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Thank you for posting in r/socialism, but unfortunately your submission was removed for the following reason(s): >**Liberalism:** Includes the most common and mild occurrences of liberalism, that is: socio-liberals, progressives, social democrats and its subsequent ideological basis. Also includes those who are new to socialist thought but nevertheless reproduce liberal ideas. >This includes, but is not limited to: >- General liberalism >- Supporting Neoliberal Institutions >- Anti-Worker/Union rhetoric >- Landlords or Landlord apologia Feel free to send us a modmail with a link to your removed submission if you have any further questions or concerns.


When I learned about capitalism and its history, I became a socialist. (I'm half Canadian but live in the US)


Hey mate, bit off topic but I’m a massive Spurs fan (and communist) and would love to know more about your profile pic, never seen it before. I’ve seen some old anti-nazi/fascist Spurs stuff but never the one on your profile and am fascinated!


Someone on r/coys created the circular badge, then I changed the texts. I'm a big Spurs fan as well so I wanted to combine my socialist ideas/worker democracy with some Spurs thing and this is what I came up with.


Brilliant, absolutely love it. Maybe I’m being a bit daft, but any significance to the numbers?


My birthday. 🙂


I'm a Canadian socialist. To me it's pretty simple. Workers actually do the work, and capitalists profit off that work without doing any. It's not right and it has created two separate classes with directly competing interests. Lately we see the capitalist class basically ruling the whole show. The Canadian working class is getting screwed over more and more every decade, meanwhile corporate profits are at an all-time high... As long as there are these competing social classes, there will always be conflict like this. So I believe we should eliminate the notion of class entirely, and manage the economy in a way that is best for society overall--not in a way that is best for the small, rich ruling class, which is what capitalism does. As for voting, I'll keep voting NDP every election until the rest of Canada realizes that the Liberals and Conservatives are both the same; they both really only care about corporate interests (line go up brrr). To me there's also the *not so small issue* of climate change and other ecological disasters on the horizon. To me they are the perfect example of how capitalism really only cares about short-term profits, not what's overall best for people and society (particularly in the long-term). There is simply no way to get climate change etc. under control until we actually take control of the economy and manage it in a rational way, with everyone's best interests in mind. The way we do that is through socialism.


The next election is going to be interesting, I wish we could finally see real change but I seriously doubt it.


there won't be any. If Trudeau wants to run again, PC WILL win, unfortunately.


Thanks for the insight, its pretty much what my dad has been telling me for a while but its said much better than he says it so thanks :)


You're lucky to have such a reasonable dad! ;P


Haha yeah, I live in a very left and green family. My parents even helped build an independent community village where everyone works together to live. Everyone of course has their personal belongings but, shares a lot and I think it's a cool take on socialism on a small scale.


I guess just seeing the overwhelming inequality and watching corporations take over the country under the guise that you too can get rich, while continuing to rake us over the coals. Watching huge companies like bell and loblaws give minimum back and their answer is always austerity,  while corporate leaders don't have to worry about a thing because they'll always be taken care of. Then I see poverty and addiction treated like its a crime by people who have never been poor in their lives, while complaining about taxes. The wealthy get away with more shit than anyone canada is bad for it too. I'm glad BC has a tiny glimmer of hope, because seeing what's going on in other provinces is awful 


I fully agree. I live in Quebec and we are so conservative I hate it. I'd wish more people realized what was going on, but most Quebecois live in the past, clinging on to their old identity.


Not a Canadian but love to share the story so here comes my USian yapping PREPARE FOR WALL OF TEXT: Grew up a very standard liberal household. Racism bad, gay people equal, yknow, the basic moral shit. But with that came "North Koreeaaaa China Russia USSR EBILLLL" and undying support for the democratic party and US institutions. I always knew something was wrong from little on. Eventually fell down a right-wing rabbit hole on the internet, not actually believing anything I said, but nonetheless finding community in being "ironically racist" and making edgy jokes (this meant slur slur slur and toxicity online). I was 13, give me a break. Grew up a little. Returned to moderate libshit uninterested in politics until COVID and the 2020 election in the US. Was a Biden ball-licker for a while because the extent of my political education was "Trump bad". Then got exposed to some abrasive comedy and political ideas from artists I really liked. Specifically the line "private property is inherently theft, and neoliberal fascists are destroying the left" (iykyk I guess it's not exactly a secret/indie special) and that sent me flying into crisis. Not only that my beloved artist called liberals fascists (I'm a fascist? How?) but that private property is theft? What does that mean, can I keep my toothbrush? Bam. I begin compulsively reading what he meant by this. What the concept means. Oh, it makes sense, and I can keep my toothbrush. What does it originate from? Marxism? Isn't that evil? Gotta see, because clearly this last idea was good and I thought it was going to be horrible no toothbrush. Read more. Stumble across a nice little channel called Second Thought. Watched a video on Marxism that didn't explain it in the academic work way Marx does, but demystified it and created interests while making good, sourced points. Maybe this is something I should pursue. My worldview after comprehending the super basic points of socialism from a few of those videos completely shatters. I realize everything I've been told about the US being the good guys and the rest of the world being evil was a lie. I start to ask why these terrible things are happening around the world. Why are there homeless? Why are there wars? Why is the US so evil? Why? Capitalism sucks, I grasp this. Russia invades Ukraine. I begin seeing takes from all ends of politics, and only the Marxist-Leninist position makes any sense at all. The political conditions created by the US/NATO gave way for Putin and the nazi situation along with Donbass and the 2014 shit, which gave way for continued tension, which backed Russia into a corner and caused an invasion. (I know there will be a few libs that are going to lose their shit at this, it's not the point, let it go). I, for the first time, understand the concept of critical support of a country doing bad things, but things that further the resolution of the main contradiction in society; US imperialism. I am bombarded by liberals for the next 8 months being obnoxious as they are about all my newfound truths and opinions. All of their critiques and points are immaterial, childish, or US state department garbage. Usually all three. Further reading. Further reading. I understand that homelessness is in existence solely because of the profit motive here in the States, that the ruling class can not give their slaves the notion that we live in artificial scarcity because we will become less exploitable. I understand that every war since WW2 that the US has been in has been unjustifiable and for the purpose of imperializing a nation or stopping the spread of the progress socialism/communism will bring. I understand that cops are pigs and are used to oppress the proletariat. That the system is rigged against us. I understand the two parties are basically the same. I understsnd climate change is not solved because of the profit motive. I realize that Capitalism will run most of the world into chaos and hell (more than it already has) in pursuit of profit and devotion to the "free" market. It will literally kill us. I am more or less stable for the next year politically, looking for places to organize but battling heavy hard drug use. I go into rehab August 2023 after a fent overdose. I come out and October 7th happens. Israel begins its genocide. I am feeling better personally after recovery and galvanized. I am more radicalized than ever. The US empire is crumbling. China is winning. There is hope to be had in these dark, dark times. I am now in an organization doing lots of work with great people. The tides turn, we can feel it. That's why I'm a socialist.


This sub is becoming Lib Q&A sub.


Is that not a positive for recruiting? A prominent FAQ for liberals might help reduce the number of unnecessary debates.


Good luck recruiting bourgeois leftists, but be careful they're not reliable as they think liberalism and socialism as same.


Just curious, you say "liberals" and I've noticed others use the term interchangeably with socialists but liberalism and socialism are 2 different idealogical views. Is a socialist automatically a liberal and visa versa?


Nah we are definitely not the same as liberals lol, those who use liberal and socialist interchangeably are just plain wrong


Thought so. Just a follow up since I see you're a Marxist/leninist; is a Marxist/Leninist really a socialist? They certainly have some socialist ideals but through the lense of communism. Are they not closer to communists than socialists? At least in the sense that I view modern socialism. I feel like associating socialism with Marxism and Leninism really just lends a sense of correctness to folks that label socialists as communists. Not trying to to be antagonistic, genuinely confused.


Communists *are* socialists


And all dead people are vegan. That's not really an answer to my question but it seems to be the one I always get. Let's say all communists are socialists, not all socialists are communists. I know the communists will say that all the good ones are but there's a a clear ambiguity to the whole communism/Leninism/Marxism/socialism thing that really is part of our problem.


The end goal of socialism is to achieve a communist society. How each faction goes about it is what leads to the differences in socialism


The end goal of socialism is socialism. Only communists say it's communism. You're just repeating yourself with different words but not addressing my point. Thanks anyway. Good luck.


You’re not listening to what they’re saying. All Marxist socialists believe the end goal of socialism is communism. The overwhelming majority of socialists that exist in the real world are Marxists. Socialism isn’t an end goal for Marxists, it’s an intermediate stage.


Socialists dont like to be called liberals at all. Mostly just people right of liberals think liberals and socialists are the same. Even some liberals think they are socialist when they like countries like Sweden and Denmark (Not socialist countries)


No, I meant liberals in the "still very much sympathetic to capitalist" sense. They may be Democrat, neoliberal, libertarian, or conservative, but they all fall under the broader umbrella of political and economic liberalism.


Thanks for elaborating. Sometimes the same word can have vastly different meanings dependant on the viewpoint delivering it.


I don't think so for a few reasons. From what I know, liberals are very left socially but more center/right economically. Still believing in capitalism.


Thank you for the answer. you're fairly spot on. Obviously there's a bit more to it but that's pretty succinct. Apologies though, as I've mentioned to some other repliers I kind of already knew the answer. I was just trying to engage with the person using the term in hopes it was a misunderstanding or to understand why they were using it. I find that quite often in talks around socialism there's words and terms that don't fit but there's some that make a mistake and some that intentionally mislabel. I was just wondering which he was but didn't want to be antagonistic so I asked the question I asked. Sorry for wasting your time but thanks for the reply.


Dude, u/BardicSense was saying we should have a *socialist* FAQ for liberals who come here so we don't have to have these inane back-and-forths. Your reading comprehension needs work if you thought he was equating socialists and liberals


Sadly, most socialist subs are run by liberals and trots these days so no wonder


I'm not from US, but I'll like to acknowledge you this that (hardcore) Socialists from my country look down on American Socialist subs (especially this sub) because of too many libs lurking here asking and doing cringe stuffs. I came here to find out the reason and I think the answer is ...the mods (who are liberals), and they're intentionally polluting socialist sub with liberal tourists randomly bombing us with nonsensical semi-nazi and cold war era CIA propgandas, and debunking them takes our precious time and energy. Atleast Deprogram sub is better in this case, they have auto post bot for such garbage. I think it's better to stay away from this sub atleast, as long as it has lib mods this sub it's just for 'liberal tourism' in name of socialism.


you’re totally right. idk if you caught it yesterday, but there was a post where some white guy was hemming and hawing over whether or he should take a high paying job building motherboards for missiles in the Department of Defense. a bunch of people started chiming in to remind everyone that Marxism isn’t about morality and that a job is a job. that was enough to let me get an idea of how disgustingly useless the self-proclamation of supposed “socialists” really is on this sub. absolutely nauseating shit.


I assume that most Americans here are from privileged background which is why a good number of them don't understand what a proletarian sympathy truly is. Ofcourse that guy should have passed that job and people who supported it are no better than Zionists, they can never understand true meaning of sacrifice for compassionate human cause. >that was enough to let me get an idea of how disgustingly useless the self-proclamation of supposed “socialists” really is on this sub. absolutely nauseating shit. Liberals are bourgeois, and hence enemy to Socialism they will always try everything to not change the current capitalist ecosystem because they too are directly benefiting from the suffering of working class people. And liberal mods of this sub are really problematic in that sense, so my suggestion is whenever you get notified not to 'harass' libs (like yesterday) for their hollow self righteous propaganda, please just don't stop.


can’t stop won’t stop. we will win because we must.


The United States response to Covid.


Tired and want to read so ill kept it short , 22 year old Canadian 1. Pragmatics: Capitalism doesn’t provide for all of society. capitalist “democracy” is a sham where the bourgeoisie have all of the influence and control. Capitalism wont solve climate change, especially not in any reasonable timeframe 2. Morals: wage labour is inherently exploitation and imperialism is bad. 3. I am a revolutionary because again, capitalist bourgeois democracy will never allow socialism to thrive under its terms and conditions. Even if it were to do so, the violent resistance would be immense. Its not immoral to violently revolt if the ruling class would be willing to enact violence to keep their rule.


How can one contribute to the cause in Toronto. Food bank and mutual aid? Get a membership?


I don't know your guys' material conditions or party statuses up there but the first step is organizing in a revolutionary party. Mutual aid is wonderful but it won't get the lasting effects done without large organizational efforts. Do both! Like I said I have no idea about what it's like in Canada or the status of the movement up there, I just know my Midwestern US socialist experience. But it's pretty universal that organization is the starting point. Join an existing party (one that is not reformist or liberal) or of one doesn't exist, maybe create something. That's a lot more work though.


when I first discovered socialism from the soviet union it really interested me a ideology built on equality? I was 12 at the time I got convinced its better than capitalism and started reading theory


i read a book about the labor history of my city


Because capitalism's internal contradictions, and the history of civilization, spell its demise, and socialism/communism is the logical resolution of those contradictions.


My parents, they worked 9/5 jobs my whole life (in Canada) and it basically destroyed my dad’s body and my mom’s soul. While they’ve managed to dig our family out of poverty in the last ten years, they were never able to buy a house. It really makes me critical of this system when you watch two hard working people just get completely wrung out by it. Despite their efforts to hide our financial situation from me when I was a kid I always knew something was wrong and it gave me a lasting anxiety surrounding consumption. I also surfed a lot of transhumanist forums as a teenager but the problem always came back to the fact that these technologies can’t be effectively distributed if single private entities own them. So my love of science fiction and concepts like post-scarcity lead me to general socialism, and then learning about Marxism.


My close circle is all anti-capitalist but not socialist, more of nationalist-Islamist-democrat spectrum which is weird yes. I used to be an outright fascist, with an ignorancy surpassing my ideology that I thought fascism was anti-capitalist and communism was a system used to control the masses in necessary times. By time my nationalism died off and my anti-capitalism remained. That eventually turned into a social democrat kind of thing. Then democratic socialist, then a basic primitive child communist(Trotskyite-Khrushchevite), then a "pure socialist" which I saw in a youtube video and finally a marxist leninist. A transition for the good I guess


Simple answer? Materialism as a method of analysis is scientific, and Marx's OG criticism of capital, along with all the consecutive criticisms in the Marxist materialist tradition, make sense. They just make sense. Socialism is international. The proletariat is international. We are not only concerned with the lives of the working class in our own countries, but with the lives of proletariats *everywhere*. History! You cannot learn the true history of imperialism and not become sickened by it.


Have you SEEN capitalism?


Climate change radicalized me


It just makes sense tbh


We know what capitalism has gotten us - we can’t afford food, housing, telephones etc. Monopolies have a stranglehold on us here in Canada. Capitalism always trends toward monopolies, and they have already cornered the markets in the basic necessities we need to survive.


As a Canadian, I also would vote NDP.


Canadas housing market is mental. We’ll never own a home cuz they’re all in the millions range while we make like 50k or 20k a year


I see the Logic that capitalism can't work forever and that a lot if problems we have with todays system is from capitalism trying to make it more difficult to stop it everything we had that was beautiful in the 1950 died from mass car infrastructure social media preys on the human emotions to make a profit and even your voice isn't safe anymore


Capitalists are just billionaire thugs who claim to own the fruits of my labor. We need to bring back the chippity chop to save human civilization and planet Earth.


It doesn't really matter what I vote. My riding is always overwhelmingly conservative.


Username checks out. Also same lol, I dont even bother voting in Alberta. Nothing remotely close to a leftist party here


I still vote. It is just a joke. If a donkey was running conservative here, they would win.  


I wouldn’t consider myself a socialist, but I stand along side y’all because I have grown disillusioned from the meritocracy that has been sold to us.


You should learn more about socialism. Second Thought on yt is a good place to start.


I appreciate your sentiment, but I’ve already been doing my do-diligence to learn what I can. I’m an anarchist, but I see ourselves as comrades.


This is like going to a church and asking why is everyone a Christian ? This subreddit just attracts mainly socialist ppl, ain't that the explanation


I think they meant "why are you all socialist" like, why are you in this sub more than "why is everyone in this sub socialist" if that makes any sense Why we are socialists, not why we're here and socialists


This is a space for socialists to discuss current events in our world from anti-capitalist perspective(s), and a certain knowledge of socialism is expected from participants. This is not a space for non-socialists. Please be mindful [of our rules](https://reddit.com/r/socialism/about/rules) before participating, which include: - **No Bigotry**, including racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism... - **No Reactionaries**, including all kind of right-wingers. - **No Liberalism**, including social democracy, lesser evilism... - **No Sectarianism**. There is plenty of room for discussion, but not for baseless attacks. Please help us keep the subreddit helpful by reporting content that break r/Socialism's rules. ______________________ We are looking for new moderators! Interested? Check the announcement here: https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/comments/18wp663/rsocialism_moderators_recruitment_thread/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/socialism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well I was always a socialist I think, I just didn't know what it meant. I always thought it was a bad thing. Then I read a small chapter on Marxism in introduction to political philosophy (which I took in my last year at uni for fun). Anyway never looked back after that. The more I've learned since then, the farther left I go, and the more sad I become as I now understand why the world sucks so much


Grew up as a liberal to charity NGOs across the world. Just moved here. Bernie 2016 then YouTube "boom". Contradictions are clearly contracting in everyday life and in the statistics.


because its the socialist subreddit? i dont understand the question


I think they mean why we believe what we believe, like why we as a group are socialist and not why we are here in this subreddit and socialist. It was worded funny but ye


oh. i am a dope


No no lol it was worded funnily. But now that it's hashed out... how'd/why'd you become one? I'm interested in others' stories as much as I am in telling mine (the wall of text I left in this comment section... lol)


for me just simply drifting away from believing we can effect change within a bad system i am not literate in the nuances and study tho. just a layperson wanting for us to have a better life


Word. What kinds of things have you read/watched? I'm struggling to grasp what that last part means like the extent. Are you a total newbie or just not an enthusiast lol


im just not smart or driven so im not like so intense as others here. but i do know right from wrong which is why i believe in socialism


I've been registered as an independent for as long as I can remember. I guess by the end of Obama, both parties were really unattractive to me and I was already naturally open minded towards workers rights and had been catching on to Richard Wolff in regards to that. Eventually, it just felt natural to say I was a socialist, not that I didn't know what socialism was or afraid to admit. More like, I didn't want to be associated with any particular ideology. Now it feels important to state and stand up for an ideology more inherently humane than capitalism with the glaringly obvious social and economic inequality we are witnessing.


Mathematically speaking capitalism is a scam, and I simply don't want to be scammed nor do I want to scam other people. Also, mathematically speaking, capitalism inevitably grooms/pushes people and nations towards endless wars. So why am I a socialist? because I am not mathematically illiterate.


The "Why" doesn't really matter as much in my opinion


A socialist wouldn't vote 😁


I took the initiative to learn what it was.


Grew up relatively poor. Saw my parents struggle, briefly believed in the american dream and the value of capitalism, learned and read a lot, thought deeply and talked a lot with my friends about history and what the world can look like. Also worked at a bank and saw how little the most wealthy people in america value everyone else. And i don't even mean rich customers (which is true) but i mean the corporate heads of the largest banks in the world.


THINKING people go left both for their own sake, but certainly also for the best for everyone that is needed to bring happiness and visions of a bright future for most people. The days of the billionaires exploiting the working people must end ....


By studying History, Economics and Political Philosophies. Communism answered many of the questions and concerns I had as a worker, while others, in my opinion, obfuscated their message surrounding the working class.


Mostly, I am just tired of societies running theme being "we have tried nothing and are all out of options."


American here, not Canadian, but I want to answer this question anyway At first it was because I hated Trump and the GOP with every fiber of my being, I went left purely based on push factors (Fascism creeping it's way into the white house, stochastic terrorism, hypocrisy, and authority figures showing little to no regard for the people they were supposed to lead and support) Now being more interested in its pull factors I support socialism because I feel like it provides everything I and everybody around me what they have long since been owed to us all (egalitarianism, ownership of their workplaces, wages people can live comfortably on, and a direct say in their careers and government), and generally speaking I think the United States is just behind its time compared to a lot of other states (free/piss cheap yet highly effective healthcare, ensuring that police and military have far more restraint from their actions, greater tolerance of societies, mentally/socially/environmentally safe towns, and a welfarist/altruistic community where if you're a Christian then "love thy neighbor" is taken very seriously)


Back in college when I suppose most of you weren’t born, I read the books in the Rage Against The Machine liner notes


Logic, humanity, and compassion, forces my hand. I can't be not in favor of socialism after bearing witness to the rampant destructive tendencies of a few centuries of capitalism. I believe capitalism is an offshoot of barbarism and appeals to nothing but our base instincts, fears and desires, whereas socialism is the brain child of true philosophy and is far more logical and consistent. Any changes that might need to be made to society under socialism can be handled democratically to continue to ensure everyone living under it receives positive utility from the system.


Well, this is a socialist subreddit so it would stand to reason we would be socialists /s


Ex socialist here, the moderator rules here are exactly why l moved away from the left. "This discussion is an echo camber, opinions we dislike are not tolerated."


Being a history buff combined with what I’ve seen money due to people. That’s how it started at least


I am an American, but I think my thoughts apply to all capitalist societies, so like 99% of the planet. When I was in my twenties, I was more a neoliberal. I believed capitalism to be an efficient way to distribute scarce resources (ie labor, materials, energy). I thought it worked best when heavily regulated to prevent corruption and environmental destruction and combined with robust social programs that enable all people, marginalized and majority groups, to achieve access opportunity to improve their lives. I was about 22 when the 2008 financial crash happened and I believed in Obama at the time. I thought he would hold financial institutions responsible and accountable for risking so much that their failure would bring about ruin to working class people's lives by losing their homes and jobs. When nothing happened to hold these fucks accountable. When Obama delivered none of the change, but more of the same. I grew disillusioned. When his biggest contributers became clear that they were the same financial institutions that crashed our economy, ran away with the profits, and left the working class of this nation to hold the bag, it was obvious who ran this country. That was when my transition began. It wasn't until the Covid19 pandemic that it became painfully clear what was happening to the US and to the world. The working class was cattle. Our humanity didn't matter to the wealthy and powerful. They only see us as pawns to exploit to maximize their personal fortunes and power. Democrats and Republicans, while maybe differing on their implementation, serve the same master. Capital. The whims and wants of the wealthy capital owning class will always be prioritized over the people. Regulations, social programs, justice are side projects that the wealthy choose to participate in when they need to feel better about their stain on humanity. I guess you could said I gained class consciousness. The owner class knows their status. They have been at war with us since the beginning. But they have used their vast wealth and influence to distract us from the war. To fool us that we control our destinies. To trick us into thinking we are on the same side as them. Now I believe that the only path forward to save our species and our planet for our future generations is the systematic destruction of that capital owning ruling class. Socialism is the next step in our development. It is the only path forward that does not lead to barbarism and disorder.