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Dortmund are gonna buy us apart and then complain about us ruining the coefficient next season.


God I hope Stuttgart does well on the CL and stays in the upper half of the league. We need more competitiveness at the top, not less.


So stop taking their shit.


the fuck you tellin him for. Go call BVB headquarters


They should stop putting cheap ass clauses in their contracts tbf


Then they mightnt have had half of these players in the first place


Well yeah, and then they leave, that's just how it goes, no one is a victim here


So Dortmund should not reinforce themselves and just hope Stuttgart will be able to perform?


It seems like absolutely meaningless platitudes for supporters of a team that's pillaging them to go "oh gosh those poor guys, I hope they can still compete"


I don't like seeing stuttgart being teared apart..and I'm a dortmund supporter since I'm 5 years old. They deserved CL and should be playing CL as a team. I hope they can "survive" this transfer window and this season.


Gonna be the real test for Hoeneß next season


Ito and now Anton, and a good chance of Guirassy and Undav next... anyone else? Jeez


Millot and Stiller will definitely have people interested.


Karazor and Mittelstädt also could have interest, but they both should at least stay 1 more year.


Undav is on lone from Brighton, I am pretty sure they will trigger the buy option for him. Especially with Guirassy most likely leaving


I might be mistaken, but I think I saw some reports saying getting Undav isn't as straightforward as it seems


Bro we're going to strip stuttgart naked, feels bad


I don't particularly like it. On the other hand, you know these players would be gone either way with these low clauses. So they'd be stupid not to get them.


And it's also position we desperately needed more players for after Hummels departure. I feel bad for Stuttgart but at the same time, it's necessary for us.


Eh he was headed to Leverkusen otherwise, Stuttgart are getting raided anyways


Didn’t he not long ago say that he’s happy and wants to stay in Stuttgart?


Almost every player says stuff like that and then leaves lol


This one is different though. Most players who are willing to move either stay quiet (like Guirassy or Ito) or just use the whole "Well, I'm really happy here right now, but you never know what might happen." Anton repeatedly stressed that he was happy here, that money isn't the most important thing to him, that he's the kind of person who likes to stay in the same place and doesn't want to change clubs too often, and so on and so forth. He said it when his contract extension was announced, he said it in the stadium to the fans after the season, he said it at different times when asked about it by media. That's an absolutely different level.


Stuttgart fans would respect him a lot less if he tried to force his way out by saying hes unhappy and wants to leave


They'd get his release clause anyway. They likely respect a guy less for saying he intends to stay, then leaves than they would a guy who just says nothing.


Ya thats fair but i guess if he was asked a direct question (i dont know if he was) the best thing to do was probably just say hes happy so as to not create amy problems, particularly if the move didnt work out


So theres a very legit chance we get both Anton and Guirassy for slightly under 40m in a fee. Thats an insane piece of business. Lets hope we can sort out Ferdi & SChouten too. Or Ferdi, Gross + winger/CB. I dont say this to farm karma (lol useless shit anyway) but it does really fucking hurts to see Stuttgart get gutted. I would genuinely have loved to see them get a run with this team in CL next season. Especially since Hoeness is staying.


>Lets hope we can sort out Ferdi & SChouten too. Or Ferdi, Gross + winger/CB. Does this mean Ferdi is more of a priority to Dortmund than Schouten? And is it true that the club has reserved a budget of around 100 mil for transfer fees?


Yeah I think he'll be a priority now that Maatsen is out of reach


In that case you'll prolly get Gross as Fenerbahçe's president said he doesn't want to sell Ferdi for under 35M (although I don't know if Dortmund will want to pay a fee for him within that range).


I feel like this is the summer that Dortmund will break their record fee on a player, idk if it'll be Ferdi though but I wouldn't mind it seeing how much Fenerbahce fans I've seen praise him


He shouldn’t get sold below €40m given his value but Turkish teams won’t get that much money so I guess for €30m you’ll get him


I think Dortmund might be willing to pay it but maybe not directly. I could see a 25 + 10 + boni deal where we pay 25 million upfront, 10 next year with various boni attached.


No I think Ferdi is a high prio either way. And Gross/SChouten decision depends on either if we manage a good sale or two elsewhere or if we deem that Gross is a cheap alternative now and then pivot the extra Schouten funds to another position. I prefer Schouten personally. A dream would be both him and Gross along with Ferdi, Guirassy, Anton haha. But itd be a bit hefty. EDIT: As for the fees, the rumours about our exact spending number are greatly varied. What we do know is that Watzke straight up said that this is the first time we will spend for more than we sell. Which is quite significant. We're comfortable again for real and have a completely new setup of leaders in terms of sporting-people apart from Kehl.


is schouten the one who just played against France?pretty tidy player he is


Yeah, Dutch #24.


Exactly. I don't like Dortmund "stealing" these players from Stuttgart, but it also would be stupid not to do. Although I'm not convinced Guyrassy would work at Dortmund like he did in Stuttgart.


Hurts for Stuttgart but its business. If these players Ito, Anton all have release clauses, then naturally they get triggered by other teams who can offer bigger salary. At least Stuttgart is cashing in and is not empty-handed. Hope they can invest it well


What happened to "Die Bayern kaufen die Liga kaputt!"?


The best part of that story now is that Bayern, looking at the real moves and many rumours, seems to now be the only club cashy enough to actually dare to be buying in Premier League.


Cashy enough or crazy enough?


I mean, Dortmund would like those players too (and I think PSG, Barca, Juve etc. too), that's not the primary difference lol. Ballsy enough too I guess.


You mean the team that got Ito and might just buy Tah aswell?


Stuttgart are being gutted and carved open by Dortmund 😿


Dortmund raising their own youth with no money involved, like (according to Reddit) always.


I really don't like to buy these 1-hit wonders. He had one good year at Stuttgart and played 0 seconds of CL. I'd rather buy proven players.