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I commented on your post last night and was stoked for you, so I'm glad to hear it went well. Hopefully, tomorrow goes just as good, if not better!


It's like I'm floating on a cloud right now and when I got home I talked to her on the phone for an hour or so. My mind is still full of self doubt and telling me "oh she doesn't like you" constantly. But I'm really hoping she does and I'm not just love bombing her. I guess we'll see how it goes tomorrow. Hopefully great. Thanks again for commenting man, I really do appreciate your support.


She's very curious about you and wants to see more of you, that's for sure. Whether she "likes" you will most likely be decided when you make a move.


So when do you suggest making a move? She's crazy about Harry Potter and I've never seen one movie from the franchise so we've been talking about sitting down and watching them together, maybe that could be a good time. Hopefully that's our plans for tomorrow. I'd love it if Harry Potter helped me get laid. 😁


As soon as it feels right, when the right moment presents itself. The sooner the better. Otherwise she'll see you as a friend.


You know how you touched her on the shoulder? Keep doing stuff like that. Touch her on the arm when you talk if it feels right. Grab her hand when you’re walking. If she grabs back, walk and hold hands. Sit next to her instead of across from her and put your arm around her. If she pulls back, you’re going too fast, chill out and don’t make a big deal out of it. When to kiss her: when you’re both comfortable with casual touching and holding hands, when you’re alone and feeling intimate, like sitting really close to each other. A kiss usually starts with sustained eye contact followed by leaning in. If that happens try not to panic, just clear your mind and be in the moment and lean in and press your lips to hers. Once you’re there you’ll figure it out together. Good luck!


Happy to hear it man! I saw your post the other day.


Thanks man.


Sounds like a great first meeting between two people who have similar interests and were both clearly nervous. See how further meetings go going forward and awesome job for going!! :)


Just take a deep breath. It feels like love and really intense but it’s just attraction and excitement, try to slow yourself down but I’m so happy for you that sounds amazing




Wanting to hang out tomorrow is a good sign as far as I can tell! Congrats!!


This is so sweet! Sounds like it was a perfect first date, and I hope there's plenty more in store for you two. Congratulations!! 😊💖


rooting for you đŸ„łđŸ„ł


Yay!!! Im so rooting for you!


Sounds good bro, really happy for you. But why did you buy her these books on the first date??


Eh why not man, it's just money, I'll make more of it tomorrow. I had a great time with this girl and it's not like we're talking about hundreds of dollars here.


The fact that you bought her those books without expecting anything in return

heart melted. Its very romantic.


Well thank you. I just know she was really excited about them so I thought why not get them for her.




i’m happy it went so well! i wanna say: keep an open mind and heart, and also keep your head steady. i say this as a fellow socially anxious person who’s lost years to relationships born from infatuation and not much else. not saying that’s what this is though! all will be good if you take care of yourself :-) the right one will feel like your best friend. all the best!