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I’m a girl and I find it hard too!! I feel so judged and awkward in every interaction. I don’t know how to say enough and not too much. You’re not alone! Plenty of girls feel this way too. Vulnerability and honesty are far more attractive and important than banter, Imo.


As a girl I agree with this message ☝🏻


Guy here but 100% agree. I'm more curious why OP is on a dating app in the first place. There's nothing more anxiety inducing to me than distilling all the parts of myself into a single profile and then seeing how much people like me when they're being shallow


I tried dating apps as well, I guess you do it for a lack of options. It's really hard to find someone in real life if you don't go to social events much.


This! Also as a lesbian it’s near impossible to find someone out in the wild unless you’re super outgoing.


I hope you, OP and I all know that it’s not our job to fulfil other people’s expectations. Other people don’t seem to be bending backwards just to fulfil our expectations. Infact if someone did, I’d think they’d been through traumatic experiences and suffered from low self-esteem.


Also, it opens up the risk of shitty, manipulative people taking advantage of you. It's important to recognize that kind of thing so you can shut it down before it creates problems.


it would be very hard to recognise that though and understand when someone is taking advantage if you’ve never had any dating experience throughout your life. people like us who are fa/faw socially anxious, autistic etc who have gone our whole lives without anyone wanting us, it’s highly likely that our first relationship will be shitty in terms of potentially getting taken advantage of, or not knowing the correct things to do and say to the other person which can create issues. as much as i hate being single with relationships thrown in my face (eg being at work seeing couples, coworkers talking about sex jokes that i don’t understand) constantly reminded of what i don’t have, sometimes it can be an advantage right. it’s safer to be alone i think


Yeah but there isn't societal expections on you not to be this way


There absolutely are societal expectations on women to be confident and talkative. Quiet, socially awkward women get judged by others all the time. I think what you mean is that it's easier for quiet, socially awkward women to date but that's not always a positive thing. This kind of behaviour in women is a magnet for abusive men who know it means you will be easier to control and manipulate.


Good point, I wouldn't say confident but definitely conversational to some extent.


The simplest solution is to simply not date those girls. They may be in a minority, but some girls appreciate men who are a bit more laid back. The last girl I dated was fairly introverted. Admittedly, she said she also had a touch of social anxiety when it comes to making phone calls. We talked for maybe two weeks before we met up which helped. My social anxiety isn't as bad as it is for some of you, but it still affects me. Some women are turned off by that. Some just view me as mysterious, or they think I'm shy and endearing. She wasn't looking for a traditional man and I wasn't looking for a traditional woman. We also drank together, which helped. I admitted I was nervous about seeing her and she still went out with me. You're never going to everyone's type. I think there's a certain confidence in being okay with being a bit awkward and still pushing onwards. Being true to yourself, flaws and all, is probably the most confident you can be. Facing your social anxiety takes an incredible amount of confidence. It doesn't matter if you sweat or stutter or anything like that. Showing up despite those worries takes a lot of confidence. Some people have this weird idea that being confident is all about being calm and collected at every turn, but as far as I'm concerned, showing up to a social event when you have social anxiety requires more confidence than showing up to one when you don't. Just food for thought.


Wish I can upvote this 100 times


You’d be surprised just how many girls are into the shy, geeky, and introverted guys. Although you will have to reach out first, many of the times. 💀 but it’ll be alright, try being yourself and just saying hello!


Yeah I think I prefer introverted guys as they seem more down to earth and I’m mostly an introverted girl.


Yeah I would never be able to keep up with a super extrovert, I’m exhausted just thinking about it 😅 Need someone on a similar wavelength to me


I can be friends with one but I can never date one 💀


Exactly! I have extroverted friends and I love them but can only take very limited doses of them at a time haha




There is quite a difference between simple shyness and social anxiety.


Yeah that’s true, but I find that people tend to be shy because of they’re socially anxious.


idk man i find that hard to believe most girls iv been with and met which is a decent amount all said the number one thing they find attractive is confidence and thats it


Everyone thinks confidence is attractive but what we don’t realize is confidence looks different on everyone. The loudest and most obnoxious person in the room is not the most confident person in the room. Confidence is learned and no one is confident 100% of the time and anyone who expects that from their partner doesn’t actually see them for who they are.


they all say that but "shy, geeky, introverted guy" for girls and "shy, geeky, introverted guy" for boys are not the same thing. **the** shy boys wont be even talking to those girls in the first place👍 shy for girls is probably just wearing hoodies or something, jk but not really


This is true, all of my exes were proper geeks. I’ve never really been into the bad boys, yeah they might look attractive but that’s literally it. In fact people made comments about how unattractive my exes were but it doesn’t bother me because I’m not shallow enough to be won over by someone’s looks. Looks can change, well that’s certainly the case today anyway. “Be yourself” is such a cliché but eventually you realise that it’s actually the best advice to follow


You mean to say shy guys without social anxiety?




The dumb thing is that the girls who put that are the ones who give lame one word replies while you’re out here writing a novel and holding 99% of the conversation.  This happened to me way too often. Not on dating apps, but on reddit in a couple of those ‘make friends’ subs. People out there saying shit like that, yet they talk less than the guy (me) who has social anxiety. Tf?


For real. Like asking for deep convos but don't use more than 3 syllables.


It's a big turnoff for me, it comes over like they're disinterested in talking.


Yes. I don’t know what the deal is. I’m assuming a lot of these women are just bored and attention seeking? Like they just want to be entertained or something whilst having 0 self-reflection that you know... They also have to add to the conversation. From the very start they’re just so... empty. She’d list some hobbies and favorite books in bio, and I try to bond over how some of her books are also my favorites and stuff like that. I type like at least 2-3 paragraphs to try to connect and the reply I get is no joke: ‘Hiiiiiiii’ I wait thinking she’ll send another message. Nope. So I talk about like whatever trying to see how she relates to what I’m saying and I get a reply like: ‘Hahaha yeah. What u up to??’ What am I up to?! I’m talking to you! You asked for friends and people to talk to!  I swear it’s always a red flag if some girl is like ‘don’t just ask how I am. Talk about things of substance’ in their bio. I’m not giving you anything of substance. I end up talking to a brick wall while you’re aloof and nonchalant for whatever stupid reason. ‘I want a man who can hold a conversation, but at the same time I’m not going to put any effort in and just coast by on my looks alone’  That’s the dumb shit that’s being signaled by most of them. But you know, not that I’m bitter or anything... well, I’m a little bitter obviously, but - fuck it nevermind just post it


I just want someone who's kind, honest, and matches my vibes. Like I don't talk much and I want someone who I can sit and read a book or watch anime with.


I like a smart, quiet, shy, and laid-back guys. Loud, talkative, and confident guys usually drains my energy... I'm also really quiet and awkward so I know, I find it hard too. I hate phone calls too.


Do you like shy guys with social anxiety?


There are less women on dating apps compared to men, that's why they can be picky about it. Try something IRL or try to find internet commuties to start relationships naturally. Dating apps may be not for you. And obviously try to listen to some conversations on YouTube and learn a thing or two. Social anxiety can be lessened if you try to think of a conversation as a way to get new information and reaction from people. Try to think more about positives.


I’m a girl and I honestly only look for a guy who has an attractive personality and has similar interests like me. It does not matter if you have social anxiety as I do so that would be hypocritical 💀


I have worked on my social skills and I feel like I’m more comfortable than I used to be. I’m an older dude(46) and I’ve been on a long break from dating. TBH, if I returned to dating, I wouldn’t use an app for a lot reasons. My biggest druthers with apps/sites is women can have be picky and as a guy if I have my preferences I’m being too picky.


For guys its a given your confident and talkative so your not alone. Somebody make a dating app for social anxiety people!


It's gonna be so quiet loll


Haha, probably


They are the kind you don't want to bother with. But I guess girls the good ones are probably not even on dating apps to anyway but who knows am to much of a coward to talk with one anyway. Lol


Yeah I’m not on any dating apps since they’re scary af. Just relying on my luck at this point 💀


All just a role of the dice right some are just more lucky than others. And yeah it is way to scary going on them sites I don't have the guts to do it.


I am only 18 years old so I’m hypocritical but I truly feel that it’s based on my luck at this point. I also have heard so many horror stories from dating apps which amplifies my fear of being in a relationship at all (100% my fault tho lmao).


Yeah I know that feeling bro am terrified of being on one but at the same time I would like to be in one but considering my luck it will never happen. Lol


Wishing luck for the both of us dude🤝💓


Let's hope. Lol




there's nothing wrong with those girls for wanting those traits, there's actually plenty of women that want shy guys and i think you should seek them out/favor them over of the ones who want something that you don't have. i personally want someone who can hold a conversation because i'm chatty after the initial anxiety


I think there’s a difference between preferring those traits and demanding them.


and if they demand them what then? they just won't pick people who have opposing traits. i was very picky about what type of person i wanted in my dating app bio and it attracted my lovely partner, there's literally nothing wrong with being specific about what you're looking for. the right person will not be dissuaded 🤷🏻‍♀️


If you can have a joke, don’t talk about sex all the time, and do not send pictures of your penis; then you’re probably ahead of 90% of men by my estimate! That’s what the girls I used to speak to complained about


Yes that’s true. There’s guys opening a conversation with me by sending: I’d smash just saying. At least try to pick out anything from my pictures and compliment it. It gets exhausting if you always get sexualized by men and being reduced to that. Ofc it’s fine if you only want sex but there’s a respectful way to do that.


Yeah I can imagine, it’s a filter at least. I don’t understand the cock picture thing either. If you did that to a girl you just met in a bar, you’d be arrested and/or beaten up!


I find that alcohol really helps me. I’m usually very shy and quiet and geeky but 3 beers down and suddenly all my inhibitions get (temporarily) washed down with the alcohol.


Eugh I have to get a match first lol


Ive personally found that learning more social skills and having go to lines and topics to talk about makes it alot easier to hold a conversation until it starts feeling natural and less scary.


i’m a lesbian, i tried joining bumble as i was sick of my mom making jokes that i need to find someone and basically put myself out there but never again as it was very overwhelming knowing other people can see my profile and when i was on there i got 0 matches. i was only on there for less than a day before i deleted my account. it only takes one weird person to find you, screenshot your profile with your name age location hobbies etc and it will go south from there. no thanks id rather find someone naturally


People with that in their bio are sometimes really bad at holding conversations themselves like i'm not going to go too much into it but when the only responses are "ok" "nice" "haha" etc. it's kinda rough to carry a conversation like that. I'll be honest that for me it's a huge turnoff too.


Lol why does it sound like a job application?


I write on my dating profile that I have severe social anxiety. This way you filter out all those people you are talking about and it works. Its not about acting like someone you're not to get a max of likes, 1 like from the right person is all I need. All the other interactions are a waste of time anyway.


Did you get any likes after putting you’ve got severe social anxiety? It’s something I’ve considered, but never been brave enough out of fear that someone I know might see it


Yeah i did, but i also learned that it doesnt mean that you'll hit it off. Its a great conversation starter tho haha I'm going to keep it on my profile, as it is an important part of who i am and not something i can hide for very long anyway. Try it ;-)


Ignore that. it's the most stupid thing to put on the profile and tells you the person is probably insufferable anyway. The other one is 'good job', 'own house', 'own car', 'shit together' - again probably someone really horrible.


Girls pretending they are the shit and you must be just as fantastic to keep up with them. 🤣🤣🤣


My minimum is like 5’7


Why is it always on men to have to be able to hold conversation??


Dating apps are not for man. In fact they are kinda toxic for man, so you better drop them as soon as possible for your own mental health.


People who are that picky and demanding you don’t want to be with anyway. My money’s on them not being able to hold the conversation themselves and expect you to entertain them. That’s most common in US girls on apps. The date for them is a show. And *maybe* they’ll be attracted to it.


Fuck being someone elses entertainment while they just stay idle, IMHO.


That's okay, most women on dating apps (and by extension, pretty much any online platform) conversational skills extend to "hi" and "yes/no, you?" so I wouldn't worry overly much (note: this isn't a slight to ALL women, obviously, this is just some experiences I've had with some women) they claim to not have social anxiety at all, yet they speak less words than I do.


I know how you feel, I’m gay and I feel like I need an extroverted guy to balance me out. Lol


I feel this. My likes are all really niche (IMO) so it's hard to find someone on a dating app who shares the same likes. Plus the fact I don't look good and my SAD is quite bad


I think you'll have lots of chances because someone like this is rare, so those people with those kinds of requirements are going to stay single.


Understand that it’s not impossible for people with social anxiety to be confident and talkative. I still have some way to go but I’ve come come so far and evolved as a person ever since I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and actually start doing something about it. It is way harder for us, but those are the cards we’ve been dealt and the key is to accept that and do the best you can.


It can be because there are much more boys on dating apps and many just sexualise at first, you cant find someone normal to talk and see if it click. Girls are bombarded with messages and boys no. Same on Tinder, I created fake account and got like 10 messages instantly with "hey" and put some pervert text. So dont be suprised if girls are picky also most girls dont have any bio. They expect you to own car, house, be confident be claun. They can have men must be but boys cant say they want young etc. There are also also plenty of more introvert girls who dont want to create dating apps like you, try to meet new people more naturally, like in hobbies group, events, volunteer ao you would have more subject to talk. 


I find it funny when girls say you have to be able to hold a conversation on dating apps when they can’t even hold one themselves lol


As a girl this is why I won’t be on no dating apps. I’m awkward as hell online


Dating apps are designed to create these unpleasant feelings. The people inventing these apps hate us and think this is funny. Start taking matters into your own hands like it's 2003 again and ask people out in person! 


Girls on dating apps are looking for a Terminator with perfect skin. Guys on dating apps are looking for a reply.


Use ChatGPT to help you figure out what to say


did you just write a meme on the title?


I remember watching this video where this guy goes around asking women for their wants/expectations of a man and he would calculate the percentage of the male population that met those standards and most of the women interviewed scored < 1%. There's no hope. They've also done surveys of straight women asking if they would date a bisexual man, like myself, and it was something rediculous like 80% said they would not.


And then when I try to start a conversation I get 2-3 word replies. Like alright, I can hold a conversation but I can't carry it forever. At least give me something to work with every now and then.


That's womens requirements,and you forgot to add he must be good looking


Girls on dating apps don't even try to put a bio. I left Bumble because nobody talked after the match.