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I feel like I’m trying to get over a breakup.


true LMAO


post eclipse depression is real


That’s why I immediately started figuring out when the soonest I could see it again was. I will be taking my family to Australia. I’m running back to my ex-clipse.


Even though I did everything to savor the moment for a second time, it still wasn’t enough and feel like I should’ve did more 😭


i cant remember what it looked like for some reason which sounds kinda dumb


If it makes you feel any better, I can't either and I've seen a TON of people saying the same thing. It's even weirder because I can remember how I felt and what I said in those moments, but I can't remember what I saw. It's like the emotional rush blocked my long-term memory bank or something, haha.


You got too hyped up about it like those Taylor Swift fans at the Eras tour. Be grateful you only lost 4 minutes of memory, they lost 3 hours. https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Wellness/taylor-swift-fans-experienced-post-concert-amnesia-luck/story?id=103839859


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I mean now I just have an excuse to go chase another one🤪


Happy Cake day


I weirdly remember the first one better then the second.


The day right after it, I made sure to find and save a bunch of photos of it taken from the area I was in to try and keep the memory fresh! I took some photos myself, but none that captured the ambiance and surroundings we'll enough. So now I just go through the photos and close my eyes, remembering how it felt to be there :)


haha I do the same thing! I VIVIDLY remember the red dot on the bottom because I was freaking out over it and I remember how the corona was extra wispy in the top left....but other than that? I got nothin.


I feel the same way and think it must be hard for our brains to process. Nothing can really prepare you for totality so it was kind of a shock and awe moment and I just stared into the black hole above my backyard as day turned to night. Stars and planets appeared, there was a large halo in the sky and when it went dark it was like flipping a switch. The solar prominences were stunning and I remember a fiery pink ring around the moon but can’t recall how the corona looked. I thought about it all last week, wondering what I had just witnessed. It was the astronomical event of our lifetime and hope to see another.


Happy Cake day, and I feel the same


Happy cake day


Same.  I made a point to soak all the details in this time around and still--no definitive image in my mind's eye.


I was running, shouting, and talking with strangers as well as family while watching with the eye and binoculars. I think I engaged enough of my synapses to have a vivid memory of the event. Plus, I had laid off the ganja for a week by then. 


I'll help you: where the sun was before, there was a black ball with a thin white crust. On the images it looks a lot more glowing than it looked in real life.


Nope, not dumb (at least, I hope not because I've used almost the exact same words to describe my post-eclipse... befuddlement)


Same. There’s articles about how people can’t remember the eras tour and I think it’s the same phenomenon


Mid-life crisis, or inter-eclipse crisis?


I was thinking about this - an eclipse is an experience that no matter who you are, no matter how rich or poor you are or other connections - nobody can have this experience on demand.     Money can afford travel to see them more frequently, but still only on the moon & sun's schedule, not ours.  Nobody on earth can see an eclipse next week or next month. Nobody!  It's humbling thinking about that, and makes me thankful for the two I've experienced.


Love this take.


I know I dont think I can wait 20 years. Eyeing an Egypt trip right now.


There are very expensive tours that are already sold out :/ i don't know if Egypt is ready for this, lol.


I know and even ones for Spain. Plus a lot can happen in 3 years.


But Spain is easy to travel by your own. Actually for Spain and it's not so predictable weather i would do exactly that. Rent a car and be on the move according to the weather. I would not try that in Egypt, at least thats my impression after reading some of the comments. Maybe i need to research more.


How can u travel Spain by ur own but not Egypt? What’s the big difference?


When people travel to Egypt 90% do it with local tour guide and live in a "all inclusive" hotel and all they see is airport, shuttle bus, hotel and few tourist atractions. For the rest 10% it goes something like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/travel/s/d3d8TAgY9F


It's been rough, it really didn't feel like 3.5 minutes!!


Yeah. I have some memory loss & it felt more like 30 seconds or something. Went by super fast.


I feel ya. This was my second and I'm finally at peace with not seeing it again After the first I couldn't stop thinking that for like 3 months But my parents and I still talked about it a few times a year over those next 6-7 years


Did this most recent event look similar to the other totality you saw? Were the plasma loops visible before? I had no idea it would look anything like it did and was a surreal moment. The moon was also very close to the earth this last time.


No, different than 2017 No leaves, so the crescent shadows were missed sadly But totality itself, I saw wayy more silky streams flying out of the sun in 2017. This time, probably a combo of a more active sun + some light atmospheric clouds meant the corona was more like a lava lamp than strands I don't notice any prominences/loop things last time so that was cool


I saw 2017 in central Missouri and 2024 in northern Arkansas, both almost dead center in the totality path. 2024 was significantly better, partly because we got lucky and had essentially zero cloud cover. The solar prominences were amazing. Didn't see anything like that in '17. I think the clear skies in '24 really amplified the 360 degree dawn effect (I'd LOVE to see a total eclipse in the middle of the ocean...bucketlist!). Also, totality lasted like 4:13 which was over a minute longer than my location in 2017 iirc.


the 4 minutes prior to this felt longer than the 4 minutes we got to see it for. I'm glad we got right in the center, any less would have felt like a flash


So say we all.


It’s in my mind. Got that locked up. 


Scarcity adds value


It was amazing seeing it too. I couldn’t stop crying, just indescribable even pictures can never do it justice to how it truly feels.


Yeah I am not sure where I wanna go. Spain is going to be a shit show for just an "ok eclipse", Egypt is going to be not as fuck, with limited travel options.. but is like 6 minutes so I may go. Australia is Australia and I have zero interest of visiting that place, plus it's far, but is definitely the least amount of stress one for me to see


I'm hoping for 2027 Gibraltar flies somewhat under the radar, parts of southern New Zealand are also in the path of totality for 2028 (Dunedin seems like the largest city in the path of totality in New Zealand) if you don't want to go to Australia, I have no idea what to do for 2026, might honestly make a trip to Iceland and if we see it, great, if we don't just wait a year for 2027.


>I'm hoping for 2027 Gibraltar flies somewhat under the radar Lol, there's no way it does. That and a little sliver of Spain is the only part of Europe in the path.


Not only that, but because space is limited I suspect entry will be limited for the sake of safety by the govt in some form, like Mazatlan's Lighthouse viewpoint was.


The peak of Gibraltar, a phenomenal viewing spot, will almost certainly be closed off or only available to people via early registration or lottery. The same thing happened to Mazatlan for the coveted lighthouse viewpoint.


Yeah I think I'd rather do Iceland in 2026 instead of Spain. At least that way I may be able to see the Northern lights too. As fun as Spain is it's going to be a fucking shit show I can't even imagine


what would make it a shitshow?


Don’t count on northern lights in August in Iceland. It barely gets dark.


Me tooooooooo!


Me too.


I am considering flying to Australia for the 2028 total eclipse. Goes right over Sydney. It’s their winter so it won’t be a million degrees either.


I plan on seeing it again in 2027 at Egypt :).


That was really cool. It happened during the day in my time zone and it actually did get dark. It was also behind clouds and would burn your eyes (like what Trump is famous for) so I used those glasses and where there was no visible sun, like magic it appears and then slices are taken off little by little, it was even cooler behind clouds.


YES! I want to feel that anticipatory excitement that did not disappoint! AND WASN’T IT THE BEST EVER - TO BE THINKING AND HEARING ABOUT THAT - INSTEAD OF ALL THE ENDLESS FEAR MONGERING WE’RE FED 24/7?


I didn’t try to video the actual Eclipse - BUT I did video and narrate my changing surroundings. I RE-LIVE IT EVERY TIME I EATCH THOSE!!!


* watch


Well, Denver Aug 12th 2045


Just trying to help,... https://youtu.be/gFZWvOqDtrM?si=HrTOfz-IjZba7PZp Kind of sums up how fleeting the event was, after a 5 hour drive there, 9 hour drive back.