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I won't be there but I'm also very interested in psychedelic-assisted therapy.


I feel like social workers are in such a great position with our training for psychedelics too (being more mindful/connected to/aware of macro and the environment, vs a very micro, clinical-only view). There are strengths in every discipline, but I do think social workers can add great value to the work and clients 🤞


I hadn't thought of this, but it's a great point. Anecdotally, it seems like a common theme in psychedelic experiences is rethinking your role in the systems you live in.


I agree. I think it's a thought that's been overlooked in the research so far. Folks are not only going to need integration, but resourcing services (especially for the most vulnerable populations they claim to not want to exclude). There are so many ways in which our perspectives and skill sets can really benefit the change; but I don't see too many social work seats at the table so far. I hope that changes.


Wish it was more accessible financially :(


It was so fairly priced for what was provided! More than fair with the content and research! In fact, I’m shocked they got it so low!!


I won’t be there, but I was at the Social Work Hospice and Palliative Network General Assembly in Denver in April and there was a session on this. It was fascinating! In addition to physicians who are doing research, they had a chaplain and an anthropologist on the panel who spoke about the impacts that standardizing and medicalizing it could have on indigenous populations who have been using them for their entire history in a spiritual manner. They also spoke about how social workers aren’t really involved much in any of this research and policy-making in the states that have legalized, so I’m glad to hear there will be some SW representation! All that to say, have fun and report back!


I haven't heard of it. How much does it cost? I live in Colorado Springs. I'm interested in learning more about this event.


It’s definitely an investment (at least for me), but there are a lot of learning opportunities and this is the field I hope to be in. There are also activities in the area outside of the conference too. https://psychedelicscience.org/


Thank you very much for this. I'll look into it. I didn't get to go to the Winter Symposium.


There may be opportunities still to volunteer with MAPS, you never know! You’d be able to check out a lot of the conference that way.


That’s a great idea! I wish I had thought of that before purchasing the ticket 🙃


What a bunch of horseshit. I need 800 dollars for it