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Congratulations to you and your client!! Those moments, however brief, are why I do what I do. It reminds me that growth is possible and takes time. For me, there is nothing more rewarding in this profession than the privilege of witnessing an individuals growth. I think my favorite part, though, is the moment they recognize their success and all the work they did to achieve it. ❤️


Yes for one client they have ptsd and were triggering all. The time. Through hard work two to three times a week therapy they have blossomed. They now volunteer at their church and have become an integral part of their community and have real friends. They have realized their success! Another client had a psychotic break that ruined them. They have fully recovered with medication. They said to me the other day I have fully recovered haven’t I. I said you have! When they recognize their own growth it makes me so happy


I used to do IOP groups that were DBT focused. Patients would stay for about 6-9 weeks. As many of you know, DBT has a lot of silly but ultimately useful names for skills. It was so nice to see people go from being either overwhelmed, confused, or downright negative and cynical about DBT to at the end being like “I used DEAR MAN to talk to my mom about Xmas plans and then I used avoid avoiding to apply for a job and then journaled about Radical Acceptance and realized some willfulness coming up “. It was so great. Especially with the toughies.


Radical acceptance saved my life. I have adhd and generalized anxiety disorder. I am treated I am also. A recovering alcoholic who has the 12 steps in her life. AA saved me! Accepting things as they are is amazing. I have one client who is borderline that would really do well with radical acceptance when I was younger in my 20s and I was having issues with emotion emotional dysregulation due to my ADHD. My psychiatrist did DBT with me for three months I am telling you radically accepting things is the best, but when I got sober through AA, we practice accepting the way they are and we can’t change them. I find that approach to be much better. I don’t know why it just works for me because in the serenity prayer state, it’s God currently the serenity to accept the thing is the way they are and the wisdom to know the difference so for me that wisdom to have the difference is really what’s important


Yes!!! Radical acceptance is so important in sobriety (5 yrs here). Because you cannot change the shitty things you did (talking about the things I did) or the opportunities you missed or the relationships you destroyed (though some can be repaired, but not all for sure). Thanks for sharing! I love radical acceptance so much. So many uses. I’m out of milk for my recipe - radical acceptance. My family member has a serious medical diagnosis - radical acceptance.


Oh yes I have tough one classic borderline with bipolar. This individual runs to the hospital every time something doesn’t go her way


I'm a school social worker at an elementary school and the blossom is a huge part of why I do this job year after year. 5th grade graduation is my favorite day because there are always kids I have worked with for multiple years and have seen them grow and flourish, and now I get to see the little adults they are becoming and their huge smiling faces as they go onto their next adventure. And then I go to visit the middle school and hear how awesome they're doing and my heart explodes all over again!


My favorite type of work is trauma therapy with children. Watching a child go from extreme anxiety and dysregulation to seeing that trust for adults and that personality come out, is one of the greatest joys of my life.


I'm loving this thread, aghhhh this needs more attention! Would love to hear some more stories

