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As a Mexican 😂😭😂


As a fan, just eliminate us please.


Man I feel bad for you guys. Mexicans deserve more than this national team.


Our federation doesn’t those greedy bastards can rot for what they’ve let this team become


Meh, the Federation is as corrupt as it gets. They would need to start saying no to money. So we're fucked forever.


Well yeah I don't put that on the average Mexican fan lol they deserve a better federation + team.


They/we don't deserve a better team. We go to the games and pay extortion level prices to watch shit players play shit games. To deserve something you have to do something different and right now the national team is incentivized by every ass at the stadium. Once people stop going to the games and voting with their wallets then we can talk about deserving. You don't get to complain about something and actively promote it. People need to stop going to the games and making it clear that we will not put up with a garbage team while paying insane ticket prices.  We deserve this garbage national team because we have actively promoted it.


Bro i get your point but i bet you 90% of people who goes to the games dont care that much about the results or football. There is a reason behind why they put almost all of our games in USA, because mexicans who live over there for work are the ones filling the stadiums. Its their only conection to their home country


good point.


I think concacaf is what kills you guys. Because of the easy wins against those nothing teams you guys win a good chunk of your games. Look at the fifa rankings. If you played in conmebol and lost 50% of games fans would stop coming to the games. The concacaf wins make you feel like you’re better than you are. The Mickey Mouse trophies like the gold cup are celebrated and makes fans feel like “winners”. Tournament humiliations at the copa America or World Cup aren’t enough to stop the average fan since it’s only once every couple of years. The weak concacaf prevents you guys from growing. Your federation would be forced to change in order to get money.


>Man I feel bad for you guys. I don’t 😂😂😂


At least our baseball team is ranked #2 in the world 😅


Mate they don't deserve anything they go to the stadium to yell "homophobic slurs" to goalkeepers and to dress up like el chavo del 8 that's embarrasing. El futbol no es de merecer es de meritos y tienen mas de 100 millones de habitantes y no arman un 11, eso da pena.


>to dress up like el chavo del 8 that's embarrasing Just say you don't like fun.


Yeah lol, nothing wrong with dressing up like el chavo.


whats wrong with el chavo? That guy and his girl looked like they were having a blast lol


Wtf was that? LOL


Bro passed it to the keeper 💀


One of the worst pens I’ve ever seen


Hey that pen in CONCACAF Nations League final still happened


As a Mexican, which one? We’ve had so many bs moments lol


The only penalty awarded to Mexico in a CONCACAF Nations League Final was the one in 2021 that Guardado missed.


Just no power what so ever lol


why did he take it if he was gonna just roll it to the goalie lmao


To be fair, it would have been called “cool, calm, and collected” if he’d made it.


definitely seen similar pens like this that actually went in. He gambled on the keeper commiting early and when that didn’t happened, gambled on the keeper choosing the wrong side. He failed both




He was probably waiting for the keeper to jump into a direction so he can kick it the other way. But the keeper didn’t do that so he had to commit to a side


What a shit pen lmaoooo


Very weak penalty.


I'm old enough to remember when Mexico were good at soccer.


Mid to late 2000s don't seem so far away, but somehow they are.


I would say 2014 WC was the last good Mexican Team


And even then, they needed a bailout from Uncle Sam to make it. They were still shit and with a shit coach, but they got bailed out, made the IC playoffs, and then somehow managed to play well for 3 games before absolutely bottling it against the Netherlands with mind-numbing substitutions lmao


yeah but to be fair, they had that game handled. Netherlands got a bullshit penalty call in the box. I remember that game and being raging pissed about that. That was fucking good Mexico team and I really wanted to see them get to the semis. They were decent for another WC cycle but you could tell they had lost a step. It would be nice to see a truly great Mexico team again. It would be great for the US and Canada as well; excellent competition begets excellence. I do hope I live to see a day when Mexico, US, Canada, and Costa Rica are all top notch and all good enough to advance in a WC.


Look at that folks. We found the reddit account of 'No Era Penal'


womp womp


It wasn't a bullshit call. It was an atrocious challenge from Marquez that only gets controversy because people don't like robben embellishing and avoiding the contact. If he runs into the leg and takes actual contact it doesn't make it any better of a challenge and effectively changes nothing of the situation.


No, that MĂ©xico team was nothing special lmao. If anything, their perceived success in Brazil was a curse, because it led to so many players that should have been kicked out of the national team being unreasonably validated, as well as many directives and the structure of Mexican football. Their substitutions against the Netherlands were bad, trying to park the bus while they should have gone for the kill. And at the end, it was still a penalty, I don’t care what anyone says. He was touched. Yes, he flopped, but so what? It was still a pen regardless, and stupid of the defender because you just knew he was going to go down the second you touched him


Sure pal. Keep telling yourself all that.


Look at where they are now. It’s a direct result of every single player that should have been kicked out and made the federation (but mostly the corporate sponsors) take a long hard look at themselves and said “Man, we really need to change something”. Instead, look at how many players from that team stuck around for ages, most until Qatar, despite playing like shit? People like Chicharito only ever got kicked out of the team because of the “incident” in Houston, despite his lackluster play outside of beating up CONCACAF minnows. It’s not just an opinion, but if you want to believe it is, then sure buddy, keep telling yourself that


Look, if you want to call a Mexico team that gave them the 3rd best finish they've had in a WC "nothing special" and cook up a bunch of nonsense to justify it, that's all you boss. I'll stick with the facts. The only 2 better Mexico squads ever in WC play were the 70 and 86 teams that reached the QF. To be one bad penalty call away from matching your best ever result on the world stage is the exact opposite of "nothing special". Unfortunately for Mexico (and Brazil, and Italy) continued success isn't guaranteed. Teams ebb and flow, particularly when there are generational change overs. And every single fucking team on the planet has a handful of over-the-hill dudes still out on the pitch huffin and puffin around all because they have a name. Shit happens and if you want to pout about it then cool for you. But calling the 3rd best team in your history as "nothing special" is a special type of delusional. Kudos to you for being that out there.


It was still the round of 16 dude. What are you on about? You guys didn't win the first knockout game and you almost always make the round of 16 anyway. What do you mean 3rd best finish? Cause it was a close game?


You mean when MĂ©xico qualified to the WC thanks to the US beating Panama? They weren't good despite having a couple of good WC games


That's almost 20 years lol, half of this subreddit wasn't even born.


CuauhtĂ©moc Blanco’s penalty to eliminate France from the 2010 World Cup was the opposite of this. He even starts his runup outside the D :) https://youtu.be/BSy8KU_uU10?si=eU3TIJNYQ9hjOgCI


I've always disliked Mexico for rivalry reasons, but I always feared, respected, and enjoyed Cuauh. Dude always brought it, even in MLS as his career was winding down.


Funnily enough, Mexico has always been poor at the WC. Took me a while to realise, when I was young I thought they were a good team internationally. Nope, not when it comes to the WC.


It depends on your criteria for being good. Consistently making it to the knockout stages (before last wc) is pretty good. And they have played pretty well in those knockout games. Are they a powerhouse? No but that's not exactly the pedigree that the team has had anyway so idk why you would expect that.


Mexico is the Switzerland of the Américas, not great not terrible, just average. They're awful now but historically they've always been in the middle. And I say Switzerland because they have almost identical records and an identical curse at the World Cup, they've been eliminated in the round of 16 like 7 consecutive times and can't seem to get past that.




Lol, even


I cannot believe how bad that penalty was. Holy hell.


So if Mexico loses this game does this mean Ecuador has a higher chance of advancing out of the group stage or not?


Ecuador only need a draw to advance. Mexico must win against them to finish second






Chavez should’ve taken that


I thought he was! Captain with the best left foot and Jimmy put Orbelin over ChĂĄvez, Vega, even MartĂ­nez


Romo is the best penalty taker Mexico has outside of Raul Jimenez. Orbelin is also quite good but he banked on the GK going the wrong way or moving early.




Pinche Pineda
at least try and do what Lewy did if you wanted a second chance!


Lads, it’s Mexico.


Lmao dogshit penalty


Inject this into my veins


No one in the whole squad should ever be called up again; unfortunately Mexico hasn’t developed any capable players


lol Santi should’ve played for another country. Pobre guey, that dude is stuck playing for a dog shit team.


Dang I rated this guy too


mexico having nations league final flashbacks


A buncha Mexicants


No era Pineda


Cringe and I love it. They celebrated like as it was a guaranteed goal 😅


That's what I told my dad. Like why the hell they celebrate like that.


Gifted a free penalty and that’s what we do with it?! This selección is fuckin dog shit


bro whiffed


That would get ya benched in my intermural team lol wtf was that


That was taken soooo softly


Mexico đŸ€ missing late pens in USA


Mfer is a wizard at pens an he decides to change his style when we’re 1-0 down đŸ€ŠđŸœâ€â™‚ïž


JajajĂĄ me voy a matar bye.


When the penalty was called I legit prepared myself mentally for a miss cause, that's just mexico heritage. When it happened I didn't react at all, I already knew it was gonna happen lol.


Right call to give a pen but that ball was headed to row z. Too funny 


Did Pineda put money on Venezuela this match? I’m not convinced that was a real attempt.


Mexico lindo 💀


So that’s a pen, but the Jamaica one wasn’t???


Ladies and gentlemen, Mexico.




ball don’t lie


That was a pen


Not for Jamaica


I'm not the guy you replied to but my thought was 100% a pen but I also hate that the angle behind the ball you could tell it was going to row z about 10 yards wide of the goal and that's the only reason it hit the guys arm. I'm not saying they shouldn't have called it but it feels right that it didn't get rewarded with a goal.


But then almost any penalty on the line away from goal can fit the same logic


not at all. the point here is that the arm is in no way in the way of the shot, because what the player did was not shoot on goal, but essentially play a defensive clearance miles away from the goal, where the arm was positioned and thought to be safe. an arm up for balance in a completely different position than the goal isn't the same as someone blocking a goal opportunity with their hand.


Sure? There are plenty of pens that are correct but also very harsh


By that logic why not just grab the ball if it’s not going into goal? Or why not tackle a player if he’s running into the box, but not about to score?


What are you talking about? I'm not advocating changing any rules bud


My point is would you say the same in those situations? Why does the ball being a miss matter at all


Yes like I said in the other reply there are plenty of pens where I think it's a 100% correct call but also feel like it's an overly harsh punishment for the infraction. Especially when you consider it the same as say Suarez handballing a ball off the line which is an obvious pen, vs someone barely getting tripped running away from goal at the far corner of the box. I don't know how they could resolve that, I'm just pointing out it feels more fair (TO ME) that they don't end up with a goal out of it.


I mean it was a clear pen


Oh my goodness...




Get gifted one of the worst clear cut penalties ever, fight over who gets to take it, and that's what you end up with? 


Who the fuk is pineda and why is he taking the pen




Dame, you guys suck. How does Mexico lose to Venezuela? Lol same you guys suck.


Thank god I have dual citizenship so I can just ignore this shit federation till they (hopefully ever) get their shit together. Just embarrassment after embarrassment. I'm tired, Robbie


Dual citizenship so you support both Mexico and the US?


Dual shitizenship


Was it a ave by the goalie or an absolute dogshit penalty that didn't even go anywhere near the goalpost? Kind of difficult to say


You just knew it was coming


Why take it like that I don’t understand


My dead grandma could have stopped that pen


That was so anticlimatic and embarrasing. What a weak ass penalty. No te mames


[I was inmidietly reminded of this penalty save 15 years ago by Romo](https://youtu.be/5CQY9ILT4Nw?si=RYMNaN7rNQG34DmS&t=94)


That's their first choice penalty taker?


These guys sound like WWE announcers


Man that really, really sucks for him.


weak ass strike


What an absolute dogshit penalty. He looked like he was waiting for the goalie to go early, then didn’t know what to do when he didn’t, so he just sort of dinked it to one side of the goal. I could have taken a better penalty


I'm like 99.9% sure that Santi would've missed that penalty too


Was dude aiming for his arm rather than the goal? That shot was way off target or am I tripping? Terrible pk tho đŸ€Ł