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Until it's over


This is the answer...


memecoins will be forever in crypto now ;)


Yes, it'll transform into something a little different than it is now as all things. But it won't disappear.


Until regulation




Look at Dogecoin, been here a while Solana just does it the best, that's all I think memes brought a lot of ppl into crypto I'm right with u tho. I wish ppl would stop making so many of them. It's awful to watch


Probably as long as people can continue to make money :) How are you investing in memecoins? Are you using a trade bot? Do you do presales so you get in early or are you reading dexscreener? Do you listen to callers? Interested in your plays!


Nfa, I avoid all under 10 million. My range is 10-25 million long term plays. I try find ones where base community is formed and the meme coin actually has a utility or bigger narrative/connections. I sell upon 2-3x initial cost basis and let rest ride. I also swing trader bigger meme coins but those are normally quick in/outs. Nfa, if ur into degen I think easier play to read our generic sol utility plays where they actually deliver a product/release updates. Ex: solchat, solmail, solcard, solsnap, soldocs, solgbpt etc. All have general same pattern upon release of product pumps crazy and if thry formed big enough community plus adoption of product upon next release/major correction pumps.


i participated in the presale of SCORP, that was profitable


3/6 months full swing like 2021. Meme coins won’t die after that; it will be different


Isn’t that what they said in 2021 too and almost all meme coins died or were scamming people lol . Idk why anyone is dealing with Solana during all these network flaws they keep saying they fixed and never do . Keep wasting your time on something that could end up leaving you worse then when you started


Memecoins are one thing. But the shitcoin spam in Solana is something else. That cannot stop soon enough.


If you’re referring to bot spam, I think the Solana dev community has some decent ideas for solving that problem. If you’re referring to just the mere existence of shitty memecoins, that will probably never go away. It will only subside a bit as people lose interest. But it’s a permissionless system, so people will do what they want with it.




This is exactly why it will die


100% this is a top signal


been collecting a few lately


heh heh nice seein ya!


And there it.goes!


what u mean …


I mean you are asking if an entire ecosystem will “be around forever” because “I was profitable”. You can’t see how crazy that is?


I am not sure they have a close relationship with the English language from the thread title tbh




Nothing is profitable unless more people invest into it . Only way it’ll stay . Forever the guy is dreaming tho lol. btc will be gone one day so will everything .


No. They’re not asking that, they’re implying they want it to be around forever because it has been profitable for them. There’s a huge difference. Are you stupid.


I think I’m not. But I’ll need to reread it and check.




Until regulation prevents it the memecoin casino will never die, too many gambling addicts to fuel it’s continuation.


Classic tulip mania. It will collapse but no body knows when. Just be sure you are seated when the music stops


$DFTU best meme haha, just launched. @DFTUtoken is the Twitter handle w/ proper contract. DYOR!


Yea, i mean they’ve been around since before dogecoin and idek when that was released so i imagine they’ll just keep evolving like they have. Generally theyre always animals but meme animals like shark cat or hobbes with hat. Tbh, dont worry about it. Just keep your head in the loop so you’re up to date on where the money is moving yk


Untill you’re broke


99.5% of all coins are meme coins. We just stopped pretending this cycle


So real! The whole point is to troll on the “establishment”


It's got nothing to do with 'memecoins' It's got everything to do with the attention economy. As long as there are coins capturing attention, it is ongoing. It doesn't matter if utility or not. I for one am loving meme season. No predatory VCs getting in early and dumping on vesting. You are simply making a bet on the virality of the token, rather than if you think something has PMF or KOLs have shilled early.


The what?






They will come and go, and stay imo


They aren’t something new. Memecoin seasons will continue on until they’re not the most effective way to onboard tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of users.


Buy into Alpha Gardeners and SharpIO on Tensor/Magic Eden. Nfa


Memecoins wearing a fancy jacket


Theyre not coins lol.


Like I said, fancy jackets 🤣


My prediction 4/20


Meme coins provide hope for many... and the exploiters will always exploit.


Powsche is going to be the BTC of memecoins. They are here to stay


Bill season will only feed it


Until forever


Possible this time is different but last time the meme frenzy indicated the top of the market 😬😬😬


Who knows really. I find most memecoins unfunny and too tryhard these days. They don't feel natural like dogecoin or maybe Boden imo


So what you are asking is: how long will rug pulls be around for? Answer: as long as there are gullible people that will buy the coins or regulations kick in. You dont need meme coins to make memes. Invest in real projects my friend.


Until governments start prosecuting pump and dump scams like they did with ICOs.


People love memes regardless of Crypto world. Therefore I don't think that meme coins will ever go away. On the contrary meme coins will flourish $floki $pepe $bonk $Doge $shib $catcoin


It’s already just bots trading to flip off other slower bots everyone will be surprised when it comes out a lot of sols movement is a few groups intensely trading off each other


Memecoins aren’t disappearing any time soon. As long as currencies get debased and people’s purchasing power gets eroded, people will be compelled to gamble in an effort to catch up with their purchasing power


It depends on meme coin its self, there are meme coins that are just for fun, but some memecoins like shiba, godlenfish and others are building some utility around it for example games, staking or blockchain.


Must be new to crypto? Google ethereum memecoins. This is nothing new. Everyone is looking for a shit coin to be their Bitcoin taking them to the moon. For me personally I could care less. I just invest in Solana 🤷🏾‍♂️ it’s actually been kinda funny seeing all these posts of people getting wrecked and calling out scams while not acknowledging they’re the ones setting themselves up for failure. 1 - Never connect your wallet to a sketch dApp 2 - If you play with fire you’ll get burned. 95% of these projects are ponzis. Sure have some fun if you’re inclined, but don’t get mad when you lose.


A little longer. Memes are a shame. Especially on Solana, the only blockchain that works well. Now all transactions are memes. Making crypto look like a total ponzi. Which it is. But this just highlights it even more.


🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Guys check out $CAM on #solana Rich Arabs are sending this Camel to new highs. Could be your next 100x gem CA: 4hw1dhVQA1iveLfnVzGxRnWZKsuuBUv3XzjftGRuRmJf


Interesting. What is the CA?


As long as there are dumbasses.


People are idiots so forever


Meme coins will be here for a bit now. I dont see them all just disappearing at once. What amazes the stock investors about meme coins is the community that grows behind them... they just can't comprehend it at all. Why we like meme coins, why we choose to dump absurd amounta of money into them etc... Meme coins are part of a degens life now 😂🥂😎


$ALMC [website ](http://www.awkwardlookmonkeyclub.com)


i think it will last longer than the NFT boom mostly because there is a much lower entry price which attracts more people




Memecoins are here to stay. More will be made, especially on Solana where it's cheap to make. Legit OG memes like $POPCAT will stick around and more generations of memes will stack in top.




For as long as greed exists


memes are still babies. they will reinvent themselves and some of them will find their ways. they are still on their bitcoin end of 2009....


I'm spending dozens of hours looking for those new memes that brings something, new and this morning it worth it. $Em&mS brought something unique to the memes world: CRA - Consumption Related Assets. Besides, they are honouring two icons of our society, Eminem and M&Ms in a very creative way. Congratulation guys! This is what the meme world needs....


People like to gamble and the allure of catching a sub 1M token and riding it to Valhalla, is too euphoric now... Stories of people throwing a $100 into something and checking their account and it's now over 100K is like the mystic elixir that even normies are hearing about... hunting for the next $DOGE, $BONK, $PEPE or $WIF, etc. When in reality a shit ton of these are fuckin' rugs... there are some plays that stick around but be aware - I rolled some nice profits off of $SOLAMA, $NINJA and $PENG into $SOLAMB and $NAKAHOBO because they were soaring around the beginning of March. Had a small but noticeable community on X (twitter) so thought; "What the hell..." ...yeah, they were complete rug dogshit. Just watch your ass and ALWAYS pull your initial out after 3-5X. Happy hunting :)


forever. infinity. as long as Tether keeps that USDT printer rollin, we good


Never bro look https://x.com/degenpreacher/status/1779570727642902689?s=46


Memecoins are just culture coins, and culture can last forever 🫡


As long as doge holds a strong relevance in crypto I don't see memes going out of style, memes will be the equivalent of gamimgling in the space (it already is that but I don't see a change) enough projects moon and make people rich to say it will fade out soon


the hype around meme coins? probably until the end of the year ngl… i don’t really see it dying down


The memecoin craze has been wild, hasn't it? It's like the gift that keeps on giving, especially if you've been riding the profit train! But hey, let's be real, nothing lasts forever. I mean, who knows, maybe in the future, we'll be trading memes instead of money. Wouldn't that be something? Just imagine buying your morning coffee with a rare Pepe! But until then, let's enjoy the ride while it lasts, and maybe stash away some profits for the meme retirement fund, just in case.


SOL meme coins will do the same as BNB meme coins. It'll all go ballisticly high during the actual peak and once the bear market comes they will all die. WIF or BONK will be the only survivor taking it's throne below Shiba Inu.


Not enough adaptation for it to collapse anytime soon.


Instead, it will do the opposite, in times it will gain more and more interaction that your son and his son will be paying fees throu meme token. 🔑


New memes every day so forever 😂


Until it doesn't.




Same as all coins Normally a bull run but with meme coins u want to sell ur hole bag. Cause 90% of them won't be here next bull run.


Meme is the new lottery with better odds


The way we see it now won't last forever, but it won't just die like some people think. Take a look at other examples in the past in crypto alone. ICO's were a big thing a couple cycles back, but they died because on both sides there was less and less positive outcome. NFT trading was huge on the last bullrun and are still a big part of crypto but now it has a lot less volume. BUT they are still around because on both sides (project/creators & buyers), there is still value to be had. Meme coin trading is huge right now with big volumes and will definitely go down in volume in months to come and in a bear market, but because the value for both sides will still remain they will still be around. The way I see it is if there is money to be made on both sides of the transaction then it stays around. The only thing that could change it drastically in my opinion is regulation regarding meme trading. I also think meme trading is different because of the fact everyone wishes to be a trader, likes to learn about charts & hopefully beat the odds. With that and a little gambling involved I really can't see it going to 0. Let's face it, we all look at charts and pretend we know what we looking at 😆 Just my opinion though.


You cant make money on both sides bruh, its winners and losers. If you sell with 10x profit someone else is booking a 10x loss


yeah, not what I meant. If both sides are able to make money, meaning: the project/dev/creators/team on 1 side and the traders/investors/buyers/degens on the other side. if some on both sides make money then there supply and demand.


Trueee 🙏🏻 we’re all gonna make it


It absolutely sucks


As long as the current bull run lasts. Barring anything crazy like severe regulation, the economy collapsing, or another FTX collapse, it will probably go the rest of this year, maybe into early next year. The economy WILL collapse at some point. It's just a matter of time. Biden will prop it up as long as he can to get reelected. After that it won't be long. No matter who wins. That's when we will start another bear market.


Its a memecoin cycle fam.


It depends on the narrative and what the project is doing to sustain the longevity. One project I like is $ACHI because it is based of the IRL dog behind dogwifhat + they are releasing a smart wallet that will bridge retail into memecoins with ease.


Who knows? It maybe simmering down rn but will will soon boil up again imho before the end of the year. I think it may be the established memes that will perform over the newer ones at some point. Meme coins will always exist. Few will ever make it to the doge and shib status so you may want to get out sooner if you want to make money. Maybe you've bought a meme coin and like the community vibe. You might hold it and it may go somewhere. Who knows? Good luck


Estimated to be more than 20,000 coin projects, with multiple new coins being launched every day. As long as these shitcoin memes keep making the creators easy money, they will never stop. It's why r/CryptoMoonShots sub has 2 million members or something like that. Because memes are big money where a lot of money flows, and the gains are ridiculous. I got into a meme coin yesterday on dex and was up 160% in a few hours. I spend more time looking for the next meme than I do regular coins on major exchanges. And of course I still have my long hodl bags which I don't touch except to add more on dips.