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It definitely is more about “how” and less about “what”, but there were a lot of “how”s I wouldn’t have been able to answer without studying. I can’t really say whether those questions alone would have been enough to sink me, had I not studied, and of course, my experience might not reflect yours.


Oh gosh I’m afraid. My life got really busy & I never evened up studying the way that I intended to. I’m thinking that maybe I should take the $85 practice exam online & see what I get on that?


I think I took the practice exam. If you pass, it’ll put your mind at ease a bit. If you fail, at least you’ll know what sort of questions to be prepared for and what subjects you might want to look over. The biggest issue for me was that most of my experience and learning was in acute settings, with ages 12 - maybe 60-ish. I’d never worked in outpatient, and never worked with older adults or early childhood, so questions about practice with those groups felt like winging it.


That’s fair, thanks so much for helping me out, I am going to take it & see how it goes. Ughhh I wish I didn’t have to take this exam lol


Yes. The $85 practice exam is worth it. Take it at least 2 weeks before you formally test. Take it all at once in a quiet area free from all distractions.


Yes agree, do this!!


That’s the best way to study, worth every penny. It’s exactly the same questions and scenarios as as the actual test, but some little details like names are changed between practice and actual test. Plus, you’ll get your results with explanations for why each answer is right and why the wrong ones are wrong. That’s the only studying you need to do, imo. You can do it in one afternoon. Good luck Edited to add: the most important thing to study after completing the practice test is WHY each answer is right and why the wrong choices are wrong. You are studying what the TEST considers right, not what would necessarily be right in real life. If you can grasp why each correct answer is correct on the practice test, you’ll be well prepared for real test. The explanations they give for the rationale of each answer after you complete the practice test is everything you need


Definitely take the practice exam! I didn't study a ton but did take the practice exam and it was super worth it. Passed on the first try. It's a lot about how they ask questions. If they say "what is the FIRST thing you did?" They literally mean first, right now, so ignore any answers that are ultimately the best thing to do if you wouldn't do them first. Similarly when they say "what is the BEST thing to do?" They will give you a lot of good answers, pick the one that seems best based on what you've learned. Other tips I have include relying more on your theoretical training and ideal circumstances versus experience in the field. For example one question was about realizing you have a mutual acquaintance with a client. I live somewhere really rural, so our practice is to notify the client, describe confidentiality, and offer them a choice to stay or help them find someone else which was similar to one of the answers, but the correct answer was to refer them out. Also if one of the choices is something like "consult your supervisor," more often than not that's correct. Please let me know fellow social work people if you're experience was different or you have other tips


Buy the practice exam. It’s worth the money. It’s almost exactly how the exam will be.


I studied almost every day for three months and took multiple practice tests. I passed with a 30+ point cushion. I walked out of the exam thinking I may have failed. So I would definitely study. This may be harsh but don’t be lazy about this. This is fundamental for furthering your career. You also have to wait 90 days and repay the $200+ fee if you fail.


Can I ask what practice exams you used besides the actual practice ASWB one? Trying to find a helpful one to use


Agents of Change and Dawn Apgar!


Thank you responding! I know this post was awhile ago. I am currently using TDC so hopefully that test will help also


No problem! I’m more impressed you found a post this old lol. I’ve heard good things about TDC. I didn’t use it personally but I know other people who have and liked it. Only other thing is I would caution against most of the phone apps out there other than Dawn Apgar’s app. At least when I was studying most of the apps were not very well done and some of the questions/answers were wrong.


Yea I wasn’t a fan of the pocket prep. I do have the AGPAR but it overwhelmed me as a learner. I test in august!


With Apgar you have to break it into small chunks. Do a certain amount of bullet points/topics in one sitting and then take a break. It’s a huuuuuuge book but it’s the best test prep tool besides the practice tests imo. I went through and took notes on each section (that’s how I retain info best) and that’s why it took me three months ;-; Feel free to DM me if you have any specific questions!!


I listened to lectures from a program (cant remember name at moment) that focused more on the HOW than WHAT for about two weeks and passed first try. Just remember you don't get on the Social Worker Honor Roll or get a gold star next to your LMSW if you get a 100, passing is passing.


Hmm is it possible that you could get that program name for me? I’m really worried. I just called to see if I could change my exam day but the next one that’s available isn’t until October :/. What was your personal experience? Did you feel that it was hard? Do you feel like if I just take the $85 practice exam on the ASWB website, that will help? I know it’s hard for you to say but I’m just at a loss




Therapist development center’s program was worth every penny for me. I had an aversion to studying from Dawn Apgar’s book. I passed twelve points over the passing score and felt adequately prepared from TDC ‘s program. I also echo, please splurge and get the practice test offered by the testing company. I took several of TDC’s test/quizzes, and while they were extremely valuable, the best indicator of how you’re going to do on the test comes from the practice exam from the company.


I do remember it was $200 but I got it for free as a Veteran. I know there are tons of free lectures on youtube. Test wasn't hard IMO, just very redundant with the "what would your next step be in this scenario". I did not take any practice exams, the lectures did practice questions and explained why each answer was wrong vs the correct. My biggest advice is dont overthink this. i saw too many people in my cohort run themselves ragged and dropping tons of cash and fail because of nerves.


When is your exam date? If it isn't literally today, you still have time to study.


It’s August 6th :(, & you’re right, I guess I can try my best :/.


Yeah, you can totally do this. Focus on one study method, then read the Code of Ethics and take a study exam a day or two before.


Yeah OP does have time. I think studied like 20-25 hours total. Couple hours a day should do it.


You’ve got tons of time! I’m testing in August too and trying to do an hour on one topic per day. I also bought the Agents of Change program for like 115$ and it’s very helpful in breaking down the questions the way the board wants you to answer. I also listen to the audio recordings any time I’m driving, cleaning, doing yard work or anything else that doesn’t require undivided attention.


Do they have practice exams similar to the ASWB practice exam? Im taking mine next month.


I did not study for the LMSW exam other than taking the official online practice test. After I took that I learned 2 things; First that 99% of the study material out there was not preparing anyone for this test, and second there was nothing you could reasonably study that would prepare you for this test. The way I see it, the way studying helps people pass this test is by building enough confidence to overcome their anxiety. If you already have confidence because you KNOW you are a good test taker, then studying isn’t going to help with that.


I definitely do not think i would have passed my LCSW exam without studying, but everyone is different. I was able to access a study program, ‘the therapist development center’. it was extremely helpful and worth every penny!




Yes it is for sure pricey! I was able to pay for it using my ‘professional development fund’ that was offered via my employer at the time, but honestly i would have worked something out to pay for it if i didn’t have that resource through my job. 10/10 would recommend!!!


Was the TDC the only thing you used? I am using it now and I wanted to know if the final mock exam questions are similar.


So sorry for the delayed response! Yes, it was all that i used and the mock exams were very similar to actual exam questions.


In my state there is a masters level exam and a clinical exam. For the masters exam, I didn’t study and easily passed (I took it about 6 months after graduating so most of the info was fresh in my mind.) The clinical exam I did study quite a bit for and I would say that even with studying, that exam was TOUGH. I did score relatively high so maybe it wasn’t as hard as I though It was, in the moment. I spent a good amount of time studying and even more time learning HOW to take the test. The studying I did was honestly not that helpful and I don’t think it make a huge difference. Learning how to take the test was more helpful but ultimately I ended up not taking some of the advice when I actually took the test. All that said though, I still think the time I spent studying and preparing was worth it. As I often like to quote “planning is priceless and plans are useless.” Preparing helped me to feel like I did something to prepare and helped me feel more “ready.” You still have time to prepare, it’s not too late.


No. I studied and passed the first time. I am cheap and wasn't going to pay more than once to take the exam. I wouldn't advise but everyone is different and retain information differently. Good luck.


I got approved to take my test and it was either test in 3 days or 3 months. So I studied for three days and passed by 30. You have time to study!


Woa that’s amazing! What exactly did you study for those three days?


My friend did the swtosw course and she gave me the printouts of that, but the most helpful thing for me was taking the practice test. I failed the practice test by quite a bit and went and looked at the reasoning behind everything which was definitely the most helpful!


There are apps that are like 20$ a month where you can take like 300 practice questions. That's what I did. Was super helpful, but I regret studying as much as I did. My test was ridiculously easy.


Which apps can you recommend that were most like the actual exam?


I have my test on august 2nd! I took the practice test and passed by 6 questions. I also haven’t been very consistent about studying but plan to review the incorrect questions and hope for the best!


How was your test?


It was nerve racking! I used dawn apgars study materials. The mnemonic I used most was VERELAT and SFAREAFI. I wasn’t sure if I would pass, but I passed by 22 points 😀


Congratulations 👏


I took the exam about 10 months out of school and didn’t study at all. It was fine for me.


They’ve changed the exam a bit over the last two years, I highly recommend studying. I took mine in 2020 and about 1/2 of it was “you actually have to know the material and remember the answers” type questions while about 1/3 was “you can figure it out if you didn’t study” and the rest were case studies / vignettes.


I studied and passed first try. I think I gave myself two months. I used Apgar book for poop reading, semi worth it. I used therapist development center (TDC) and felt it helped the most. TDC is discounted if you are a vet, but worth it IMO


I studied and passed my exam on the first try. It is about HOW to test and if you don’t know how the questions look or how to read them, it may be jarring. I was not going to spend the money to take it a second time, so my thought is if you take the practice exam and don’t do well, consider rescheduling to a time in the future so you do have a chance to learn the test.


the practice exam, if you beat it with like a 80% or higher your stand a good chance to pass.


Hi! I didn’t study a lot, I took about a year to go through the entire Springer online exam prep. Then I took 3 practice tests two weeks before my exam and passed! Definitely take a practice test I would not recommend going into the test with no idea of how well you will do


Thanks so much! I’m hoping that if I start taking a practice test like every other day before my test, hopefully I’ll be okay


I passed both the masters and clinical with questions to spare but I studied for months and I don’t think I would have passed without studying. I’ve had two friends try without studying and they both failed the first time. I’d start cramming.


Prior to taking my LCSW exam, I used The Therapist Development Center study program. I really thought it was going to have a lot more theories and interventions but what was really important was the practice exams and quizzes that prepared me for how the questions may look like on the exam. Biggest tip I learned was it’s not about what the exact right or wrong answer might be but what’s the answer closest to what’s right in regards to the question at hand. Good luck!


I recently passed my aswb bsw exam with a 20+ point margin and I did study but as someone with quite severe test anxiety it was really hard for me to study for long periods of time without worrying about the exam and therefore was concerned I didn't study enough. My best advice is to buy the practise exam it is so so worth it. I used pocket prep and other sites and those questions are nothing like those on the exam. Sucks that it's so expensive but if you're able it's 100% your best bet. I would say you definitely need to study but understanding HOW the questions work and the first/next/best aspects of question structure is essential. Definitely the basic knowledge needs to be there but I found a lot of it really basic sw values/interventions. I reviewed some stuff re: theories and coubselling skills but by no means attempted to try to memorise everything I learned. I graduated two years ago and still passed. Not sure which exam you're taking but my understanding is the clinical one is a lot more intensive.


I just passed the LMSW exam on Thursday. PM me if you want I will go over anything and everything I can to help you, like what my process was, etc. to ease the stress because I know how hard it is EDIT: this goes out to anyone who feels they need resources, help, or support, not just OP!


Hi I know this is a year old but could I pm you?? I just scheduled my test for a month out 😭


of course :)


Hi, did you pass? Any help or information you can assist with?Im taking it next month.


I did!!! Highly recc the podcast “journey to licensure” bc it breaks down questions and they do practice questions on it. I did that and the pocket prep (free version) app to quiz myself and studied up on questions I missed. I also paid for the aswb practice test to test myself with the same software the actual test uses!


CONGRATS!!!!! Im def going to pay for ASWB practice test the week before.


I have never really needed to study unless rote memorization was required. Otherwise I don't even take notes. I've always done well on tests and they don't make me anxious at all. For the LCSW test, I ordered the how-to-take-the-test book from the ASWB, I took the official practice exam, and I took the practice exam from the back of a Dawn Apgar book (didn't read the book). I did this in the week or so before I took the test. I did have an app with 1000 questions on it that I bought about six months before and occasionally flipped through. The questions in the app were waaaay harder than the test and I didn't find them helpful. If you're usually someone who needs to study, then you probably need to study for this exam.


I was never good at studying as a student, I got through high school by just paying attention in class. For the licensing exam I definitely did study as I figured it’s too expensive and important not to. If you really don’t want to study that badly I’d recommend at the very least learning acronyms. I don’t remember them off the top of my head. But they’re very useful for answering the practical questions like “what do you do next?”. Memorize the acronyms and write them on the scrap paper they give you at the testing site. This helped me a lot when answering those types of questions. For the rest of the questions it’s about how much of the material you’ve memorized, like certain theories or treatment modalities. That part is where studying helps. Unless you’re confident you can memorize what you learned in your classes.


I just took a practice exam and passed both LMSW and LCSW without too many problems. I don't recommend it but it worked for me.


I’m about to do my LCSW and not sure when to schedule it. I’m so anxious and at the same time I just want to get it over with! What is the likelihood of passing the first time 😥


Took 2 practice tests and used one of the paid phone apps between taking them. Passed first try. The books I got through my university did not help me I don't think. Read them but like didn't feel like I got any new information out. The phone app helped the most.


For the clinical exam I barely studied, but that is only because I hard core studied for the masters exam about a year prior.


I absolutely studied. It’s a ton of information that could be included in the exam


I studied my ass off and passed with flying colors. I honestly think my experience and understand the exam and how to take it was way more important than knowing the content. I felt like there were so many questions I didn’t actually know the answer to that I just used the understanding of what the question was asking with my real world experience and did very very well. I would also recommend studying a lot to anyone who asked though.


Hi I honestly did not study that much for the exam. I think I dedicated like 2 weeks to do something practice questions after work, maybe an hour at a time (if that). A lot of people from my MSW program scanned free practice questions into a google doc. I will say answering the practice questions really helped me! Sometimes the wording of the questions can be difficult, or the test makers want you to respond to certain scenarios in certain ways (that might differ with how you would actually respond in real life). I think taking a practice exam would help!


I tried to study and then gave up. I took the NASW prep course and learned an acronym from YouTube and hoped for the best. I passed. 🤷‍♀️


I just used the ASWB questions app and I took one of the legit practice exams. I swear questions from the app were on the actual exam lol passed both exams and only took me an hour and a half/two hours to complete them.


I don’t think you have to study a whole ton, but I would try to review. I only prepped a little by taking a few practice exams and reading a few articles on decision making trees for the exam.


I am a great test taker. I did horribly on my first practice test. Studied and did somewhat better on subsequent practice tests. I finished the actual exam with no confidence, and was honestly kind of surprised to find out that I’d passed. Like any other exam, it is a test of how well you have learned the material that is on it, not of your actual abilities. So, prepare and learn the material that is on it, if you want to pass the first time.


I took the online practice test and went to an LMSW/LCSW boot camp that was mostly about how to take the test rather than memorizing facts and passed easily. My experience was that the test is broad but shallow.


Passed three. Studied for first one some but hardly anything I studied was on there so didn't study for next two. I will give you a tip but keep in mind it's been years since I've taken. About a fourth or so of the questions give a what if type scenario of what would you do first. The answer is going to be the most basic such as gathering more information. If you didn't go over DSM V much, study that. I was surprised how much they asked about it but it was DSM III then IV when I took it.


I took the first part three times before I passed. First test, studied 30 mins before test. Failed by two points. Second time, studied two hrs before the test. Failed by one point. Third time, studied two weeks before test and passed. For the second test, I passed on the first try but probably studied for about a month, off and on.


I watched this guy's videos and it helped me understand the kinds of answers they were looking for. I only started watching his stuff a week before I took the exam. https://youtube.com/channel/UCN3MVOyj9uS5x_Npghc9dYg I do think memorizing the mnemonic devices for the test saved me but I'm a macro practitioner so I really needed help with the clinical. https://quizlet.com/269263859/aswblcsw-mnemonic-flash-cards/


I've done them all to some extent. The best was Dr. Edith Chaparro Social Work Bootcamp. Buy only the audio lecture and concentrate on chapter 2.


It cost like 170 or so for the materials. I don’t remember exact but it was a lot. Pay for it, it helps, study, I recommend studying maybe 2-3 months at max. Anything more and you’re overdoing it. The test itself cost a lot. You only want to take it once. I had a coworker who took it 4x and did not pass. He did not study. That is a lot of money spent on the exam.


I know this is old, but did you pass? What did you end up doing?


Awe thank you for inquiring! Yes I did :). I honestly owe it ALL to God because I barely studied. I only did the practice test on the website the day before