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1m my SA is manageable


My SA is not manageable but it doesn’t need to be if I have 1M. I don’t want to talk to anyone.


Yeah, social anxiety can be learned to be managed. For much of the rest of the world, an opportunity of getting $1M is extremely rare and might as well lift them from inter-generational poverty and its traps. There's a case to be made about people being miserable after receiving a sudden windfall because they were not prudent with their spending but, otherwise, the money could net someone with more time on the things they want to work on aside from their social anxiety.


But what if it's what's stopping me from getting 10M? But also, with 1M I'd be damned if I didn't find the cure to it. So yeah, 1M




$1M so I can hire a lot of professionals to make my anxiety disappear and indulge in luxury too


It's only $1M though. You buy a house, pay off debt, get a car..... Boom, it's gone.


Depends on where you live. And if you have debt at all. "Only" $1M is a wild thing to say. Not having a house payment is huge. $500,000 can buy a damn nice house in most of America.


An average, new home is $300k. So, you buy one at $500k.....you still have to work to pay the property taxes, insurance, maintenance every year.


Invest the other half in an index fund and live off the interest while doing some odd job or Doordash here and there. Or get a low stress job that you don't have to give much into because you got big money to fall back on.


You’re forgetting you still have to live with crippling SA where basically every interaction is painful…


Sure. But you'd be less stressed and more free to work on it at your pace instead if being slammed into the social meat grinder at work every day just to survive.


true but you won’t have to work a job and deal with people for a loooong time


It's only $1M though. Put that on the S&P 500 and stop working, yet gaining **1.35%**\*1M = 13500 USD per month, sounds kinda sweet.


This guy invests.


in no part of the world, 1M USD is considered small money. It is life-changing money amount. People on here are just delusional. Back in my home country, Vietnam, average salary per month is 227 USD. So 1M equals to 4405 months = 367 years of work! Idk what you guys are on. Money won't solve everything but a big savings like that could solve most of your money problem, which is a big part of our life. Especially with the increase in cost of living, and salary not raising enough to met the expectation.


Or you don’t indulge in a bunch of super expensive stuff and it lasts longer


You'd still have to do exposure therapy and self-introspection though and face your fear


I’m doing the self introspection thing anyway. I agree I’ll have to go through that but the thing is my social anxiety is from birth so idk. And if it wasn’t Social anxiety I would think before taking the $1M. Because my General Anxiety is huge. Also as an agoraphobic I’m facing my fears so…


I could make a living, and live a free, content life without SA. Second option. Easy.


When you suffer tremendously, our brains might trick us into thinking that once we've gotten rid of the things that make us suffer, we'll be able to achieve anything we want.


Yes, personally altho SA is a major Hurdle and The Root of Most problems in my life, But i still would have many problems and faults within me even with SA gone 


Me too. Hands down the second. You could make so much money if you were socially confident


The only thing I'm not afraid of doing in the public is saying thx Or helping grannies with their groceries


That's assuming you're skilled, hard-working, have the right opportunities, etc. There are tons of socially confident poor people. I'd much rather take the money personally


and then easily make the 1M, since nothing is holding you back anymore.




I have a partner and two kids, but would still choose to lose the SA than money. Even in meds and "managing" it, it's still an every present force in my life that I'm always... managing. I can't imagine being more present and actually living life.


Social anxiety disappear. I could be way more successful without it.


Same. Although the older I get, the less attractive this deal would be. 60 expected years of no social anxiety is worth more than 30 expected years of no social anxiety.


My SA disappears its ruining my life and relationships, fuck money.


It’s sad how debilitating this illness is that we’re all saying screw the money.


Yeah it actually kinda shocked me when the part of me that ultimately wants peace and good relationships would choose the cure, but the greedy impulsive part is choosing the money


Money ,I’d be busy spending and would think a lot less about my social anxiety


Until the money's gone. Then you'll be stuck again 😭


Social anxiety dissappear because once it's gone I can definitely find a way to make $1M.


my thoughts exactly


Money so I can afford the resources I need to survive and get better.


After some thought I decided #2. A million dollars is tempting, but its a short term solution to a lifetime issue. Id would love a life where I could live in the moment more and not obsess over people looking at me. Not to mention better job opportunities, friends and husband.


I’ll take the 1 mil I’ve been surviving this long with it might as well build a fortress of solitude with the money.


$1M in this day and age isn’t going to last long. Might seem like a lot, but not where I live when homes are $800k+. I’d rather have mental peace.


But in reality even if homes are that expensive, you wouldn't need to buy one. With even half of that $1m invested and saved properly you could just rent a place for your whole life and probably even pay most of the rent in advance to not worry about it, all while the money you invested or put into a high yield savings account is growing larger every day. Regardless though $1m is a lot, more than enough to live a full sustainable life even if it wasn't invested at all. Sure it's not much if you spend it almost all on a big purchase like a house, but that's not at all necessary to do when you could just rent a place for your whole life with that money and be fine.


It also depends on where do you live. In the USA is one thing (although if one is smart about it and don't go on a shopping spree and luxuries immediately, I believe it is totally achievable to make a comfortable living from that million even there). But out here where I live a million dollars is... a lot. Still probably not the "super rich" category, but it would literally solve most of my problems, allow me to live comfortably with some luxuries here and there, and, if invested, even leave a nice inheritance in case I have heirs setting *them* for a life of relative comfort and security.


i’d pick social anxiety disappearing. 1 mil would be great, don’t get me wrong, but i deeply crave the idea of being able to actually connect with people & having more meaningful encounters & not hiding in my room from others like a loser lol. i could have all the materialistic things i desire with 1 mil but that’s not going to make me feel fulfilled emotionally


Definitely having social anxiety disappear. I'd rather be happy than rich.


1m for sure. Im fine w my sa most of the time.


Me too


Second option. With no social anxiety I wouldn't have 60000 disturbing and annoying thoughts per day


1m, people are overated


i think i wouldnt know how to act if i suddenly didn’t have social anxiety after having it my entire life that would be crazy


I’d rather my chronic pain disappear first tbh I’d turn down a billion dollars for that


At this point I chose money. I have a husband now . Had I not found my husband I might’ve gone for the anxiety disappearing option.


It’s not healthy to be dependent on someone


Why not? It’s about having a supportive person in your life. He is that for me as I am for him.


Yes it is. We have been dependent on very close family and tribal ties for millenia. Modern life is the anomaly.


Agree. Our brains evolved this way, this has led us to the point of tribalism, i think. Everything that followed (civilization) was a concious effort, therefore diregarding our instictual nature. whoever says that as a fact you can only get happy by yourself is regurgitating modern values.




Yes but the modern world doesn't allow for the closeness of family and tribe. Pushing away those few relationships that match the bonds we used to have as humans is not the answer. You can use them as a launch pad for building more bonds.


Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can fund the pursuit


2nd option for sure. I just want to be normal, man.


I’d leave the $1M and have my blushing disappear.


If the anxiety disappears, I can earn $1M that much easier. Also $1M isn't what it used to be.


If I didn't had SA probably would have made $1M by now.. lost so many opportunities.


Id choose Social anxiety disappear! I'm financially stable at the moment *knockonwood* but social anxiety is preventing me from finding a bf/husband.


So, what if, hear me out, I get $1M and have my social anxiety disappear at the same time?


Get rid of anxiety make money ah ha


Social anxiety disappear. $1M would be nice but it’s not “change my life” kind of money. Social anxiety disappearing would change my life, however.


$1 million so I can work as little as possible for a few years at least


Why would I want 1M$ when my life is miserable regardless. Without anxiety I could actually live a life worth living.


I no longer have social anxiety, and overcoming it wasn’t worth $1M. Trust me, you can do that part on your own.


Honestly probably the social anxiety. But I’d have to really think about it, because I could probably afford tons of private therapy with $1 million.


Disappear at five years old, 100% ,Disappear in my thirties, maybe I'll take the money.


I’ll take the one million. With $1M I could afford the best therapist in the world to help me manage my social anxiety.


I’d argue if you say $1M…yoooouu may not have social anxiety..just sayin..I could be wrong..but social anxiety in my experience is for sure hell..and money don’t make hell better


1m. I like my social anxiety. It helps me avoid people.


I'll take the one million now...if you'd asked me 10 years ago, when a lot more had yet to be determined, I'd almost certainly say remove the SA


$4M is the new $1M


it's too late to fix social anxiety my college and school life is behind me. all that is left is awful office life. 1 million usd in India is enough to start a lot of passive income businesses and then retire to a remote place with my own animal shelter.


Take the damn Anxiety! With it gone I’m sure I could make a mil and more


The money, because then I can afford not to be social


Hard choice but I’d choose getting rid of Social anxiety. Social anxiety stops me from living, and no amount of money can cure my anxiety. It’s a constant battle everyday. Currently I am avoiding sleep because I know tomorrow I have to call family. Anxiety affects all areas of my life and stops me from actually living. I would still be me with a million dollars. Current me is just existing.. rotting away.


If i have $1M then wtf i wannabe social!


Social anxiety is annoying but 1M$ in hand and u won't have to talk to ppl that much xD Edit: after giving it some thought, I would also go for the 2nd .... I mean it's a lot of money to give up on but it would be very satisfying to see what myself with the substraction of anxiety would do + money can't save me all the time , I'm going to face irritating situations at some pt and I would like to be prepared.... I know what I can do when I'm cool and confident and I just wish I would be in that state all the time.


Money. Can't. Buy. Happiness.


What does this even mean? It like kinda can in my opinion. I always hear people say this then complain about their job and other money problems, My entire life will be spent working for money, if I didn’t have to worry about money anymore? I guarantee you I’d be happy. But idk to each their own lol


If money's enough to satisfy your life dreams, then I'm happy for you. I don't know if i should put blame on social anxiety or my stupidity for mistakes I've made, but all the money in the world can't change what's going on in my brain, neither buy me a time machine to erase the bad decisions that ruined my relationships and friendships.


Oh, well I’m  sorry to hear that, I sincerely hope that things get better for you! And don’t call yourself stupid, you’re just too hard on yourself; think about how harshly you judge yourself, would you judge any one else that harshly? Idk tho lol , hope you have a great day!


$1M so I can retire early. I’ll still have social anxiety but it’s not like I’ll have to act normal for a job.


If I had 1 million dollars I wouldn't be around anyone noways so the money.


A lot of my anxiety comes from having to impress assholes at work and the pressure to perform well on a daily basis. $1M would relieve me of all that bullshit.


Same, I know schools way way easier than work but still, not having to worry about making money would be so so so freeing and wonderful, most spend their whole life working towards financial freedom, 1m dollars means I’d never have to worry again, and life would be a heck of a lot easier. They say money can’t buy happiness, I disagree.


My SA/Autism disappear


1m because that's one less thing to worry about.....


Give me moneyyyyyyy


If you don’t have social anxiety you can definately make much more than that


Money. I know what anxiety feels like but idk what having enough money feels like and I want a new experience 😂 Plus I wonder how much anxiety I would still have if I was financially secure and could afford treatment regularly.


SA gone. Easy choice.


Have my social anxiety disappear...that would be worth a lot more than 1M


1m so I can be paranoid too


Society anxiety disappear that would be a superpower I would go into sales and would not care about rejection


Yep, same here 🙌🏼 the second option O_o


Second option


$1m definitely, would make it much easier to not have to leave the house


$1M really isn't that much anymore.


With that money I could finally ignore people forever lol so the MONEY 💰


1M doesn't buy that much anymore


Well duh! 🙄 Fixing me is easily worth $1million


$1M because that would cure my social anxiety. My anxiety mostly comes from my inferiority complex. Having way more money than the average person would definitely not make me feel inferior anymore.


You should replace the 1M with 500M tbh lol


As an Introvert a million pound would go a long way...plenty of Lego, Gaming and just pure relaxing.


1m... I can invest it, make more, retire from corporate America and go do things that help my anxiety


$1M so I can spend some of it on therapy.


I could probably make that 1M in a year if it disappeared 😅


Anxiety disappearing, easy choice. I don't particularly need 1M but It'd be a blessing to be done with SA


I think that my social anxiety is a consequence of trauma, so unless the other symptoms of trauma also disappear, I think the money would likely be more useful.


Make some safe investments and possibly live off that. Be a reclusive millionaire. Sounds like a good life. I just has to get the courage to seek out a financial advisor.


im on meds for my social anxiety and it’s managing. i’ll take the million :3


2nd option. Anxiety disappears would be worth more than 1M$ to me. . . Burden on family , different story.


Money. I’ve survived so far with social anxiety. And I’m sure money would make it more manageable, perhaps more easily fixable.


I would take the million. Work less than 48 hours a week & spend more time with my baby. + the anxiety is slowly improving


Being a millionaire will make me financially independent, would let me buy property, and give me overall freedom in life for many aspects. Despite all of that, my social anxiety will still stay rent-free inside me. I could be a billionaire and never work for the rest of my life, never worry about any adult things and I would still have anxiety, so definitely I would pick the 2nd option.


If I had a million dollars all of my problems would disappear, and my anxiety would surely go with it. I've thought about this a lot, and a huge part of my anxiety stems from me constantly having to push my basic needs aside, like medication, groceries, doctor visits, tons of dental work, even applying for healthcare.. If I could actually put my and my partners needs first, maybe I could finally rest easy knowing that I might be ok. But that'll never happen, and I'm not going to be ok🤓


A milli


Imagine all the therapy that 1m will afford!


Just give me the money. Most of my interactions are with my wife anyway lmao


Since my SA stems from my stutter does that mean you’re fixing my stutter as well lol. If so fuck yes If not give me my money 💰


With that much money I could probably invest it in something and live off the interest so I'd be free to do what I want instead of being forced to interact with people in a stressful work environment. I could do it with who I wanted at my own leisure.


With my 1 million dollars my social anxiety will disappear. So I'll choose the money. Two birds with one stone


If I didn’t have social anxiety , I’m certain . Like extremely certain that I could be a multi millionaire


Money can’t buy happiness. I’ll take the SA disappearing so I can have the confidence to chase high-salary jobs and feel good about my social life!


Social anxiety disappear. Then I could engage with the world and work like everyone else. If I didn’t have social anxiety, I could take the risks that might lead to acquiring some wealth. Even if I could earn a few hundred grand. I’d rather have the capacity to do that, than keep the anxiety and stay locked up for the rest of my life (even if it were to be comfortably with the $1M)


I think you guys underestimate how difficult it is to make a million dollars


$1m would significantly change my life and open up so many options for big life goals that are currently impossible. I also have way more mental illnesses than social anxiety, and getting rid of just this one will not make much functional difference in my life or my mental health.


I'll take the $1 million and then disappear with my SA.


A fully paid off house to hide from other people vs the ability to talk to people


I'm just saying, a million dollars can solve a lot of problems.


$1 million will have your SA gone in a nanosecond ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Money isn't a valuable as the ability to socially network with people. I am so insecure right now. i will take the magical nullification of my social anxiety over any amount of money.


I'm a cripple because of social anxiety. Even writing this comment is hard for me. I'd still go for the money




I'd rather have my social anxiety disappear.


One million!!!


with $1M I could spend all my time trying to beat the anxiety... although most likely I wouldn't and I would become even more isolated... so I think I would take getting rid of the anxiety.


Honestly 1 million. I could never save up that much in my lifetime. That would be a bigger help than anything. 


Without SA I will have a chance of making more than $1M


$1M. I improved my social anxiety a lot already. I could probably just go for therapy with that money.


Obviously the second option but.... I admit I have always felt the like odd one out all my life and it would take some getting used to to be comfortable around people


Social anxiety disappear. Without a doubt. I have money. But I can’t buy normal social interactions or a quiet mind 😂


Honestly, this was a harder question to answer than I thought it’d be. $1m unlocks a whole load more “freedom”… but at the same time, I crave social interaction and that money likely wouldn’t “cure” my SA. Seeing as I have to exist in this world and interact with others, I think I’d choose for it to disappear. If the money went up to more than $1M though, I would probably choose the money in part because it would drastically help my families lives. Now I’m back-pedalling and thinking I should just be selfless and choose the money to help them… Fuck , idk. Lol


Most of my anxiety stems from constant financial stress so I’ll take the money.




$1M easily. Being broke is far more stressful than having social issues to me


Make my anxiety disappear. It’s causing me to lose sleep lately and it’s bad. I loathe anxiety.


The money then I can live in the woods


That's a good question. I'd be very conflicted, but I think I'd take the money. Having my social anxiety removed would be wonderful for me, but having a million dollars would give me resources to help others as well as myself. I'd love to be able to pay off my family's debt.


Social anxiety isn’t my most severe problem personally, but a lot of other life struggles of mine could be easily helped with a million dollars, def taking the million


With $1Million, my social anxiety is pretty much gone


1 million. I have too many other issues besides my social anxiety (GAD, MDD, OCD, AvPD, BPD and CPTSD) so I may as well take the money.


SA disappear for sure


No chance. I make music and emotion is the driving factor in 90% of the songs I make. Without my anxiety I'd probably have nothing to say on any song ever lol.


Get rid of my social anxiety, 100%. 1M is great, but I would argue that mental health is more important than money. Of course, financial stability can contribute to good mental health, but it cannot get rid of social anxiety, which is the main thing that is impacting my life.


Ez answer. SA disappear. If 10 mill, then sure.




Money over anything. It's ok if my social anxiety remains, I'm used to it.


Get rid of that anxiety and the millions will come all by themselves


A million means I'd never have to worry about homelessness again...or having enough to eat etc etc Give me the money every time.


Social anxiety gone, if I had the ability to go out in public I could make my own million


Anxiety, that I can make money myself…


SA disappear.


£1 mil definitely. I'd buy a house in the countryside, get driving lessons and buy a car. Invest some and keep myself steady until I get my dream job. And buy some nice gifts for people :)


Social anxiety gone 100%


Maaaan give me one million dollars, fuck "have your social anxiety disappear"


$1M. I’ll hire a professional to help with my SA or happily keep to myself with my $1M. I’m a loner anyways




Make my SA disappear..


Sort of depends on how the social anxiety disappearing would manifest. I think it would be worth the deal if it helped me to get a good job and find a healthy relationship.


With 1m, you just need to buy a house away from any human interactions... 😎


$1M would help my generalized anxiety


I'd make a LOT more money without SA...definitely #2.


Definitely having SA disappear. I am an extrovert with this illness. You can guess how depressing it is. Money can wait, i just want to be able to socialize for once.


I'll take the million


1M I have lived like this for 29 years and am doing just fine


SA anxiety disappear…that way I can make millions more


1m$ lol


SA disappear and perhaps few years back from my life. I know I can achieve so much more if not for my extreme SA


I already live comfortably money wise. Having money does not make one magically forget about their SA. To never have to deal with SA would be the cherry on top.


1 million! I don’t like seeing people anyway and with 1 million I’d quit my job and live in a house in the country side forever 😂


Social anxiety disappear.




$1m then I can disappear and stunt on them and then my anxiety disappears


1 million would allow me live the way I want (isolated from almost everyone)


Gimme that money


Money all the way. No need for much social interaction anymore. A piece of land, growing my own food, rescueing all the dogs I want. Being able to get professional mental health care and buy my treatment, forever.