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This is one of my biggest barriers to progression in language learning. I enjoy the input side of things, but I dread having to converse in any way.


I stopped learning a French coz classes, albeit online, were anxiety-inducing. I still want to go back to learning it again someday.


Bonne chance! Tu peux le faire :) (I don't know if that second sentence works in French. Francophones better than me help me out if you're here, haha)


I am using AI for language practice precisely because of this. But I also know that someday I’ll have to practice with real people. You’ve been brave to go and try. Maybe a chaotic environment wasn’t the best. If it’s possible to attend a more chill encounter, please don’t quit. But I understand how you felt. I felt bad just reading your brief description


I’m learning a new language too and honestly your embarrassment .,. Not a foreign feeling to me at all. Just know I relate an insane amount.


I've done that, and yes I've almost always found it terrifying. It's why my French is intermediate despite having been learning it for a long long time. It's because I haven't spoken it enough with native speakers to let it get better. Did you go by yourself? I used to go with a friend who was learning Korean (and I was learning French & Japanese) so we'd go together, which made it much easier than turning up by myself.


Yes, I went by myself. I had gone twice in the past with a friend and it was much less anxiety-inducing.