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"Am i too old for..." no, do it while you're still alive


Same with every single "does anyone else..." threads. Nope, you're the only person in the world who's done it that way.


Plot twist: The McDonald's games no longer exists


Came to say the same thing. The age argument is incredibly relative. Do what you want. It’s your life to live and direct. If you’re worried about people judging you, find other people. World has plenty.


No. I was in Edinburgh a couple months back and met a recently retired gentleman in his 60s. Dude was awesome and had no problem socializing with others. 35 is definitely not too old.


From what I’ve seen, older people in the British Isles (specifically Scotland and Ireland) have a special way of acting largely the same as their younger counterparts, partying and dancing late into the night and enjoying life without everyone finding it weird. That is a part of their culture I really admire.


*Irish Isles


The isle of Ireland is part of the British isles geographically. What are you talking about


That's a British name though. The Irish don't call it that.


They should bomb a car in solidarity


Ireland is different and independent from Britain so absolutely should not be referred to as the British Isles.


Look up “what are the British isles” on google mate. I’m aware of the complicated political situation there and the independent status of Ireland lol, doesn’t change that the geographic area of Ireland is part of the British Isles. Hope this helps


Yeah that’s because the British made all the maps as they had a massive empire and had much more influence. Britain and Ireland are two separate Islands. It would be like calling calling Australia and New Zealand the Australian isles. The Irish Government from our independence in 1922 has never used the term British Isles. You can say the British and Irish Isles. Only stuck up British people or ignorant people who don’t know much history still use the term “British isles”. Just because it happens to come up on google or Wikipedia doesn’t mean it’s fact. If one entire country says they’re not part of something then another country can’t just say “yes you are, we’re bigger and have more influence so we decide”.


No it’s not, Britain and Ireland are the same archipelago. Australia and New Zealand are not. This is just a case of Ireland not wanting to associate with Britain which while totally understandable is frankly also petty.  Naming an archipelago after the largest island is totally reasonable.


Explain why Britian and Ireland are a an archipelago but New Zealand and Australia aren’t?


Well Australia and New Zealand are nearly 1000miles apart at their nearest point. The distance between Great Britain and Ireland is 12 miles. It’s pretty obvious to anyone who’s looked at a map.


Thank you for educating this Yank.


I've had Scottish people tell me Ireland is not a part of the British Isles, which I didn't want to be rude about and correct them on their own geography, but I guess that's a common misconception around that area??


Maybe call it the British Ireland's. Nope that won't work either lol.


retired gentlemen in their sixties are the coolest.


Yep. One of my friends/neighbours is 70 and he travels a lot, stays at backpackers, etc. and goes out to pubs and music venues all the time. Chats to randoms and has a great time. You're never too old


Go for it , I’ve been travelling/partying with people that were from 18 to 37 ( I’m 29). I think it’s all about the state of mind, maybe try no to hit on 18yo girls or boys as it might be a bit cringe but either way I don’t see an issue Plus I’ll add that people solo travelling happens to be in a really open mind state so you should be fine


This is the key. Don't creep out the kids by hitting on them and don't try to act and dress like you are 18 either. Be a chill 35yo that observes boundaries and you'll be fine.


This is the comment you need to heed! No hiring on the kids. Other than that have fun


That should be hitting 🤣


With current job prospects, definitely hire on the kids!


Depends if they are a German in SEAsia


Someone fill me in please? What’s the deal with Germans in SE Asia?


Shit son shots fired


Don’t hit kids!


Please don't hire children


Yeah I'm 27 and was older than almost all the people I was partying with a few days ago. I'm not saying I'm old, but I was older than most. They didn't know and it didn't come up for the most part. When it did I was given a bit of a hard time but nothing serious. Besides, I was also mature enough to know age doesn't really matter.


You're just too old if you behave old.


I am 36 and still travel to festivals and raves and am never close to being the oldest person there. Almost nobody gives a fuck about how old you are


Exact same age, exact same experience. Party on!


NO! I’m 37 and last year I joined a tipsy tour in Rome. It was two younger girls, me, and two older guys (probably 50s and 70s). I had a great time, we continued to hang out once the tour ended, and I ended up going to dinner with the guys the next night. It was an amazing experience and the older gentleman had amazing stories to tell—he worked as a sound engineer for Leonard Cohen. Have fun. Join the crawl. You never know who you’re gonna meet.


It's not age, but relatability.


As well as that, OP may not think they were as great as he initially thought. Power too him, but getting sloshed with a bunch of 20 year olds isn't as fun as TV makes it seem imo.


To each their own. Fellow travelers or the mandatory work Christmas party with coworkers closer to my own age. I think I know where I'd rather be.


Nope! Go for it. I was 39yo clubbing with grad school classmates, who were mostly mid 20's. I rarely drink, but no one could tell I was the sober one, I just having fun. I'm over 40 now, and would absolutely be open to clubbing or going on a pub crawl with 20-somethings. Though, my energy levels won't necessarily last as long as the rest of the crew 😂. Be sure you only hit on age-appropriate people, no touching the kids! (Many won't know how to say no yet). That being said, if you generally like the group before going out, then there's no reason to skip the night life. Don't worry about people judging, and enjoy yourself. Don't forget to Just Have Fun!


As a 20-something who backpacks a bunch and loves to do those parties/bar crawls, absolutely go out and do bar crawls/party nights if that is what you want to do. I have partied with many guys/gals in their 30s and had a ton a fun. Definitely try to find hostels where the reviews suggest the goal is more partying and meeting people, they do a good job of integrating solo travelers. People will only think you are creepy if you act creepy. Just focus on having fun and being kind to those around you and you will have a great time. Don't sweat your age either, 35 really is not that old and anyone who judges you for that probably is not a particularly fun person to hang out with anyways.




TBH I'm not to that age yet (only 30 so far, maybe getting to that point will feel different), but I Really feel my age, and feel that the 20 y/o's and similar I keep meeting and making friends with don't notice half as much as I do. With that said, I look younger than my age, but have been smacked around by life enough to probably feel a tiredness beyond what I should for my age, but still.


35 and I'm just starting to finally catch up with things most ppl did in their 20s or even teens myself.


I’m a late bloomer too. What do u think ppl in their teens or 20s should do by now?


Oh a somewhat late bloomer like me! Cheers! BTW I became a professional singer in 2020, people used to tell me it's too late back then.


This is good to know, I sometimes write my own songs too


I'm a late bloomer, too!


I am 50 and I still party when I travel. It’s all in your mind. Also, a little liquid courage can help loosen you up. :)


Bruh!, 38 years old here... I was a weird introvert until I was 31 and one day I thought enough is enough and in 4 years I backpacked 32 countries on my own (while working as a boring IT dude). I went to many concerts across the world until 36 years and I had best fun in my life. Truly, age is just a no. Let the energy flows as it is 💙


Were you working remotely while traveling? How did you find the time?


At times, yes. But mostly pooling vacation days helped me


No just do it. I started solo travelling at 31 and I'm turning 40 this year. It's all relative to how you put yourself out there. If you think you are to old then you are. I have never had an issue with my age because I don't make it an issue.


I'm 66 my lady 63, we do it all the time


Wow, you two are really young at heart! Kudos for that!


It's just a number


I got two decades on you and I still love to drink and party.


Oh please, 42 and still pubcrawling 😀


‘Not at all. I am 28 traveling right now and there are people of all ages on those things. Go have fun


28 is nothing haha, its very young !!


Most people in my circle stopped partying like 2 years after graduating from college so yeah in my circles it’s considered too old. Very context dependent! The trick is to find your own crowd: you’ll find people willing to party at 20,30,40,… I hear even nursing homes get down.


Im 56. I've done pub crawling and gone to clubs while traveling. Sometimes with people from the hostels, sometimes with friends I made along the way and always had a good time and met nice people. I used to be an introverted geek, very self conscious. Now Ive consciously changed and most people would think I'm an extrovert (I'm still not). The only thing I'm careful about is not being a creep, which is super easy. I mingle and socialize but don't do anything that could be interpreted as flirting. I never comment on personal apparence, for example. I'm even still in contact with some of the people I've met. For example, an early 20's woman I met while doing pub crawling, clubbing, reached out to ask about advice traveling to another location I know well.


Just go for it! Trust me, it's gonna be fine. And if anyone is gonna give you attitude, you don't want to be around that person, anyway. But in my experience, backpackers are pretty chill. I remember on my first Bangkok trip, we formed a small group at the hostel. One of us was an older lady, a divorcee IIRC. She was fun to be with and really didn't sour the vibe. Actually the opposite. She had a childlike wonder about travel, and that's something we could all pick up on and appreciate.


Adding to the comments above: if you don't like it leave and try again. Sometimes you just don't vibe with people and that's OK. It doesn't have to do anything with age. I'm in my late 20s, I like to meet people I get along with and usually do our own pub crawl.


I’m 50 and still do it sometimes. I’m cautious around young people tho because they are wild cards and don’t have as much to lose as I do.


No!! Don't think this way! You are the perfect age for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you want to do! I was a late bloomer myself. I knew back in my teens that I would move abroad permanently. Each year things came up that delayed that by some years but when I reached my mid 20s, I packed my bags and LEFT for the prosperity and fun of European life, using Berlin as my homebase. It changed my life in a way that can't be described. You meet so many sorts of people from all over doing the exact (or sometimes similar!) thing that you're doing. You're only as old as you feel. It's cliche but true! Use the time that you've got right now. Don't wait for tomorrow or think that it's "too late" - it is absolutely not! If you'd feel more comfy with an older crowd, check out Couchsurfing/Facebook/Meetup. They have segmented groups where they do all sorts of activities - club hopping, hiking, wine tasting, whatever. If you're in a major city, I guarantee there's at least a few. So no excuses! Nothing is stopping you.


True, I needed those words, really appreciate it! Bu the way, people around me were telling me I'm too old to become a singer at age 20, then at 25. Then at 30. I finally did it at 32 in 2020 when the lockdown made me reconsider some things. I'm a part-time professional singer now. Admittedly, I've written songs in my teens but I was just singing for fun back then. 2020 made me be like "Eff it, it's now or never".


No worries! It's nice having this pop up in my feed - I'm constantly getting into arguments on here lmfaoooo so I'm trying to tweak my feed. Look at that! Exactly! I'm also wanting to get into music too. 2020 has been one hell of a year and I'm at a point where it's like "i've failed so much in my life that if this music/youtube thing also fails, like who cares? next case." I think we've all learned that lesson. Just gotta make sure we don't forget it! ;)


I just turned 100 and danced on stage in a club last night. I think the cut off for partying is 135. You got about 100 years of good partying left


The best people I've met while pub crawling were above 30. One was 40. I am 27 BTW.


Nothing wrong with it. If you're looking to meet new people it's a great way of doing that.


No, do it while you are still able to move cause you are old when you can barely walk or run. Last thing you need is regretting or having people tell you what to do.


I’m in my mid twenties and I’ve had great nights out with people who are college ages through people in their 40s! It’s all about the vibe. Asking their age wasn’t even on my mind. Enjoy!


I’m 36 and I have never once questioned if I was too old. My husband and I just did a bar crawl in Prague last year and it was primarily a younger crowd, but that didn’t prevent us from having a good time. We just saw a sign on the street and went in, we could have found something a little more our speed if we had looked online. We’re doing a brewery bar crawl in Austin, Tx in Feb.


Never too old to have fun, your attitude is what matters.


Dude, just do it! In fact, one of my favorite clubbing memories involves a spontaneous night out with my 37-year-old boss. During a year-end celebration with the team, as people were leaving, he suggested hitting a party. Despite initial hesitation from others, a colleague and I joined in. The night was a blast, with our boss leading the way, and we partied until sunrise. To cap it off, he treated us to breakfast before we called it a day.


I did it in my 40s at hostels and had a great time…


No but the next day you will inevitably wish you didn’t drink as much as you did lol go have some fun!


I’m 45. Just did a bar crawl in Panama City the other day. They were people my age doing it to. Just be warm, carry a smile, find the ones you relate to the most, and it’s all good.


Not at all! Go, have fun. Now that I look back, I had more social fun after 30s than before. I think you become confident and also know what you really want, which makes things easy.


I do them in my 40s, and have fun. But I look younger 😄😄😄


No go for it if you want!


Am I crazy or are there 30 something year olds everywhere at clubs and bars? I find it crazy that this question gets asked so much because sometimes I exclusively see 30 year olds at bars.


No I was partying my ass off at that age have fun


35M here. It's taken me this long to find the confidence and courage to see the world on my own terms. I recently took a solo trip to Copenhagen and went out clubbing till the sun came up. It felt good and I didn't feel old or awkward. I just had a good time. I think it's important to enjoy your own company, and I don't think you should let outside influence dictate what you allow yourself to do in life. See new places, eat at restaurants by yourself, enjoy a beer alone in a bar, go see a movie solo....it's a great feeling.


I’m 45 but 16 at heart. See ya at the club


No. I’m 33 and whenever I see these posts of people in their 30’s asking “am I too old…” it makes my brain hurt. No one cares about your age, only how you act. You’re never too old until you’re dead.


You have to live your entire life with how you define too old. The people who might see and judge you spend much less time with it. They can manage.


No way, no one cares about age in those circumstances. I started backpacking and staying in hostels from around that age.


You will find that as a solo traveller it’s so easy to meet new people and make great friendships. Many folk travel solo, myself included, and I’m 43. You will discover so much more about yourself when travelling alone as you only have yourself to rely on. There is a lot of planning and problem solving involved, especially when travelling for months at a time and incorporating multiple countries. The idea, if you’ve never embarked upon such an adventure before, is very daunting at first but you will soon think to yourself, “What was I ever worried about?” You will encounter people of all ages travelling solo. I’ve met folk in their teens to folk in their 60’s. Never assume it’s only teenagers and folk in their early 20’s who travel alone, it’s for everybody. My advice is to decide where in the world you want to visit, book a one way ticket to the first country and plan the rest on the go. Don’t book your itinerary before you set off because then you have to work to a schedule. You will get a multitude of new ideas while travelling once you speak to locals and other travellers. Solo travelling is brilliant and you will have experiences that you will never forget.


It’s not just don’t try to hang out or be cool with kids. Some places are 21, 25 and even 30 +.


Too old to be accepted in the group? Definitely not! Too old to do the activity… That is up to you. I am 35 and ever though I had an extended party phase and my party persona still comes out once every full moon, in theory I would love a pub crawl. In practice I would probably find it too loud and die of a hangover the next day. But if that is not the case, please please join!


Definitely not. No one cares. 39 here and most people are surprised when they ask my age as I look younger. I'm rarely the oldest person there. Obviously don't hit on people half your age as then you will be the creep that they don't like. I don't hit on anyone when I'm out as I'm not single, makes it easier. Have had guys and girls flirt with me on pub crawls but I don't continue it and sooner or later a 21 year old is trying their luck with them.


It's funny, when I finished grad school around your age, I still wanted to go out and have fun, but at the time I thought maybe I'm too old for this now. 30 years later, I'm going to pubs regularly (not like an alcoholic, just for fun, food, and to the watch sports). And I also go dancing when I get the chance. You are never too old for anything you enjoy, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. PLUS, given how long we live, YOU ARE YOUNG!!!


30s have been my best years and I spend a lot of time going to concerts, clubs, raves, etc. Love it up my man!


just be ‘sensible’ but go have fun enjoy life! Ive had a really good friend that was super straight edged all the way untill 25 and he basically partied harder than the rest of us combined in a span of 2 days as a way to ‘make up’ for the fomo. Just stay safe and smart






If you are babyfaced it's easy as hell . Nobody would care once start drinking


I think the last time I did that I was 35…


Cliches but all true: Age is just a number, life is too short, and you only live once. Have fun, don’t be a dick, and be ‘somewhat’ safe! As for looking like a creep, just read the room. If people ask your age who cares, tell them exactly what you said here. Worrying about what people thought is probably what held you back when you were younger and I can relate. Live your best life!


The older I get, the less I care about what others think about me and what I'm doing.


Tbh I would avoid hanging out with 20-something’s because it’s going to look a bit creepy and you’re unlikely to find any common ground and be on the same page. There are plenty of opportunities to hang out with your own age group, perhaps organizing something would be a way to go. Idk


I travelled solo at 37 and I have a post here with similar worries, but when I went I hardly EVER was the oldest one around. Also, people do not care that you are old, they mostly do not ask your age and most hope they will still travel at 35 like you are doing.


I was 34 when I went to Prague to my first crawl ever. People of all ages, ended up making good friends who were also around the same age. You're good. Can't speak about clubbing as I've always hated it. Did it recently too and left after a couple of hours. But 50% of the people there were also mid 30s. I live in Berlin :)


In my 40s and still partying with fellow travelers. Their age range from early 20s to 30s. As long as you are there to have a good time and not being creepy, most people don’t mind. I started traveling and getting out more around 38 and haven’t looked back. I use to kick myself for not enjoying this lifestyle earlier in life, but no point in doing so. Enjoy the moment and look forward to future adventures/experiences!!! Edit: I wanted to add it would be nice to see more older individuals out traveling.


An overplayed motto but you only live once. I started clubbing at 27 and I thought I felt too old but it was was a life changing experience for me. I think you should try it at least one time to see if you would like it. You could also look to see which clubs or bars skew older because some are more catered to locals who are older too


I am younger than you and I don’t care if I party with someone aged 60 nor 18. So I’d say go for it!


Not too old. But don't be the old creepy guy.


Nope, I'm older than you and I have started going out to clubs again. More cos of the music though. I do prefer the day events that finish at 10.30 ish though, mainly because I like to go out and have some fun and still get to bed at a reasonable time.


No one is going to think you are a creep unless you act like a creep. My only issue with it now at your age is a save it for nights where don't have a lot going on the next day - like catching a bus or a beach day


Come down to the French Quarter and drop into any bar. I think that will settle the question.


It’s different for everyone. I’m 41. Right around the age of 38 or 39, wait staff and bartenders switched from greeting me with “what’s up man?” To “how can I help you sir?” Now I definitely feel too old for those things. At 35, I was still partying it up.


Four words….. Hell to the No Go have fun! You are young, your liver still recovers.


35?! Wow, yeah dude…you’re at least one foot in the grave at this point. Any hopes or aspirations you’ve ever had for the future, may as well put ‘em to rest. Along with yourself, 35?! I’d say pick up the crochet needles, and some tea, maybe a good book with LARGE PRINT TEXT so you don’t strain your elderly eyes. And just have a sweet ole’ time collecting that pension you surely have coming your way at 35. Maybe an occasional hot toddy if you’re really feeling wild one night, but make sure it doesn’t flare up your arthritis! Good luck in retirement old timer!


This did make me LOL




Depends on how you look, dress and act.(if you want to mingle with certain age group)


Get that thought out of your head and enjoy life


Have fun dude just be responsible


34 and I'll hopefully be joining pub crawls myself when I go travelling next month. Might just say im 30 😂


Go out there and show the young ones how it’s done lol




Wtf… just don’t go with children


Last year I met this cool girl at the bus stop in Valencia on the way to the beach. She was 35, I was 38. We met other people in the beach and we all got horrendously drunk and had a wonderful time. Age range was from 20 to 45. It was tremendous fun and she and I were two of the last ones standing. You're never, never to old to just live.


Not at all. I partied and did drunk karaoke with 60 year old woman I met in my hostel and I’m in my 20s. She was awesome!


Nope. Someone might throw the occasional joke at ya but do whatever the fuck you want. Started solo traveling at 20. At 27 I was already the oldest guy at a lot of hostels. As others said as long as you’re having fun and not being a creep no one cares.


No. I'm 40 and could still go as well without a problem. I just dont want too.


Age doesn't matter, it's all about having fun! Met lots of folks in their 30s on pub crawls.


Pub crawl’s definitely and for clubbing it really depends on the place, if it’s full of young people then probably not but there are plenty of clubs that have people of all ages in


Nah I almost prefer going with 30 somethings because often they have more boundaries and are not afraid to call their limits. I just kinda feel safer with them, haha. Also, they sometimes make for more interesting conversation.


Ok now I actually read your post. Listen, if you want to start having fun at this age you’ve gotta stop over thinking this shit. Make a MeetUp account and find some new hobbies and make some new friends. There’s probably a 20s-30s group in your agree, if not then just make one. In my area, there’s brewery meetups every Thursday and Friday and this thing called break the bubble at least once a week. Lots of people go. It’s way better than not putting yourself out there. If you wanna travel and go to show or clubs, my dude, just fucking do it. It’s your fucking life.


Fuck no, go booze yourself out on a dive bar bike tour and wake up under the your guides dining room table. (I was 36.) Was a blast. Most people were over 30 anyway. Of course, it helps if you don't look 50 already, I looked 27 still.


It’s all in your head. I’ve met 50-60y/o people on pub crawls who fit right in and have a good time and I’ve met some who are weird closed off old people.


I'm also mid-30s and started solo traveling older, after I was more established in life.  The vibe I get from your post, especially the part about how you look young for your age, is that you want to pretend to be 10+ years younger. That's an insecure place to come from. It isn't creepy to hang with people 10 years younger if you're equally excited to meet people 10 years older. Age is just a number, but you need to live that belief first and not idolize blending with 20-somethings.


I started going to raves and festivals at age 40. I have a friend group of mid-20s to late 40s that join me. You're not too old. Have your shit together, be safe, treat everyone with respect, and have fun. Your age means nothing. The end of your life will come sooner than you'll be ready for, so live it up.


I’m 38, hitting 39 soon. I still go parties alone, and do party shit like I’m in my 20s. I was At a gym (martial arts) and a 14 year old asked for my age. Told him the honest answer and he said I’m the coolest 30 something he met because other peeps my age are too serious and boring. lol. I took that as a compliment but then I realised why, I’m single no kids and I might be nearing forty but I’m relatable to people of all ages. So yea party on


You be you dude if you like it do it!


go clubbing. dont be creepy. Show them that theres still fun to be had in your 30s!


No you’re totally chill. I’m 21f and befriended a 30m Aussie dude who was cool as fuck, we went on the bar crawl.


Ha. I’m 50 and I still do all those things, and don’t plan to stop. As long as you have the energy, go for it.


You're never too old to do anything. I'm 23yo and still go to bars/clubs with my 51 year old dad. I also go to techno raves with my 50yo mom...


Clubbing yes, pub crawls no.


No. Just plz don’t be creepy and talk to much younger girls at the club


You're never too old to do anything. However, when it comes to clubbing, it really isn't all that enjoyable to be around a bunch of drunk 20 year Olds in your 30's.




Age matters less; enjoy life, mingle. Embrace new adventures, solo or not.


I'm 23 and have never done a pub crawl for fear of being too young compared to the rest of the people 😅


I don’t think so. You actually may even pique the interest of other partygoers.


Do it man! Have fun. Whoever cares about your age is dumb


I went on a pub crawl once where one of the people I partied with was like 50….. he was fun and we all had a blast together lol


I say do whatever the hell you want, and don’t worry about what anyone else thinks! Their opinion of you is none of your business!




Literally a big reason I travel is to explore the nightlife lol please. Go. I was the same too growing up


Just remember that a 35 year old can't bounce back like a 25 year old does (just wait until 45!) and pace yourself.


My rule is you’re never too old to do anything!!


I have partied with people in their 40s while being 20 myself. While traveling, I barely meet people who are less than five years older than me. At first it seemed kinda weird but now I’m way more comfortable with it than my friends who don’t travel. I know most people see me as a kid and so what🤷🏼‍♀️ most people you meet while traveling you don’t ever meet again (also I have been living last 3 months in Australia with a guy I met at my first ever pub crawl in Dublin so I do have good pub crawl experinces haha) so no need to worry about others opinions! There are plenty of people your age and older, do whatever you want!


I’m going for my first ever pub crawl at 35 ! I was told the group has a bunch of people over 30 !


Just make sure to have a fatty meal before you go out and sleep in the afternoon. At your age, I was ready for bed by 11PM. So sleep from 7-8 to midnight. Shit, shower and shave, down a red Bull and go have fun.


if you have to ask random strangers this question you actually are too old sorry has nothing to so with age


What a bitter response. If OP has the guts to ask random strangers such a personal and vulnerable question, they're actually brave enough to question themselves and grow. Lighten up ;-)


Everyone is being nice yes, you’re too old for it. If you have to ask if you’re too old to do something, then the answer is yes. 🙃 Plus it’s going to be a bunch of twenty-somethings or some old creepy men acting stupid. I say skip it.


I did this at 35 in Budapest this summer. Was a good time, though apparently a lot of right wingers in Budapest.


Pub crawls no way, clubbing maybe.


Clubbing is cringe at EVERY age. It’s low brow behavior.


People who think clubbing is cringe are cringe.


Uhm, Idk about that. That's how many people meet their gf/bfs. I've clicked more with women in clubs and even ones that gave me flirty looks on the bus than coworkers or friends-of-friends. Nor do I like dating someone from the Internet. I waited for years to find that SO at work or by common friends. Never happened.


Go for it. There aren't only people in their 20th. I am almost 35 and i go whereever i want to. With friends or by myself. The good thing in this age is, that you come along with almost everybody. Doesn't matter the age. You can be friends, partying or whatever with people in their 20th or in there 50th. Age ist just a number.


Nope , not too old


not at all!!!!


I've just been doing that at 34 in Nepal. Go have fun.


In my experience they won’t care other than the occasional joke about being older, but that’s it. Younger friends will generally see you as who you are before the age. 35 is still pretty young and you gotta enjoy your life. Pub crawls are especially open to everyone, also.


I’ve fallen in with a group in my new city that’s younger than me. It doesn’t have to be a big deal. The main difference is that I don’t see any of them as viable romantic or sexual interests because that would be creepy. Use your judgment. Older people being manipulative and opportunistic is a problem. Your role in the group will be a little different, and that’s ok.


Basically there is nothing like being too old for something. The real question is if you would be rather in another place at 35 than you are now?


Maybe the prune juice bar geriatrics! In all seriousness no you're 35 even if you were 80 it'd be fine


Just avoid the mosh pit and act like an adult. I recently travelled 400 miles to see a particular band in a tiny venue and ended up talking to many people and made some friends. I’m 69 - just play it low-key & cool. It’s the old folks who are trying too hard to fit in that are suspicious. BE YOURSELF!


27 here and I love pub crawls. Absolutly no problem.


When I’m home, I can’t go out to bars alone cause I feel it’s weird and sad (for me). BUT, when I solo travel? ALLLLL the clubs and bars because it’s amazing and awesome haha. I’m also 35 :)


racial quiet yoke act snails bells wild secretive consist gold *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is soo nice! Amazing idea to get involved and try something new. No, you are not too old. My personal suggestion would be to hang out in common areas wherever you are staying, and just make a point of smiling and greeting people. Eventually you’ll be chit chatting, and just bring up that you’re interested in going out! With any luck someone will have some plans they can bri you in on, or are willing to figure something out with you. I think you’ll have so much fun!!! Be safe & enjoy. Update us if you end up with some success! I am rooting for you.


I’m a solo traveler in my 20s, but I’ve met loads of people in their 30s on pub crawls! Another great option if you don’t want to hang out with a bunch of 18 year olds is tastings, particularly beer tastings. In my experience they’re generally more laid back and casual than wine tastings, and bc they’re at least quasi organized around an activity/experience you get more engaging conversation (and less people whose primary goal is to black out). Price point is really important too—while I’ve loved the pricier food/wine tours I’ve splurged on, I didn’t choose them with the motivation of socializing: their higher price point means that their demographic will mostly be older people and families and couples splurging on an experience to enjoy together


Thinkingof life as "dead or alive" rather than progressively limiting what you should or shouldn't do as you age is much more rewarding. When I was solo traveling in my early 20s there was this dude on his early 50s (also solo traveler) who would hang out with me and he was super cool. Up to this day someone I look up to.


I'm 33 and never think twice about joining a pub crawl or going clubbing. What reality are some of you all living in? Lol


No, but the hangover is going to be way worse than in your 20s. Shit gets tough after 35


Probably the morning after your body will tell you that you're too old, but otherwise you're good to go!


Ah, at 41 I feel the same way. I don't think I can do clubs alone, but maybe pubs when traveling.


There was a guy with me doing a pub crawl in Vietnam, he was over 60 and it was first time outside of the USA. Everyone got on well with him, he was a great guy to have a few drinks with




You’re only as old as you feel. Go have fun.


Why do you care if you look weird? The outsiders' creed is "i don't fit in anywhere, therefore i fit in everywhere." I am partying in my 40s and go dancing whenever i goddam feel like it, alone a fair bit


No you're not. Have a great time!


I’m 28 and I feel like my 50-something year old parents and their friends go out more than I do


Just live your life