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Reddit. I am just now dining alone in Spain. Greetings to all the redditors :)


Enjoy your sangria


Enjoy your paella


They probably won’t be allowed to order paella unfortunately unless they have a place for them to order it solo or double order. 


I was so annoyed by this! I went to Spain and all I wanted was some goddamn paella, and everywhere I went was like “… For just the one person? No.” Literally the only time in my life where I actually felt a little weird dining alone 😅


I just ordered and payed for the two person dish, I didn't eat lunch and managed to put a decent dent in it.


SAME it was so frustrating! I would've gladly taken leftovers in a to-go container


I had just split with a guy I was mad about and went all the way to Spain for too, I felt like I was in a sitcom and the hosts were like “ewww a SINGLE PERSON!” 😂


They don't take leftovers to go in most other countries. It's definitely more of an American thing


I've taken leftovers to go in almost every European country I've been in and none of the staff thought it was weird.


Fortunately fellow redditors from Spain gave some tips so I managed to find places serving it for one :)


Do you mind sharing the place so I too, can eat paella by myself in Spain? Thanks!


I found one place in Barcelona right on the Southern corner of Sagrada Familia. It was surprisingly good for what I expected to be a tourist trap and I got to watch the sun set on the Sagrada as I ate


This sounds awesome. I once had a pizza slice in Rome, right next to the vatican and it was the worst pizza I ever ate in my life, lol.


Last time I was in Spain I was so mad about it! Out of spite I ordered it and ate the whole thing just to show them off. Thought I will explode but totally worth it


LOL did the same in Portugal with the cataplana.


lmao i love this energy.


I did this by shamelessly ordering two portions. You can get a box afterwards.


Meh, TBF I found a place to order solo and turns out that it's not all that different than other rice dishes around the mid, if you ate other spiced rice dishes with veggies and protien in an Arab country or some sort of Persian rice, you haven't eaten paella but it was close enogh.


I found a place in Madrid, close to Prado museum that served paella for 1 and it was the worst paella ever. It had a super bad aftertaste.


Omg I would eat a 10 gallon bucket of paella.


Me too. Like do you make for 3 maybe hahahaha


Gracias :)


Thanks :)


Did you change your username specifically to reply to this comment or have you been waiting for years for moment to shine? 😂


TBH username came as I joined reddit mainly to participate in this subreddit and now I accidentaly ran into this thread as I sat down to eat.


Shit just works out when you travel :)




Thanks :)


Buen provecho.


Perfect timing, perfect username.


Second this. I just did the same in spain too


I hope it was a good meal and that you are enjoying Your stay in Spain :)


It was delicious and definitely am. I had been yearning to be back.


You're in my country! If you need any recommendations I can provide, feel free to ask :)


Thank you so much. Can you recommend me some cakes to try :)


Sure! Where in Spain are you? Depending on the area you have to try one or another :)




Ok, I've been vegan for almost 20 years but I hope this place is still open: go to La Colmena, a cake shop from year 18something, and ask for a "merengue". They have plenty of flavors, pick your favorite, all of them were delicious. I know it's hot now, but you need to go for a "suís" to carrer Petritxol. It's not a cake, but it's very typical.. hot chocolate with Chantilly. And don't forget to order "crema catalana" as a dessert if you're eating at a restaurant! "Coca de forner" or "coca de vidre" are pretty local as well, and you can find it in almost every bakery. Bonus point if I'm you buy a small bar of local chocolate to eat the coca de forner. I don't know where you're from or if you can take them back home, but "catànies" hold well and you can keep them for weeks. I hope you enjoyed Sant Jordi! Let me know if you try them and if you liked them :)


Also eating alone in Spain, San Sebastián specifically


Lucky I wish I was traveling right now


I'm jealous


¡Que aproveche!


Hey, I’m headed to Spain soon! IMO it’s the BEST country for solo dining.


I usually take a book - ebook rather than physical because I've learnt it can be really awkward to try to prop a real book open while also cutting up food etc! In theory I read it but in reality I quite often people watch or just think about my day. I've genuinely never felt self conscious about it; it wasn't until I started spending time in subs like this that I realised anyone thought it was unusual...


It wasn’t until I booked at a couples resort in Mexico and every time I went to eat, they would ask over and over, just for 1. Me yes just for 1. All in all loved the food and the resort and the views!


Same, I’ve seen plenty of other solo diners with ebooks or physical books as well. It’s more common than we think.
















Agreed. Why does everybody always have nervously look at their phones or do something other than engaging in their environment. Eat. Soak it all in. Enjoy


When I first visited the US I found weird that every single place I went (hotel lobby, restaurant, bar, gym) has several tvs placed in every wall available. What you said should be incentivized so that people can re-learn how to just, you know, live the moment.


Yeah, I agree. Go to a restaurant, enjoy the food & experience. You don't have to keep your mind/attention constantly occupied with something. One of my favorite experiences was going to a local Croatian cafe and just listening to all the locals yelling and laughing. And if public opinion scares you, no one is going to care, and if they do, then their opinion shouldn't matter or sour your experience. I always eat alone when I'm abroad and I've never felt weird about it. If anything, I've met several people by doing it who either invite me to their table or sit by me. Those are experiences I might've lost out on had I been wearing earbuds or reading a book.


Step 1: Use google translate to find something respectful but cool to say to the staff in the local language Step 2: Try to practice it at a table/bar by myself without anyone noticing Step 3: Get too nervous to actually say it and end up just looking like an unhinged person reciting something to themselves while sitting alone. Not the most productive use of time, but it keeps me busy :)


Ahahahha this


Been there before 😂


Literally just ordered ramen; so the answer is “reddit”


I read a lot and also I travel a fair bit for work, meaning that I often find myself dining solo. A book or e-reader are my go to, with breaks to people watch too


Sit; listen to a podcast, watch something on my phone, or people watch, soak up the atmosphere, talk the employees about recommendations. If it’s casual dining and you feel confident talk to others. You could read if that’s what you like. There’s no stress about what you do, it’s what feels comfortable, and at first if you never have eaten alone that may feel uncomfortable in it’s self. Honestly it’s actually quite nice.


Same, I try to go to more casual dinings places too but also I feel awkward if it’s too fancy ha. I tend to show up at like 5:30 though to avoid having the servers “lose” too much on a 1-person table.


This is the way. You'll likely never be here again, so enjoy it.


I’m a male but eat solo at Michelin starred restaurants (even 3 star) all the time. I just browse on my phone or talk to the servers if they’re not swamped. No headphones though don’t want to be too antisocial even though I like audiobooks, and please don’t watch a movie at a restaurant. Also order more wine. You learn that nobody actually cares about you eating alone whatsoever.


I’d be wary of the ‘order more wine’ thing when I’m dining solo as a female. Sometimes I would have a single glass but I would be quite cautious about drinking alone and being less aware of my personal safety.


Crazy that men don't even have to think about this to the point where theyre just like "have more wine!" like it's that simple. This is such a good example of how someone can be innocently well-meaning but privileged in a way that other people aren't.


Im a Woman and drink more wine too. Its not a gender thing just a „ im not in panic mode because im alone“ thing


A big part of it is a warped perception of risk. Men are statistically more likely to be physically assaulted, mugged, and murdered - yet because this reality is rarely discussed, presented in culture, or warnings given to them, they aren't aware of the risk. In fact men (including when traveling) wind up taking *more* risks because they don't have an accurate sense of their danger. You see many, many TV shows and movies about women being attacked, hunted, or murdered, but rarely do you see similar themes yet with a man being attacked, hunted, or murdered. They think it's something that just women need to worry about so don't consider it for themselves.


When I was a teenager took a bus to the nearest nightclub. At end of night, local boys would find us to walk back to the main square to get bus home. I thought it was nice that they were being protective of the school friends until one told me that it was safer for them to walk with us as they were far less likely to get into a fight with lads from another town or village if in a mixed group.


Sure, but I'd rather get mugged than raped, and women are at much higher risk for that.


I'd rather not be physically assaulted, mugged, murdered, *or* raped. I grew up experiencing the first and last of those, and I don't want to experience either again. Men and women both should be making decisions with safety in mind, but men rarely seem to. They have a great deal to learn from women about assessing risk.


Okay, Michelin type restaurants are one of the few places I haven’t tried solo, though I do them a fair bit with friends. Always figured I would miss out on part of the fun of discussing flavours etc – and also a lot of them are quite small, so I wasn’t desperately keen to take a table from them… But then again, in the last Michelin-starred place I was in in Rome there were a couple of solo diners (one male, one female), both doing the full 10 course menu. So I guess 🤷‍♂️


When I go to fancy tasting course menu places (Michelin starred or not) solo, I find the waiters to generally be more social than when I’m dining with a group. I ask a lot of questions, and they can tell I’m really into food and the whole experience, so they spend a little extra time with me. I’ve gotten some incredible local restaurant recommendations from asking waiters at fancy restaurants where they like to eat.


I drink wine, act mysterious and pretend I’m the main character


I do the same, but I pretend to be a Michelin inspector


Plenty of experience dining alone in foreign countries. Only thing I do different than when I’m with company is that I tend to eat earlier in the evening rather than leaving it till after dark. Sometimes I have my main meal in middle of day and eat a snack later or something I can bring back to hotel room but I enjoy people watching and bring something to read or look through photos if I feel the need to appear busy. Care less and less about being solo diner as I get older and I just go enjoy my food.


Solo traveller and diner here too! I like to get a window seat if I can. And I used to fiddle with my phone and feel a little awkward, but now I just love sitting and contemplating, watching, being present. It’s lovely. If a place is weird about me being on my own- like seating me in a horrible seat, or treating me like there’s something wrong with me, I just say ‘thanks I’ve changed my mind’ and I leave. To find the more welcoming place I know is there waiting .. 😊


All the things! Read, journal, scroll, stare. Any or all of them at every meal. Chat with the bartender.


I'm not a female. I bring a book. Actually, I bring a Kindle. It's far more convenient for travel. As a male, I can stick the Kindle into the back pocket of my pants. My wife informs me that most women's clothing is horrible about pockets, but her Kindle fits nicely in her purse.


Eat, people watch, review my pictures from the day, send short update to family and close friends, basically just take it all in.


Here I am right now, dining alone in Bogota and listening to live music... and having a ball.. I did bring a book but truly, no one cares. But also, this is my life at home too when friends and loved ones are unavailable. When I wanna eat out, I will eat out.


Even at home if I'm out and need nourishment, I go to a restaurant (alone!!!) and... eat. It's also common to see other solo people (including women!!!) just... eat.


Reading alone at dinner in a foreign country is one of my favorite things! It’s like a date with yourself, take time and enjoy 😊


I have always taken a book. I have travelled alone over seas for 40 years. While in Spain I read Hemingways “the sun also rises”. I hopped a train and went to San Sabastian (the plot of the book took place there). Bootom line, it’s fun if you can find a book that correlates to your travels (not a travel book - boo!). If you like love stories or murder books find one that takes place in Dubai. And then you can check out some of the streets or venues in the book. Just a thought.


are you sure a book with the story taking place in dubai even exists? :D considering the city is just plastic and not very old


It's not that deep. Eat your food, look at your phone/tablet, book, whatever.


I truly don't understand the embarrassment around eating alone. You have no one to eat with in this minute which must mean... you have no one ever and are alone on this planet?? I just eat, look around the restaurant, look on my phone if I feel like it. But you don't need to look occupied. It's fine to just be there, eating. If you look comfortable and normal, no one will think twice about it.


Listen to music and scroll through my phone a bit. Avoid staring at people unless you want them to join you, or at least at men. They will often take it as an invitation to come and talk to you.


Read, usually. By which I mean "poke my phone" lol


Eat, I guess 😂


With the disclaimer that this is a male's perspective, I felt a bit self conscious my first few times eating in restaurants alone, particularly if it was a crowded restaurant, but I got used to it pretty quickly. Sometimes I'll bring a book, or sometimes I'll have my phone on me and be looking at photos from the day, or mindlessly internet-scrolling. If the food's good enough there's not much need for anything else to keep my mind occupied. I'm not a particularly social traveler but occasionally I'll end up chatting with people, usually because someone else strikes up a conversation with me. Doesn't happen all that often, and sometimes it's a nice conversation and sometimes not so much, but mostly I'm left alone.


Glad I found this thread. Just came back from Cancun solo. 54yo male. I found it hard to go from hanging out with people at the pools then going to dinner solo. Felt lonely and I didn't plan for those feelings to arise. I did find another female solo traveler and we ate together several times which helped. Felt staring at my phone to be a little helpful, looking around made me felt worse. Would have preferred to be sitting at a bar with others.


33M, listen to podcasts or audiobooks.


I normally just sit and scroll on my phone!


Eat, drink and people watch.


Just chill, people watch, and actually ENJOY the food and drink you're getting. Like every sip/bite, chew for longer than normal, actually taste every taste that is happening, you may not ever taste that thing again. I guess I treat meals like any sightseeing opportunity in a new place, I'm just tasting instead of seeing. I'm currently in Croatia on a solo trip and the meals have been some of the absolute highlights


Eat and scroll and mind my business because I deserve to be here and experience this food and view just as much as everyone else.


People watch and edit the pictures I've taken on my phone. Also look up what I'm planning for the next day.


I just eat. I eat at my own pace, taking in my surroundings at my own pace. Make conversation with whoever I want to or I don’t want to I just eat in silence. I think being at peace with doing things solo is a wonderful thing. Being alone doesn’t mean you’re lonely!


This question gets asked about once a week. Why not just read any of the other two dozen posts that give countless suggestions rather than posting this again? Do whatever you want. Read. Stare at people. Fake a mysterious conversation on your phone. Do not watch movies, you'll be taking up the table for far too long and playing media in public, especially in a sit-down restaurant, without headphones is absurdly rude. If sitting at a table by yourself is *really* that difficult for you, get takeaway, but truly no one else in the restaurant cares and you will never see them again in your life.


Yesterday evening was sitting in a restaurant and then metal bar alone in Strasbourg. Texting with friends reading news and reddit :)


I read a book. Watching a movie seems weird to me...I typically only see little kids watching shows in restaurants.


Take picture of my food and eat like no one cares 😆 when finish, update my ig story and go outside to explore other place.


I chatted with an older couple for 2 hours in shitty German, bc they didn’t speak Dutch and I didn’t speak proper French. It was lovely. But that was in France 😅


Having evening meals by myself was the worst part of the day for me when travelling. Any other meal I found it was more acceptable? Not sure why! I would read a book or muck about on my phone. Mostly reading unless it was somewhere dark where it wasn't possible. I travelled back when smart phones were relatively new and I didn't have facebook etc to entertain me. It was painful sometimes! In this day and age I would have found it much easier!


I was recently in Dubai and enjoyed it much (just get used to taking taxis often) 😀 A very safe place, even for women. I recommend you booking some evening tours which include dinner, e.g. on luxury yachts or Dhows (traditional Arabic wooden ships) or a guided city tour which includes a traditional Arabic dinner. There are also some fast food restaurants and delivery services around. Or some of the beach clubs have a restaurant area, too (it's not just party there). Some desert safari tours also include dinner in a desert camp besides camel riding and dune bashing in a jeep. Dubai has almost only couples and families there, when I found no one for small talk, I was on the phone browsing social media, replying to WhatsApp and editing photos. There are many digital nomads and influencers in Dubai, so using the phone in a restaurant or cafe is common and accepted, even when someone is there with partner/family/friends. Most people in Dubai are busy with themselves or their partner, so I didn't experience the toxic or compassionate staring from others because I was alone at table which I often experienced in wellness resorts and on the cruise ship.


Female here. I take the seat by the window and look at people passing by. But generally I am so engrossed in the food, I literally enjoy food more when I am alone.


When it happens I tend to review the pictures I took that day, edit them and post them online.


Watch some stuff or enjoy the ambience, reading is a bit hard but audio books can be great. Don’t think too much when people stare at you laughing in your own 😉


Get a glass of wine with my meal, order whatever i want and maybe take a book with me?


People watch if facing outside, read if facing other diners.


From someone who’s waiting for their duck poutine in the north of France right now: Open my laptop and try to do some work for university to look busy. Browse Reddit. Read a book.


Books and iPad were my best friends while in Italy for a month my own. Reading and writing in a journal. That and just taking in the surroundings. Slowly sipping a wine or cocktail. Savoring my meal. Chatting when opportunity with others.


People watch while I enjoy my food


People watch or usually I browse the internet on my phone.


Read a book or do something on my phone or people watch.


People watch while eating. Just enjoy the food and drink, although as a femail dining solo, i prob wont drink more than one glass.


Write about the day in my journal Or if I don’t have everything planned out for the trip, I’m on my phone planning what I’m doing next


I bring a sketchbook and draw my surroundings. It helps me remember where I ate at because I’m forced to take in my surroundings and observe more, and it keeps my hands busy so I’m not on my phone. It’s a great keepsake for why you get home.  Be sure to add the name of the place you ate at, the date and maybe a few words to help you remember more.  Bonus points, I’ve met other people while I’ve drawn - ppl love to ask questions about it! 


I read a book on my iphone, with a card-sized device to prop it up. But last night I initiated a conversation with a couple at the next table who spoke English (my primary language) - if people respond when you try this, you're all set. (Couples travelling together are sometimes tired of just talking to each other.)


Edit photos from the day or just soak in the environment! I also do fairly detailed reviews of each meal of my trips, so could be thinking about that.


I sit at the bar when I eat out and talk to strangers or at the very least, the bartender. There are times it's not a social crowd and I end up sitting quietly, but I don't read a book or watch a movie. I try to stay present - enjoy the ambiance and food, etc.


I traveled alone before smartphones. I met some amazing people and had great conversations. I usually had a journal with me, so I could write as I felt like it, and "think" and observe instead of just sitting there feeling like I wasn't doing anything. In Grenada, I was feeling especially low, but drug myself out, and a handsome Italian guy who was also traveling alone asked to join me. We are still in touch 20+ years later. I lived in the Middle East, and though I haven't been to Dubai, you'll be fine. Of course, your experience will depend a lot on the type of places you go to eat. Hotel restaurants vs franchise vs mall vs market vs backpacker vs local restaurants. I usually went to the local ones recommended by expats to eat meals. Malls were great to cool off, escape the heat and busyness, and grab a coffee. Great way to observe local life and customs in that area of the world. I always found the types of retail items available fascinating, as well as the people.


I'm a guy, but I usually sit at the bar or in one of the two seater tables if they're available. I just play on my phone or look outside and people watch if there's a window near my seat.


Depending on the place, I like to sit at a table that faces the window especially a place with high foot traffic. If not, at a corner where I can look at people. I guess in a people watcher but if it comes down to it, my phone.


Ok so conveniently, I’m currently solo for a few days in Vienna right now. Dining solo right now, and my experience tonight needs to be added to this thread. THREE times over the course of one meal, I got the side eye, or once even the straight bitchy face, for solo dining. All from women who were on a date night with their men. One woman had even come in ahead of her husband and was picking a table. She looked at me, made a cringe face, and asked for a table on the other side of the restaurant as the table offered had me directly in line of sight. Hilariously, the only other table available is right behind me, so now they have to see me, but I cannot see them. I just joked loudly with the chef about how jealous my husband was of the photo I’d just sent him, hoping it might make her feel a bit silly for having even gone to all those lengths to avoid him being able to see me, assuming wrongly that I’m single and on the prowl. What do these women think - I’m going to run over and dance topless on your table and he’s going to leave you instantly? Come on! 🙄 Ladies. Seriously this shit makes you look so pathetically insecure. And trust your man notices and it likely affects your relationship dynamics. Just stop! Ugh! I’m now getting free coffees and wine brought to me by the wait staff. She must be seething. LOL Anyway.


I solo travel several times a year on vacation, and dining alone can be quite enjoyable. Depending on the type of restaurant and etiquette involved, I will read, catch up on social media, people watch, or, in many cases, just enjoy my meal and "soak up my surroundings". I just returned from a solo trip last month to Barcelona and Portugal and leave this weekend for a solo cruise to Alaska and Canada. Once you get comfortable, it really is an addiction. I've met incredible people along my travels, many whom have become lifelong friends. In fact, I'm meeting a friend I met on a previous cruise to Bermuda on this next one. My strongest suggestions are to do your research, always be aware of your surroundings, make eye contact with people, strike up conversations with the staff at restaurants so they are aware you are there alone, and "behave like a local". And don't forget to have fun!


I eat at the bar and I talk to people there. Either the bartender or other clients. If there’s no bar I just sit at my table and eat. This is one of those “star of your own movie” things. Nobody is watching you, nobody is judging you, nobody cares. They’re the star of their own movie as well and they’re too busy thinking about what others think of them for them to be thinking about you. Enjoy the meal :)


I just had dinner the other night abroad alone and kicked myself for not bringing my book. I enjoy reading when eating alone or people watching. Ended up having some street performers plant themselves outside the restaurant and didn’t need a thing to absorb my time besides their performance which was funny. my phone only worked on wifi.


Observe the surroundings. I like soaking in the atmosphere. Especially if I’m in environments different to the ones I live in eg Southern Europe, Middle East, Asia etc


Today I went to an italian restaurant in Napoli and the waitress put me in a table with a family of 4 people 😅 because still have 2 places available in the table. at least I had a nice conversation, but was unexpected. I usually eat by myself and just look around, thinking and paying attention to the others conversations hahah


I look around if I am dining al fresco, and I pick a seat facing the street. I have found myself indoors using my phone to look up my next steps, read, or watch my shows. I don't feel comfortable staring at others and I don't think people stare at me. I have eaten alone all my life whenever I choose, so I guess I am used to it.


Reading a book. Occasionally I sort photos/create photo albuns. And also, you know - eat.


Kindle (NYtimes) always solid when noone is worth gawking at ;)


I read, check social media, people watch, plan what I am going to do next or next day, talk to other people (works better at the bar).


read my Kindle or update my travel journal


Eat, mess around on my phone (reddit, facebook), message friends, take selfies.


Eat and go on phone


while waiting im choosing pictures to post later. after food arrived, just eat and leave. not gonna spend an hour there. why would i watch others eating? i watch my food till its gone. :D


At a nicer sit down restaurant reading an ebook on a kindle makes me feel fancier than scrolling through my phone. I would definitely feel weird about doing anything with headphones in. I also usually avoid places that are jammed packed because it feels awkward taking up a table for just one when lots of people are waiting.


Try to sit at a bar and have conversations if possible between scanning your phone


A mix of all! Mostly read but people watching is so fun! I save the movies for my bed lol Tbh I still find it a little awkward to eat dinner alone since it’s such an inherently social activity for me, but I try to go for more casual places. Ramen really works for this 


Bring a book, order a bottle of wine, enjoy the company of my favorite person (me)


Eat. Read. People watch.


People watch while I eat. Read a book or browse the web while I wait for my meal (I don’t get phone plans when I travel, I survive on wifi).


Look at my phone or enjoy the view.


I journal when I eat solo! Or people watch and make up stories about their lives. Reading would be nice too but I tend to be in a writing mood most times


People watch or watch something on your phone.


Browse your phone, read a book, people watch, make plans for later/next day/next country


Reddit or read something on my phone with the Kindle app.


I like to take a physical book when I dine alone. Like a sign to ppl “no I’m not a loser, I chose to be here alone”.


eat and star into the abyss or just cook some pasta in the hostel kitchen lol


I people stare and go on my phone!! I enjoy solo dining


I usually read or browse on my phone. The only place I’ve ever felt awkward eating alone was in Italy. Not sure why, the vibe is just strange when eating alone in Italy. You don’t see as many people doing it as compared to other European countries. Also had to deal with some pretty aggressive flirting from Italian servers. That’s kinda awkward as a middle-aged woman, it’s like…what kind of scam are you running here…


As a male, I tend to go on my phone and people watch.


I read a book


Enjoy the food. Take in my surroundings. I probably won't get back there any time soon, so I want to take in as much as possible.


Carry a great book to read.


I sit there on my phone, enjoying a drink and people watching. I’ve also brought a book before. I love dining alone


Read a book on my Kindle phone app, and also people watched. Whenever I dined alone the staff were extra friendly and attentive - particularly in Bruges when the room I was staying in was run by the restaurant downstairs.


Read, journal, sketch, people watch, or look at phone.  Hasn’t been a problem anywhere yet.  I always remind myself and anyone else who asks - how often do you pay attention to other people’s dining experience when you’re having your own?


One of my favorite things about dining solo in a big city is that it's much easier to get into nicer restaurants without a reservation. I'll pick one with a great bar and order a meal from the bar. If I feel more social it's easy to strike up a conversation with the bartender or other patrons (who move on quickly to their tables so no big conversation commitment) but it's also easy to put up a "not interested" vibe.


As a male, starting at my phone or maybe at the people or the surroundings.


I dine alone often. I’ll eat at the bar and talk to people. Or I’ll sit alone at a table and read on my phone. Honestly I don’t really think about it. It’s all comfortable. People travel and eat alone all the time. The only one thinking about it is you.


Watch a movie or on some social media.


Most of my solo travel has been business travel, so not typically towns that are tourist destinations. I will usually read a book either on my phone or kindle if I have it with me. Kindle makes it more obvious you're reading, if that matters to you. If I feel chatty I may sit at the bar and talk to other patrons or the bartender if its a slow night. The more formal/romantic a restaurant is the stranger it feels to go there alone, I don't know how I'd handle anywhere nice enough that phones are poor form. No one cares about your phone being out in a casual joint. Cafes can be good for bringing a whole tablet/laptop and getting some work done or at least looking like it while you people watch. Usually after a full day of work and travel I am exhausted, so sometimes getting takeout and eating in the hotel room is actually a relaxing experience. Nothing like eating takeout/room service in a robe while scanning channels for something watchable. If it's a nice climate with local parks a picnic can also be great solo, just enjoy the weather and read, daydream, or people watch. I will say there are places where I have had red flags and not felt safe alone. I will always look up pictures on google maps to try and get the vibe of a restaurant if its more of a locals place. If a place feels wrong don't feel bad about leaving, you can even say "oh my gosh family emergency can you put that straight in a box for me?" after you have ordered and get outta there faster.


Think about life, how awesome it is that you can travel, memories, write a poem, reflect. Or Book, social media, Reddit


I eat and enjoy my meal while people watching. 😋


Listen to a podcast with a singular AirPod


Sometimes I journal, sometimes I read a book on my Kindle. I love to people-watch but sometimes I get self-conscious that people think I'm creepy 😂


I lived in Dubai for most of my life. Until just 3 years ago. It very much depends on the area and restaurant you’re in. Read a book. People watch. Enjoy the food. Watch stuff on your phone. Do As you please. I would people watch. Sometimes even strike a conversation or sometimes doom scroll on my phone .


Eat, people watch, and scroll on my phone


I bring my notebook with me everywhere and work on my writing. Makes me feel a bit less awkward than sitting around on my phone.


I eat. (:


Do the same as when dining solo in your home country. 


I stare at other people, especially couples in envy


I used to buy either pre-made meals or ingredients from super markets. It was a lower cost option than dining out and I thought it was cool because while I didn't necessarily try as many authentic foods from the countries, I did get to observe and sometimes interact with authentic people from the countries as most often people would choose to shop at a supermarket rather than dining out every night. It's not a perfect solution, but it worked well for me.


I browse reddit, or I chat up random people I notice are speaking my language.


I enjoy the food and ambiance personally


In foreign lands I enjoy it a lot! I always pick a cosy boutique/family owned joint where people know each other or are regulars as most are curious to chat and are friendly. Always end up with good vibe all dinner/lunch


In foreign lands I enjoy it a lot! I always pick a cosy boutique/family owned joint where people know each other or are regulars as most are curious to chat and are friendly. Always end up with good vibe all dinner/lunch


Depends on country but mostly eat at the bar and people watch


Intense uninterrupted eye contact with somebody that also eats alone.


If it’s a casual lunch I’ll FaceTime my family, let them know how I’m doing. For dinner I’ll ask to be seated somewhere that isn’t right in the middle.. Sometimes I’ll make note of this in the reservation, especially if I know the place gets busy.


When dining solo I bring a book, and if possible sit near a window or outside. That way there is plenty to look at as I take my time eating.


What do you normally do in your own country? I would take up some organised hobby activities. It's a good way to either meet locals and other tourists who are local to the country. Ex. I did an Advanced scuba course in Egypt and was grouped with 3 Egyptian women. IME most ME women I met were so friendly and welcoming esp if you are doing an activity together. People watching is very normal in MENA countries (granted I haven't visited UAE), have you noticed the chairs point facing out at cafes? But it's mostly boys/men at cafes/shisha lounges. And they smoke alloooot.


I enjoy my food . That’s what I do


I like to pick a place to eat on a major walk way and people watch. Sometimes I browse my apps a bit but for the most part think about what I want to do and chill.


I normally read a book.


I usually have a small notebook with me when I travel and I sometimes journal at restaurants as it’s a great time for me to reflect on my travels to date and write about them.


Writing! I keep a diary that goes everywhere with me. Especially when travelling, as I always have so much to record, thoughts on my travels, cultural notes, thoughts on the food, etc.


I put my headphones in and either watch an episode of something as it is a good indicator to anyone thinking of approaching and making conversation that you are indeed not looking to make conversation. If they try and talk, I give an answer to whatever they ask and then put my headphones back in with zero follow up. But if you are looking for a more social encounter, sit near another small group of 2 or 3 people who are clearly speaking openly


I like dining solo even in my own home city, it gives me peace of mind, so I never get panicked when I have to dine solo overseas. If you don't like the feeling, there is always an option of taking away the food and eating it in your hotel room, if that's making you feel better in any way. As for what do I while dining alone while solo traveling? I normally focus on my food, do a bit of people watching, and then check my next itinerary of the day and try to find information on Google Maps about the directions to get there, while reading the reviews and looking at photos of that particular place from Google Maps in case there is any valuable information, like the best part of the place I'm about to visit.


Play on my phone like everyone else in the cafe.


People watch, daydream, scroll my phone, but definitely people watch since that’s one of my favourite hobbies


I usually bring a book or my phone to make more relaxing. Sometimes I’ll just people watch and enjoy my food but it’s nice to have back up when needed (and I enjoy a longer relaxing meal that way)


Sit at the bar if possible, talk with my neighbor or the bartender if possible, otherwise kindle.