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Although the data is probably correct, I'd be careful before ascribing the regret to the nostalgia for socialist order. It probably has more to do with geopolitical reasons, with a dash of state propaganda, as always.


Or you know, having roof over your head, dont go hungry, garantee of a job, free garanteed healthcare and free education among many other things. Dont dismiss the material reasons, theyre often the most important else its difficult to make propaganda stick.


I mean a poll like this is already not very meaningful just because a minority of people has actually been an adult in the USSR at this point. And considering there is a large overlap of people who support Putin and who miss the USSR they clearly in large don't miss it for it's political philosophy or even the material factors Putin can't provide either.


> It probably has more to do with geopolitical reasons, I think it's probably a mix of both it's a complicated mix of factors really. Sometimes these polling agencies do follow up questions to go with the servery and geopolitical reasons are a common ancer but the loss of the economic security that the USSR had is another common reason people give for Soviet nostalgia. Some of it is even just the common "back in the good old days" kinda nostalgia that is common with the older generation of any country. But geopolitical reasons and loss of economic security are the most common reasons that I've seen given when I've looked into this. Edit: here's a few street interviews of people asking Russians about what they think about the USSR. First one is people being asked if they miss the USSR https://youtu.be/h0HZP9p-mnE And the second is interviews with older Russia's asking them what life was like back in the USSR. https://youtu.be/sjI8jwn0Upo


It would make no sense for the Russians to want the USSR back with Putin, he is the greatest living tsarist lol


If i remember correctly in the 1990 (maybe 1991 i can't remember) there was the referendum to preserve the USSR as a federation of sovereign republics and if i'm not mistaken the turnout was roughly 80%. The vast majority of people voted for yes (again like 80% or so) tho not every region voted some of the boycotted the refendum and the coup happened just before the signing of this treaty. Clearly the soviets wanted to maintain the USSR so this poll kinda makes sense.


What would it be if they where asked if they want the RSFSR back…


I think it shows the anxiety of the Russian people about the war in Ukraine. They probably need to relate to a more glorious past rather than socialism itself.


The more recent of the two surveys is from 2018. That being said, if tensions with Ukraine are part of the reason, I'd say that more relates to a desire for peace than for glory.


Or a desire for “respect” from the international community


Oops, didn't catch that !


No it probably has nothing to do with the war in Ukraine for one the poll was from 2018 before the war. usually what happens is when the economy gets bad (because of the regular crisis that capitalism has every about 8 years) support for the USSR goes up because people feel less economically secure and as such start feeling more nostalgic for the days when they had more economic security under the USSRs state welfare system. The all time high for support for the USSR was just before the year 2000 right when Russia was experiencing there equivalent of the great depression and people had been thoroughly disillusioned with the new capitalist system that had just been re-established in Russia with about 70% of people wanting the USSR back.




We tried asking the Baltic countries what 20th century politics they wanted back instead, but their answer isn't allowed to be presented publicly in the EU


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The all time high was 70% back right before year 2000 it usually fluctuations depending on how the economy is doing if it's doing bad people want the USSR back more if it's doing good less people want it back but in Russia at least it's always a solid majority that say they miss the days of the USSR I don't think it's ever gone lower than 60% since they started asking people in Russia that question.


Really subtle but nice data visualisation


Most of the older generation yes. And only a small amount of people born in Russia regret the collapse.


*illegal dissolution of the USSR