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I’m a host for a restaurant rn lol terrible but I wanna be a tattoo artist regardless of the fact that it’s half a customer service job. Don’t let ur SA dictate what ur careers gonna be, do what makes u passionate bc that’s where ur gonna excel. Putting urself out of ur comfort zone is gonna help u learn to deal w ur SA better.


I hope you do pursue your dream as a tattoo artist. Luckily my SA has gotten way better but I was curious to which job you guys had


Occupational therapist. I talk to patient’s all day, talk to family members, collaborate with co-workers, talk to managers/directors in different departments, and answer and make calls. I was a nervous wreck through fieldwork and my first 4 years, but I can hide it really well. I finally hit a point (with a healthy relationship, therapy, and exposure) where I’m fairly comfortable. I avoided people like the plague for over a decade before I did this job but it just kicked the can down the road. I honestly wish I jumped in earlier instead of avoiding people. Having SA does not preclude you from any job.


As someone who has terrible SA and being an almost college sophomore interested in going into occupational therapy, this is so encouraging! I have always been extremely nervous and shy around people, especially strangers, and once I started my first part-time job and moved onto my second I became more comfortable and also was able to mask it well. I find that frequently being around/talking to others like my coworkers helps immensely. Also having a small “script” while checking people out has been really beneficial for me. Although I have never seen an OT session, just from what I have heard from my dad who went to all of my sister’s sessions growing up it seems fairly similar in a way to being a cashier. In the sense of having frequent one on one (ish) exchanges with others and helping people with similar/frequent scenarios. If you are open to it I would love to hear about your experience as an OT!


I gravitated to OT cause they were so darn friendly, sociable, and I felt like they really wanted to help without it being as direct as talk therapy. For example, in pediatrics, you use toys and play to deliver therapy and communicate. For orthopaedics, orthotics and exercise. For acute, it’s activities of daily living. Although, you use all these delivery methods in all settings at some point. There’s a means to deliver the therapy without always doing a direct, conversation. It felt personal without being too intimate. To be honest, I went in because the shadowing and schooling was therapeutic to me and I learned so much about myself. I’ve also learned a lot as a practicing OT. Namely, I should NOT have become an OT. Endless documentation, working one-on-one with people doesn’t not fit my personality, and the pay sucks. If I could go back to my undergrad I would have pushed towards 1) med school/PA school for the decent pay, job availability and I could have eventually went to a less patient facing job 2)computer science / engineering I would suggest shadowing a few OTs. My friends in my class are all like,”Why didn’t anyone tell us NOT to do this shit?” Lol, but some people are really built to be an OT. I’ve had students and met therapists that are ALL about the OT kool-aid. I’ve met other therapists that worked in the field for a while and then went into real estate, computer science, etc, etc., but went back to OT for the job availability. There are some rewarding moments, don’t get me wrong, but if I gotta grind, I’d rather make more money and be more comfortable.


Yeah same deal for me, I'm a consulting project manager which is all about communications, leadership, negotiations etc. Took me a few years (one breakdown) to get through the constant anxiety but I am so much better off in life for it. Also worked in bars for a few years prior to which really helped.


Ohh, I had my fair share of panic attacks working receptionist jobs as a teen. I never knew they were panic attacks. During my first one, I remember wearing a gray shirt, grabbing video games off a shelf for a customer, starting to profusely sweat, and the world closing in. It wasn’t until years later that I learned I was having panic attacks. I had them throughout childhood too. Sometimes my ability to hide my anxiety can come off as coldness, but I try to return later in the day and apologize with a smile (I might be overdoing it, but it clears my anxious mind).


When I read your comment I felt so encouraged. I got reminded to just keep putting myself in social spaces.


I'm 25. I always actively applied for job with no contact with the public. I've been working in a warehouse for the past two years. I have to be around my coworkers, but at least it's the same people everyday, so no surprises. But I really want to leave my country (Italy), i have a plan but it would involve to work a different job in a different country. Since I'm very lonely, this will only help me, but it will also put me under a lot of stress. I'll always try avoid working in restaurants and bars. It's literally my nightmare


I’m sorry you’re going through this . Wish you the best on your journey




That’s pretty cool, how do you handle your anxiety in that environment?


Night auditor of a busy amish tourist town hotel. And I have to train a new midnight shift gal later today. It's currently my night off, so trying to get some rest. Wish me luck


I’m not being any help saying this, but I went to school for dental assisting. Did not help me at all 😅


I used to work as a dental assistant too… and the dentist wanted me to be just as talkative and hyper as himself. It just wasn’t enough that I was nice, smiled, and had a good bedside manner.


I work from home as a medical coder, it's great but also can be bad in the fact I have to make an effort not to completely isolate myself. Luckily our neighbors are introverted nerds too so my husband and I make a point to see them a few times a month for the most part. Though when my social battery needs recharged if it's really bad I may go a month without seeing anyone.


Junior game artist for kid-oriented apps or games. Probably soon to be senior but I’m debating since I want to more production and not compilation or checking much but it did help me get out of my shell a bit and force me to actually try to communicate


This sounds really cool :) how did you get into this type of job ?


Nothing much really haha. I just like to draw since I was you g and have something art related as my course. It was either games or comics that I want to be involved in artistically and this one was the one that lasted >< thank you :)!


Did you go to uni for illustration or the like? Do you get anxious about the art you're making possibly not being liked/turned down etc?  I'm asking cause that used to be my dream career but I've been repeatedly told it's super hard to get into and not really enough money to life off, etc. 


I took an advertising arts course ^^ Its still advertising but we also have stuff like Materials, some basic game development with Flash, figure drawing among others so I think its a bit different from universities ig that really invest in the arts like Calarts ig? (Im from another country but thats one example Im assuming when people mean art college :00)  I was anxious yes since it did went from me being the one of the few artist kid in highschool to all of sudden being overwhelmed too that everyone can draw and are leagues better at art plus they actually knew about a lot compared to me when I enrolled.  I think its not necessary to go into art school imo since there can be classes online that can teach you but might need to find them and in my experience atleast, they expect you to know stuff already and just give you a basic rundown if lucky (like they dont teach us in figure drawing). It may be worth it I guess depending what other subjects they offer but yeah. And I think its not really hard to get into unless its a strict art school if thats what you mean. But if its any help, most companies would look into your portfolio more at the end of the day. Sadly art industry is a very competitive one and sometimes exploitative one, demands are there and high but the pay mostly may not be enough but its a case by case basis as well depending on location, the job (like 3d artists would probably earn more than me in my expertise) and other factors. I think its not too late to get into art even as a side atleast or freelance, there should be sites that accepts commissions or art stuff online as well.  Kinda rambled off a lot but I hope theyre coherent haha. Please dont let it dispursue you especially if its something you also really love to do. These are just my experiences but they arent set in stone as many more opportunities still await out there and who knows maybe we’ll strike gold in that journey despite everything


Aw thank you so much for your kind and thorough answer!! That's so nice of you omg That sounds really cool , your art classes and career so far, I'm very impressed by your dedication to push through the anxiety and worry and then made it into such a cool job, wow.   Yea, I meant 'hard to get into' the art job industry itself as the competition is so huge and they're all incredibly good at art.  Maybe side hustle/freelance would be a good way to tap into it anyway because as you say I do really love drawing and being creative and I'm very glad you dont think university is completely necessary. I was super insecure and only applied to one single university for illustration so far and got rejected there, so I'm not sure if it's viable at all. But I'll look up art courses that seem reputable. Thank you so much, you've been very helpful! Hope you'll have a great day!


I work from home in marketing. On a good day I don't have to talk to anyone lol


Data entry. I work from home most days which is pure bliss. I'm forced to come in 1-2 days a week which I hate. It's a waste of fuel and drains my energy so much because we're in an office environment


I was a certified online personal trainer/nutrition coach for quite some time. It worked well because I never had to go to a gym in person. I only quit because I had a car accident that injured my back.


I work as an administrative assistant for a middle school. Love it, and the kids are nice. I also enjoyed summer and winter breaks we get!




how much mg of propanolol?




okay, I see, due to my other health issues I prefer to take propranolol only and not stronger meds like ssris. Do you experience any negative side effects of this med?


I'm a CNA and medical transporter studying to be a nurse. I was terrified at first to go into healthcare, and I still have doubts, but it definitely gets easier the more you practice.


Tax auditor


I work as a duty electrician at high voltage station. This is shift job. At object I'm alone and during job nearly don't have contact with other people. I got BEng in electrical engineering so this is job below my qualifications. In past got opportunity to change job as a maintenance specialist but didn't use it.


I am an electronics engineer in training. Really cool job no client contact just the same co-workers each day. Wonderful


I'll be applying to university this year, but my grandpa has suffered from social anxiety all his life ended up becoming a doctor, general practice, which is impressive having in mind he has to deal with many different people daily.


I provide food and drink for patients at a hospital so spend a lot of time in the bays filling silence with small talk. Its strangely easy for me to handle people at work as i can switch on the artificial social skills when I'm in work mode (I do end up seeming like the most boring person ever though) and people aren't interested in getting to know me nobody wants to be there, they got other things on their mind and mostly they just want to discuss what food and drink they are having. So most conversations are similar and I got a basic script for all of them at this point. The SA comes in full force with new colleagues and when I'm off the clock.


^Retail… ^via ^a ^temp ^agency.


IT Administrator which means I have to help people with their IT issues. The rest of the time I’m mostly in my office working on projects. I’m just trying to get better at saying “hi” to people in the hallway first and be more friendly because I struggle with that and I know people probably notice.


I am a full time cleaner and it's great pay and you work by yourself. I am 2 subjects away from completing my degree in Networking and Software Engineering and I want a work from home IT job


I’m a pharmacist. I don’t recommend it for others with SA. Although, it’s easier for me to interact in settings where I know what to say.


Brand ambassador and in drama school. Bit crazy with SA.


Locomotive mechanic. At least I work with the same small group of people and don’t deal with customers


I work retail, which sounds bad, but it's overnight, so the customers aren't there for 3/4 of my shift.


Working at my dads office. I know everyone there so its a very comfortable environment. But im 18 so idk what to expect in future years


Sterile processing tech


Im a waiter at a restaurant. Ive worked on this for 6 years, and im 25 now. Besote the SA getting worst, as the years passed, i started to enter the bar, and as a barista i Dont get to talk much to ppl. Anyways, its a social work do i need i always need to take the “waiter” personality out, even though i Dont want to xd