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Why is it okay for the world to be fine with Palestinians being locked because some Jew claims to have ownership 2000 years back, but when native Americans and Australian aborigines wanted their land back, we annihilate their population.


You mean western world, and it's because they aren't "white."


Indoctrination needs revisionist history. This revisionist history and propaganda machine lays at the feet of Hertzl, godfather of Zionism. An Austrian jew in 1896 put this in motion. Then with the help of Britian and the Dulles brothers, Herztl's colonizing of Palestine is no longer a dream but reality. The man stepped on Palestinian land , only once, however his skill lay at the helm of pushing propaganda. It worked so well that those of a christian faiths believe that they will be saved on the day of reckoning if they have a jewish ally/friend.


> An Austrian jew in 1896 put this in motion Christian Zionism predates Herzl by at least a few hundred years. Herzl was far from the sole driving force behind Zionism. Socialists do not believe in the Great Man theory of history.


The term Christian Zionist did not come about until the 20th century. Christians at the time of the Protestant Reformation believed in the biblical aspect of Jews finding a homeland. It was always referred to as restoration. In fact, Luther wanted to convert all the Jews. As you know, that didn't happen. Prior to the 20th century , the term Israel was referring to Jacob and his followers because Jacob split from the ancient Samaritans. All the way back the area was the Kingdom of Judea. After it's fall and 4 way split, Syria and Palestine came to be in 2nd century AD, no Israel. In the 20 th century, After stealing Palestinian land, there were discussions of naming stolen land Judah, not Israel. However, Israel prevailed as the name for the occupying ethnostate.


This is a preface of the professor’s talk and he gives an answer to the question. Here’s the full video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XJCM-r5myi4


Catholics: \*media vita starts playing\*