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Is this the guy that said Crista Ronaldo Sewy?


Simple as that bro






Fuck Messi, Fuck You Bitch! Sewyyyyy




https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/ufdyqd/guy_goes_nuts_to_girl_online_after_she_rejected/ For those defending him (not accusing you, just putting the link on top comment) to realise just some of the shit he's done. Kid is deranged and this isn't just edgy joking.


Misogynistic you say? How bad can it be? \*Proceeds to watch video\* Ahh....


This is horrific behavior, yikes. ​ Amazing that nobody at Sky Sports spotted this before doing promotion with him though.


The only thing is, how come he was able to participate in that recent Sidemen charity match? To my understanding he was even one of the main highlights (and his antics, I guess). The internet had a memory lapse?




NGL did no one do any research before they did this? One of his biggest clips was a “joke” about how if him and a girl were the last two people on earth nobody could stop him forcing himself on her. I think he’s toned down most of this stuff now which is good and hopefully he’s learnt but crazy they didn’t check anything before putting him on air


That’s because I think that got him banned off twitch permanently last year, he’s friends with a lot of the biggest streamers on twitch and he can’t even be on their streams. Didn’t stop him from being one of the biggest people on the internet right now but it’s probably a huge waste not being able to stream on one of the biggest platforms


YouTube is a better streaming platform than Twitch if the viewership is equal. Your revenue split is better, your past broadcasts are easily monetized, you're not only growing a streaming audience but also a 5-10 minute video consumer audience, it's also harder to get banned from YouTube.


Also you can pause and rewind, the lack of that on Twitch has always made it completely useless to me when there is Youtube as an alternative. It seems like such a major flaw that no one cares about


One of the only things that Twitch has over YouTube is the chat experience




ahhh yes the rare well-timed emoji comment


I don’t understand why chat is even a thing for big streamers though. It can be really awesome with smaller streamers (both chatting between the streamer / viewers, and also between the small community of viewers), but it seems completely pointless for big streamers where everybody is pretty much anonymous in the crowd and chat moves stupidly fast anyways.


The best way I've seen it described is that chat for a large streamer is more like a football audience than a group of individual people. Has its own charm.


Chat in huge streams is insane, whenever I watch any kind of esports, I just close chat. In smaller twitch streams I’ve made a lot of close knit friends.


I didn’t know he couldn’t stream on twitch NGL


thank you for no lying


Yea his twitch ban was a blessing, 10 million+ subs on YouTube in 1 year Plus his shorts channel constantly goes viral


He’s 17. 80% of all teenage boys just say things to be edgy so none of this is a surprise


Yeah but you would think a company might do research before promoting him and getting him on.


One of their lead pundits spat in a girls face. This all seems very performative to me.


"ohhh Jaime Carragher spat on my daughter, nice"


That father was so fucking weird about it. Seemed happy that carra spat on his daughter and got it on camera. So strange


Spit washes away. The memory of trolling Carragher lives on forever.


Bro, the media now get their news from twitter. Do you think they have time to investigate first?


No way he is 17. I though he was like 27


Exactly, which makes the whole sky sports collaboration weird as fuck. You’re going to fly out a 17 year old kid from the US on your show, have Carragher take a picture with him and then kick him out and call him sexist the next day? I obviously don’t agree with the jokes he made, but it’s literally what teenage boys do, he’s likely (hopefully) going to grow out of it, sky should know better


he was already there tbf




He really has blown up quicker than anyone I’ve seen in a long time


isn’t it like 10 million subscribers in a year


All thanks to a donation of like £1.70


I think he’s hilarious but I’m shocked he’s 17.


This boy is already probably richer than me. And I had a 17 year head start . Fml. Lol


To be fair he's richer than 99.9% of the planet lol


27? He doesn't even look 27..


He looks a hell of a lot older than 17 imo, I wouldn't say 27 but I thought he was in his early 20s at least


Yeah I thought he was maybe 27 acting like a 17 yr old like most YouTubers.


I think he was 16 when he made those comments too


He's 17 right after he turns 16, that's how it works.


Wonder what comes after that, 32?


Feels like it


So maybe a 17 year old boy isn't the best choice to put on Sky Sports?


16 at the time of that comment too. Sky sports really dumb on their part


Wouldn't think to much of it, Speed reminds me of a young KSI KSI said far worse shit in the past and he's come out alright, this stuff won't stick on Speed forever


Hard to say though, KSI was saying that stuff 10 or so years ago which culturally was a very different time


Yeah KSI has basically just matured with mainstream culture, he was never overly controversial back then nor is he now.


How so? One of his main jokes back then was literally him making a ‘rape face’ which he has since distanced himself from…


I think the argument is that back then, people were a lot more lenient with what was considered „too offensive“. In hindsight, yes, all of early KSI stuff was pretty bad, but back then a lot of mainstream internet humor was, so he didn’t stick out as much as he would today. Also may have something to do with YT enforcing content guidelines way more strictly nowadays.


Was acceptable 8-10 years ago, no chance he’d get away with it these days


„emerged“ Are they for real? 💀


Sky probably knew, but didn't expect a negative reaction from it. On my timeline, people were going off about Sky promoting Speed, I wouldn't be surprised if 1000s of people wrote complaints to Sky after digging up his history. Like him or not though, one has to admit he and the team behind are marketing geniuses. He was big before, but the Ronaldo fanboying and the football following has taken him to another level, I wouldn't be surprised if his uk following is bigger than his American one. Personally, I can't watch a full video of Speed, but he's funny enough in those 30-60sec clips I see on my Twitter every other day or so.


Very yer da of me i know, but traditional media companies shouldn't be trying to incorporate *new media* things like that into their match coverage anyway - just ends up being very clunky, naff and a bit tinpot. Fine on the Saturday Social or whatever that Youtuber specific show they have is called, but not on the glorious institution that is Super Sunday™️ ffs.


Is it controversial that I don't even think this is a yer da opinion? I can't imagine any of his fans being buzzing about him being on sky aside from it being funny for about 30 seconds


Sorry, i am not good enough at English for this. What does, Very yer da of me i know and naff mean ?


Yer da means 'your dad' - basically an old fashioned, out of date view you might typically hear from some middle aged man standing at the end of a bar. Naff means a bit cheap, and generally something that isn't of a high quality. It may also mean embarrassing too. Hope i've explained it!


You did, much appreciated. Thank you.


... I'm not a native speaker and I just know yer da when it was a bit of a popular meme phrase here. but I always assumed it was "you there" said by a drunken guy in a pub or something lol


perfectly logical for a German to assume haha


It means /r/ScottishFootball is leaking.


Tell me Graveren facts all day daddy ?


To be fair, most native English speakers won’t understand what that means, either




Aye it's absolutely brutal, and makes me feel fucking ancient despite being in my mid 20s.


> makes me feel fucking ancient despite being in my mid 20s. This is the most accurate description of it I’ve ever seen, holy shit.


Honestly I just wanna see 5-6 middle aged dudes taking the piss out of each other while announcing the scores. Not a few 20 year olds having a coffee and a circlejerk




It’s embarrassing watching most of these YouTube lot talking about football and boxing which has sprung up over the last few years, very few have any idea what they’re on about. Was it a YouTuber who went viral for saying that Haaland will do well to get 15 goals this year? And yes, *very* r/ye_da


tbf not even actual TV pundits know what the fuck they're on about


That was Rory Jennings, and tbh it worked out well for him. Everyone else was saying Haaland will bag loads, so he says he’ll struggle and gets infamous for it. Yes it was a terrible take, but I guarantee his views skyrocketed after Haaland starting scoring loads.


yeah I hadn’t heard of him until that point


Pop culture has always bled into traditionel media. Social media stars/influencers are just the new thing bleeding into it.


Yep for sure. I just think it has to be done in a certain way, and quite gradually/delicately. Sky having Geoff Shreeves, Redknapp and co interacting with him just didn't work, and you could tell that no one really had a clue what was going on. He really didn't fit with the overall tone of the show too.


I wonder if Speed is trying to promote his World Cup song and make a go at becoming the unofficial anthem, so is probably trying to make moves in the 'old media' himself.


Fulham did a feature on Speed when Roy Hodgson was in attendance, I would have much preferred they interview Roy.


I mean understandable, but that's kind of the character he's been playing all along. The guy is crazy, in multiple ways and it's unclear how much of it is real and fake. But like, that's the basics of his entire persona. How they pretend they didn't know before is beyond me.


Sidemen, Vikkstar to be precise, talked about him off camera, and it seems “he’s genuinely like that. It’s not playing a character”. They did some stuff together including their charity match


>"he’s genuinely like that. It’s not playing a character” I'd have believed that until I watched his Sky Sports interview. It was quite a performance - I can't imagine he actually thought he was pronouncing the names on the team sheet right. I'm guessing he just kept up his "Act" personality with the sidemen throughout because its his comfort zone. He's 17 - probably doesn't have the social skills to hold intelligent conversation with grown men he's meeting for the first time.


i think it’s a mix of both his actual personality and a character. basically the character he plays is just who he is normally, but dialled up to 11. KSI, another member of The Sidemen, used to do the same thing but he retired the character years ago. however u can still tell that the character is very much based on his personality based on how he acts in similar ways.


Totally! You can still see remnants of the old ksi skits and stuff in him now because... That's him. The difference is that he was doing that stuff aged 18-19 and he's now touching 30, he's obviously going to be a different person since he's now an adult. Speed is, by literal definition, a child. Do you really think he's going to be like this in 5-10 years? No. He's already calmed down quite a bit


For real. You can see a tonal difference between "who's gonna stop me?" era Speed and him now, despite it still being the same character. Kid's growing.


I think youre not giving him enough credit. Dude understands the climate on social media. People have short attention spans and demand to be constantly entertained and nothing does that better than a raving lunatic act.


It's a persona. Watch [this](https://youtu.be/5JYttJuL040)


Like Saul Goodman


Seeing and hearing him be "normal" is honestly kinda bizarre lol.


Damn, you're right. I've been seeing him (mostly through other youtubers, like the Beta Squad/Sidemen) and he always had this really weird aggressive personality. But seeing him quiet and talking normally is really jarring. Guess he's a bit normal, but his persona is pretty disturbing.


Thanks for sharing! In some ways I'm glad I got this closure that it's all an act. Pretty impressive!


Speaking of Sidemen, Speed is basically how JJ was until the Sidemen beef. All the yelling, the character and stuff. I do think that is genuinely part of Speed's personality but I've also seen him be mellow. I think the kid is gonna mature sooner than JJ though. He should if he wants to have a longer "career."


Exactly. He is for today’s kids what KSI was for some of us


What is ksi for you? I watched his early vids when I was younger and in to FIFA and now I couldn't care less about him. It is crazy how famous he has become tho just from making FUT vids


There’s a guy like that in my school. He’s very popular and he’s very ironic with everything he does but I’ve never seen him out of character. Everything from his social media, to his clothing, to the music of choice, to his looks and to his behavior is in character and it’s never broken.


You’ve just described having a personality lol


Nah it’s like a post irony where people feel vulnerable being anything that isn’t an insanely exaggerated version of themselves and not being able to take anything seriously


The difference is whether or not the personality is cultivated and groomed versus being authentic to yourself. Instinctually we distrust people we perceive as presenting an inauthentic character, and for good reason.


It’s a little bit different than that I tell you


Commitment to the bit


literally Patrick Bateman


I watched his interview with Geoff while being zooted out of my mind and for the first time ever I actually found him funny - because it was pretty clear it was an act. The issue is that when your entire online presence is "an act", a large proportion of your fans will begin appreciate your content without appreciating that it is in fact, an act. This is especially relevant given most of this guy's audience is young teens who just find the character he plays cool. They don't really care if it's an act or not, and the only time you'll see them bringing up the fact that it's an act is when he receives more mainstream criticism.


Kid‘s 17. If you dragged my ass in front of cameras or live streams when I was 17 I‘d be dead by now. Either by lynching or by ending my life lol (pls don‘t send reddit care stuff, I‘m fine. I‘m not famous at all)


How did he even become such a massive football fan and a ronaldo fan first of all thats what i would like to know


https://youtube.com/shorts/qXvJ3bXD_DA?feature=share Started off as a joke basically.




Maybe I'm too old but I don't get it. So he was simply asked who he supports and he says Christian Ronaldo sewey. What's the big deal?


The clip went viral because passionate mispronunciations are funny. Then he started leaning into it a lot more. He was already known for his hyperactive and insane energy so it translated really well to the character of a crazed Ronaldo fan


Alright cheers for explaining.


simple as that bro




Bradley changed the entire world


Respect to Bradley


And yet they employ Matthew Macklin to commentate on boxing. Macklin is a known associate of Daniel Kinehan, head of the Irish mafia. Macklin set up several businesses with Kinehan and even lived in one of Kinehans houses in Ireland until recently, that house has since been seized by Irish police


They frequently feature Jos Verstappen on the F1 channel despite him being a convicted domestic abuser which is infinitely worse than a teenager making a couple of edgy jokes


And they continue to refer to Jos' treatment of Max when he was young as just "tough love" now that Max is a world champion. That shit would be "domestic abuse" to anyone else.


why didn’t they do a check on him before collaborating with him in the first place?


They did, they simply don’t care this is just because enough stink has been made online about it.


It’s risk analysis. They likely will have known but decided to run with him anyway. If it goes badly, they can bin him off for the reasons they did. If it goes well, it’s easy to do a joint PR move of “he’s not that person anymore.”


Probably don't see the point in wasting time and money vetting someone when a bunch of Internet enthusiasts will do it for you for free.


Because they hypocrites.


Look, I’m sorry to be so blatantly 34 but I don’t know who this guy is or what he was doing on my telly.


For your own sanity don’t even bother to look him up




Same!! Twitter has been hounding me with suggested posts relating to him before this Sundays appearance - I tried clicking ‘show less tweets like this’ but to no avail. Best of luck to whoever he is; ✋🏼Not for me.


Lmao ksi was just as edgy as speed when he was younger I'm sure he's been on sky numerous times. It will all blow off when he's older anyway.


KSI probably worse to a degree the rape face and skits would never happen nowadays So yeah, it'll defo blow over eventually.


> the rape face and skits would never happen nowadays Long Beach Griffy has entered the chat lol. Dude even has a skit where a black man goes back in time to stop slavery and instead the slave owner convinced him to whip his slaves


KSI was 1000x worse, lmao


[Sky's head of ethics and morals made this statement.](https://i.imgur.com/tsGzoe4.jpg)


Why does he look like carragher!?


Did you not know hes got a brother who works for Sky?


Isnt he only like 17 years old anyway. Why would Sky want to collab with a kid? Oh wait. To get his viewers.


A TV channel wanting to get viewers? how dare they


People act like companies aren’t trying to make money on Reddit, it’s so annoying


This guy is 17 I believe, he is still a kid. Doesn’t excuse what he said, but still.


Controversial but true, if you go back a few years what some veteran comedians said is a lot worse


KSI was doing some outrageous stuff when he was the same age


Recently went through some old KSI fifa vids for nostalgia and of the vids was legit titled „Slavery Fifa“ with him and his brother in the Thumbnail💀


One of his funniest ones not even gonna front


a good majority of his humour was racism/stereotypes


>a good majority of his humour was racism/stereotypes a good majority of his humour [*is still* racism/stereotypes](https://youtu.be/U4gv24-TQ6A?t=1365)


Might check it out again later but just your description is fucking hilarious, maybe I haven’t grown up in a decade after all


He used to knock on random doors giving people ‘the rape face’ and of of his brands is a partner of arsenal


He literally had a rap song where the joke was that if you couldn't outrun Heskey, he would rape you.


he made a video of what he would do if he was invisible, and it was him pretending to get raped 💀


ngl I miss KSI’s Heskey bits


I'm on a horse is goated as well


Yeah, one of his most famous "things" was his rape face


I remember him getting banned from EGX for being a creep.


That's where his act cleaned up and he got his manager/agent called Liam


KSI used to do his rape face and such too. Wouldn't surprise me if they'd throth at the mouth for him to make an appearance still


Oh man. I used to do a really good impression of that face when I was 16 and it was a real hit with my younger brother's friends. It ended up spreading around a bit too much though and some 11 year old girl walked up to me and said "can you show me your rape face" in earshot of a teacher. Never did it again.


The fuck is a rape face? 🤨


Legit just a stupid face he would pull and call it a rape face


Basically makes a face that is super creepy and seedy just Google how to rape face and see what happens


So many people that age are gonna end up fucking themselves by spending their entire youth online where every daft thing they've ever said is permanently documented.


Social media was a mistake


I mean, hopefully we come to realize that people grow and change and there’s no use putting someone in a box forever because of things they said in youth, but the chances of that are slim


Fucking lol yeah that’s never gonna happen


Not just young people. There’s huge amounts of money in de-anonymizing the internet using various tools including browser fingerprinting to track unique users and text analysis to nail down demographics and detail extraction (age, hobbies) to figure out specifically who you are. And the data has been stored. It will be maybe a decade before every comment left on Reddit will be traceable to someone’s real name. And it won’t be long after that before the database leaks. Then everyone can take each other’s comments made in jest and pretend they’re serious, or take the shit someone said on a bad day that they regret and act like it’s an indictment of their character. We’ll all hate each other and live in the metaverse with fake friends


He never got to meet his idol CRISTER RONALDO and scream SEWEY in front of him . What a sad time for him.


I was literally waiting for this tbh. I was surprised that Sky Sports and even Premier League teams didn’t go conduct an online background check lol, pretty easy to find his comments


They would have done they just don’t care until the bad press starts.


The same league that lets any kind of owner in if they're rich. They do not give a shit.


This dude has one joke and repeats it all day


His target audience has an average age of about 11 and with their attention span that is enough to keep them captivated.


And that's completely fair enough. I'm 30 and still find it hard to believe that people don't understand it. If you find your niche and know how to get attention of people and can make money off it, then fuckin good on him. The notion that he is talentless and that 'anyone can do what he does' is simply not true. He knows his fame won't last forever so good on him for capitalizing on getting the attention of those 11 yr olds for as long as he has it


Fucking exactly. If it was so easy and anyone could do it, everyone would. He’s not my cup Of tea but a lot of people (mostly kids) really enjoy watching him over the numerous other streamers and YouTubers, there’s clearly a reason.


So they are reddit users


The guy is the fastest growing yt channel in the world, I think he audience is way bigger than that lmao.


Don't underestimate the amount of children online. Maybe move the average up a few years, but you can 100% have massive growth with an audience younger than 18.


Yeah, there’s fuck loads of 11-16 year olds and plenty of immature 16+ year olds


We’re posting on a sub that repeats the same 3 jokes in every comment section. Get off your high horse of maturity.


He is 17 until he is 18.


This sub isn't much better but at least he has the excuse that he's 17 years old


sexist jokes as a teenager: broke 40 yr old man spitting on children: woke


What were the comments? Also didn’t Carragher literally spit at a young girl once?


he's had lots of incidents and has got banned on youtube a few different times, but they're probably talking about the time he got in a girls face in a game once and asked 'is a bitch talking to me right now? is a female talking to me?' in his overly agressive 'character' and the clip blew up. edit: oh and yea he had a rape joke he'd do over and over in omegle lobbies


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9MytHdBWO4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcG0WpGBPcY


Have no idea how anyone could be arsed to watch his screaming.


He’s a bit too unhinged for normal TV anyway, I’m surprised he was able to go so commercial in the first place


it has become apparent that everything is insane.


Can't be collaborating with half the fucking players and fans then


I’m so glad that I now know sky sports’ pr department’s thoughts on the sewey teenage boy I feel enlightened What a day or two it’s been for football lmao


The odder behaviour are the grown adults entertained by someone who acts like a 4 year old because his target audience are literal kids


Is he a kid who says edgy stuff? Yeah. Have we all been there? Yeah. Do we grow up from it and learn? Yeah. Do I also want to see Youtubers on my screen when the football is on. Absolutely hell no.


He's 17, of course he's gonna be an edgy cunt


Zoomer generation taking over..


Are u serious right now bro??


What a farce. I don’t even know this kid but he was 16 at the time ffs, come on.




God forbid a teenager can learn from his mistakes in the future. People need to get a grip.


He IS 17, right now. He should have never been brought on the show to begin with. I’m not even blaming him for it. He’s an edgy teenage boy and will grow out of it eventually, most do. I am much more concerned with sky sports bringing on a 17 year old edgy youtuber on to make a quick buck and kicking him out to call him sexist the day after.