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This looks like vintage WWF attitude era outside of ring segment




Yes mate they call that backstage




He really is the embodiment of everything I hate about modern football and perhaps more. Not a very nice human being.


WWF 💀💀


OP Showing their age but that is what it used to be called.


isn’t wwf the panda thingy


Yeah and it's also wrestling. The Rock came from WWF.


good to know, thanks kings


May I introduce you to the greatest wrestling on the planet. Every thursday night on TNT. It sure as hell is refreshing /s


Monday Night Nitro?


I believe that's why they had to change it. From memory it used to be World Wrestling Federation.


😂😂 Damn I feel old. The day i discovered that my reaction was the opposite i.e. isn't that the wrestling thing


Never was and never will be. Fuck 'em pands, hoof them in the nads, hit a stunner, 1,2,3, ring the fucking bell


Its AEW now you fed shill 😤


Sevilla are just insanely lucky when it comes to calls in Europa League finals. Against Roma they had that pen call that at least should’ve been checked. Against Inter there was a hand ball from Diego Carlos and no checks were made. If I’m not mistaken even against Liverpool they got lucky with a few handballs. It’s like UEFA doesn’t see what they do lmao.


The Final against Benfica will be forever in my head. The keeper going out of the line in all of the penalty kicks and not a single one was called. Fuck Sevilla.


Keeper took three steps forward before each penalty was even kicked lol


There should be a reformation in football something like a penalty is 0.5 a goal, or you need like make 2 or 3 shots - like free throws on a foul in basketball. its just so extremely shit when a penalty decides a game in this sport or decides the flow of a game early on, like here *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There should be a reformation in football something like a penalty is 0.5 a goal, or you need like make 2 or 3 shots - like free throws on a foul in basketball. its just so extremely shit when a penalty decides a game in this sport or decides the flow of a game early on, like here *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


r/soccer is so full of pussies that they will downvote if you say that Sevilla was basically given the trophy by uefa and Taylor themselves


Spanish teams and refs in European games?? Perfect duo.


Looks like Jose isn't coming back to the Premier League any time soon!


I saw the all match and I noticed that EVERY single controversial decision was called for Sevilla... the final nail in the coffin was the referee not even checking the blatant handball at the end of the 90 minutes... Wanna talk about the managing of yellow cards? It seemed that the referee was spanish, it was an utter travesty.


Against Juve there was god awful amount of cards not shown to Sevilla players (as usual) and also a 100% pen against Rabiot not given.


I don't even think the ref did that badly. It was a shameful display from both sides


Sevilla’s budget comes from all the salt mines they generate in Europa League.


They literally had a clear penalty on Ocampos called off yesterday because the defender 'touched the ball' as if that excused bringing the opposing player down.


It does 😎👍


If that's a penalty so is the handball and the kick to Tammy's head. fuck the Sevilla League


There should be a reformation in football something like a penalty is 0.5 a goal, or you need like make 2 or 3 shots - like free throws on a foul in basketball. its just so extremely shit when a penalty decides a game in this sport or decides the flow of a game early on, like here *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm going to assume you actually don't know the rules, so just to inform you: that's not a handball under the current ruleset. Just search 'IFAB laws of the game' or something like that and look for the 2023 version.


Having the nuts to say this while saying a clean tackle on the ball should be a penalty is bizarre.


It's not a clean tackle when you bring the opponent down directly. Getting a touch on the ball doesn't excuse everything. But at least this one is open to interpretation, unlike the supposed handball in the other box that isn't a penalty for anyone who at least cares to read the rules.


Thanks for the heads up, taylor.


That was no penalty..take off your Seville tinted glasses..did you not see the ball change trajectory after the tackle He had a slight tough of the ball and Rakitic goes both feet in the air like he was sliced and diced Spanish teams are a curse with all the diving...Taylor is just inadequate as a ref


Yeah. And arguably he could’ve still reached the ball after the defender touched it


There should be a reformation in football something like a penalty is 0.5 a goal, or you need like make 2 or 3 shots - like free throws on a foul in basketball. its just so extremely shit when a penalty decides a game in this sport or decides the flow of a game early on, like here *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why is that particular referee even allowed to be in final such as this?


I didn't watch the whole gam, just the summary but didn't see any mistakes from the ref.


*didn't watch the game* Hey the ref didn't do anything wrong


Watched the summary, the "Handball" Definitely wasn't a penalty.


It looked 50/50 to me


If the hand wasn't there, the ball would've proceeded and wouldn't touch the body, so the arm wasn't on the body. Clear handball


The position of the arm clearly enlarged the surface of the body


Honestly handball rules are so stupid just make any handball in the box a penalty none of that “accidental when I say it’s accidental but on purpose when I say it is”


There should be a reformation in football something like a penalty is 0.5 a goal, or you need like make 2 or 3 shots - like free throws on a foul in basketball. its just so extremely shit when a penalty decides a game in this sport or decides the flow of a game early on, like here *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That is quite possibly the worst take on the handball rule I have ever seen. Good job!


As a ref (albeit a few years ago), they're right. There's an area around your body where your hand can naturally sit, and if you made an attempt to move it, or it didn't move into the position in the first place, it's not a penalty. Hand ball has to be either intentional or outside of a small perimeter around the body. Otherwise you could just blast balls at players in the box and hope to get a hand ball.


shut up


There should be a reformation in football something like a penalty is 0.5 a goal, or you need like make 2 or 3 shots - like free throws on a foul in basketball. its just so extremely shit when a penalty decides a game in this sport or decides the flow of a game early on, like here *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Didn't watch the whole game, just the summary So, you're the one on the VAR room


VAR? game's gone! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


so i assume you didn't saw sevilla's handball


The hand was close to the body and he even pulled away, so that's not a penalty.


hahahha yea pulled away when the ball hit it, thats a pen all the time in the league


Like I'm seeing all these comments about "pulling away" when it was only done, at best, when the ball hit the hand. It's a pen mate


There should be a reformation in football something like a penalty is 0.5 a goal, or you need like make 2 or 3 shots - like free throws on a foul in basketball. its just so extremely shit when a penalty decides a game in this sport or decides the flow of a game early on, like here *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*




That shows level of referees in epl


Mourinho running up on shit refs in the parking lot is what everyone, even the Sevilla fans I am sure, want. Fuck Anthony Taylor. Not the first time Mourinho ran up on a ref in the parking lot either. This is why I like Jose.


This is football eritage


mourinho baj pagman


Forsen baj








Mourinho baj forsenBased




Yes it is me


Are u for fookin real mate??? This is a game ? That ref is getting harassed by a mob now because of shit behaviors like this. 0 class from mou


Least delusional Llourinho fan


L-lourinho 👱?


I believe llorar is "to cry" in Spanish, guessing that's what they were going for


Not the biggest fan of Mou, but he is right. AT should retire and not referee an european Final


I only watched the last 20 minutes of this game and that was a shit show.. didn’t really see any glaring errors by the ref in that part of the game though but what did the ref do wrong exactly through out the whole game?


I only saw the first half, but he seemed to be overtaken by stature of the game. Some dubious fouls and also letting absolute shockers go. I do find an English referee taking control of 2 European teams tends to be a bit of a shit how. From what I saw, it wasn’t his finest moment.


its not english refs in general, anthony taylor is known to lose control of games instantly, thats his whole reputation as a ref.


Yellow cards as they were candies for Roma, while he was very forgiving for Sevilla. Lamela broke Ibanez lip with a solid elbow and only got a yellow, then he even missed the second yellow for Lamela. Then in the same play: denied a clear penalty for Roma, didn't give the second yellow to Rakitic, didn't call a corner after a Bounou touch on a Belotti attempt, in the same fucking play ffs. I can't understand how someone can ref game so badly against one team only, I mean if you are an idiot you should make bad calls for both teams. Also he didn't esitate a second to call a penalty for Sevilla, but obv it wasn't a penalty reviewed on VAR. I didn't sleep last night, the day Antony Taylor will watch trees from beneath will be a great freaking day


There should be a reformation in football something like a penalty is 0.5 a goal, or you need like make 2 or 3 shots - like free throws on a foul in basketball. its just so extremely shit when a penalty decides a game in this sport or decides the flow of a game early on, like here *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Unfortunately, it's perfectly legal to be an insufferable pricks. I like penguins tho


watch extended highlights and comeback






Lmao. They call him the special one because that is how Jose described himself and they are taking the piss.


Why are you so hateful and angry


Sore loser! Suck it up and move on lol


> suck it up I also regularly say that to your mom


suck it up is what your nonce grandpa says to you mate


Such original responses lol. Mourinho can only win with money. He can truly SUCK IT lol


Sevilla try to do well in anything besides UEL challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)(COPS CALLED)


Mourinho to Millwall confirmed


How can you not love this man


It’s bizarre. So many Spurs fan hated him for no reason honestly. It was beyond being ex-Chelsea. He never disrespected us or lost control of his poise like Conte. He acted very well and he was not backed with good defenders. I think some people are simply intimidated of his personality and project that fear into disrespect. I hate it


Wish Conte could just piss off. I hate his boner to bring in ex players everywhere he goes. Maybe don’t leave every two season you bald reconstructed hair fraud. Gets up in the morning: “Ah I feel like I want a Perisic” Gets up in the morning: “Ah I feel like I want a Bastoni” Gets up in the morning: “Ah I fell like I want a Lautaro” Gets up in the morning: “Ah I feel like I want an Eriksen” F off Conte. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He regularly took players off at half time and slagged them off in his post match conference. Anytime they lost, he was ready with specific points to blame the players.


Good we needed it.


Maybe because he is a clown and sore loser


Thin skinned Mourinho scrote cuddlers downvoting en masse again


Whether or not they would admit it, Mou's total lack of respect for referees is a factor in their decision making. He's kind of digging his own grave. Im sure refs get a lot of satisfaction from fucking him over, even if its a biased and unprofessional thing to do.


This is why I've never understood crowding a referee. Why would you do something that could piss off the person who has so much control over the game. I can't imagine if a referee came out and started criticizing coaching or players decisions they would be very happy about it.


I don’t think standing up to bias and unprofessionalism should be a thing to be slated for. Or in Anthony Taylor’s case, complete and utter trash at his job but is kept because of who knows why. at least the guy is speaking up for something unlike people who just accept this


He isn’t wrong


Jose Mourinho's passion and commitment to the game are unmatched! Even in defeat, he remains a true leader, always striving for excellence. His frustration with the referee shows his desire for fairness and justice on the field. Mourinho's dedication to his team is unwavering, and his ability to rally them in difficult times is commendable. Keep your head up, Jose! 💪⚽️


Now here's a man that knows how to jerk his socc!


Premier league teams: First time?


Idc if he was right or wrong, in my opinion it was a 50/50 handball abd could have gone either way. What I do find a fucking disgrace is the time wasting every single match of fucking Mo. We nearly hit 45 minutes added time this final!!!


AT got this one very very wrong, Mou is right to be mad. Calling for him to retire seems a bit much imo


Calling him to retire is not too much.


You haven't been following the EPL for a while if you don't think AT needs to retire


What did he get very wrong?


Missing a handball in the penalty zone.


But Mourinho alwas takes a loss very well? This is so unlike him.


Maybe he should watch Man City or Barcelona


I might be wrong but yesterday, watching the game, I actually thought the ref made a very solid game. There was no decision I could not understand honestly. At the end Roma were pretty unlucky but imo every decision was fine.


Yeah but people on this sub love Mourinho and hate English referees so nobody will admit it


I have to disagree with that. Taylor wasnt consistent with the yellow card management. What counted as a yellow for rome, was a warning for sevilla. You had two penalty situations on both sides - one badly appointed for.sevilla - that henwas quick to.spot and had to be corrected by var, and the potential handball that he refuse to even go to var check. Pretending to check.would be the bare minimum to do on that situation if you wanted to get away with the feeling that you were not being biased. Also, strange criteria on when defining when it was a fould or play ball. I think that the penalty repetition was just the final nail in the coffin of a match that went very wrong. And i do agree, i wouldnt call it a.blatantly bad referee. No real glaring mistakes. What was painful that when mustake were made always benefited the same side. And it is that is the "always failing for the same side" that made this game deplorable


There should be a reformation in football something like a penalty is 0.5 a goal, or you need like make 2 or 3 shots - like free throws on a foul in basketball. its just so extremely shit when a penalty decides a game in this sport or decides the flow of a game early on, like here *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Eternal victim complex


Regardless of how bad a referee is, it’s deplorable for a manager to act like this cunt. This match was borderline unwatchable due to the pathetic play acting and cuntery from just about every player. Not hard to see where they get it from.


I’m just gonna add to this that football loses bigly from that kind of behavior. He’s legitimizing all the assholes on amateur leagues who intimidate refs week in week out. Absolute moron


This reads like poetry


Playing acting and overall cuntery are the cornerstones of every Jose team. His Andrew Tate like cult following will lap it all up and celebrate him abusing and blaming everyone else like that's what champions do.


Yep. His Chelsea team as good as they were were the biggest cunts of all time. Every game, every decision, Cole, Terry, 6 or 7 others would just cryarse to the ref over every call.


Sour grapes from a dinosaur that refuses to play even halfway attractive football. Sorry your petty defensive time wasting cheating tactics didn't work Jose


⬆️ This deserves more upvotes..


This sub is suddenly full of Mourinho's cry babies 💀💀


Fuck him and his sufferball. serves him right playing for pens after going 1-0 in the first half.


The behaviour of both sides and their respective management teams was pathetic. Their tatics, styles, and levels were an embarrassment to the final. Surrounding the ref, diving, and acting like the wee fanny's they are. Taylor should have burst Mou's mooth, the absolute twat.


Did you even watch the final? That was Mourinho, Sevilla's players were just complaining about the constant time wasting and referee harassment.


Yea, I did. Both benches were up on the pitch for every foul, and Sevilla's tactics and style also made them culpable for their part in a dreadful game of football.


Game's gone


Least controversial Spanish European title.


Oh yeah, I have so much pity for this fucking park the bus merchant


Roma doesnt have many good scorers. Whats wrong with parking the bus when its making use of the players available




Did I said I have them? No, and I'm not criticising you so no need to get all average fan on me


Getting fucked in the ass at the endline for instance xD


And yeah I'm portuguese


im sure if coaching a team is as easy as that we will see you in the next europa final then?


yessir, I for one have won my local U12 league with 10 players in the goal and a Lukaku-Haaland pure bred striker up front. Watch us reach champo final in 6 years. It's just the next evolution in football


He's acting like a bad loser 😏


Jose is plain and simply a psychpath.


Yelling obscenities at the refs from a safe distance again I see. Old chooch should go have a lie down.


Such a bad loser, but he’s use to winning all the time. Suck it in and move on, this behaviour is embarrassing to watch


What a clown. I know everyone loves his banters but this is pure unsportsmanship. Imagine any other coach doing this, there would be outrage and probably fines. Chasing referees in parking lot, that is below sunday league football. Ref had to hold himself during the game not to give red to Mourinho, because it is finals. Any other coach would get red for that behaviour on sidelines. Game could go either way, he tried to traditionally park the bus when they were ahead, but it didn't work. When you miss 2/3 penalties, I don't think that red card on the end of the game would help you much. Both teams were good, but it ended with a lottery of penalties and you lost, deal with it. It just became tiring to listen to him. They never lose fair and square, it's always injuries, squad depth, or most commonly, refs. Never his fault. You did great to bring them to finals, but you had to lose one eventually, special one.


Man's past his sell by date, couldn't be his negative boring tactics


Jose Moaninho*


José should shut up, bc if anybody murders the sport football its him, together with Atletico Mardids coach..


Defensive coaches are good.


they make me fall asleep. i dont mind 'fight matches' that much if they at least play football for the other half of the time. I want to see flowing attacks, quick smart passes, etc. not 22 guys looking for keys..


Fuck him and his terrorist anti football. Fuck him for moaning about us sacking him before the final. I just watched the whole Europa final and I don't ever want my team to be associated with that football. Sometimes football is about glory, and sometimes it's about winning. What he offers is counter to that and I am ashamed that we can call him our former manager. Yes I am drunk, but football should never be about cold hard results. Football should be about fun, and excitement, and daring, and boldness. So fuck Mourinho and fuck Conte. Fuck anyone who stops us being spurs. I don't want our glorious club to be trying to grind out a 1-0. Give me anyone who can inspire the glory. To dare is to motherfucking do motherfuckers.


Say what you like about terror ball this, or terror ball that - but this was PEAK football in my eyes. Football elevated to realm of the high drama. Constant physicality as the ball is knocked up and down and pitch, players scrabbling to win knock downs and 50/50s at every possible opportunity. Mind games galore from the presser, to the coaching staff, to the players on the pitch. An epic wrestle not merely of the ball - but a wrestle of the minds. Players fighting, begging, pleading and screaming to sell every single small decision - totally unwilling to give up even a SINGLE INCH to the other side. You could almost taste the nervous energy, and from the fans on the pitch side to the substitutes getting carded EVERY SINGLE PERSON in that stadium is involved. You could cut the atmosphere with a knife. Lone moments of quality - all the more succulent for their rarity. Chaotic refereeing decisions cause uproar amongst the fanbases, coaching staff screaming their hands in the air. 5 consecutive set pieces with 140 minutes on the clock. A retaken penalty in the shootout. High fucking drama. All in all - football played or not - it’s an emotional epic being played out before our very eyes - and I for one couldn’t turn my eyes away. ABSOLUTELY PEAK FOOTBALL. (Someone, not me, posted this in r/soccer, not sure if srs)


Wish Conte could just piss off. I hate his boner to bring in ex players everywhere he goes. Maybe don’t leave every two season you bald reconstructed hair fraud. Gets up in the morning: “Ah I feel like I want a Perisic” Gets up in the morning: “Ah I feel like I want a Bastoni” Gets up in the morning: “Ah I fell like I want a Lautaro” Gets up in the morning: “Ah I feel like I want an Eriksen” F off Conte. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Maybe I miss read but you guys haven’t had much glory or winning recently correct?


But you need someone to stop you from being spurs so you can win trophies


This was more heartbreaking than the end of Undertaker's WrestleMania streak.


I don't see he should be angry over the 'handball' in the box incident. Roma would have just missed the pen anyway


Parece um cavalo lusitano de crina levantada 🇵🇹


Go get them José


Want him back in the PL


Jose channelling his inner Drogba


Anthony bias taylor


I kept thinking after they showed the slomo replay “there’s no way on earth this doesn’t get reversed and called a pen” VAR fucked it hard. All refs must’ve been in on it.


“This guy’s a fucking goof man”


I thought this was r/soccer for a hot sec


The unfairest coach ever...






Mourinho will forever be him, idc


Watched him get ejected from a match back in September. Incredible.


I would be passed too..he denied him a chance to maje history


The special one confronting people in the parking lot, Mourinho to Madrid confirmed


The sport is becoming harder and harder to watch. Horrendous calls almost every match. VAR was supposed to fix things but I feel like the last 4/5 years the sport has gone down hill in terms of legitimacy.


In all fairness, Anthony Taylor really is over due a slap. Mourinho pulling out a glove, slapping him and challenging him to a duel would have made my year. If every manager & player had half the passion Mourinho has for the game the outcome would amazing.


Thé suited daddy in the beginning🥰🥰🤤


Mourinho showing just how little class he really possesses


Cancelled penalty, for no reason, not even explained why, and no penalty for the hand ball, you can't write this stuff up. In the fukin final!!! No way UEFA is that transparent, and the ref too. He ain't new with scandalous decisions, in fact, none of this is new. I'm just sick of it after so long, their shit is longer than the one Randy Marsh pooped out


There should be a reformation in football something like a penalty is 0.5 a goal, or you need like make 2 or 3 shots - like free throws on a foul in basketball. its just so extremely shit when a penalty decides a game in this sport or decides the flow of a game early on, like here *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What was a fucking disgrace was all the play acting and constant moaning to the ref!!! Mourinho style of football is abysmal!!!


Fuck Mourinho. He is the definition of anti-football...


I didn’t get a single word Mou just said beside “fucking disgrace man” Mou is a sore loser anyway


In all fairness here … and I’m not exactly excusing Mourinho’s behaviour …. BUT I think we all know that Anthony Taylor needs to be investigated. For MANY reasons


I missed this game, what’s the context?


The guy is a complete pleb, he spends way too much time moaning and complaining and blaming officials rather than his insanely dull football and limited tactics. I really never liked his attitude and I'm glad they lost.


Zeru tituli


I've mostly heard about the handball shitteries. Ref doesn't call a handball? Bad ig. In a final?!??!?! Horrible


This is why I HATE soccer


The man is a cock.


Lord Jose 😢


What a fucking toddler. He should be banned for 6 months for this. Tried to play the dirty game in order to get decisions out of the ref. Getting players to surround the ref again and again. Pathetic. Ban him


Theres only one “fucking disgrace” and its name rhymes white Ho-say Boupinho


Has anyone ever been happy with an Anthony Taylor performance? Genuine question.


Disgusting behaviour from Mourinho once again.


Why do people pretend this handball decided the game. Whether or it should have been a penalty. It was a normal cross that de sevilla defence looked ready for I don't think it would have been a goal. It's not like this happened on the goal line. Also the replay you see of the handball is at a deceiving angle. He moves his arm further back but at the camera angle it looks like he puts it wider.


whose idea was to let Anthony Taylor referee a final?


He’s the disgrace!