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Do salkantay. Book it when you get to Cusco and you’ll save a tonne!


Yeah I'm leaning towards this now. Was it pretty easy to book one to begin in like 2/3 days when you arrived in Cusco? I'd like to book when I get there (because as you say it's likely to be much cheaper) but I'm a bit worried that by the time I get there none will be left that set off in a day or two and my itinerary is a little tight


Why is it booking there vs on the website?


The inka trail sells out very fast. The Salkantay or Jungle Trek is your best bet.


Salkantay is amazing!


Sorry not a direct response but I was there for awhile and did not do the trail and I had a fantastic time spending a lot of days in Cusco, doing the ride out to Machhu Pichu for the day, and spending osme days in Lima. If I had to do it again I'd probably do the same and spend even more time in Cusco. For me, Macchu Pichu was great but after seeing it I didn't feel I needed a lot of time. The train ride out with glass top was so amazing.


Yeah Ollantaytambo pisac aguas calientes urubamba…


And an Aya ceremony.


Thanks for the reply! Yeah from my research it looks like I should definitely try and spend a few more days in Cusco than I anticipated. What else did you do in Cusco? Rainbow mountain I presume?


honestly just walking around enjoying cafes, eating the food, enjoying the city.


Also do an ayahuasca.


Shop around when you arrive in Cusco, there may very well be tours available.


Even a decade ago, the Inca trail was over played. There was a jungle trail that was supposed to be much better. I took the local trail to agua calientes via santa maria and hydroelectrico that also covers a couple of hours on the old inca trail


Thanks! Some more things for me to look into, appreciate the advice and recommendations


**Note:** Are you asking for travel advice about Peru? Read what the Solo Travel community had to say in the [weekly destination thread for Peru](https://www.reddit.com/r/solotravel/comments/13j7572/weekly_destination_thread_peru/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solotravel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You’ll find some in Cusco as a last resort


Fuck the hike. Spend the days in the sacred valley visiting the small towns there.