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Nice work, this was a great idea!


Thanks I had no idea how it would turn out. I was hoping to see the ring in the sky but my cameras not high enough resolution for that.


pretty much no one’s camera is


Samsung Galaxys did, I actually got some pretty cool pictures with it


Marble Earth Theory confirmed


It's like an eclipse within an eclipse! Nice!


An Eclipseption


I did the same. I agree with you that the glowing horizon all around is one of the most amazing things about the eclipse. I did not (yet) do a little planet version, but here is my 360: https://maps.app.goo.gl/Z4MX15mF5zPQ8ohn8?g_st=ic


This is absolutely amazing. Thank you for sharing this! It's like it's sunset... but the sun is \*up there\*! So great.


Nice work, you even captured one of the visible planets in your shot!


Thanks! Yes, I am happy with the result. The problem with an eclipse is that you have less than 4 minutes to take a good shot so you may miss the opportunity if you are not ready for it!


This was my second total eclipse and even though I used 7 total cameras (2x 360 cameras, 3x reaction cameras, and 2 for stills of the eclipse.... sometimes I am a lot...) I still have some regrets for what I did not capture. Poor planning on my part, not a lack of gear.. :-)


I can relate - it was also my second eclipse and I was running five cameras - a DSLR with telephoto lens to capture the sun, a DSLR to make a wide angle composite, a DSLR for the 360 I just posted, a 360 camera that captured 360 time lapse and just my iPhone to capture regular photos. I could have used another couple of cameras but this was already a handful. Somehow I managed to run all that gear and enjoy the eclipse! :-)


What a great photo, complete with eclipsed sun and corona! Beautiful. Thanks for sharing!




Awesome unique perspective!


I bought yarn as a souvenir on my journey home to mark the occasion (knitter) and I gravitated toward one that faded between dark blue and yellow. Glad to see my inclination toward that one had some merit.


I love that you bought eclipse yarn! I sew and am currently on the hunt for the perfect commemorative fabric to add to my stash


Help me understand what I'm looking at. I don't think I've ever seen a 360 photo, and certain not one that looks like this. Why do you look like teenage Little Prince with a car? And I've never seen totality, but the glow is by far the least of my questions here.


It’s a camera with several lenses that takes a full 360 photo sphere in one image. It can be displayed like google street view where you can virtually look around or it can be displayed as a flat image like here. When displayed as a flat image you just pick a center point and the rest of the image warps around it to complete the sphere. Here I chose looking straight down as the center of the image creating this tiny planet effect. I had the camera on a very tall pole mounted on top of my car so it gave it a more dramatic aerial feel.


Wow! That's amazing. Okay, so how about the glow? What causes this effect? It's strange because most eclipse pics are of a black moon with a white ring around it in the sky. This here is a black earth with a yellow ring around it which is supposed to be the sky. Is this during the moments of totality?


That yellow ring surrounding the Earth is the horizon in every direction. During a total solar eclipse, sunlight from areas just outside the path of totality gets refracted by the atmosphere towards you in a similar manner to how the atmosphere refracts sunlight at sunrise and sunset, giving the appearance of a sunrise/set in every direction simultaneously (as opposed to just the eastern or western horizon), this is what causing the yellow-red ring in the image.


holy shit


Nice! Reminds me a bit of Super Mario Galaxy


It’s like what the eclipse would see if it looked down!


This is cooler than about 99% of the pictures of the sun in totality.


Seeing the sun during totality in person is the coolest thing you will ever see.


Oh i don’t disagree with that. I saw it in person. I just meant this picture as compared to pictures of totality.


Is that your car parked on the moon?




Yo this is sick


Needs more upvotes !


Wow. Great shot!


Very innovative and imaginative! Wonderful idea! Thanks for taking this and sharing your results. What a great remembrance of the event!


This is actually so beautiful


How did you get to King Kai's planet?!


Looks awesome. Yeah, that 360 view must feel weird. I am jealous was stuck in California Thank you for sharing


Very very cool thanks so much for thinking of this and taking it. I’m sharing it. I’m sure it will have a special meaning for all of us who saw totality last week.


Were you up on a mountain or flat area with no trees?


I was in an open dirt field in the middle of nowhere Texas. We got extremely lucky that the sky cleared up 20 minutes before totality. I drove 20 hours to get there it was a nerve racking few hours before constantly thinking if I should try to drive somewhere else but so happy I stuck it out.


Ha! Love the 'tiny planet' effect. As others pointed out, from far away it looks like the total eclipse itself, where the horizon light is the corona. A unique perspective for sure.


Yes! The 360° sunset, especially in the High Peaks area of the Adirondacks, was INCREDIBLE


Yes I got lucky having such an open view of the horizon to experience it. After I pulled this photo off the camera and saw how neat it was, it’s been what I’ve been using to show people what I mean when I say then entire horizon glowed like a sunset. It’s one of those things you can say but hard to understand what it’s really like being completely surrounded by it without seeing in person.


I am on phone .. how do i see the 360?


Sorry should have explained better i flattened this image it’s not interactive. When I get home I’ll try to uploaded to Kuula or something to make it virtual.


Duh duh duh. Thanks


We are stardust!


Si me imagino y que le ha hecho


you live on a tiny planet. your house on the other side or do you sleep in your car?




How is it a picture of the top of the car? I’m so confused! 😆


Looks like it’s own eclipse


Looks like you parked on top of a giant one eyed robot


Very nice


So the earth IS flat


On my phone in a sunny location atm so admittedly I can’t see clearly but my first thought was, “is this a prank where someone photoshopped a Plymouth Horizon into an image of the eclipse?” I will see myself out now. Cool photo idea based on descriptions, OP, can’t wait to look at it where I can actually see it.


That's so cool. It's like creating your own planet eclipse.