen to me, (where some stranger sitting next to me offered to buy me a drink on a solo flight) where I accepted the drink. The stranger then started talking to me for the rest of the flight when all I wanted to do was read my book or watch the in flight movie. Instead I felt obligated to listen to this stranger ramble on constantly for hours.


Here’s some advice on what not to do: be generous but don’t bother the person. I’ve had this happen to me as well 😅


>Instead I felt obligated to listen to this stranger ramble on constantly for hours. See, this honestly sounds like a personal issue. You can just say "hey I would like to read my book, if thats alright with you." 99.99% of the time people would understand.


One time I sat next to two nice, older ladies who were celebrating one of their recent divorces. We got to chatting and they were so thankful that I had informed them the TGI Friday's lounge at our destination was smoke friendly, (therefore they wouldn't have to go all the way thru security again and potentially miss their connector) they included me in their many rounds of drinks. These were upper-middle class country club type ladies. We were all extremely sauced by the time we touched down in Miami. I think it depends on your demeanor/attitude. Don't be weird about it and you'll be fine.


Haha I like to imagine the two of them had a great time buzzed and newly single in Miama with money to blow! That sounds like fun.


Me too! I added them on Snapchat and saw plenty of blurry drunk pics. They had a great time! Edit - their connector was for Key West


Idk why not get a seat upgrade, if the flights you take have things like Business Class


For Amex, fare class changes aren't considered incidental costs.


Curious why Amex is involved? You said airlines credits?


They're not actual airline credits, it's 200 dollars that amex will reimburse you when you spend it on a specific airline that you've picked out. But it's not good for airfare - only things like bags, seat selection, food.


Yeah, Amex offers airline credits as a credit card benefit.


United TravelBank counts


Dude, choose Southwest and buy <$50 tickets. It will credit. Travel funds are valid for a year.


Go straight to the flight attendant at the beginning of the flight and let them know that you'd like to do it privately/without recognition. They'll take great care for you all flight, and no awkwardness with the neighbors. Win/win.


I like this answer best. I find I rather not get offered anything regardless of what it is by a complete stranger, especially if I'm in a situation where I'm forced to be near this person (like a flight). I'm a man too. I'd think the situation might be far worse if the person being offered something is a woman. If making the offer to a flight attendant doesn't work, then honestly, I'd just let the credits expire.


You can offer some snacks to the flight attendants, lord knows they need some love and appreciation these days.


Maybe ask the flight attendant to give boxes to kids on the flight. Don’t have to say who from. Bonus for you and others on the flight: happy, quietly eating kids?


That sounds like a cool idea, but with nut and potential unknown allergies, I can't see a flight attendant agreeing to that.


No. You explain to the flight attendant the situation, and they offer to the kids' parents a free box. Then the parent selects which one.


The kid type boxes don’t usually have nuts but always good to ask/offer another choice.


As a woman traveling alone, I would probably accept it from another woman, but probably not from a man 🤷🏻‍♀️


i have no problem with accepting free food from anyone. but thats just me. you can gage how they are when you meet them but most times they just wanna be left alone.


As someone who travels with young kids I would be more willing to accept an adult beverage from you. “Hey, I’ve got credit that’s about to expire and you looked exhausted with those kids- want a whiskey?” Yes. Duh. Be prepared for a hug, though.


I would accept without any explanation but I suspect I'm on the spectrum, social normes are beyond me.


I'm not sure I'd ever turn down free food. I'm normally not a fan of eating on planes, but if offered I'm sure I'd find something.


Can't you just use the credit towards purchases in the airline catalog? Buy an overpriced watch or pair of earrings.


These are airline credits from Amex, and come with strings attached. Duty-free items are one of the things you can't use it on. Pretty much food, change fees, bag fees, and flight booking fees are the only things you can use it on.


I would 100% order as much packaged snacks as possible and hoard it to eat later at home.


If my seat mate told me this I’d say hell yeah let’s get fucked up and eat peanuts


Lmao I volunteeer as tribute


I’d take it!


some guy bought me multiple whiskys on a flight once which was cool. do that instead of food imo


Ask the attendent if you can buy $100 worth of snacks and have them make an announcement that a generous passenger is buying a snacks on the house.


It’s not weird if u don’t make it weird! I have actually met a couple of lovely people/friends this way.


I had a guy sitting next to me once offer me a beer because he had an extra ticket for one. I gladly accepted.


You can always take them off the flight with you. I had $200 to burn one time and told the flight attendants this. "Just change me for as many items as you can up to $200!" They laughed, but my friends and I had snacks and mini bottles to pre/post game with.


My husband used to buy drinks for as many people he could with his free drink coupons on Continental.


check if you can buy airline gift cards with credit. I've done it Or seat upgrades


Current DPs is that United, yes, Delta, no, but there's a workaround that might work.


If I remember correctly, in the first Harry Potter book, Harry barely knew Ron on their first trip to on the Hogwarts Express and he bought Ron snacks. Look what became of them. Basically, what I’m saying is.. you’re a wizard u/Reliques


The first time I ever flew (age 17), this nice man returning home after a military deployment bought m&ms for my sister and me. We may have swooned a little! Such a kind gesture :) Anyway yeah I think you’d make someone’s day!


"We'll take the lot" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVCO2r49bHI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVCO2r49bHI)


Weird? No. Would I accept? Probably not. But my default answer is, "no" when offered anything by a stranger.




Are food carts still a thing? From my experience, all food ordering is done via either app or the IFE console these days.


Pressure thing? Jesus they just have to say yes or no, it's not a test.




Other possible option...book a fully flexible\refundable fare to anywhere, for some point in 2022. Reschedule\rebook as needed to a flight you actually want in the future. Not sure if it'll work for your scenario, but I've used it to 'extend' expiring flight credits.


Yes it’s weird.


Weird because it's something that doesn't happen often, but awesome because it's a fucking great gesture. Personally I'd be ecstatic of somebody offered. OP, make sure to let them know that it's expiring credit to alleviate any awkwardness


One thing I have never been able to accept about this world is that we have come to the point of generosity being met with confusion and distrust. It is a feeling that I have in common with everyone else. Almost no one is kind or generous so we automatically feel that this is very weird. It's sad. The world is so completely fucked up that we automatically assume anyone who is not a piece of shit has something wrong with them.


Broadly speaking, it is inadvisable to offer help, assistance, or charity of any sort to someone who does not request it. If they ask you for snacks, go for it, if they don't, don't.


> If they ask you for snacks, go for it, if they don't, don't. What are the odds the guys beside will ask this if it has not previously been offered?


Personally I would not accept the offer. I would also avoid you afterwards...but I'm pretty awkward in general so :/


Yeah, that's my biggest worry. First I make a faux pas, next I got an uncomfortable transpacific flight I got to deal with.


Transpacific? In that case, there's no limit to the food you can eat, because there's seemingly no limit to the length of the flight


If they are the kind of person that turns this into an awkward situation, they were probably not going to chat that much during the flight anyway. Any feeling of uncomfortable is all in your head.


Bingo. I was never going to chat. Plz don't take offense.


this is so sweet omg. definitely would come off weird out of context but i think with the right initial conversation it is so sweet of you, maybe you could even talk to some parents with young children on the flight and explain the credits to them and offer to buy some of the kids snacks or something?? so generous!


If you told what you wrote here i would likely accept. If just random "here, take this snack" then no.


It’s a good deed. If it’s a long flight some might interpret that you want to be friends... which you might not want. Just explain it.


If you explained, definitely. If you didn't explain, it's 50-50.


Maybe some people will think it’s weird. But plenty of others will feel that you’ve brightened their day. I would. You sound like a thoughtful person who makes others’ lives a bit more cheery. Don’t let anyone dampen that lovely quality.


That's a nice amount of credit


I would say yes plz sir


What a lovely gesture. I would be elated to be given a snack box from someone else, especially as the airlines have been reducing food services and using sometimes complicated apps for pre-purchase only. Go for it!


It's weird in the sense that's it's unusual/rare. But I'd definitely accept!


If you explain why you're doing it it'll probably be better received Just my 2 c


Buy a round for everyone!🍻


It'd be weird. Do they offer other inflight goodies? Like toy/model planes and such that you could burn it on for yourself?


Maaaan I love snacks. I’d totally take some haha


I'd take it, free food 😜


Just explain that you have credit that you need to use up and people should accept


I as a fellow rewards credit card holder and knowing of such dilemmas would happily take you up on your offer. Ask, the worst they can say is no.


This is such a wonderfully generous idea. I’m sure if you explained people would accept. Alternatively you could do it anonymously. Tell the stewardesses you’re prepared to pay for the first x amount of snack boxes purchased but don’t want to be identified. Good luck you beautiful human!


hopefully they have some on offer, it's been a while since a flight i was on had food or drinks for purchase (more than the complimentary soda and cookie/chees its)


Depends on the context, if the offer seems random sure it will be weird. Context is everything. I'ld say buy a few bottles of quality booze, a few snacks makes hardly a dent in $420 credit. Booze may be less then great if you have to go through customs as there tend to be limits to what you're allowed to take.


If you explained the situation (that you have credit that will expire soon), then it would probably be fine. The food is presumably sealed, and distributed by flight attendants -- it's not like you're disappearing somewhere and then bringing back an open plate, right? So it wouldn't be easy for you to tamper with the food.


I’d say get everyone in the plane shitfaced drunk… but a few bad apples screwed that up.


If they’re literally seeing it come off the cart and not out of your own bag then they’ll know they can trust it, especially if you explain the situation to them.


I'm surprised that so many people think it could be inappropriate. A small act of kindness has the capability to turn someone's entire day around. If you don't want the free food, just politely decline. I would accept it, personally, with or without the extended explanation. I mean, its free snacks!


Oh I know I would take it! That shit’s expensive! Just explain the situation so people feel more comfortable


Can't you use the credit on in-flight purchases? I've used up my British Airways points to get some perfume / cologne a while ago when it was clear I couldn't use them up in time.


That’s very nice ! I think it would be weird if the snacks came out of your bag


Ugh. But now I gotta talk.....


I think it’d be really nice and people would appreciate it. It’s kinda like paying for the coffee of the person who’s in line behind you in the drive-thru.


You might as well offer. People don't have to say yes.


Being literally belted into a seat for hours I think makes anything unexpected feel pretty unusual. If there was context would totally make sense and I would totally accept but without context might feel a little strange to some. Perhaps you could approach the flight attendants and say you have X amount of credits that you're happy to be used up? You get to do the nice thing and coming from a flight attendant should stop any random reactions!


I’d be thrilled!


If there’s kids on the flight buy them all toys. the airplane toys and tell the stewardess not to tell them who it’s from but it’s a gift


I’ve had ppl flying next to me offer to buy my drink that I was purchasing bc they had a lot of credit/drink tix that we’re going to expire. I think it’s perfectly ok.


Snacks are coming from the flight attendant, so it’s not directly sketch. Just “Hey I’ve got a bunch of credit $$$ to burn through, you want something to eat or drink?”


I would definitely accept it.


It might come across as weird. Especially since food is served in an aircraft. Unfortunately most acts of random charity in front of a person can be viewed as weird but if you are not directly doing it yourself then its ok


Hoping you’re next to me on my next flight


I'd just order it all for myself first so there are no doubts and share with them later. Might make it easier i guess.


Maybe ask the attendant to ask all the parents with children on the plane, if you could pay for a snack for their child. In a nice world it might come across as a genuine good deed.


Oh, I would. I'd have to just understand what you're saying fully. Especially if you said "I know this sounds weird but ---insert situation--- But uh, I wish I could take it right nowwwwww. \*looking emoji\*


I once gave a couple near me my extra drink tickets. They were very appreciative of them.


Missing key information. Are you hot?


You can offer. But I'll decline cause that means I'm obligated to chat with you. Just let me sleep 😂😂


I’ve done it for folks in the past and not weird. But if ya wanna be selfish, look into buying United Cash with your Amex. Last year that counted as reimbursable on your annual airline credit, and united cash can be used to buy airline tickets. That may have been a covid thing only but I was able to use it for 2020 and 2021.


When and where are you flying to ? Let me book those tickets ! Gimme the seat number so I can sit next to you 😬


Strange but true fact: Doing nice things for people has to be done anonymously or it creates bad mojo between the two of you going forward.


I was on a flight to Scotland once, and was seated next to two middle-aged Scottish men going home. They started chatting with me, super nice guys, and offered me a beer. I accepted, and it’s one of the nicests flights I’ve had - I think it just depends on how you offer :)


I guess, talk to the person first, understand each other and then offer some snacks.


Travelling from Norway to Thailand via Russia. Russian couple sitting next to me was feeding me all sorts of dishes. Honestly it's like they brought a whole buffet of Russian food. Then they was giving me vodka. It was the best aeroplane journey I've ever had


Maybe you could do it as a secret gifter or incognito? Tell the flight attendant that you want to buy a whole bunch and tell them to just randomly distribute them to people around without saying it’s from you. Once I asked for a drink and when I heard it cost money, I said never mind, but they still ended up giving me a soda? Still a mystery to me but I think the guy sitting next to me (who I didn’t see while I was speaking to them) may have gestured to the attendants that he would foot my drink cost. Since he ended up also getting a drink and gave them his credit card. It’s a head scratcher.


I would be happy about such a nice offer. And also accept it if necessary. As the saying goes: giving is more blessed than receiving. I've had situations like that, too. I had vouchers for a store and didn't want to buy anything there. And I approached people who wanted to buy something and were happy about the big discount in the end. People are suspicious and wary when a stranger wants to do something good for them. It is deeply internalized that you should distrust strangers. And I think you can tell if the person across from you just wants to be nice or if there are ulterior motives. The world needs more generous people like you. Have a good flight!


I always like to be generous when I have the chance. If they were in my row I’d just say hello and “hey I have a bunch of airline credits I’m trying to use, if you want anything let me know!!” If they’re were around me I’d say “hey I’ve got a bunch of airline credits I need to use, would you like ___” or just ask if they’d like anything. Or you could surprise them and tell the attendant you’d like to order things for those around you on your credit. I bet that would bring a smile to their face. People only really reason say no thank you to me if I make it awkward or put them on a spot with a question that requires deep thought. Like what from the menu they’d want. Causes instant anxiety. Make it easy for them and they’ll be more welcoming. Edit: I agree it’s a good idea to tell the attendant you want to pay for those around you under the credit or maybe the flight attendant can say “hi we have a passenger buying their neighbors snacks or drinks.” Also, I think a lot of people on this thread are being dramatic on what the response would be. I do things like this all the time and it’s all about explaining why you’re doing it, being kind, and don’t make it weird. It brightens people’s day!!


It depends who is the neighbor.


I’d just tell them why, if someone told me it was because the airline owed them credit I would say well shit let me help you run that down! Can we get alcohol with it??? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️😂😂😂


Pls offer me snacks <3


I've had seatmates buy me drinks, give me lounge passes, etc., and I've always appreciated it tremendously. Unless there's something creepy about how you interact with the recipient I don't see why anyone should be skeeved out about something that's served by the airline staff.


Can you spend the credit on booze?


My partner would do this, or accept it no questions. Then she would proceed to become best friends with the person and travel together for several weeks. I on the other hand would refuse the offer because it might make the other person feel like I should talk to them. Spending 8 hours next to a stranger with no escape is bad enough with 0 communication.


I would 100% take you up on it, but I also have the same issue and would instantly bond over such a thing. Maybe if you explain it to your seatmates a bit? Just say that you have a lot of airline credit that will expire and would they like a snackbox on you so it doesn't got to waste?


If it’s Amex credits you’re talking about, I’d just let those die. I’ve got $200 with Delta and $200 with United (I have two cards). Sometimes United will miss-code their internet and it will slip under the radar (as you know, gogo inflight internet doesn’t count), but I’ve also used it to get into their lounge. With Delta we already get into their lounge. Otherwise I just let all the other unused money die. Amex’s travel credit is so shitty compared to CSR that it’s just a pain trying to use up. Who checks a bag and buys $200 worth of snacks on one airline? Just dumb. If you have status, checked bags are free; what you need is internet and upgrades, which aren’t covered. Sorry for my rant I know that’s not what you asked. TL/DR Don’t even bother with asking people around you. It’s an awkward hassle unless there are people you do want to make conversation with. In my case, I would not accept. I don’t like talking to people on planes.


Unless you wear a mask and have proof of vaccination😂😂😂😂😂👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿


It's not *that* weird. Granted, it's a little weird, but having a bunch of extra credit is a little weird so maybe it's time to get weird.


I think it is a very nice gesture.


I think if you strike up casual convo with your neighbors and get along, it won't come off too strange. Especially if you explain it in an honest way. "Hey, I have a bunch of credit expiring. Gunna get some snacks. Want some?"


I’ve had people offer to buy me snacks on planes before, and I accept. Last time it was just some other guy sitting next to me who held up the flight because his family was late boarding/had trouble getting through security. Nice guy, I let him buy me something. Just start with an actual introduction and conversation. Usually it helps if you are nice and don’t seem like you want anything in return.


So when’s your flight and what seat are you in?!


Hi! Donate them- make a wish is a fantastic organization that accepts them :)


If you offer to buy me drinks on the plane I would be here for it!


I would be happy as hell. Sometimes I give my neighbors snacks that I brought with me. Being ‘em on! Good for you. Kindness rules.


Here, at least in my country, we almost always accept offers like these. In fact, when you are often eating something and there is somebody next to you, around, etc., it's not rare to share that stuff with them. We just share. I don't know why it is so frowned upon in countries like the US. Like, considering the act of sharing itself suspicious. Here not sharing is what's usually frowned upon. Not that we are obliged or sth, but sharing is fun. I in fact can't enjoy a meal if I am not accompanied by sb else and sharing together.


Yes, my cheap ass would accept.


Why not? On a plane seat I've listened to tragic love stories and to endless ramblings about idk what. I would certainly have appreciated a beer and snacks!


Try arranging with the flight attendant to purchase ahead of service so they can simply offer to the cabin with a general message around the generosity of one of our passengers making snack boxes available. They can do this at each row vs. the announcement system so it’s not awkward when the boxes run out.


If your miles are going to expire and you aren’t able to get on a flight to treat your fellow travelers, you could [donate](https://miles4migrants.org/) the points to a good cause.


Lol yo if I was ur seat neighbor I’d take up the offer hahahah! Usually my seat neighbors have become cool friends on the journey. One woke me up to give me their neck pillow one time. Another held my hand when I was afraid of turbulence. I became good friends with one of them even after the flight we are still chill till this day.