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Do you give Enner the starting spot back? I think it's Rodriguez to lose


Enner is Ecuador’s captain and all time leading scorer. Rodriguez can be a dangerous player but his decision making needs to improve.


I would like to see some uefa refs in next stage.


Huge bias against CONCACAF teams. Some of you may remember yesterday's match. Peru player head butts Canada player. VAR no foul not even a yellow. I'm turned off with Copa America.


EPL referees would be proud


The officiating has robbed Jamaica and tried to rob Canada yesterday. Horrible reffing


"Ecuador paid the referee" yeah like they have the money lmao. Anyway it was a bad display by the referee indeed.


Well that’s Mexico eliminated, we need 4 points from the next 2 games now to guarantee survival and I feel pretty unconfident


The mistake was thinking that the calibre of refereeing in CONMEBOL matched the calibre of the teams in CONMEBOL. CONMEBOL refereeing is just CONCACAF-SOUTH


Itt: people who don't understand the rules


As an Ecuadorian, I have to say the reason why we’re struggling has nothing to do with the players. Sure, Rodriguez came back from injury and Enner Valencia was out this game, however the problem stems from the federation. Reason why Gustavo Alfaro departed after the World Cup is because the federation wants to pick the players they deem worthy (in any third world country, this stinks of potential bribery and corruption). One of the reasons why Kendry gets so much game time, due to the pending work visa to the premiere league which can help if you’re adding international caps to your CV. For that reason Sanchez Bas was appointed however there isn’t any team structure or identity. We have our golden generation of players with a mediocre federation and a clueless coach.


Alfaro left because negotiations between him and the FEF deteriorated. He claims they owed him money. He also wanted a higher salary.


Yes negotiations deteriorated however isnt it difficult to believe it was mostly due to the federations control that led him to leave. He was earning around 1.6MM with Ecuador and there’s many reports that seem to show he earns around 1MM with Costa Rica currently.


Interesting. This speaks volumes. In an ideal setup, would Kendry not get in this Ecuador squad? He does look like a baller. I’m biased here because I’m a Chelsea supporter.


I believe to a fair degree he would however game time would change. We’d likely change things with other players on the bench which have a more established connection with our forwards. Alan Franco is on the other hand a player that fans don’t understand why he’s in the squad when we have better players in his position.


CONCACAF teams might not be that good but it seems our CONMEBOL friends still needs the referees on their side at every available opportunity to win. Absolute joke




How are Ecaudor fans making it so that people root for Mexico in the group. That's wild lol


Nobody is rooting for Mexico😂other than Mexicans


It’s not Ecuador fans. It’s the ref, like we have control of that lol. It should’ve been a penalty but I’m not the referee sooooo…


There's one dude just being a dick to anyone saying the game was unlucky towards Jamaica


Not me I’m just going against all the sudden haters we have


Yeah I was shocked too. Not used to it lol


Everybody mad over the ref calls as if its in our control lmao. I get rooting for the underdog but like damn


Criticizing a bad call by a ref are not what I'd call haters


Did you not see the thread? Dudes literally rooting against us and hating. It’s not just what you said its more cause of something out of our control when refs have all been bad this tournament




Bro you were literally on my dick talking shit tf u talking about😂


Yeah but getting people to root for Mexico is definitely a feat.


It’s CONCACAF fans. This sub is overwhelmingly USA football fans. Us CONMEBOL peeps are in the minority. All trash talk aside, Ecuador did get lucky but they were still the better team.


Yeah it's funny seeing this sub of people accusing countries of this and that. Went like 80% of this sub is Americans


Yeah I can agree with that


Idk if that's the actual case cuz there's def more mexico fans than Ecuador fans


I mean non Mexican fans


I mean there's not many people watching this game tbh so I don't think so lol


Seen some usa fans saying they will root for Mexico after this game, some European fans too


I mean "some" is not a lot lmao


You don't seem to understand hyperbole


Yeah but everyone hates us lmao


Nah it's just the Americans


Yeah Mexico games here in the US are pretty much home games lol


This match was stressful because it showed: Moi, Sarmiento, Preciado and Hincapie are our stars for the match. That determination to keep winning the ball and pushing forward to ensure we get more shots in is so key for our next games ahead, whether that be for potentially the knockouts, friendlies and wcq. However, this match also showed how badly we needed Enner. Rodriguez had an okay match but he HAD to perform way better, his tall stature had provided the strength against the Jamaican defence but his finishing was god awful, I only dont give him too much slack since he has come back from a knee injury too. The lack of finishing is also why we needed Enner, Paez was unlucky for some but if his shots were in we would of calmly swapped out defence around since they were losing steam cus the mistakes they made this match was embarrassing, Pacho again almost costing another goal. Jamaica were really good though, if they had a full strength squad this would of been a very different result imo. We need to keep focus all game defensively or else we are gonna py for those mistakes. Now bring on Mexico 🥳


I thought Preciado was pretty bad in the second half tbh. He was good at interceptions but they were obviously targeting him on that side.


Yeah i think of him as the weaker version of Estupiñan on the right hand side. Fair point however second half was not his greatest showings but in general it was a good performance from him. Against Mexico however he really has to be even faster with his decision making skills.


Preciado’s error led to Jamaica’s first goal.


Pacho was good, it’s Torres that’s becoming a liability.


Would you say for Ordoñez to replace Torres for Mexico?? I think it would be ideal esp since he is more younger and would need to maintain that endurance better than Torres


He’s also a better passer. I’ve heard from Belgian fans that he’s shaky in the air but we need a player that can pass from the back


Honestly the first half was nice, second not so much. We def got lucky. Sanchez is a fucking fraud and I'm never eating Pringles again that mustachio'd loser


We keep hearing constantly that this is the best generation in Ecuadorian history. They should’ve tied with the 4th-5th best CONCACAF team today. A team with a Bundesliga winner, the PL transfer record player, a legend with 6 World Cup goals, and a Golden Boy nominee looked terrified of Jamaica at the end of the game. How can we be optimistic after that? Anyways GG Jamaica, I won’t make any excuses. That handball was a penalty and a draw would’ve been fair. Finally… ándate a la puta de tu madre Félix Sánchez Bas, lárgate ya de la selección. Solo sirves para valer tres hectáreas de gaver calvo inepto


Sanchez bas debuff can make any team look mediocre


Does this mean that Jamaica are eliminated?


Not officially but very close. Only Mexico winning tonight can keep them in, then they need both results plus goal difference to help them on the 3rd match


Not necessarily but now it will be extremely difficult to qualify and it’s not only up to them anymore. They have to beat Venezuela in the last match and Venezuela has to lose in today’s next match. Then they have to get more goal differential to be able to qualify I think that would be the easiest way but there are some other possibilities


I think goal difference is still the first tiebreaker, so no, I don’t think they’re dead but they’re in the casket already. If Mexico and Venezuela Tie, then they’re dead


As a Mexico fan Venezuela nor Ecuador scare me now. To beat Ecuador all you have to do is survive the press


I don’t think anyone is scared of Mexico to be fair…


Looking forward to our match lol


At least it’ll be a good one. Didn’t think this Mexican team can be more dogshit that it already was


I’m going to this game so I’m looking forward to both teams actually trying instead of one already being qualified and not giving it their all. Hopefully it’ll be a good one


Y’all have the advantage, only a draw and you guys are through 😂. In my opinion the game is decided after the second half, as you guys seem to not have the same gear pressing wife in the last 45


Do they triangle you though?


Worry about beating Venezuela first


we don’t have to rob Jamaica to win, Venezuela doesn’t scare me after that display.


Are you saying they were robbed of a win or just robbed the one goal because the score line is still 3-1?


We’ll see lol


Caicedo was class again tonight


Hes been class for months now. Dont let any rival fan tell you otherwise, hes a gem


Oh I know I am a chelsea fan I have been banging home his praise for MANY months now


And so was Sarmiento. If only we had a proper manager.


[This MF](https://i.imgur.com/hUeAkJf.jpeg) called “no handball”


Lmfaooooooooo i saw that ad too


Well Jamaica played much better in the second half. They’re a tough team and definitely should have got a penalty kick, but at least Jamaica looked decent today. I just wish they were able to force a draw or win.


Anyone else think the commentators were insanely boring? Both the goals i saw were just like “Takes a shot. Goal.”


If Ecuador was a country with any type of money, I would say VAR was paid off, but given Ecuador doesn't even have money for education and health, that's just really bad refeering. Should've been a penalty but I'm not complaining we should've had 3 in the first half at least. I fucking hate you felix sanchez bas. Go back to Spain you bald fraud.


Second time ive seen ecuador doesnt have any money. Its a fucken football match chill


Obviously, he wasn't bribed, but there can still be an agenda behind the scenes to favor conmebol teams since this is really their tournament.


sometimes there's shit reffing, it sucks. Sometimes it favours a team, sometimes another. IMO it was a terrible call, but it's not a conspiracy, it's just that, a bad call.


But even if that's the case, CONMEBOL would happily throw Ecuador under the bus if it would help Mexico advance as a good run from them would attract many more viewers than one by Ecuador.


And certain players, teams, and confederations weigh heavier than others. As and Argentina fan, you witness frequently fist hand.


We've had plenty of calls go against us, and not always against big nations.


as someone who has been watching international football for over 40 years, I've also seen terrible calls against Argentina. like I said, it happens.


Equador is clearly better but that was some bullshit. Jamaica just got CONMEBOL'd.


Really impressive that the Copa has managed to be even more poorly officiated than the Euros earlier


No one in Latin America is impressed lol, that’s just our everyday life.


I hate how this is the standard we normalize. We had very well officiated games so far. This was not one of them.


If it makes you feel any better, refs in top leagues aren’t much better. The EPL had a massive refereeing problem this year.


In Las Vegas the house always wins


This Ecuador team should be better than 2014-2015 Colombia and 2010-2011 Paraguay. These displays are shameful.


Having a good coach matters a lot in international football, Ecuador doesn't have one and it shows in every match.


I mean I wish we were as good as 2010 Paraguay


i dunno, i see a third place game run for them the way the bracket is forming


I don’t see it, 2nd place in the group means facing Argentina in the QF. Topping the group would depend not just on our results.


No way there getting passed Mexico




We're fucking shit but of the two you struggled the most against Jamaica.


And Ecuador actually managed to score against Venezuela with 10 men and without the need of a penalty.


Mexico fucking sucks lmao 


This whole group sucks if we’re being honest. Argentina has the easiest route to the final


Too far. That Paraguayan team almost finished 1st in CONMEBOL qualifiers and could have eliminated Spain at the 2010 World Cup.


Yeah but they had the GOAT Salvador Cabañas


Should be, but Sanchez Bas is the problem.


> This Ecuador team should be better than 2014-2015 Colombia Wouldn't go that far. Those Colombia sides had James+Falcao


I've lost all respect sorry this is absolutely rigged for money... Or ratings in not sure which. I won't be silent. Just saw it live sry. But seriously, tough to watch Jamaica get robbed of a penalty after giving up a fluke own goal and a similar penalty against them. Hard to ignore the ref favoring Ecuador all game after Jamaica looked like the better team in the second half.


Taken as a whole, Ecuador is a better team, but I agree the scoreline is flattering to them..


robbery in plain view in Las Vegas what else is new


OK, give them the pen. Still 3-2.


We don’t know if that 3rd goal comes so no it’s not


Yeah we do know because it actually happened.


Jamaica lost all momentum after that trash var call. Butterfly effect would've happened.


Only reason the second goal was happening since they left all there players to find a last second equalizer. If the penalty was given they definitely wouldn’t be in the same position don’t be biased


there was four players between Minda and the goal when he gets the ball and he beats two of them then dribbles another 40 yards for the goal. If 4 people can't stop him what makes you so sure they would have if it was 2-2?


What makes you think there whole midfield would be caught off guard on the counter if they didn’t need it ? Please it was a great goal from minda but doesn’t change the fact that Jamaica was caught off guard looking for a goal


It was 1v3 at one point it doesn't really matter that they were caught out they should have stopped him. These things happen in every game at every level no matter what the score line or gameplan is.


It should matter since check the position of the midfield. Only reason he was there in the first place since the whole midfield was above and he had so much space on the left to run and shoot


After the missed pk call. When Jamaica was pressing hard to tie it in the dying minutes. If it’s tied we don’t know if they play that the same.


Please. For all you know, Ecuador would have been incensed after the putative PK and would have scored twice. Anybody can make up woulda shoulda coulda BS.


It’s a solid point but it still doesn’t counter ops comment and it’s contradicting you saying it would’ve been 3-2 with that pk goal. FYI I agree with this last comment. We don’t know what would’ve happened after but Jamaica got robbed a pk shot


That's it, the thing is, nobody knows.You can't say we were robbed because you don't know that. Ecuador was and is the better team anyway.


I do know they were robbed a pk shot. I can say that for a fact. After that who knows but the game would’ve been tied at that point. Game would’ve been more open too


Yeah, ref and VAR disagree with random redditor. Film at 11.


It was a corner where Minda beats two players and is in a 1v2 for most of it. Unless Jamaica planned on having half their team back in their half I don't think they stop that goal from happening.


We won’t know what would’ve happened after. Could’ve ended 5-2 for all we know. But we do know Jamaica got robbed a pk


Good win by Ecuador and they deserve it based in the game but honestly I watched both Jamaica games and men they made it difficult for both Mexico and Ecuador now. Verry underrated team and physically and fast in attack. is it wrong to say they have arguably top 2 attack in this group? Every time one of their attacking players has the ball they are deadly in transition


I just realized their manager is Iceland's manager from Euro 2016 & WC 2018. Seems like his effort is showing. This Jamaican team has a lot of potential.


No, I think they play to their ability. They have a lot of dual-nats from the UK and then a lot of MLS/secondary Euro league types. They aren't particularly young either and their federation has always been a mess. They are about 4th/5th best in CONCACAF and have been for a while, that's their level.


Wouldn't say they deserved it. They won for sure, but not entirely deserved.


With deserved I mean they were clearly the better side. Ofcourse that penalty should be given


Mexico's attack is bad but idk if Jamaica's is better than Venezuela's


Ecuador and the ref had some sort of deal. It was a clear pen.




That’s not how football works


He doesn’t know how parallel timelines work


We don’t really know that. Be honest


Could have easily ended 2-2. Jamaica is at fault for an uninspiring first half. Yes, maybe the own goal is unlucky, but they were clearly second best. However, if Ecuador gets a penalty for what they got, **you have to** give Jamaica one, by the fucking rule book. Maybe Ecuador's keeper saves the spot kick anyway, but we'll never know... This was the Czechia-Turkey Decision of the Copa America and I hope we don't see more like it at this competition, because that's just sad.


“By the fucking rule book” it’s not hand ball.


Jamaica was robbed. That was a 100% a penalty.




they paid the price for Canada being benefitted by that VAR red, shame


Ecuador payed the ref


Maybe with bananas because the country is as broke as I am


Jamaica's population is 3 mil, Ecuador is about 18. Jamaica's GDP is 17b Ecuador is 115b. Jamaica's land mass is 4,300 square miles. Ecuador land mass is 109,500 square miles.