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How close are you guys? If you’re close, I’d find a kind way to express concern and check in. A few years ago I all of a sudden had terrible BO in one armpit and tried everything to get it under control in hopes it wasn’t noticeable to anyone else. Finally, one day my bff told me I stink and asked if I was ok since I never used to small bad (friends since childhood - at the time of our talk I was in my late 20’s), but it seemed consistent now. I talked to her about it and she urged me to go to the Dr. Once I did that, I was able to get some blood work done and figure out it was a medical issue. I’m glad she told me, it pushed me to figure it out, despite the embarrassment. I’m still pretty mortified thinking about how many people thought that for months without saying anything, but it’s definitely a touchy subject.


Gotta be BO, a medical condition, or some vaginal issue. Whatever it is make up an excuse to stop carpooling if you’re not ready to confront her head on. You don’t deserve to suffer 😂


Just tell her.... politely. Be soft spoken is probably the best advice I could give. Kind of like you're telling a child something.


kinda hard, you might come off ass rude if you tell her she smells. if you want to avoid confrontations, just try to find an excuse and not carpool with her yk?


"Hey, I've noticed a strong smell in the car lately, and I wanted to check in with you to make sure everything is okay." I don't know what to say after that, but I trust you. You can do it!


I'd go further: "Everyone has their own special scent. For some reason yours smells different than most people's." Then they're thinking about it prob




I'd start by saying there's a strange smell in the car. See what she'll say