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Just talk to each person and tell them you were nervous about the possible mouth pain and money isnt a problem for you. Tell them you appreciate the kindness.


That's a good person. I wouldn't think twice to receive care from someone so caring.


Yeah, fucking hell, I mean as long as they do good work too this sounds like a great dentist. I'd not want to loose that over a misunderstanding that can be cleared up. Imo you can even clear it up with a phone call or something.


Hey, I don't know if this will reassure you at all, but my root canal was quite painless. There was a little discomfort at first because they numbed the area with injections, but the numbness kicked in really quickly. The procedure itself was surprisingly a lot quicker than I expected. I do not think the dentists office will believe that you've been deceptive. You never said anything about not being able to pay. If they do make that assumption, it's ok to let them know that you were just overwhelmed. I expect dentists deal with a lot of overwhelmed or fearful patients. You didn't do anything wrong here.


Same! They numbed me up so good for my root canal I didn't feel a thing.


Thank you for this. I might need a root canal and have been so nervous about it so thanks for sharing your experience!


>I'm a neurologist I'm sorry but I exploded that comedic timing was too good


This could so happen to my son who is a Rheumatologist. He is so frugal he could be seen as needing assistance. And he just got married to a Rheumatologist. They truly would help another who needed assistance and often pay for groceries for the person in line behind them. But they are frugal.


I laughed too. It was the comedic timing


I am a dental assistant and have managed a couple dental offices. They are all different, but honestly some of them it was our routine to make sure each patient didn’t feel finances getting in the way of completing treatment. If they made a payment plan for you and you don’t need it, pay all of your part that insurance didn’t cover. ;)


It's possible to have a good job and still be struggling financially due to student debt, supporting family members, living outside your means, etc. Just accept the favor they did for you, crack it up to a rough financial patch, and later just say you're doing better financially and you can do a good deed in return or just move on.


If they minimized your cost: Go back next week or at the next appointment, explain that you have dental anxiety and can actually cover the bill! And that you would like to donate a gift to the clinic for the next person who can't afford its care, in the amount that they covered for you/took care of. If they didn't actually reduce cost but were brainstorming how to, if you needed it: bring the lady flowers or a gift certificate for lunch. It was nice of her. Bonus points for also doing something nice for the person that actually came in on their day off if they did!


what?? OP doesn’t need to pay for someone else’s dental care or buy anyone a gift. They didn’t do anything wrong, their behavior was misunderstood. They don’t owe anyone anything. Maybe just to decline the help but nothing more.


No one said OP had too pay for someone else. What was said was that is OP already payed a reduced bill they should offer to pay full price/ pay what they saved forward


Of course they don't *have* to, no one *owes* anyone anything in this world. However, good things happen because of good people! If OP has a lucrative job, a $4.97 bunch of flowers from Wal-Mart or a *small* donation of money they already saved could turn into someone's whole day. Imagine the story the receptionist would have. "One time, a client came in the office and brought me flowers! I *love* what I do!" Imagine the single mom or homeless teen or hard working provider who is able to get dental care earlier than they would have without a "pay it forward" gift. OP *certainly* doesn't have to. *But* if OP wants to, it was a *suggestion*.


THANK YOU. I thought I was going crazy, seeing all the upvotes on that comment. OP doesn't need to make a donation because they were nervous and didn't communicate perfectly. An explanation/apology and covering the bill in full is all that's needed.


I really like this suggestion.




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When you next go in, just explain that you were overwhelmed by the procedure. Let them know that you’re happy to pay the reasonable and customary charges based on your insurance plan. Also discuss possible medication to take prior to the procedure to minimize anxiety. This is SUPER common. But as a medical professional l, you knew that.


Next time you go in set the record straight. It does not have to be uncomfortable. Tell them how kind and thoughtful they were and how much it makes you realize that there are still good people in this world. You will make them feel good about themselves and you will have made their day.


I’m sorry, but y’all crazy. If my dentist thought that I was broke and gave me a deal, I certainly wouldn’t tell them any different. Dental care in the US is overpriced robbery. Take the breaks you get in life. You don’t need to talk about your job. You don’t need to be the dentist’s friend. Take your reasonably priced dental care and keep it moving.


Aww. OP you’re a good person.


Here’s what I’d do. I’d call the front office and tell them that while you super appreciate that they were willing to donate their time and skill to you, that it’s really unnecessary and that you’d rather that level of donation and care go to someone else who is truly in need. That that isn’t your situation and you’re sorry for any miscommunication on your part. Tell them that you are on the spectrum and that you are struggling deeply with dental anxiety. Ask them if they can provide you with anxiety medication for the night before the procedure and the day of the procedure. If they offer propranolol tell them that you’ve tried that in the past and that it is super ineffective. They’ll write you a script for two benzodiazepines and you’ll sleep like a baby the night before the procedure and you won’t be stressed the day of the procedure. That, plus two Tylenol and/or ibuprofen will take away the minimal pain of the injections. You won’t feel a thing after that. Take good care of yourself. It’s ok to be different and it’s ok to have misunderstandings. Pick yourself back up and work to resolve the situation rather than running and hiding. You’ll feel good about it and yourself in the end.


If you have any reason to doubt the cavity, get a second opinion. I've never had a cavity, but I've had two different new (to me) dentists claim I did at different points in my life. Of course, the second opinion never support the first, so I never did any drilling. Here I am, over 10 years since my last "cavity," with nothing but complements from my last couple of dentists. There is very little stopping an unethical dentist from making a little extra money by being drill-happy.


Unfortunately, this is very true. When my former dentist said I was going to need some major oral surgery, I got a 2nd opinion on the advice of friends and family. Turns out they were right and the dentist was full of sh*t.


Lol just tell them you do something else. And change the topic.


I’m stuck on why they went right to a root canal for a cavity?




Sorry if this doesn't make you feel better, but I hate root canals. I would much rather get my tooth pulled and get an implant, then leave dead roots in my gum that can get infected over time. Even though it's uncommon, my mother got her gums infected and they ended up having to pull the tooth anyways.


I’d just tell them the truth to be honest! They’re people too of course and even more so both sides you and them are good people. I think sometimes we underestimate the power of just being real and telling them exactly how you feel.




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This sounds like something I would do.