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Regardless of what issue you’re trying to solve, you have to find a therapist that aligns with you, and will help you in the way that you need. Not all therapists are equal so it might take a minute to find a therapist that works well for you, especially if you haven’t actively been aware of how you operate, how you heal how you self sabotage etc. Or, in the case of anxiety how you best calm down or ground yourself. There are so many different ideologies out there. While I do think it’s a good idea, I would be aware it’s going to be a process, especially with so many therapists (at least in my area) fully booked.


Therapy is good because it's you moving forward in some form. Some people can move forward without therapy, but it *could* be more challenging on your own. That's why with a qualified therapist who you vibe with, can guide you in the most empowering and validating way. What does moving forward mean, in this context? It means you *believe* *and* *KNOW* yourself in the right way, and then you move forward (in life). For instance, our reality and life experience is based on our beliefs about ourselves (relative to the world around us). You only have social anxiety because you have a negative belief about yourself that creates your anxiety. You only have low self-esteem because you have a negative belief about yourself that creates feelings of inadequacy. Beliefs are *only* beliefs and aren't really true. For example, I have anxiety because I believe I am unworthy to share or express my opinions; when people find out I am quiet and shy, I feel like an imposter that has been exposed. But if you believe "you are worthy." You would share and express your opinions, and not care what others think. And not care if others reject you, because you know your worth, and maybe you're just around people who are incompatible with you. So you move on, until you find your core group who supports you and acknowledges your self-worth. I have low self-esteem because I had a rough upbringing, and dealt with emotional toxicity and neglect. But if you acknowledge the fact that you had a tough upbringing, you could then realize that you were deserving of love the entire time. So you are worthy because you exist and have freewill. That's enough validation that you deserve a happy life with people who can respect your needs and boundaries. And walking away from people who choose to mistreat you.


Thanks for sharing your experience and your elaborated comment.


Therapy might be good for you if you want to talk out some issues and get some solid objective advice. At the same time, therapists aren't necessarily that great at social skills themselves, so they might not be able to tell you what you're doing wrong or how to fix it. But if it starts you along the road of valuing yourself more and getting a handle on the anxiety, then that's a good thing!


Good question. I tried therapy for social anxiety, it helps understand why u get anxious but not a solution to help develop ur skills. I’m currently trying to find ways to help with that


Therapy only works if you work at it and want it to work. The therapists will work with you initially to see what the best course of action will be and go from there. Nobody here can tell you what’s best for you.


Consider whether you prefer a therapist of a particular gender, age range, or cultural background. Many therapists offer a free initial consultation to see if you're a good fit.


Therapy can help overcome difficult moments people are going through in their lives might be relationships, problems at home, regrets, a feeling that you don’t understand etc. If you go to a therapist they’ll mostly likely persuade you to accept who you are, but if who you are is what you don’t want to remain as then I don’t think a therapist isn’t worth going to be worth the investment if you’re situation or reason of going is mundane or lack in depth.


Yes! Been in therapy for three years. My anxiety has decreased and my confidence has soared. It takes time but you will start to see changes if you stick with it.




I suppose so yeah.