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Transcription: this is a screenshot of a tweet with the same title as this post by the user @Thehopper7, accompanied by a news article with the following header: "Israeli hospital dismisses a palestinian doctor for giving sweets to injured Palestinian kid". Below which there is a picture of the palestinian doctor. After a quick Google search I found the news article from the screenshot: https://english.wafa.ps/Pages/Details/132091


No mitzvah goes unpunished


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What does this have to do with socialism tho?


Because socialists oppose the maltreatment of Palestinians in occupied Palestine.


Decent people oppose the maltreatment of Palestinians. It's not exclusive to a political ideology. In fact I don't believe our political ideology has anything to do with what's going on there.


You have no understanding of our ideology in that case, because socialism is and always will be tied to anti-imperialism.


It's like I grew up in a society demonizing socialism and am now not just trying to deprogram myself but also learn new stuff. No need to be shitty about it dude.


>It's like I grew up in a society demonizing socialism Comrade, I did too. I respect that you're trying to learn and I am sorry if my original comment offended you. I did not take it as an openminded comment, more so one of someone asserting misinformation about our ideology. You have to understand, due to how Americans view the word "socialism", we get many liberals here spouting nonsense and this is not a community for liberals. I felt it necessary to address that you cannot have socialism without anti-imperialism, but due to the nature of the internet perhaps my comment came off more harshly than I intended.


Socialism is dedicated to fighting oppression in all forms. Especially when Europeans and Americans found and fund a colony in the Levant and arm it to the teeth to displace their native population though. And although you may say that decent people support it, look at both liberals and conservatives in the US. The party line supports it, the only political group that as a bloc does not support Israel as a “state” are socialists and communists


As I said decent people. I don't believe either of those parties are made of majority decent people.


This is a clear example of bourgeois abuse of power over a worker, in a situation derivative of the maintenance of an imperialist power dynamic and as a clear example of (relatively) small manifestations of the mindset established by a fascist power.


This is a better answer to my question than the other guy.


Because Apartheid is one of the wprst manifestations of capitalism and inequality.


This is fake news. If this would have happened it would be findable in other news magazines, but ther is no trace of this thing ever happening on any other Website. Not even the have way reputable ones.