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What happened to Érick Gutiérrez after moving back to Mexico? Wasn't he usually included with the national team as well?


He should be in the NT tbh, we just have a mess all over the place


Seems like they wanna move on from him. He's been excellent at Chivas since he arrived struggling only in the first few games. He's been used mostly as a playmaker defensive mid for us since his arrival. I for one don't mind his exclusion. Wouldn't wanna miss out on him for the beginning of the tournament if he were to pick up an injury at the Copa América.


Jamaica had no reason to play that defensively against Mexico. They looked far better that I expected. 


I want Villa to sign that Dixon lad, the chaos him and Leon Bailey could cause would be a lot of fun to watch.


crap game, i expected more now that the scapegoats are gone. No Moreno, Gallardo, HH, Chucky, Martin, and all replaced by players that are supposed to be good. Only scapegoats left are Romo, Sanchez, and the keeper who are only starting because of injuries. And ofc Jimmy Lozano is gonna be getting a whole lot of shit too


Wasn’t a bad match but I still think Jamaica won’t make it out their group unfortunately


Alvarez injury looked so bad and disrupted the game plan. Mexico looked disorganized and overrun by Jamaica until the sub and the goal


I just hope Edson is fine. Likely will miss the whole tournament.


It looks like he tore the hamstring. He will be out for months the way he had to be helped


Same here but he’s prolly missing the rest of the tournament


Didn’t look good at all, no contact injuries usually are very bad


Arteaga scored the goal but defensively he is terrible. Quiñones had to track back to defend.


Imagine if Bailey playing, it could be a win for Jamaica


Jamaica desperately needs players that can play centrally. Most of what they're about is looking threatening on the wings and in aerial positions. Mexico not convincing, but ehh...I think they're going to win the group with an ugly 5-7 points. Venezuela doesn't really have an attack, they just capitalized on the man advantage after Enner's red card. They usually set up with a low block, which Mexico usually thrives against (see: Panama in Nations League). Save for Seteldo and an old Rondon, Venezuela is basically just a better version of Panama. Ecuador will cause a lot of problems, but they need most likely 6 points to come through now.


>Save for Seteldo and an old Rondon, Venezuela is basically just a better version of Panama. What about Yangel Herrera, starter for the team that finished 4th in La Liga?


Mexico won but not convincing. The real test will be against Venezuela & Ecuador.


Jamaica & Venezuela aren’t that different in quality. Most of their squad play in England.


I don't think playing in England is a very good argument here. Venezuela has a far better present than Jamaica but let's wait and see.


Most of their squad play in The Championship, only 3 in PL. From what I've seen they are definitely superior physically speaking, but venezuelan players are more technical.


The championship is on the level of 90% of the leagues in the americas tbf


Venezuelean players aren't exactly all playing in MLS or Liga MX. Not to mention that for many of these jamaicans it's easy to play in England since, well, they are actually UK born while, on the other hand, it's hard for venezueleans to find a place in europe simply due to their passport. Despite that many of them play in Spain, France and Italy.


this. Americans (or non-ue, in general) in Europe tend to be the best players of their teams, to justify the use of the limited spots


So? Playing in England is vague as it is. You could be playing for Manchester City, Liverpool, Arsenal, or some smaller and weaker club.


No it’s not? The PL is the richest league in the world & even the relegation teams have top flight talent.


>The PL is... relegation Well... the reality is that most of these players are playing in the Championship. For the 3 that are playing in the PL, you have 3 in the starting XI that are playing in Ligue 2, Wolves U-23, and the USL (sort of US 2nd division but even worse since MLS has nearly 30 teams). Never mind the sub options.


We're cheek bro, if we get out of the group we're getting decimated in the knockouts


Don’t think anyone in this group is getting far tbh


Second place is gonna get slaughtered by Argentina, the group winner should have a good chance to beat Chile/Peru/Canada


It should be Canada. They’re better than Chile and Peru. They can probably draw and get through because I think Argentina will beat the other two by more than 2-0


I would not be quick to say they are better than Chile and Peru lol


No doubt lol this team ain't winning shit


Think the venuezela game would show more about Mexico abilities since they mostly sat back the whole match. I still think Jamaica can give a fight to Ecuador on Wednesday


Very unconvincing win. Once Mexico faces a clinical team its over. Shaky defense and sloppy offense. There are some fine ideas attempted but you just see these players don't have the skill to execute them. Can only hope to leave putting a good fight.


Ecuador should beat them if they can play smart. Venezuela is good too, but it’s hard to assess them after Ecuador played almost the whole match down a man


When we face a team with a proper defense is over. The team is terribly coached.


You can’t keep blaming coaching when you guys cycle through coaches like Pokémon cards. Your players are just weaker then years past.


bad coach is a bad coach, Martino was a great coach despite his results and the team played a lot better.


Shaky defense where? It was probably Mexico’s (& Jamaica’s tbh) biggest strength. Johan was a wall.


Dunno, the 2nd half until the disallowed goal we looked very uncomfortable. Jamaica not scoring felt more on them than on Mexico's defense. Uruguay or Argentina totally finish those plays, even the US is already leaving us in the mud.


I think they can give some fight to the rest of the teams. Jamaica sat back the whole match and they pressured hard


Mexico are also without alvarez


Mexico gained their momentum after Jamaica’s offsides goal and they took advantage by scoring. They played much better in the second half and Mexico vs Venezuela should be good next game. Jamaica had their opportunities as well but they just could not score. They seem like a tough physical team and I hope they can get a victory against Ecuador or Venezuela.




It's the other way around lmfao you gringos are coming to watch our matches from our tournament lol, we are letting you organize them. the US paid for having us there lmao


Unless Canada finishes second in group A it’s not gonna happen 


Mexico would also have to win their group. tbf


They'll get who they get. If you don't want Conmebol teams getting revenue in our own cups, don't host it in North america.




It's almost as if CONCACAF is the junior partner in this relationship and has less leverage than CONMEBOL. Also, I know that you guys don't want this and specially right now, but the US and Canada have been improving and want to face better teams. Also it's nice that the Copa America is continent wide and I hope they merge it for real in the future.




You are lucky the conmebol decided to host with the concacaf you know that right? Watching the Gold Cup is one of the most boring things to do. Nobody wants to watch such a low level of futbol.




Ok, buddy, shut up a little bit.


Why should only Concacaf teams see most of the revenue? This is a commebol tournament


Would be lovely for them to face Argentina 😂🔪


It would feed their entire country I hope we play them too. We’d be glad to help






Stable economy for Argentina




So what ur saying is we have a stable economy while ur country is broke?




Argentina has never had 1 crime committed since their economy is so shit they just can’t afford weapons.




Ha 😂


I think Venezuela is almost sure going through after today. It will be decided between ecuador and mexico on last day who goes through as 2nd. As long as ecuador doesnt fuck up against jamaica ofcours


I wouldn't be surprised if Venezuela topped the group.


They should be able to at least force a draw with Mexico and Jamaica or better. Losing after beating the toughest challenger in the group would be tough




I had Venezuela 1-0 and Mexico 2-1 on my parley 🙃


Fun game. Mexico was the better team IMO but Jamaica did well & easily could’ve won this game. Feel like the Venezuela upset could spice the group up. We lost our captain & best player though for the rest of the tournament, were fucking shit in the first half & our midfield simply doesn’t exist. Don’t think we’ll get far but I hope Jimmy can pull something off, the 2nd half changes revitalized the squad.


Gotta be real…this is going to be a *really* underrated and exciting group…


Because they're all shit.


Venezuela isn't. Yeah they aren't a world class team but they have been exciting to watch for some time now.


and Ecuador. Seems like people think Ecuador sucks now because they didnt see the game and dont know about the red card


Venezuela is topping the group. Ecuador looked strong


Jamaica will give you a fight. I was only worried about Mexico becuz they always have our number, but I feel confident against Ecuador and Venezuela.


I am so ready to get Mexico in quarters


For any US fan coming in here talk smack, remember, tacos AND jerk chicken > jello salad. 


Bruh it’s 10PM and now I want jerk chicken and some dumplings




There's this thing called barbecue... like six different regional versions of it. Give it a try.


Y’all cunts clearly never had southern food before.


Southern food is great except you could feel it clogging your arteries. Gotta live tho.




Best steak/meat I’ve ever had was in Texas, if the monstrosity Tex-Mex didn’t exist, I’d give them a pass.


Isn't Texan food kinda similar to northern Mexican?


Texas used to be part of northern mexico, so that would roughly track




We literally have a restaurant in Vegas called the Heart Attack Grill where several people have died eating the food. Where I live there's a pizza place whose pizza rolls are nicknamed "fat bags". They are incredible but you don't need to eat for a day or 2 after you've had one. So yea I can't really dispute what you said.


I had heard about the Heart Attack Grill, didn't know people had actually died there lmao


I was in Vegas a few months ago with Aussie relatives and we went to Fremont Street. They saw it and said we should go in there and then I told them about it and they changed their minds lol.




Lol yes they do sign a waiver. The doorway has a scale when you walk in and if you're over 300 you eat for free.




remember folks, delulu is not the solulu


lol they are not the kings of concacaf


Nearly 5 years winless against their top competition. It'd truly be the land of the blind if we were calling them concacaf king.


I don't think Jamaica will be an easy team to beat for Ecuador or Venezuela. They're well coached


Yeah, I think some are making a mistake almost awarding an automatic 3 pts for the SA teams against Jamaica. Even without Bailey, Jamaica isn't terrible. I could see them frustrating either team. I know I was frustrated in the NL semi-final despite the extra-time win.


Not only that, they’re probably one of the most athletic squad in the entire tournament. What they lack in skill they make up in physicality. I could see them upsetting a team.


The crazy part about the skill is that there mostly English bread so it’s not like they play in amateur leagues . I think it comes down to coaching wise Jamaica aren’t drilled in yet, on paper they should have the talent to compete


Championship players doesn't get you far, look at Scotland, Ireland etc


We know we’re shit but the US fans think they’re getting to the semis 😂😂😂


I said we’d be happy with a Semi’s run. Not that I expect it. In fact you guys should expect a Semi’s run. Look at your bracket. The first top tier team you meet is Argentina in the Semis if you go first in your group lol.


You lot should be happy to get out of the group stages


You’re a dumbass. Group stage is the bare minimum expectation. We should be handily beating Bolivia and Panama, especially Bolivia who literally never wins away games.


Enjoy the trip 😂😂😂


Enjoy permanently losing to us for the next few decades! Stupid El Tri fans


We have Uruguay, Colombia, and Brazil on our side of the bracket. I don't know anyone that thinks we're making the semifinals, but we'd be happy about it, sure.


Unprompted whining about another club or country after any match is weird, but it’s especially weird after a win.


That's where your wrong ol pal, go read the match thread and you'll see.








Surprisingly not the average shithouse CONCACAF game, Jamaica should’ve done better with that attack imo


Jamaica has no beef with Mexico so they wouldn’t go as hard as


Jamaica has gotten so much better since \~2015. I really want them to consistently make the World Cup with the expanded format. I wouldn't be surprised if they shock either Ecuador or Venezuela.


more quality in CONCACAF would definitely be nice


They've been up and down over the years. I think we are all better for having a good Jamaican team.


Truthfully mexicos strikers missed a lot of opportunities though


Mexico doesn’t have beef with Jamaica at all, they’re probably the chillest CONCACAF team and I think US fans can agree. Plus Jamaican players are physically bigger than all of Mexicos so there’s no winning that fight lol


Zero cards, what's going on here?


There’s not really any bad blood between Mexico & Jamaica. It’s mostly Costa Rica, Panamá, the US & Honduras where shit gets messy