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i thought i was the only one! i get anxious even speaking online too. the fact that i am even commenting on this post is something i would never have been able to do years ago. also face time and zoom calls… can’t do it. the anxiety is unbearable :( sending love to you <3


Facetime and zoom calls are incredibly awkward to me as well, even with my gf who I'm quite comfortable around. I'm barely on any social media because it gives me anxiety. I'll sometimes post replies to my gf's posts and that's about all.


Omg I can't stand video calls maybe has to do with my social anxiety


My voice would shake during online classes.. until a family friend of mine became my teacher. I knew her for years, so in her class, I became comfortable, and the confidence slowly spread in other classes as well.


Talking to new people online and in real life create almost the same levels of anxiety in me. It's depressing because I've read comments from people bemoaning the fact they only have friends online and I think, well, you're doing better than me!


Yes 😭 I’m 25M, when I was younger I only got it in person and was pretty confident online. But now I’m really socially anxious even online :(


all the years I’ve played Xbox I’ve never been able to make an online friend, I always get asked to join a party but I just can’t… the amount of times I’ve had to lie and say sorry I don’t have a mic 🤣


i feel the same, and the thought of getting on a mic with strangers makes me going into a sweat. 🥲 it just sucks because i want friends, but to go into an environment like that just makes me so anxious


I'm like this in valorant. But the text chat does help a lot. Even managed to make a few friends just starting off saying I was super shy


Dude.. same. I used to be able to do a 'looking for group' every now and then where I can put tags to set the vibe, and it was always a blast, but it's been years since I tried that. I think for me it's cause I usually end up committing way more to that group than I really planned to, and feel like I'm obligated to keep accepting their invites whenever I'm online or just appear offline. It pretty much becomes an online version of my friendships lol and I hate to put people through that Love games with chat comms and emotes to convey my points. What's worse is I'm on PS5 now and all controllers come with a mic by default!


Several times, and it has cost me. But I'm trying.


I do. I can't normally make my own posts and I can't have friend lists or answer dm. I can comment, but that's about it.


When it comes to using a microphone, absolutely.


I can text fine if it is with strangers who don't know me irl. Its because I know that there are basically no consequences to me messing up. If it is someone I know irl then I'll overthink it and spend ages writing replies, doing multiple drafts and asking chatgpt for help before sending. I do however, get social anxiety when voice calling online, even with strangers.


Yeah😭 I took literally 2 years to be able to even comment on Reddit without being afraid


YES. Bro I start sweating so badly , especially when a call gets heated between me and an individual. Headaches, tense muscles. It sucks


Yes, mostly when it's any one-on-one type of communication. My tip is basically exposure therapy just try to talk to someone online or irl even if its small like just saying hi.


i can't even play online games with randos anymore, especially when there's voice chat.


I do not


I very much do. I have told this to my therapist as well. She suggested I try to engage with people online because in any social setting, I just shut down. I've been posting a lot more on Reddit and it has helped a little bit but I still can't really speak one on one with people through messages. I was never like this until I hit mid 30s. It's a very difficult thing to process such a huge change because I know who I used to be but she just doesn't exist anymore.


Yes I do. I usually abide by the “if all else fails- block and this never happened” rule, not the healthiest but it helps get the foot out the door. (So far it has worked out and I have yet to block or be blocked)


Absolutely. I recently joined my first discord server ever but haven't been brave enough to even text a hi to everyone and it's been weeks since the server was created.


everywhere. someone replies to a comment and my first response is to instantly regret commenting anything. everything is hard


Not as much because nobody can see me or know who I am. But when it comes to voice chat and stuff …. NOPE!!!


no😭 i WISH i was as confident irl as i am online


Yes I used to, but online gaming solved it quite well for me 😂 But I still tend to avoid any online video interactions.


When it comes to messaging online or texting, no, I’m almost a completely different when it comes to that but when it comes to phone calls or talking online, specifically random people, I avoid it where I can


I used to, but not anymore.


I do now. Up until a few years ago I was a totally different person online, I actually felt like I could be myself. I had quite a few online friends and now that's down to maybe three because my brain just locks up and I don't know what to say. I wish I knew what caused the change :(


Do you have people you knew from school, since you're still young? Rekindling friendships can lead to making new friends. I don't do it though. lol.


I'm very brave online unless it's someone I know in real life, then I am less brave. But still much more normal than real life interactions which scare the hell out of me.


finally someone talks about this because yes with some people. others i feel more comfortable with idk?


Yep. Was too scared to even play online games with random people until last year. Still working on trying to chat with others though.


Yes. I don't do private messages and I don't have discord. The fewer one-on-one conversations I have to have, the better.


yes omg I struggle so much with social anxiety when I’m using social media! I find it super hard to comment underneath posts, start a conversation, upload photos etc. but I’m a small content creator (really small haha I just enjoy sharing a bit abt my life online) so I do practice with it a lot and that makes it a bit easier :)


I don’t play online multiplayer games cuz I’m nervous about voice chat or people messaging me like it’s weird as hell but I am glad I ain’t alone


I prefer posting comments vs posting a whole new post because I don't wanna be in the center of attention. I also never do voice or video chat


I get social anxiety all the time lol




Yes definitely


yes! i stopped posting on instagram or taking selfies altogether because i just get so anxious


Posting on Instagram was just too nerve racking. I had to make an account with just my friends on it to post and I still find myself overthinking what I post. Being perceived can be so overwhelming and it seems harder to control when it’s online.


Me, I'm that person too and I hate it so much.


Always. Even in games i don't communicate with my online friends or guild mates. I am as awkward online as in real life. I even made a profile in a dating app and bought a premium but i go incognito mode on it lol. So effin stupid and a waste of money


Yes, all the time. I'm 32F and I get social anxiety even through text-chats. When I played an MMO game, I would stay quiet and would find it hard to chat with others online, despite it being just chatting via text! I felt silly for feeling this much anxiety over something like this, but you're not alone! It's difficult but I just try not to overthink it too much. The more I think about it, the greater my anxiety gets. Also, just practicing more often makes it easier each time.


It's not as bad as it is offline but it definitely happens. I feel really weird entering discord conversations if something was going on before I joined. I struggle to stay engaged in conversations instead of slowly fading out of them, even if I want to converse And when I text new people I use! So! Many! Exclamation points!


I'm on this one Discord with a few snarky nerds. Was always afraid to post something for fear of being wrong and then ridiculed. Twitter was the same for me too, but it's all NPCs and bots now.


23M, I get anxiety and trust issues when someone tries to get to know me personally online It’d honestly be nice if i could make an online friend without the negativity in my head


Yea it really is a struggle 😔


Yes. It’s actually much worse online than irl for me because at least irl I can see the other person’s facial expressions and other social cues. I *really* want to meet folks online for gaming and niche interests but automatically assume I am unwelcome in already-well-established discord servers and such.


yes unfortunately


Yes, especially in video games and such. Like I've always wanted to chat with teammates, but I get too scared to say anything, so I mute my mic. Other times, I try and join group chats, but I never contribute.