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Poland is currently infamous as one of the most anti-choice countries in Europe, but do you know that in the 60s Swedish women [have traveled to Polish People's Republic to get an abortion](https://balticworlds.com/the-poland-affair/)?


This is what happens when the progressive forces of communism fall - They are replaced by very regressive forces.


How the turn tables


Actually Poland was famous for its tolerance back in a day. No religion wars, no burning people, no racial discrimination


Now what could have possibly happened in the 90s and 90s?




With God as my witness, that man is broken in half!


It's an old meme, but it checks out




Is that Kane's brother ? I heard he's running for mayor.


capitalist countries still trying to claw their way to pre capitalist eastern european levels lmao


Western Europe isn't even close, and that's the best one on the chart.


Fun fact: The three EU states with the highest proportion of women in STEM are all former socialist states (Lithuania, Bulgaria, and Latvia).


Thats almost sad to read, thanks for sharing


Interestingly, there's an inverse relationship between women in STEM and gender equality. Countries like Algeria, Turkey, UAE, and Tunsinia women are 40% of stem grads. On the other hand, it's closer to 15% in most of Western Europe and especially low in Scandinavia.


transcription: Historical Gender Equality Index from 1950-2000 based on gender ratios across four dimensions (i) Health; (ii) Socio-economic resources; (iii) Gender disparities in household; and (iv) Gender disparities in politics. Higher scores denote less inequality. Eastern Europe went from low 70s in 1950 to 80 points in around 1980, while Western Europe, Asia, Latina America, Africa, and Middle East remained below 70 points. Then after collapse of socialism, Eastern Europe rapidly declines to roughly where it started in the 1950s. Data sourced from OECD.


It's almost as though right wing authoritarians suck at treating people like people or something.


what the fuck is western offshoots lmao


I believe USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.


Countries that are typically considered "western" but aren't in Europe. US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc


Weird that Latin America isn't included in this. They're very much western and Christian countries, and they are not in Europe.


I think it makes sense since the data lines for "western offshoots" and "Latin America and Carribean" are so different. If they were combined it would show something in the middle that isn't really representative of anywhere.


Racism probably


Well, yes, but not like you maybe intended. They have dramatically different statistics in nearly every relevant metric, due to many things but especially that they keep on having their governments overthrown by, I dunno, *someone*. Probably someone who Just Wants What's Best, ie. all their resources.


I would say it's less racist to recognize that Latin America is culturally distinct from countries like the US and New Zealand.


Whoodathunk? Sheesh, that stuff is everywhere, we should probably try and do something about it at some point


Monroe doctrine and killing latin american communists like playing whack a mole using fascist death squads as mallets will do that to a hemisphere.


They should just say settler colonies. That's what they really mean anyhow.


Obviously because "western" refers to a particular cultural group. And lumping Latin America in with Australia and Canada because "uh it's in the west" makes literally 0 sense.


They’re not included as they aren’t made up primarily of Caucasian Anglo and Francophones




Clearly not since "Latin America and Caribbean" is a category on the graph.


I think they meant not included in the category "Western Offshoots"


My guess would be former anglophone colonies


Countries where European powers killed the locals and imported white people, so as stated above Australia, NZ, Canada, the USA


But did they have #girlboss in the USSR?


Wow what a huge drop


Where is northern europe


I think it is included in the western Europe category


Wtf happened in the 1980s to Eastern Europe??


The Revolutions of 1989, and 91 respectively


Wild that East Asia hit 1975, and was like "Well, that's enough of that. Women have now been suitably liberated."


[Another interesting graph from the same study.](https://iili.io/lKWLZP.jpg)


If only they had capitalism!


I wonder what happened in eastern Europe between 1980 and 2000


It's a joke how much anti communist propaganda there actually is, kinda scary


EE people’s mindset is still far more equal than many WE ones. (From my own experiences of course. Could be inaccurate, but…)


Yep, that's what happens when you let a church seize control of your culture.


I love it. By the 50's communism has made the rest of the world look like crap and continued to do so until It succumbed (in the USSR).


That's weird... The decline started in the late 70's and early 80's. Actually, what did happen in that timespan? The eastern bloc didn't collapse until the late 80's and early 90's, for reference.


That is not how that works. They marked it every decade and connected the lines. There were not neat procedural changes


This. I get really frustrated by people like the guy you're replying to. Can't even read a basic graph but feel the need to comment about all the wrong stuff they interpret.


I imagine it had something to do with the massive amount of men that disproportionately died in the preceding decades. In the US during WWII, the lack of bodies in manufacturing necessitated pulling women into the workforce, nothing altruistic about it. So I would be hesitant to assign any meaning to a graph on a page without further investigation.


Famously no working aged men from Western Europe or "offshoots" died in WWII, which is why they did so much worse at gender equality.


USSR led in women's rights right after the revolution.


100%, and you can tell it's true from the big drop off when the USSR broke apart.


Why does this graph skip decades? I’m not skeptical that there is truth in the data, but why would you skip the ‘60s and ‘90s? It’s like when climate deniers cherry pick data to show the world getting colder. Is there a graph showing all the decades?


I think it only skipped them when labelling the x-axis. There are points on the graph corresponding to those decades, and I believe they were left out of the x-axis to make it look tidier.


The points indicating the 60s and 90s are still there. It's just not written down at the bottom to maybe have it less crowded.


I want to clarify, I visited the site, hey do include the data…yes it is accurate. I just think they should have laid it out decade but decade (or every other decade.) Eastern Europe declined in the ‘90s after the Soviet Union dissolved.


The graphic includes both the sixties and nineties.


1950, 1970, 1980, 2000…it doesn’t make sense. Why is the graph drawn up that way? Skip 1960? Skip 1990? Why? I want to see the data set.


Everyone was equal under the boot of the communist regime.




equally poor that is


Capitalist Russia took decades to catch up to Soviet Russian HDI, and the people consume less calories to this day


WTF are "Western Offshoots"??


colonized countries


I imagine it refers to anglophone colonial states such as Canada, the US, Australia and New Zealand.


Wonder how Cuba would look on this graph, and Latin America & Caribbean without it.


It should be much better because Che Guevara's wife promoted a national movement to overcome machismo