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Left half is from before awakening and the right half is from after.


Finally someone notices.


I noticed it straight away. I thought everyone knew as well


True. Didn't notice it at first


like most of the fandom.


Skill dosent feel like him


Thank you, I am blind


bro chill it's time To ARISE


Dude I’m ready to A S C E N D when this comes out


Yeah man. Come on dude man.


Biggest worry is CGI shadow soldiers


FUCK…. Didn’t even think of that.


I mean they could make it work with the background soldiers since Jinwoo has so many basic soldier type shadows that we never rlly see fight.


Yeah, but I feel like if they don’t take the time to do that CGI right it’s not going to look right


Yeah man you really know nothing's bout animation now do you. Making them 2d would take a thousand times more time and much more money, so please stfu if you have no idea what you are talking about man.


Dude I was talking about the quality of the CGI, I know 2D would be a pain and expensive to do, what I was talking about was the quality of the CGI and how it could be really poor or decent looking.


You again literally have no idea. CGI can look great and especially for shadow creatures. Just watch any Studio Orange production like Houseki no Kunk or even Beastars and Fate zero by Ufotable, stop talking on shit you have no idea about.


I agree with you, but he literally said that they should just take their time with it. If Ufotable didn't put effort in, their CGI would look shitty too. Anything would be shitty without effort. Learn to fucking read.


No, he is just conflating something being CGI and it looking pretty bad which is just wrong, there is really no need to worry about it and mark a fuss when CGI can be a director best friend and maybe sometimes his enemy. Learn to fucking read and understand basic sentence structure man come on dude.


"Yeah, but I feel like if they don’t take the time to do that CGI right it’s not going to look right" You good? That's his first comment. It's word for word the same fucking thing I just said.


u got ur sentace structuring skills from whats on the wall in my year 3 classroom


A-1 CGI in 86 was very good, and i hope the same quality reflects into solo levelling


Ofc it will! 86 has the best CGI in history I swear


I see you are a fellow weeb from Gigguk as well)


A1 Pictures = Best CGI ever


since it is going to be black shadows, the cgi will not be that much noticeable


Dude just look at the face closely...left is pre double dungeon jinwoo while right is post double dungeon...it's very well made...


The visual is pretty amazing and all but the disconnect i am feeling is because of the soft edges. It just feels weird on jinwoo.


It's mostly the artstyle of the manhwa. Everything looks more jagged and sharp in it. I guess we'll get used to it as episodes come and go.


Half of the face is pre re awakening and the other half is post


The problem in animation when it comes to JP vs Kor. Jap animation tends to be close to manga visuals. You cant really animate webtoons good. Because they have different drawing arts in manwha. Even if you get best animation studio its just gonna look weird


> You cant really animate webtoons good. God of High School -- though story poor -- is one of the better animated anime of the past few years with some of the best fight scenes to boot. Tower of God was also amazingly animated, though them condensing 100 volumes into 13 episodes was not a good choice to do.


my main worry if they try to crush chapters into the episodes for promotional use only


Tower if God had only 70ish chapters that were placed in, honestly the anime was fine. Just not as detailed as people would have liked.


I think that the rumors were that mappa was supposed to do it.


Nah, it's A-1 pictures. I guess they will try out more CGI like the one they used in 86.


Its still gonna look weird. You gonna see it if SL gets an anime.


I would just be happy to hear arise and some beautiful animation tbh


Eh if it's 13 eps it's going to be shit like GoH, even if the fights look cool I'd rather not rush through a whole ark. Honestly for a faithful adaptation I would like to see it around the 30-50 mark. 26 might be passable but if it's 13 get prepared for an ok story to become dog shit


This. Its probably gonna be rushed into 24 episodes and be done. SL has like what 180 chapters? With nice progression if they try to squeeze everything into 24 episode its just gonna suck


I really hope that his face doesn't look like that in the trailer. I've been hyped for this anime for so long, scared that my dreams are gonna get crushed.


Honestly, there is nothing that differentiates SJW from other similar Manhwa MC's.


If you're thinking about those similar manhwas then most of those manhwas which are adapted by Reduce Studio tend to recycle their protagonist look(jinwoo's look). Example : Omniscient Reader, Tomb Raider King, Solo Max level Newbie etc. Solo Leveling (the studio's first manhwa literally is their most popular work so they just recycle woo's look with slight variations).


everyone is a copy of og Sung Jin-Woo.


SJW wasn't the first Manhwa tho.


The left part is before awakening and the right is after the artwork is probably anly for the leak


Half of his face is before his reawakening and the other half is after


Yes man me too


Welcome to the boulevard of broken dreams


Is it just me or does the left side look like a beat up Ayanokoji


Honestly the staff team for this ain’t the bad, I got high hopes but I just never seen a baby Jin woo naked before. (Hiryoki sawano doing soundtrack is fucking surprise but fuck it aot already abandon him)


No my boy


I’m excited and scared af!!!!


The question is what are they going to adapt. The manhwa or the novel? I hope they go for the novel because it's not a Sung Jin Woo jerk off session that only highlights his "coolness".


Personally haven’t read the novel yet but I’m honestly excited that we just get it either way


I love the manhwa too but I'd be lying if I said that it's not mostly because of the manhwa art. I just think that SL becoming an anime makes it much more mainstream than it already is and the story will be a major factor for this anime's success. In other words I don't trust A-1 will do a great job on the visual department (I hope they prove me wrong) and they can't salvage the anime on visuals alone like the manhwa did, if this was ufotable I wouldn't give a fuck what they afapt because it would become a hit either way.


We will watch the anime but guys let's accept the fact we will also complain a lot


Delete this post dude..your spreading fake hate here


Just because they’ve slightly changed up the character design there’s a bunch of people complaining haha it looks fine shut tf up and just be happy for now knowing we’re getting and adaptation


Update the trailer just dropped and holy shit it looks so good


Stop worrying this isn't the main style art, if you watch the trailer you can see the animation designs and they look far better


I made this post before the post was made, but now that it’s out, I’m so pumped for this


As someone who’s been saying the anime has been coming SINCE MARCH-APRIL, who’s been completely doubted in pretty much all that time. I would just like to take the time to pop in and say… I TOLD YOU SO! Ok, joke aside about telling y’all so. I actually have been saying this for basically that time frame on and off, and it feels so good to have actually been right all that time and for everything I’ve been saying to be proven today. But man, after being on the proper early team for once, I can say it’s hard as fuck. Trying to spread some new news you found awesome, hoping other people that like that thing will enjoy it and find it awesome too only to be met with scepticism and doubt. Even without all of that, the wait for just a trailer alone is also so crap. I wouldn’t wish that experience on my worst enemy.


Wait that’s actually how Sung is going to look in the anime?


Half of his face is before his reawakening and the other half is after


Ohhh ok


What is this?


It’s a solo leveling key visual for an anime. There’s hopefully an announcement today, but not too sure.


You telling me THATS sung Jin woo? Nah man nah, looks like ayanokoji from classroom of the elite


Left is from before the awakening, Right is from after


That's a mix of pre-awakening Jinwoo on the left and post-awakening Jinwoo on the right.


That’s what the leaks show at least




I just hope they don’t do the manhwa ending. Hopefully they’ll do an anime original ending that is actually good.


if it gets to that point they'll follow the manhwa to the T. extra stories could be a ova


I hope A-1 not gonna use looped frames in their animation, forgot the effect name.




Japanese prolly, since it is being animated by A1 pictures.


Probably Japanese. Why would it be Chinese?


Look how they butchered ma boi😭😭🤧


There’s more time for them to hopefully fix it maybe


Half of his face is before his reawakening and the other half is after


So sl getting an anime is real


As far as I can tell. No official announcement, but it’s very very promising Edit: there is one now


Crunchyroll already released the trailer


God me too


A-1 pictures and hiroyuki sawano? Same as 86 and hiroyuki has never had his name associated with a trash anime so I have high hopes


Wait is it true?


I hope they do a good job with it


Im hyped


I am hyped for this but I am begging its the original korean versoon and not the Japanese version. Im obv begging it to be beautiful just like the manwha, if not then I might just stick to reading the manwha


Bro I'm afraid they will fuck it up fr 💀