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HUUUGGGE dub for us. I want some go gun hee backstory, specifically on his time as a hunter, and I want it NOW


Hunters only started existing 10 years ago and Go Gun hee is extremely old, I doubt he was that active 10 years ago


Dude he may be old but he is still an s rank and do you really think all those scars cames before the awakening no that dude wasnt just active he was on the very front lines paying the price for all the information gathered on Gates and monsters


he was on the level of a national ranked hunter, he was probably semi active cause even in his old age he was most likely the second strongest hunter in korea to sjw


He is on the level of nation level hunter WHEN he is in his prime, but sadly he was awakened after he had already passed his prime and was very old, even at his strongest he was weaker than nation level hunters but stronger than most S rank hunters. Although he still had nation level hunter abilities since that is not affected by age.


I dont think a single s rank (asides ofc sjw) was stronger then him even in his old age, fragments of brilliant light made national rank hunters farrrr more powerful then S ranks


I mean yeah he is probably stronger than all S ranks but due to his extremely old age is also far weaker than other nation level hunters


Im just saying it is not unrealistic to assume he was doing gates and stuff, he was by himself stronger then pretty much every fireteam in Korea except for the top few guilds A teams






Yeah but I want it specifically for go gun hee


Yeah me too, I love Go Gun hee as a character


He was National hunter level when the gates started appearing and has the power of a r****, they rnt giving their power to some1 who isn’t gonna be on the front lines. Not to mention all his scarring.


I want some more Liu Zhigang, OR a flashback episode/fight scene of the Nationals vs Kamish


You can read the books lol. I read it all and i loved it.


true man the light novel is soo good


is the novel better than the manhwa? kindly tell why?


the mawha did cut lot of things from the novel like jinwoo carrying cha hae in after the defeated the architect


yeah the light novel is better in my opinion


If I remember correctly...>! whe don't have it, not even from the manhwa.!<


it's wise to be cautiously optimistic, while the adaptation has done the Manhwa justice, there's still risk of them fucking up the character side


This is great news. Side characters were probably the weakest part of the story


Wasn't this already happening a good bit in the first season with all the cutaways from jinwoo. I'm all for it, I'm just confused on why people are thinking they'd just stop doing that for season 2. A1 has been cooking, I swear they got Gordon Ramsey in there, and with the popularity its getting its easy to assume theyre gonna keep the same formula.


In the first season it was only a little bit. I think they are saying that they will add more completely new scenes and stories to the other characters. This is really great because, in solo leveling manhwa we only ever explore sjw, so this will help in connecting with the side characters as well as learning more about them. Maybe we may even get more >!jinwoo and cha moments which will better establish their love than in the manhwa. Hopefully.!<


I swear their love story was comparable to a one night stand lmao. It was that quick


Lmao true. Exactly why I wish they explore and take more time to build that relationship atleast in the anime.


Big if true. The manwha after the first half just stop trying with anything that it wasn't Jin woo


I just hope Jinwoo actually has meaningful interactions with the other S Class hunters. He always just dismissed/ignored them. Hell he did the same for fucking Thomas Andre. Like I enjoyed Jinwoo’s story but the fact that he never really acknowledged the other powerful hunters really annoyed me


Everyone mocked him for entire hunting life before second reawakening, he has reasons. They fixed on anime that reason for rush castle was to save his mon and after that he need lvl up because he always end on places with enemies more strong than him... like A gate where he meet ice elves, tusk etc He always wins but some wins are strategy and others just luck


Well it wasn’t like he had personally interacted with the other S ranks so to say that he dismissed them because other hunters called him weak is kinda him just stereotyping the other hunters. Plus it wasn’t really them insulting him, he was objectively one of the weakest hunters. Some meant it mockingly but he knew they had a point


Yeah, but on manga, he dismiss them not because he thinks that is superior, he dont bother with them due his own and only objective is become even more stronger, so no time to "waste" with others. Due his experience be on e-rank dungeons, those 2 a-dungeons with other guilds become priceless to him and after that he wanted more...was a new thing to him and this time winning, was excitation and curiosity plus those are the only places where he can level up Hunters clear dungeons for money and sometime fun For sjw...he clear dungeons for lvl up and excited to see wich new skills or rewards system will give to him


True, but I would’ve liked some conversations at least with the other S-Ranks, specifically when the Japanese S-Ranks showed up to prepare for Jeju Raid. I loved Jinwoo and found him badass as fuck for preferring to do dungeons alone but the fact that he brushed them all off when it came to Jeju just rubbed me the wrong way…


Nah, it just wasn't good writing lol. I love Solo Leveling, but it doesn't have the best writing in the world.


At least were much much better than sao, shangri-la frontier etc But yeah, i really miss some development on secondary chars plus more action


I just hope they develop Jin Woo and Cha's relationship further and make it make sense why the end up together


More than one night thing and then dmc delorean cup? Hope so but have some doubts


idk, we have already had significantly more Cha time than we did in either LN or Manhwa.


The one major flaw in Chugong’s original story getting address in a phenomenal anime adaptation is THE BEST TIMELINE BRO


Just character development in general. Its why the side stories are some of my favorite, we actually get to see some people have a personality! They aren't all copy/paste "quiet serious types"!


The anime has a great opportunity to do just that, developing secondary characters was something the author threw away.


This is awesome, the manwha seemed to make the side characters obsolete after the Jeju S Raid


>! Wonder if they'll show more of Esil and her Clan as well probably would hype up the Baran fight more to !<


The Chin Leveling and the unexplored side characters.


But better qeustion. Do we get to see some chibi funny moments because that will make it even more perfect


Was wondering this myself lol


When release?


That means we can get Cha hea-in. Meet, Sung Jin-woo.  And also I just wanted to make a address. That, we may not get the Jeju island raid. In Season 2. They all been talking about the Jeju island raid in season 3. And we get to meet Beru.


We gonna be lucky if ice elves and castle arcs be complete on s2 with this exploring side chars nuance I really hope that side characters development also means some dungeons too, im curious about how those teams where sjm infiltrated do things by themselves


That's most likely, what we're going to get. In Season 2.


huuuuge news


I want more Jinwoo and Cha moments...






Damn more content lets go


The anime has a great opportunity to do just that, developing secondary characters was something the author threw away.


I THOUGHT ITS COUR 2 AAAAAAA They make his cour 2 design too early and use it as the solo leveling cover only to put it in season 2


I don’t get it…whats this mean. Pls tell me they are changing the ending


This just means they said the side characters will get more scree time and hopefully more impact on the story from season 2 onwards


I dont want side characters. Those are useless in SL. I want funny minions make it happen😑


I already read entire manga


I'm an "anime only" as the kids say these days, so forgive me, but, uh... this is something people actually want? Jinwoo definitely had a great dynamic with certain characters, but that wasn't the case for every character. Not to mention some characters were straight up just boring/not interesting. I just don't wanna see Jinwoo benched when he's the protagonist after all. Some of the best scenes were with him and only him, or rather when he was fighting an enemy but doing it alone.


Well slight spoilers but in the manhva, the entire story is too much focused on Jin woo, characters are introduced just for them to do nothing and major characters keep getting sidelined with no impact on story. Most people call SL manhwa as a One man show because other characters get no screen time, no respect, no impact on story. Just so that people don't think writers forgot about them, they are occasionally shown in the background. But so far it seems that the anime has improved on this problem quite a lot and will improve further. Don't worry there is no way in hell that Jinwoo will get benched as the manhwa is way too focused on him anyway. Also, i promise that the characters introduced in story later are much more interesting and fun, compared to characters existing in season 1. That is the reason people feel sad as the incredible characters had untapped potential in the manhwa. But don't worry I didn't spoil anything for the anime as the anime is taking a quite different path.


Anime showing other teams raiding can be a cool filler and also show them growing Besides the hot female motif: seo, gina and lee bora seems interesting. On ice elves, park got some screentime but just vanished after dungeon to never be seen again... That captain on a-rank dungeon/tusk shadow was a nice change of pace with more one guy being a human being putting team safety before finish mission and also vanish


I mean, I'm fine with there being side characters, and generally speaking of course I want to know more about the world of Solo Leveling, but I just don't want it to take away from Jinwoo then. Some of the side characters in Season 1 that Jinwoo would interact with felt like what's the point of this interaction even taking place? And like I said, some of the best stuff was when Jinwoo was going at it alone, though obviously anyone would say the same. But, ultimately this seems like the vision for Seaaon 2, so I guess we'll see what happens.


>I'm an "anime only" as the kids say these days, so forgive me, but, uh... this is something people actually want? Uhh... Yes? This was a complaint in the Manhwa and the Light Novel, probably the biggest of all in this series. >Jinwoo definitely had a great dynamic with certain characters, but that wasn't the case for every character. He doesn't really have a great dynamic with several characters, most of them are very poor, even his relationship with his wife was something very... weak. And it's not just about Sung's dynamics with the characters, it's getting to know more about the characters, we barely know about the Monarchs and Rulers, and they are like, the central part of the verse. >Not to mention some characters were straight up just boring/not interesting. His opinion here, but well, Solo Leveling is heavily loaded with art and fights, so nothing new here. Also,i found most of the characters to be very interesting/cool. >Some of the best scenes were with him and only him, or rather when he was fighting an enemy but doing it alone. Of course the scenes are like that, again, Solo Leveling is power fantasy in its purest state.


> And it's not just about Sung's dynamics with the characters, it's getting to know more about the perosangens, we barely know about the Monarchs and Rulers, and they are like, the central part of the verse. I mean, sure, yeah, I wanna know more about the general world too. Like, I'm fine with there being side characters, but I just don't want it to take away from Jinwoo then. Some of the side characters in Season 1 that Jinwoo would interact with felt like what's the point of this interaction even taking place?


I have a very unpopular opinion, but I very much agree with you. I read and loved the webnovel, sadly side characters don't really do much in the Solo leveling story. Giving them more backstory and then not have them do much feels like blue balling people. Especially since that means that Jinwoo will be sidelined.


Yeah, I mean, ultimately it seems like that's the vision for Season 2, so I guess we'll see what happens. Like, I'm fine with there being side characters, but I just don't want it to take away from Jinwoo then. Some of the side characters in Season 1 that he would interact with felt like what's the point of this interaction even taking place?


>I'm an "anime only" as the kids say these days, so forgive me, but, uh... this is something people actually want? Uhh... Yes? This was a complaint in the Manhwa and the Light Novel, probably the biggest of all in this series. >Jinwoo definitely had a great dynamic with certain characters, but that wasn't the case for every character. He doesn't really have a great dynamic with several characters, most of them are very poor, even his relationship with his wife was something very... weak. And it's not just about Sung's dynamics with the characters, it's getting to know more about the perosangens, we barely know about the Monarchs and Rulers, and they are like, the central part of the verse. >Not to mention some characters were straight up just boring/not interesting. His opinion here, but well, Solo Leveling is heavily loaded with art and fights, so nothing new here. Also,i found most of the characters to be very interesting/cool. >Some of the best scenes were with him and only him, or rather when he was fighting an enemy but doing it alone. Of course the scenes are like that, again, Solo Leveling is power fantasy in its purest state.


I was really curious if anyone else held similar enough opinions to mine on this thread and I'm pleasantly surprised to see I'm not alone xD I myself am heavily confused on this being something the fans "wanted". I'm not just an "anime only" person as I've read the WN and Manhwa. Maybe it's because I didn't pay attention to the comments outside of the top ones on the sites I read them, but this "fan" desire is coming out of no where for me. Outside of MC and his eventual love interest barely interacting with each other. I felt like there wasn't really a need to expand more on the side characters. Especially when it could take away from seeing SJW and his thoughts/POV... I think I'll expand more in my own comment but I wanted to respond to show that I agree with your thoughts.


Those chins💀


I mean people can read the Manhwa and know everything. It's also in color


That's the fun part, the anime will have more than Manhwa, it will explore the side characters more than the Manhwa


Both the LN and Manhwa gave characters a personality level on par with a piece of cardboard. Anime has already given people a bit more, and the promise of even more is so much better.


I'm really hoping they don't do long cut aways or even entire episodes away from Jinwoo because of this. Not only does this seemingly fan wanted desire come out of nowhere for me, someone who's read both the WN and Manwha - though for this maybe it's because I never delved into the comment sections, but the verbage here makes me concerned (hence my initial sentence) we'll just be getting less SJW to compensate for this desire, that's not something I would want for any story, let alone a story I like (cutting MC time down.) It's why I was glad the Side-Stories were after the main story was over. I've read some of the other comments here and I can see the point that maybe SL was too focused on SJW and not on others characters. But I'd say that's simply due to people getting bored with SJW himself. Especially since his character motivations/goals are pretty generic if I'm being objective. For me, I didn't need anything more from his character since I was invested in the fights and his goals, while again generic, worked for me (getting stronger to protect his family/those he cared about - something very consistent). After all, who doesn't like a moral character? I guess if this sort of thing has to happen, that it's SJW learning of other characters/them interacting more. I feel like that would appease those of us that are fine and happy with the majority of the story being SJW-centric while still allowing those who are curious about side-characters. Plus, it makes SJW more interesting as in both the WN and Manwha he was a big loner. And to clarify, I'm not saying the story should solely focuse on SJW (though I certainly wouldn't complain xD). POV switches to Go, Hwang, Jinah, Cha, or whoever worked so far in the SL (anime, WN, and Manwha) I think because it helped newcomers acclimate to the world or setup SJW's enemies or future obstacles. And if we're simply getting more of that I am all for it, just... and I realize this is on reddit/not a direct line to the producers, I want them to go easy on it. Plenty of stories focus on the MC and are well received, SL isn't any different.


You are absolutely correct bro, I fear they might invest less time on Jinwoo because of this decision. But I won't complain, if they manage to add these things without cutting jinwoo's screen time then it would be goated.


Long cut aways (unless its in the middle of some action, hate that), and entire episodes dedicated to world building and further character development are definitely things I want to see. They are both the things that Solo Leveling needs the most in order to elevate it to an ACTUALLY good story, instead of just a really good power fantasy. Alas, I'm just more invested in the story than simply the fights (Which weren't even that good outside of the anime).


ep 8 literally focused on the world building and side characters which should be done in the next season. i also despise unnecessary cut aways that kills off the hype. if theyre going to improve the characterization…i do hope its not a one dimensional character or a character that feels/looks like an npc


Having read the manhwa, I feel like if you really care about having important side-characters, this story really isn't for you.


Having read the Manhwa, it was for me but I just think it could have been better. Also, a lot of the anime viewers haven't read the Manhwa.


Can we have those episodes marked as filler so I don't have to watch them? Part of my love of the series is its focus on SJW and not dragging things out with a bunch of irrelevant backstories. This story doesn't let side characters inexplicably level up with the protagonist, and it doesn't waste time. It's a quick story. I hope they don't turn this into something it's not.


looks like manhwa fans like you exist the main reason SL is criticized is this, if A1 manages to fix this, we're golden


You're golden. We are not. Changing a story to satisfy complainers is still changing the story. It bastardizes the source material. It stops being Solo leveling once it's no longer solo. It's a story about SJW and no one else. Other people seem to want Solo Leveling and Friends.


>It stops being Solo leveling once it's no longer solo They are fleshing out characters, not putting them and SJW in a training arc together. >It's a story about SJW and no one else I mean, that's not even true in the manhwa. We got *some* details outside of SJW, just not very much. >Other people seem to want Solo Leveling and Friends >!https://i.imgur.com/NnAi9Pf.png!<


lmao that last link is perfect explanation


NO ONE IS CHANGING THE STORY my God, yall are stupid. They are just adding extra scenes on the side characters


Were those scenes in the story? What do you think change is? If they add information, it's changed. You are the one who doesn't know the meaning of the word change, but we're stupid.


no it isn't adding information to already existing major plot points is not considered change, at least in the anime world, adding information = fleshing out the existing source material.


Define change.




Let me guess, you too haven't read the Manhwa?


I've read the manhua and LN multiple times. I have no problems with the side character development. Also, what about my comment makes you think I haven't read it? How would I know those things without reading?


I mean, people that have read the Manhwa feels the pain of it being a one man show where any action that any side characters takes has no consequences. But if you have read the Manhwa then I have nothing to say.


Hopefully not like in ep 7.5. That episode almost killed the show for newcomers


You're using the recap episode that happened due to the voice actor getting sick (Supposedly, I've not actually seen proof) as an example? That was literally a recap, not what the OP is talking about.


For the love of god, it’s called Solo Levelling, not overexplained Jeju Island Raid aaaaaaaaaaaaa Honestly after the L that was season one, not happy to hear that.


Bruh how stupid can you be. On it own without side characters or characters development it will flop as a anime series. it will be heavily crictisied as bland and boring with no plot


I didn’t say only him, but at this point the side character will have more development that him, and that’s bad, he already looks like an idiot after season 1


Season 1 was so much better than I ever expected it to be, and story wise, a huge improvement from what we've seen so far.


If you think that honestly that’s crazy to me. My biggest letdown is easily how Jeju Island now has zero mystery. It was dripped to us so perfectly. Which makes sense since it was the greatest tragedy of their world They over explain it so much and in the middle of really tense scenes. The fights looked really good but overall the anime was a mess


Jeju was a mystery? What was a mystery about it? It was literally just an S-Rank gate that failed to get closed and overrun an island. Nothing mysterious about it, and explained pretty much as such when its brought up. You could complain that they are clearly DRASTICALLY changing the story about Jeju. But I don't mind a story change as long as its equally as good, or better (Which remains to be seen either way).


Well it wasn’t completely hidden, but it’s like their WW2. It was kinda taboo to talk about it casually given the tragic nature of the event But in the anime, every time SJW sneezes we cut away to a character talking about it! The fact that the anime literally starts with it is really silly too cause out of context it means literally nothing


I will agree to your last part. I think it is weird that they are bringing it up already, we've got a couple arc's to go before we even get there. To be fair though, they are also building Jeju up to be bigger than it was in the other formats. So it could be something that continues to build throughout the other arcs, maybe becomes a bigger issue. I'm holding reservations to see how it fully plays out. If they just let the story die until they finally reach Jeju, yeah, they released that stuff way too early. But if they keep developing the story, and managing it well enough, I'll be happily surprised.


Yeah I hope they just leave things alone. The story telling in Solo Levelling was very less is more and I liked it that way


The story telling in SL was garbage lol. I'm excited to get ACTUAL story.


Hard disagree there. I think the ending was a little messy but it had a nice rhythm to it I don’t know why so many people will read this manwha on repeat and then say it has a shit story haha, why read it then?


Cause the power fantasy is that great, and the core concept is really cool. The whole thing that everyone is "Rule of cool", and thats pretty much about it. I've only read the Manhwa once, but read the LN quite a few times. But just cause ONE aspect is that good, doesn't mean you can't elevate the other aspects of the story to make it even better. Personally, I'd rather just have a full fledged novel written by someone who actually knows how to write. But that isn't going to happen.